diff options
authorClaude Paroz <>2019-03-09 11:26:02 +0100
committerClaude Paroz <>2019-10-03 20:42:55 +0200
commit8cc024e61b8ad277689485c6bbead9351dfaaada (patch)
parenta7c40a08817a1035fe2dd8b2249eb0f528f72f70 (diff)
Refs #273 - Replaced vendored markup lib by dependency
9 files changed, 9 insertions, 979 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ade945a..65583dc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/NOTICE b/NOTICE
deleted file mode 100644
index 6966f47..0000000
--- a/NOTICE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Tablib includes some vendorized Python libraries: markup.
-Markup License
-Markup is in the public domain.
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index e00b8d8..1106193 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
backports.csv; python_version < '3.0'
diff --git a/ b/
index aad742d..c82bb9a 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ install = [
+ 'markuppy'
diff --git a/tablib/ b/tablib/
index 660697d..0d49492 100644
--- a/tablib/
+++ b/tablib/
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ is_py3 = (sys.version_info[0] > 2)
if is_py3:
from io import BytesIO
from io import StringIO
- from tablib.packages import markup3 as markup
from statistics import median
from itertools import zip_longest as izip_longest
import csv
@@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ if is_py3:
from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
from StringIO import StringIO
- from tablib.packages import markup
from tablib.packages.statistics import median
from itertools import izip_longest
from backports import csv
@@ -36,3 +34,5 @@ else:
unicode = unicode
xrange = xrange
+from MarkupPy import markup # Kept temporarily to avoid breaking existing imports
diff --git a/tablib/formats/ b/tablib/formats/
index 655e74c..33f3290 100644
--- a/tablib/formats/
+++ b/tablib/formats/
@@ -7,14 +7,13 @@ import sys
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
from io import BytesIO as StringIO
- from tablib.packages import markup3 as markup
from cStringIO import StringIO
- from tablib.packages import markup
+import codecs
+from MarkupPy import markup
import tablib
from tablib.compat import unicode
-import codecs
diff --git a/tablib/packages/ b/tablib/packages/
deleted file mode 100644
index e52acae..0000000
--- a/tablib/packages/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-# This code is in the public domain, it comes
-# with absolutely no warranty and you can do
-# absolutely whatever you want with it.
-__date__ = '17 May 2007'
-__version__ = '1.7'
-__doc__= """
-This is - a Python module that attempts to
-make it easier to generate HTML/XML from a Python program
-in an intuitive, lightweight, customizable and pythonic way.
-The code is in the public domain.
-Version: %s as of %s.
-Documentation and further info is at
-Please send bug reports, feature requests, enhancement
-ideas or questions to nogradi at gmail dot com.
-Installation: drop somewhere into your Python path.
-""" % ( __version__, __date__ )
-import string
-class element:
- """This class handles the addition of a new element."""
- def __init__( self, tag, case='lower', parent=None ):
- self.parent = parent
- if case == 'lower':
- self.tag = tag.lower( )
- else:
- self.tag = tag.upper( )
- def __call__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
- if len( args ) > 1:
- raise ArgumentError( self.tag )
- # if class_ was defined in parent it should be added to every element
- if self.parent is not None and self.parent.class_ is not None:
- if 'class_' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['class_'] = self.parent.class_
- if self.parent is None and len( args ) == 1:
- x = [ self.render( self.tag, False, myarg, mydict ) for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts( args, kwargs ) ]
- return '\n'.join( x )
- elif self.parent is None and len( args ) == 0:
- x = [ self.render( self.tag, True, myarg, mydict ) for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts( args, kwargs ) ]
- return '\n'.join( x )
- if self.tag in self.parent.twotags:
- for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts( args, kwargs ):
- self.render( self.tag, False, myarg, mydict )
- elif self.tag in self.parent.onetags:
- if len( args ) == 0:
- for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts( args, kwargs ):
- self.render( self.tag, True, myarg, mydict ) # here myarg is always None, because len( args ) = 0
- else:
- raise ClosingError( self.tag )
- elif self.parent.mode == 'strict_html' and self.tag in self.parent.deptags:
- raise DeprecationError( self.tag )
- else:
- raise InvalidElementError( self.tag, self.parent.mode )
- def render( self, tag, single, between, kwargs ):
- """Append the actual tags to content."""
- out = u"<%s" % tag
- for key, value in kwargs.iteritems( ):
- if value is not None: # when value is None that means stuff like <... checked>
- key = key.strip('_') # strip this so class_ will mean class, etc.
- if key in ['http_equiv', 'accept_charset']:
- key.replace('_','-')
- out = u"%s %s=\"%s\"" % ( out, key, escape( value ) )
- else:
- out = u"%s %s" % ( out, key )
- if between is not None:
- out = u"%s>%s</%s>" % ( out, between, tag )
- else:
- if single:
- out = u"%s />" % out
- else:
- out = u"%s>" % out
- if self.parent is not None:
- self.parent.content.append( out )
- else:
- return out
- def close( self ):
- """Append a closing tag unless element has only opening tag."""
- if self.tag in self.parent.twotags:
- self.parent.content.append( "</%s>" % self.tag )
- elif self.tag in self.parent.onetags:
- raise ClosingError( self.tag )
- elif self.parent.mode == 'strict_html' and self.tag in self.parent.deptags:
- raise DeprecationError( self.tag )
- def open( self, **kwargs ):
- """Append an opening tag."""
- if self.tag in self.parent.twotags or self.tag in self.parent.onetags:
- self.render( self.tag, False, None, kwargs )
- elif self.mode == 'strict_html' and self.tag in self.parent.deptags:
- raise DeprecationError( self.tag )
-class page:
- """This is our main class representing a document. Elements are added
- as attributes of an instance of this class."""
- def __init__( self, mode='strict_html', case='lower', onetags=None, twotags=None, separator='\n', class_=None ):
- """Stuff that effects the whole document.
- mode -- 'strict_html' for HTML 4.01 (default)
- 'html' alias for 'strict_html'
- 'loose_html' to allow some deprecated elements
- 'xml' to allow arbitrary elements
- case -- 'lower' element names will be printed in lower case (default)
- 'upper' they will be printed in upper case
- onetags -- list or tuple of valid elements with opening tags only
- twotags -- list or tuple of valid elements with both opening and closing tags
- these two keyword arguments may be used to select
- the set of valid elements in 'xml' mode
- invalid elements will raise appropriate exceptions
- separator -- string to place between added elements, defaults to newline
- class_ -- a class that will be added to every element if defined"""
- valid_onetags = [ "AREA", "BASE", "BR", "COL", "FRAME", "HR", "IMG", "INPUT", "LINK", "META", "PARAM" ]
- valid_twotags = [ "A", "ABBR", "ACRONYM", "ADDRESS", "B", "BDO", "BIG", "BLOCKQUOTE", "BODY", "BUTTON",
- "CAPTION", "CITE", "CODE", "COLGROUP", "DD", "DEL", "DFN", "DIV", "DL", "DT", "EM", "FIELDSET",
- "FORM", "FRAMESET", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "HEAD", "HTML", "I", "IFRAME", "INS",
- "SUB", "SUP", "TABLE", "TBODY", "TD", "TEXTAREA", "TFOOT", "TH", "THEAD", "TITLE", "TR",
- "TT", "UL", "VAR" ]
- deprecated_onetags = [ "BASEFONT", "ISINDEX" ]
- deprecated_twotags = [ "APPLET", "CENTER", "DIR", "FONT", "MENU", "S", "STRIKE", "U" ]
- self.header = [ ]
- self.content = [ ]
- self.footer = [ ]
- = case
- self.separator = separator
- # init( ) sets it to True so we know that </body></html> has to be printed at the end
- self._full = False
- self.class_= class_
- if mode == 'strict_html' or mode == 'html':
- self.onetags = valid_onetags
- self.onetags += map( string.lower, self.onetags )
- self.twotags = valid_twotags
- self.twotags += map( string.lower, self.twotags )
- self.deptags = deprecated_onetags + deprecated_twotags
- self.deptags += map( string.lower, self.deptags )
- self.mode = 'strict_html'
- elif mode == 'loose_html':
- self.onetags = valid_onetags + deprecated_onetags
- self.onetags += map( string.lower, self.onetags )
- self.twotags = valid_twotags + deprecated_twotags
- self.twotags += map( string.lower, self.twotags )
- self.mode = mode
- elif mode == 'xml':
- if onetags and twotags:
- self.onetags = onetags
- self.twotags = twotags
- elif ( onetags and not twotags ) or ( twotags and not onetags ):
- raise CustomizationError( )
- else:
- self.onetags = russell( )
- self.twotags = russell( )
- self.mode = mode
- else:
- raise ModeError( mode )
- def __getattr__( self, attr ):
- if attr.startswith("__") and attr.endswith("__"):
- raise AttributeError(attr)
- return element( attr,, parent=self )
- def __str__( self ):
- if self._full and ( self.mode == 'strict_html' or self.mode == 'loose_html' ):
- end = [ '</body>', '</html>' ]
- else:
- end = [ ]
- return self.separator.join( self.header + self.content + self.footer + end )
- def __call__( self, escape=False ):
- """Return the document as a string.
- escape -- False print normally
- True replace < and > by &lt; and &gt;
- the default escape sequences in most browsers"""
- if escape:
- return _escape( self.__str__( ) )
- else:
- return self.__str__( )
- def add( self, text ):
- """This is an alias to addcontent."""
- self.addcontent( text )
- def addfooter( self, text ):
- """Add some text to the bottom of the document"""
- self.footer.append( text )
- def addheader( self, text ):
- """Add some text to the top of the document"""
- self.header.append( text )
- def addcontent( self, text ):
- """Add some text to the main part of the document"""
- self.content.append( text )
- def init( self, lang='en', css=None, metainfo=None, title=None, header=None,
- footer=None, charset=None, encoding=None, doctype=None, bodyattrs=None, script=None ):
- """This method is used for complete documents with appropriate
- doctype, encoding, title, etc information. For an HTML/XML snippet
- omit this method.
- lang -- language, usually a two character string, will appear
- as <html lang='en'> in html mode (ignored in xml mode)
- css -- Cascading Style Sheet filename as a string or a list of
- strings for multiple css files (ignored in xml mode)
- metainfo -- a dictionary in the form { 'name':'content' } to be inserted
- into meta element(s) as <meta name='name' content='content'>
- (ignored in xml mode)
- bodyattrs --a dictionary in the form { 'key':'value', ... } which will be added
- as attributes of the <body> element as <body key='value' ... >
- (ignored in xml mode)
- script -- dictionary containing src:type pairs, <script type='text/type' src=src></script>
- title -- the title of the document as a string to be inserted into
- a title element as <title>my title</title> (ignored in xml mode)
- header -- some text to be inserted right after the <body> element
- (ignored in xml mode)
- footer -- some text to be inserted right before the </body> element
- (ignored in xml mode)
- charset -- a string defining the character set, will be inserted into a
- <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=myset'>
- element (ignored in xml mode)
- encoding -- a string defining the encoding, will be put into to first line of
- the document as <?xml version='1.0' encoding='myencoding' ?> in
- xml mode (ignored in html mode)
- doctype -- the document type string, defaults to
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'>
- in html mode (ignored in xml mode)"""
- self._full = True
- if self.mode == 'strict_html' or self.mode == 'loose_html':
- if doctype is None:
- doctype = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'>"
- self.header.append( doctype )
- self.html( lang=lang )
- self.head( )
- if charset is not None:
- self.meta( http_equiv='Content-Type', content="text/html; charset=%s" % charset )
- if metainfo is not None:
- self.metainfo( metainfo )
- if css is not None:
- self.css( css )
- if title is not None:
- self.title( title )
- if script is not None:
- self.scripts( script )
- self.head.close()
- if bodyattrs is not None:
- self.body( **bodyattrs )
- else:
- self.body( )
- if header is not None:
- self.content.append( header )
- if footer is not None:
- self.footer.append( footer )
- elif self.mode == 'xml':
- if doctype is None:
- if encoding is not None:
- doctype = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='%s' ?>" % encoding
- else:
- doctype = "<?xml version='1.0' ?>"
- self.header.append( doctype )
- def css( self, filelist ):
- """This convenience function is only useful for html.
- It adds css stylesheet(s) to the document via the <link> element."""
- if isinstance( filelist, basestring ):
- href=filelist, rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', media='all' )
- else:
- for file in filelist:
- href=file, rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', media='all' )
- def metainfo( self, mydict ):
- """This convenience function is only useful for html.
- It adds meta information via the <meta> element, the argument is
- a dictionary of the form { 'name':'content' }."""
- if isinstance( mydict, dict ):
- for name, content in mydict.iteritems( ):
- self.meta( name=name, content=content )
- else:
- raise TypeError ("Metainfo should be called with a dictionary argument of name:content pairs.")
- def scripts( self, mydict ):
- """Only useful in html, mydict is dictionary of src:type pairs will
- be rendered as <script type='text/type' src=src></script>"""
- if isinstance( mydict, dict ):
- for src, type in mydict.iteritems( ):
- self.script( '', src=src, type='text/%s' % type )
- else:
- raise TypeError ("Script should be given a dictionary of src:type pairs.")
-class _oneliner:
- """An instance of oneliner returns a string corresponding to one element.
- This class can be used to write 'oneliners' that return a string
- immediately so there is no need to instantiate the page class."""
- def __init__( self, case='lower' ):
- = case
- def __getattr__( self, attr ):
- if attr.startswith("__") and attr.endswith("__"):
- raise AttributeError(attr)
- return element( attr,, parent=None )
-oneliner = _oneliner( case='lower' )
-upper_oneliner = _oneliner( case='upper' )
-def _argsdicts( args, mydict ):
- """A utility generator that pads argument list and dictionary values, will only be called with len( args ) = 0, 1."""
- if len( args ) == 0:
- args = None,
- elif len( args ) == 1:
- args = _totuple( args[0] )
- else:
- raise Exception("We should have never gotten here.")
- mykeys = mydict.keys( )
- myvalues = map( _totuple, mydict.values( ) )
- maxlength = max( map( len, [ args ] + myvalues ) )
- for i in xrange( maxlength ):
- thisdict = { }
- for key, value in zip( mykeys, myvalues ):
- try:
- thisdict[ key ] = value[i]
- except IndexError:
- thisdict[ key ] = value[-1]
- try:
- thisarg = args[i]
- except IndexError:
- thisarg = args[-1]
- yield thisarg, thisdict
-def _totuple( x ):
- """Utility stuff to convert string, int, float, None or anything to a usable tuple."""
- if isinstance( x, basestring ):
- out = x,
- elif isinstance( x, ( int, float ) ):
- out = str( x ),
- elif x is None:
- out = None,
- else:
- out = tuple( x )
- return out
-def escape( text, newline=False ):
- """Escape special html characters."""
- if isinstance( text, basestring ):
- if '&' in text:
- text = text.replace( '&', '&amp;' )
- if '>' in text:
- text = text.replace( '>', '&gt;' )
- if '<' in text:
- text = text.replace( '<', '&lt;' )
- if '\"' in text:
- text = text.replace( '\"', '&quot;' )
- if '\'' in text:
- text = text.replace( '\'', '&quot;' )
- if newline:
- if '\n' in text:
- text = text.replace( '\n', '<br>' )
- return text
-_escape = escape
-def unescape( text ):
- """Inverse of escape."""
- if isinstance( text, basestring ):
- if '&amp;' in text:
- text = text.replace( '&amp;', '&' )
- if '&gt;' in text:
- text = text.replace( '&gt;', '>' )
- if '&lt;' in text:
- text = text.replace( '&lt;', '<' )
- if '&quot;' in text:
- text = text.replace( '&quot;', '\"' )
- return text
-class dummy:
- """A dummy class for attaching attributes."""
- pass
-doctype = dummy( )
-doctype.frameset = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN' ''>"
-doctype.strict = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN' ''>"
-doctype.loose = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' ''>"
-class russell:
- """A dummy class that contains anything."""
- def __contains__( self, item ):
- return True
-class MarkupError( Exception ):
- """All our exceptions subclass this."""
- def __str__( self ):
- return self.message
-class ClosingError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, tag ):
- self.message = "The element '%s' does not accept non-keyword arguments (has no closing tag)." % tag
-class OpeningError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, tag ):
- self.message = "The element '%s' can not be opened." % tag
-class ArgumentError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, tag ):
- self.message = "The element '%s' was called with more than one non-keyword argument." % tag
-class InvalidElementError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, tag, mode ):
- self.message = "The element '%s' is not valid for your mode '%s'." % ( tag, mode )
-class DeprecationError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, tag ):
- self.message = "The element '%s' is deprecated, instantiate with mode='loose_html' to allow it." % tag
-class ModeError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, mode ):
- self.message = "Mode '%s' is invalid, possible values: strict_html, loose_html, xml." % mode
-class CustomizationError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self ):
- self.message = "If you customize the allowed elements, you must define both types 'onetags' and 'twotags'."
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print (__doc__)
diff --git a/tablib/packages/ b/tablib/packages/
deleted file mode 100644
index a4fc637..0000000
--- a/tablib/packages/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-# This code is in the public domain, it comes
-# with absolutely no warranty and you can do
-# absolutely whatever you want with it.
-__date__ = '17 May 2007'
-__version__ = '1.7'
-__doc__= """
-This is - a Python module that attempts to
-make it easier to generate HTML/XML from a Python program
-in an intuitive, lightweight, customizable and pythonic way.
-The code is in the public domain.
-Version: %s as of %s.
-Documentation and further info is at
-Please send bug reports, feature requests, enhancement
-ideas or questions to nogradi at gmail dot com.
-Installation: drop somewhere into your Python path.
-""" % ( __version__, __date__ )
-import string
-class element:
- """This class handles the addition of a new element."""
- def __init__( self, tag, case='lower', parent=None ):
- self.parent = parent
- if case == 'lower':
- self.tag = tag.lower( )
- else:
- self.tag = tag.upper( )
- def __call__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
- if len( args ) > 1:
- raise ArgumentError( self.tag )
- # if class_ was defined in parent it should be added to every element
- if self.parent is not None and self.parent.class_ is not None:
- if 'class_' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['class_'] = self.parent.class_
- if self.parent is None and len( args ) == 1:
- x = [ self.render( self.tag, False, myarg, mydict ) for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts( args, kwargs ) ]
- return '\n'.join( x )
- elif self.parent is None and len( args ) == 0:
- x = [ self.render( self.tag, True, myarg, mydict ) for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts( args, kwargs ) ]
- return '\n'.join( x )
- if self.tag in self.parent.twotags:
- for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts( args, kwargs ):
- self.render( self.tag, False, myarg, mydict )
- elif self.tag in self.parent.onetags:
- if len( args ) == 0:
- for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts( args, kwargs ):
- self.render( self.tag, True, myarg, mydict ) # here myarg is always None, because len( args ) = 0
- else:
- raise ClosingError( self.tag )
- elif self.parent.mode == 'strict_html' and self.tag in self.parent.deptags:
- raise DeprecationError( self.tag )
- else:
- raise InvalidElementError( self.tag, self.parent.mode )
- def render( self, tag, single, between, kwargs ):
- """Append the actual tags to content."""
- out = "<%s" % tag
- for key, value in kwargs.items( ):
- if value is not None: # when value is None that means stuff like <... checked>
- key = key.strip('_') # strip this so class_ will mean class, etc.
- if key == 'http_equiv': # special cases, maybe change _ to - overall?
- key = 'http-equiv'
- elif key == 'accept_charset':
- key = 'accept-charset'
- out = "%s %s=\"%s\"" % ( out, key, escape( value ) )
- else:
- out = "%s %s" % ( out, key )
- if between is not None:
- out = "%s>%s</%s>" % ( out, between, tag )
- else:
- if single:
- out = "%s />" % out
- else:
- out = "%s>" % out
- if self.parent is not None:
- self.parent.content.append( out )
- else:
- return out
- def close( self ):
- """Append a closing tag unless element has only opening tag."""
- if self.tag in self.parent.twotags:
- self.parent.content.append( "</%s>" % self.tag )
- elif self.tag in self.parent.onetags:
- raise ClosingError( self.tag )
- elif self.parent.mode == 'strict_html' and self.tag in self.parent.deptags:
- raise DeprecationError( self.tag )
- def open( self, **kwargs ):
- """Append an opening tag."""
- if self.tag in self.parent.twotags or self.tag in self.parent.onetags:
- self.render( self.tag, False, None, kwargs )
- elif self.mode == 'strict_html' and self.tag in self.parent.deptags:
- raise DeprecationError( self.tag )
-class page:
- """This is our main class representing a document. Elements are added
- as attributes of an instance of this class."""
- def __init__( self, mode='strict_html', case='lower', onetags=None, twotags=None, separator='\n', class_=None ):
- """Stuff that effects the whole document.
- mode -- 'strict_html' for HTML 4.01 (default)
- 'html' alias for 'strict_html'
- 'loose_html' to allow some deprecated elements
- 'xml' to allow arbitrary elements
- case -- 'lower' element names will be printed in lower case (default)
- 'upper' they will be printed in upper case
- onetags -- list or tuple of valid elements with opening tags only
- twotags -- list or tuple of valid elements with both opening and closing tags
- these two keyword arguments may be used to select
- the set of valid elements in 'xml' mode
- invalid elements will raise appropriate exceptions
- separator -- string to place between added elements, defaults to newline
- class_ -- a class that will be added to every element if defined"""
- valid_onetags = [ "AREA", "BASE", "BR", "COL", "FRAME", "HR", "IMG", "INPUT", "LINK", "META", "PARAM" ]
- valid_twotags = [ "A", "ABBR", "ACRONYM", "ADDRESS", "B", "BDO", "BIG", "BLOCKQUOTE", "BODY", "BUTTON",
- "CAPTION", "CITE", "CODE", "COLGROUP", "DD", "DEL", "DFN", "DIV", "DL", "DT", "EM", "FIELDSET",
- "FORM", "FRAMESET", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "HEAD", "HTML", "I", "IFRAME", "INS",
- "SUB", "SUP", "TABLE", "TBODY", "TD", "TEXTAREA", "TFOOT", "TH", "THEAD", "TITLE", "TR",
- "TT", "UL", "VAR" ]
- deprecated_onetags = [ "BASEFONT", "ISINDEX" ]
- deprecated_twotags = [ "APPLET", "CENTER", "DIR", "FONT", "MENU", "S", "STRIKE", "U" ]
- self.header = [ ]
- self.content = [ ]
- self.footer = [ ]
- = case
- self.separator = separator
- # init( ) sets it to True so we know that </body></html> has to be printed at the end
- self._full = False
- self.class_= class_
- if mode == 'strict_html' or mode == 'html':
- self.onetags = valid_onetags
- self.onetags += list(map( str.lower, self.onetags ))
- self.twotags = valid_twotags
- self.twotags += list(map( str.lower, self.twotags ))
- self.deptags = deprecated_onetags + deprecated_twotags
- self.deptags += list(map( str.lower, self.deptags ))
- self.mode = 'strict_html'
- elif mode == 'loose_html':
- self.onetags = valid_onetags + deprecated_onetags
- self.onetags += list(map( str.lower, self.onetags ))
- self.twotags = valid_twotags + deprecated_twotags
- self.twotags += list(map( str.lower, self.twotags ))
- self.mode = mode
- elif mode == 'xml':
- if onetags and twotags:
- self.onetags = onetags
- self.twotags = twotags
- elif ( onetags and not twotags ) or ( twotags and not onetags ):
- raise CustomizationError( )
- else:
- self.onetags = russell( )
- self.twotags = russell( )
- self.mode = mode
- else:
- raise ModeError( mode )
- def __getattr__( self, attr ):
- if attr.startswith("__") and attr.endswith("__"):
- raise AttributeError(attr)
- return element( attr,, parent=self )
- def __str__( self ):
- if self._full and ( self.mode == 'strict_html' or self.mode == 'loose_html' ):
- end = [ '</body>', '</html>' ]
- else:
- end = [ ]
- return self.separator.join( self.header + self.content + self.footer + end )
- def __call__( self, escape=False ):
- """Return the document as a string.
- escape -- False print normally
- True replace < and > by &lt; and &gt;
- the default escape sequences in most browsers"""
- if escape:
- return _escape( self.__str__( ) )
- else:
- return self.__str__( )
- def add( self, text ):
- """This is an alias to addcontent."""
- self.addcontent( text )
- def addfooter( self, text ):
- """Add some text to the bottom of the document"""
- self.footer.append( text )
- def addheader( self, text ):
- """Add some text to the top of the document"""
- self.header.append( text )
- def addcontent( self, text ):
- """Add some text to the main part of the document"""
- self.content.append( text )
- def init( self, lang='en', css=None, metainfo=None, title=None, header=None,
- footer=None, charset=None, encoding=None, doctype=None, bodyattrs=None, script=None ):
- """This method is used for complete documents with appropriate
- doctype, encoding, title, etc information. For an HTML/XML snippet
- omit this method.
- lang -- language, usually a two character string, will appear
- as <html lang='en'> in html mode (ignored in xml mode)
- css -- Cascading Style Sheet filename as a string or a list of
- strings for multiple css files (ignored in xml mode)
- metainfo -- a dictionary in the form { 'name':'content' } to be inserted
- into meta element(s) as <meta name='name' content='content'>
- (ignored in xml mode)
- bodyattrs --a dictionary in the form { 'key':'value', ... } which will be added
- as attributes of the <body> element as <body key='value' ... >
- (ignored in xml mode)
- script -- dictionary containing src:type pairs, <script type='text/type' src=src></script>
- title -- the title of the document as a string to be inserted into
- a title element as <title>my title</title> (ignored in xml mode)
- header -- some text to be inserted right after the <body> element
- (ignored in xml mode)
- footer -- some text to be inserted right before the </body> element
- (ignored in xml mode)
- charset -- a string defining the character set, will be inserted into a
- <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=myset'>
- element (ignored in xml mode)
- encoding -- a string defining the encoding, will be put into to first line of
- the document as <?xml version='1.0' encoding='myencoding' ?> in
- xml mode (ignored in html mode)
- doctype -- the document type string, defaults to
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'>
- in html mode (ignored in xml mode)"""
- self._full = True
- if self.mode == 'strict_html' or self.mode == 'loose_html':
- if doctype is None:
- doctype = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'>"
- self.header.append( doctype )
- self.html( lang=lang )
- self.head( )
- if charset is not None:
- self.meta( http_equiv='Content-Type', content="text/html; charset=%s" % charset )
- if metainfo is not None:
- self.metainfo( metainfo )
- if css is not None:
- self.css( css )
- if title is not None:
- self.title( title )
- if script is not None:
- self.scripts( script )
- self.head.close()
- if bodyattrs is not None:
- self.body( **bodyattrs )
- else:
- self.body( )
- if header is not None:
- self.content.append( header )
- if footer is not None:
- self.footer.append( footer )
- elif self.mode == 'xml':
- if doctype is None:
- if encoding is not None:
- doctype = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='%s' ?>" % encoding
- else:
- doctype = "<?xml version='1.0' ?>"
- self.header.append( doctype )
- def css( self, filelist ):
- """This convenience function is only useful for html.
- It adds css stylesheet(s) to the document via the <link> element."""
- if isinstance( filelist, str ):
- href=filelist, rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', media='all' )
- else:
- for file in filelist:
- href=file, rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', media='all' )
- def metainfo( self, mydict ):
- """This convenience function is only useful for html.
- It adds meta information via the <meta> element, the argument is
- a dictionary of the form { 'name':'content' }."""
- if isinstance( mydict, dict ):
- for name, content in mydict.items( ):
- self.meta( name=name, content=content )
- else:
- raise TypeError("Metainfo should be called with a dictionary argument of name:content pairs.")
- def scripts( self, mydict ):
- """Only useful in html, mydict is dictionary of src:type pairs will
- be rendered as <script type='text/type' src=src></script>"""
- if isinstance( mydict, dict ):
- for src, type in mydict.items( ):
- self.script( '', src=src, type='text/%s' % type )
- else:
- raise TypeError("Script should be given a dictionary of src:type pairs.")
-class _oneliner:
- """An instance of oneliner returns a string corresponding to one element.
- This class can be used to write 'oneliners' that return a string
- immediately so there is no need to instantiate the page class."""
- def __init__( self, case='lower' ):
- = case
- def __getattr__( self, attr ):
- if attr.startswith("__") and attr.endswith("__"):
- raise AttributeError(attr)
- return element( attr,, parent=None )
-oneliner = _oneliner( case='lower' )
-upper_oneliner = _oneliner( case='upper' )
-def _argsdicts( args, mydict ):
- """A utility generator that pads argument list and dictionary values, will only be called with len( args ) = 0, 1."""
- if len( args ) == 0:
- args = None,
- elif len( args ) == 1:
- args = _totuple( args[0] )
- else:
- raise Exception("We should have never gotten here.")
- mykeys = list(mydict.keys( ))
- myvalues = list(map( _totuple, list(mydict.values( )) ))
- maxlength = max( list(map( len, [ args ] + myvalues )) )
- for i in range( maxlength ):
- thisdict = { }
- for key, value in zip( mykeys, myvalues ):
- try:
- thisdict[ key ] = value[i]
- except IndexError:
- thisdict[ key ] = value[-1]
- try:
- thisarg = args[i]
- except IndexError:
- thisarg = args[-1]
- yield thisarg, thisdict
-def _totuple( x ):
- """Utility stuff to convert string, int, float, None or anything to a usable tuple."""
- if isinstance( x, str ):
- out = x,
- elif isinstance( x, ( int, float ) ):
- out = str( x ),
- elif x is None:
- out = None,
- else:
- out = tuple( x )
- return out
-def escape( text, newline=False ):
- """Escape special html characters."""
- if isinstance( text, str ):
- if '&' in text:
- text = text.replace( '&', '&amp;' )
- if '>' in text:
- text = text.replace( '>', '&gt;' )
- if '<' in text:
- text = text.replace( '<', '&lt;' )
- if '\"' in text:
- text = text.replace( '\"', '&quot;' )
- if '\'' in text:
- text = text.replace( '\'', '&quot;' )
- if newline:
- if '\n' in text:
- text = text.replace( '\n', '<br>' )
- return text
-_escape = escape
-def unescape( text ):
- """Inverse of escape."""
- if isinstance( text, str ):
- if '&amp;' in text:
- text = text.replace( '&amp;', '&' )
- if '&gt;' in text:
- text = text.replace( '&gt;', '>' )
- if '&lt;' in text:
- text = text.replace( '&lt;', '<' )
- if '&quot;' in text:
- text = text.replace( '&quot;', '\"' )
- return text
-class dummy:
- """A dummy class for attaching attributes."""
- pass
-doctype = dummy( )
-doctype.frameset = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN' ''>"
-doctype.strict = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN' ''>"
-doctype.loose = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' ''>"
-class russell:
- """A dummy class that contains anything."""
- def __contains__( self, item ):
- return True
-class MarkupError( Exception ):
- """All our exceptions subclass this."""
- def __str__( self ):
- return self.message
-class ClosingError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, tag ):
- self.message = "The element '%s' does not accept non-keyword arguments (has no closing tag)." % tag
-class OpeningError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, tag ):
- self.message = "The element '%s' can not be opened." % tag
-class ArgumentError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, tag ):
- self.message = "The element '%s' was called with more than one non-keyword argument." % tag
-class InvalidElementError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, tag, mode ):
- self.message = "The element '%s' is not valid for your mode '%s'." % ( tag, mode )
-class DeprecationError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, tag ):
- self.message = "The element '%s' is deprecated, instantiate with mode='loose_html' to allow it." % tag
-class ModeError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self, mode ):
- self.message = "Mode '%s' is invalid, possible values: strict_html, loose_html, xml." % mode
-class CustomizationError( MarkupError ):
- def __init__( self ):
- self.message = "If you customize the allowed elements, you must define both types 'onetags' and 'twotags'."
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print(__doc__)
diff --git a/ b/
index aad1668..011a69b 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ import sys
import unittest
from uuid import uuid4
+from MarkupPy import markup
import tablib
-from tablib.compat import markup, unicode, is_py3
+from tablib.compat import unicode, is_py3
from tablib.core import Row
from tablib.formats import _csv as csv_module