# Some simple testing tasks (sorry, UNIX only). PYTHON=python VERBOSE=$(V) V= 0 FLAGS= test: $(PYTHON) runtests.py -v $(VERBOSE) $(FLAGS) vtest: $(PYTHON) runtests.py -v 1 $(FLAGS) testloop: while sleep 1; do $(PYTHON) runtests.py -v $(VERBOSE) $(FLAGS); done # See runtests.py for coverage installation instructions. cov coverage: $(PYTHON) runtests.py --coverage -v $(VERBOSE) $(FLAGS) check: $(PYTHON) check.py # Requires "pip install pep8". pep8: check pep8 --ignore E125,E127,E226 tests asyncio clean: rm -rf `find . -name __pycache__` rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.py[co]' ` rm -f `find . -type f -name '*~' ` rm -f `find . -type f -name '.*~' ` rm -f `find . -type f -name '@*' ` rm -f `find . -type f -name '#*#' ` rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.orig' ` rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.rej' ` rm -rf dist rm -f .coverage rm -rf htmlcov rm -rf build rm -rf asyncio.egg-info rm -f MANIFEST rm -rf trollius.egg-info rm -rf .tox # For distribution builders only! # Push a source distribution for Python 3.3 to PyPI. # You must update the version in setup.py first. # A PyPI user configuration in ~/.pypirc is required; # you can create a suitable confifuration using # python setup.py register pypi: clean python3.3 setup.py sdist upload # The corresponding action on Windows is pypi.bat. For that to work, # you need to install wheel and setuptools. The easiest way is to get # pip using the get-pip.py script found here: # https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installing.html#install-pip # That will install setuptools and pip; then you can just do # \Python33\python.exe -m pip install wheel # after which the pypi.bat script should work.