#!/usr/bin/python ''' Starts the targetcli CLI shell. This file is part of targetcli. Copyright (c) 2011-2013 by Datera, Inc Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' from __future__ import print_function from os import getuid, getenv from targetcli import UIRoot from rtslib_fb import RTSLibError from configshell_fb import Console, ConfigShell, ExecutionError from targetcli import __version__ as targetcli_version import sys import socket import struct import readline import six import fcntl err = sys.stderr # lockfile for serializing multiple targetcli requests lock_file = '/var/run/targetcli.lock' socket_path = '/var/run/targetclid.sock' hints = ['/', 'backstores/', 'iscsi/', 'loopback/', 'vhost/', 'xen-pvscsi/', 'cd', 'pwd', 'ls', 'set', 'get', 'help', 'refresh', 'status', 'clearconfig', 'restoreconfig', 'saveconfig', 'exit'] class TargetCLI(ConfigShell): default_prefs = {'color_path': 'magenta', 'color_command': 'cyan', 'color_parameter': 'magenta', 'color_keyword': 'cyan', 'completions_in_columns': True, 'logfile': None, 'loglevel_console': 'info', 'loglevel_file': 'debug9', 'color_mode': True, 'prompt_length': 30, 'tree_max_depth': 0, 'tree_status_mode': True, 'tree_round_nodes': True, 'tree_show_root': True, 'export_backstore_name_as_model': True, 'auto_enable_tpgt': True, 'auto_add_mapped_luns': True, 'auto_cd_after_create': False, 'auto_save_on_exit': True, 'max_backup_files': '10', 'auto_add_default_portal': True, 'auto_use_daemon': False, 'daemon_use_batch_mode': False, } def usage(): print("Usage: %s [--version|--help|CMD|--disable-daemon]" % sys.argv[0], file=err) print(" --version\t\tPrint version", file=err) print(" --help\t\tPrint this information", file=err) print(" CMD\t\t\tRun targetcli shell command and exit", file=err) print(" \t\tEnter configuration shell", file=err) print(" --disable-daemon\tTurn-off the global auto use daemon flag", file=err) print("See man page for more information.", file=err) sys.exit(-1) def version(): print("%s version %s" % (sys.argv[0], targetcli_version), file=err) sys.exit(0) def usage_version(cmd): if cmd in ("help", "--help", "-h"): usage() if cmd in ("version", "--version", "-v"): version() def try_op_lock(console, lkfd): ''' acquire a blocking lock on lockfile, to serialize multiple requests ''' try: fcntl.flock(lkfd, fcntl.LOCK_EX) # wait here until ongoing request is finished except Exception as e: text = "taking lock on lockfile failed: %s" %str(e) console.display(console.render_text(text, 'red')) sys.exit(1) def release_op_lock(console, lkfd): ''' release blocking lock on lockfile, which can allow other requests process ''' try: fcntl.flock(lkfd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) # allow other requests now except Exception as e: text = "unlock on lockfile failed: %s" %str(e) console.display(console.render_text(text, 'red')) lkfd.close() sys.exit(1) lkfd.close() def completer(text, state): options = [x for x in hints if x.startswith(text)] try: return options[state] except IndexError: return None def call_daemon(shell, req, interactive): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) except socket.error as err: shell.con.display(shell.con.render_text(err, 'red')) sys.exit(1) try: sock.connect(socket_path) except socket.error as err: shell.con.display(shell.con.render_text(err, 'red')) shell.con.display( shell.con.render_text("Currently auto_use_daemon is true, " "hence please make sure targetclid daemon is running ...\n" "(or)\nIncase if you wish to turn auto_use_daemon to false " "then run '#targetcli --disable-daemon'", 'red')) sys.exit(1) # Two cases where we want to get pwd: # 1. Before starting shell in interactive mode, needed for setting terminal # 2. And only in Interactive mode, having command 'cd' get_pwd = False if interactive: if not req: req = "pwd" get_pwd = True elif "cd " in req: req += "%pwd" get_pwd = True else: req = "cd /%" + req # Non-interactive modes always consider start at '/' try: # send request sock.sendall(req.encode()) except socket.error as err: shell.con.display(shell.con.render_text(err, 'red')) sys.exit(1) var = sock.recv(4) # get length of data sending = struct.unpack('i', var) amount_expected = sending[0] amount_received = 0 # get the actual data in chunks output = "" path = "" while amount_received < amount_expected: data = sock.recv(1024) data = data.decode() amount_received += len(data) output += data if get_pwd: output_split = output.splitlines() lines = len(output_split) for i in range(0, lines): if i == lines-1: path = str(output_split[i]) else: print(str(output_split[i]), end ="\n") else: print(output, end ="") sock.send(b'-END@OF@DATA-') sock.close() return path def switch_to_daemon(shell, interactive): readline.set_completer(completer) readline.set_completer_delims('') if 'libedit' in readline.__doc__: readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") if len(sys.argv) > 1: command = " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) call_daemon(shell, command, False) sys.exit(0) if interactive: shell.con.display("targetcli shell version %s\n" "Entering targetcli interactive mode for daemonized approach.\n" "Type 'exit' to quit.\n" % targetcli_version) else: shell.con.display("targetcli shell version %s\n" "Entering targetcli batch mode for daemonized approach.\n" "Enter multiple commands separated by newline and " "type 'exit' to run them all in one go.\n" % targetcli_version) prompt_path = "/" if interactive: prompt_path = call_daemon(shell, None, interactive) # get the initial path inputs = [] real_exit=False while True: command = six.moves.input("%s> " %prompt_path) if command.lower() == "exit": real_exit=True elif not command: continue if not interactive: inputs.append(command) if real_exit: command = '%'.join(inputs) # delimit multiple commands with '%' call_daemon(shell, command, interactive) break else: if real_exit: break path = call_daemon(shell, command, interactive) if path: if path[0] == "/": prompt_path = path else: print(path) # Error No Path ... sys.exit(0) def main(): ''' Start the targetcli shell. ''' console = Console() is_root = False if getuid() == 0: is_root = True try: lkfd = open(lock_file, 'w+') except IOError as e: text = "opening lockfile failed: %s" %str(e) console.display(console.render_text(text, 'red')) sys.exit(1) try_op_lock(console, lkfd) targetcli_dir = getenv("TARGETCLI_HOME", '~/.targetcli') shell = TargetCLI(targetcli_dir, console) use_daemon = False if shell.prefs['auto_use_daemon']: use_daemon = True disable_daemon=False if len(sys.argv) > 1: usage_version(sys.argv[1]) if sys.argv[1] in ("disable-daemon", "--disable-daemon"): disable_daemon=True interactive_mode = True if shell.prefs['daemon_use_batch_mode']: interactive_mode = False if use_daemon and not disable_daemon: switch_to_daemon(shell, interactive_mode) # does not return try: root_node = UIRoot(shell, as_root=is_root) root_node.refresh() except Exception as error: shell.con.display(shell.con.render_text(str(error), 'red')) if not is_root: shell.con.display(shell.con.render_text("Retry as root.", 'red')) release_op_lock(console, lkfd) sys.exit(-1) if len(sys.argv) > 1: try: if disable_daemon: shell.run_cmdline('set global auto_use_daemon=false') else: shell.run_cmdline(" ".join(sys.argv[1:])) except Exception as e: print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) release_op_lock(console, lkfd) sys.exit(1) release_op_lock(console, lkfd) sys.exit(0) shell.con.display("targetcli shell version %s\n" "Copyright 2011-2013 by Datera, Inc and others.\n" "For help on commands, type 'help'.\n" % targetcli_version) if not is_root: shell.con.display("You are not root, disabling privileged commands.\n") while not shell._exit: try: shell.run_interactive() except (RTSLibError, ExecutionError) as msg: shell.log.error(str(msg)) if shell.prefs['auto_save_on_exit'] and is_root: shell.log.info("Global pref auto_save_on_exit=true") root_node.ui_command_saveconfig() release_op_lock(console, lkfd) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass