[egg_info] tag_build = dev [metadata] license_file = LICENSE [nosetests] with-sqla_testing = true exclude = ^examples first-package-wins = true where = test [tool:pytest] addopts= --tb native -v -r sfxX --maxfail=25 -p no:warnings -p no:logging python_files=test/*test_*.py [upload] sign = 1 identity = C4DAFEE1 [sqla_testing] requirement_cls=test.requirements:DefaultRequirements profile_file=test/profiles.txt # name of a "loopback" link set up on the oracle database. # to create this, suppose your DB is scott/tiger@xe. You'd create it # like: # create public database link test_link connect to scott identified by tiger using 'xe'; oracle_db_link = test_link # host name of a postgres database that has the postgres_fdw extension. # to create this run: # CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw; # GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw TO public; # this can be localhost to create a loopback foreign table # postgres_test_db_link = localhost [db] default=sqlite:///:memory: sqlite=sqlite:///:memory: sqlite_file=sqlite:///querytest.db postgresql=postgresql://scott:tiger@ pg8000=postgresql+pg8000://scott:tiger@ postgresql_psycopg2cffi=postgresql+psycopg2cffi://scott:tiger@ mysql=mysql://scott:tiger@ pymysql=mysql+pymysql://scott:tiger@ mssql=mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger@ms_2008 mssql_pymssql=mssql+pymssql://scott:tiger@ms_2008 oracle=oracle://scott:tiger@ oracle8=oracle://scott:tiger@ firebird=firebird://sysdba:masterkey@localhost//Users/classic/foo.fdb