from __future__ import annotations import os import platform from typing import cast from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from setuptools import setup if TYPE_CHECKING: from setuptools import Extension try: from Cython.Build import build_ext as _cy_build_ext from Cython.Distutils.extension import Extension as _cy_Extension HAS_CYTHON = True except ImportError: _cy_build_ext = _cy_Extension = None HAS_CYTHON = False IS_CPYTHON = platform.python_implementation() == "CPython" DISABLE_EXTENSION = bool(os.environ.get("DISABLE_SQLALCHEMY_CEXT")) REQUIRE_EXTENSION = bool(os.environ.get("REQUIRE_SQLALCHEMY_CEXT")) if DISABLE_EXTENSION and REQUIRE_EXTENSION: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot set both 'DISABLE_SQLALCHEMY_CEXT' and " "'REQUIRE_SQLALCHEMY_CEXT' environment variables" ) if HAS_CYTHON and IS_CPYTHON and not DISABLE_EXTENSION: assert _cy_Extension is not None assert _cy_build_ext is not None # when adding a cython module, also update the imports in _has_cy cython_files = [ "collections.pyx", "immutabledict.pyx", "processors.pyx", "resultproxy.pyx", "util.pyx", ] cython_directives = {"language_level": "3"} module_prefix = "sqlalchemy.cyextension." source_prefix = "lib/sqlalchemy/cyextension/" ext_modules = cast( "list[Extension]", [ _cy_Extension( f"{module_prefix}{os.path.splitext(file)[0]}", sources=[f"{source_prefix}{file}"], cython_directives=cython_directives, optional=not REQUIRE_EXTENSION, ) for file in cython_files ], ) cmdclass = {"build_ext": _cy_build_ext} elif REQUIRE_EXTENSION: reasons = [] if not HAS_CYTHON: reasons.append("Cython is missing") if not IS_CPYTHON: reasons.append("Not CPython, build is supported only on it") raise RuntimeError( "Cython extension build is required because REQUIRE_SQLALCHEMY_CEXT " f"is set but it was deselected because: {'; '.join(reasons)}; " "will not degrade to pure python install" ) else: ext_modules = [] cmdclass = {} setup(cmdclass=cmdclass, ext_modules=ext_modules)