#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Script to upload 32 bits and 64 bits wheel packages for Python 3.3 on Windows. Usage: "python release.py HG_TAG" where HG_TAG is a Mercurial tag, usually a version number like "3.4.2". Requirements: - Python 3.3 and newer requires the Windows SDK 7.1 to build wheel packages - Python 2.7 requires the Windows SDK 7.0 - the aiotest module is required to run aiotest tests """ import contextlib import optparse import os import platform import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import textwrap PROJECT = 'asyncio' DEBUG_ENV_VAR = 'PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG' PYTHON_VERSIONS = ( (3, 3), ) PY3 = (sys.version_info >= (3,)) HG = 'hg' SDK_ROOT = r"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows" BATCH_FAIL_ON_ERROR = "@IF %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%" WINDOWS = (sys.platform == 'win32') def get_architecture_bits(): arch = platform.architecture()[0] return int(arch[:2]) class PythonVersion: def __init__(self, major, minor, bits): self.major = major self.minor = minor self.bits = bits self._executable = None @staticmethod def running(): bits = get_architecture_bits() pyver = PythonVersion(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, bits) pyver._executable = sys.executable return pyver def _get_executable_windows(self, app): if self.bits == 32: executable = 'c:\\Python%s%s_32bit\\python.exe' else: executable = 'c:\\Python%s%s\\python.exe' executable = executable % (self.major, self.minor) if not os.path.exists(executable): print("Unable to find python %s" % self) print("%s does not exists" % executable) sys.exit(1) return executable def _get_executable_unix(self, app): return 'python%s.%s' % (self.major, self.minor) def get_executable(self, app): if self._executable: return self._executable if WINDOWS: executable = self._get_executable_windows(app) else: executable = self._get_executable_unix(app) code = ( 'import platform, sys; ' 'print("{ver.major}.{ver.minor} {bits}".format(' 'ver=sys.version_info, ' 'bits=platform.architecture()[0]))' ) try: exitcode, stdout = app.get_output(executable, '-c', code, ignore_stderr=True) except OSError as exc: print("Error while checking %s:" % self) print(str(exc)) print("Executable: %s" % executable) sys.exit(1) else: stdout = stdout.rstrip() expected = "%s.%s %sbit" % (self.major, self.minor, self.bits) if stdout != expected: print("Python version or architecture doesn't match") print("got %r, expected %r" % (stdout, expected)) print("Executable: %s" % executable) sys.exit(1) self._executable = executable return executable def __str__(self): return 'Python %s.%s (%s bits)' % (self.major, self.minor, self.bits) class Release(object): def __init__(self): root = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.root = os.path.realpath(root) # Set these attributes to True to run also register sdist upload self.wheel = False self.test = False self.register = False self.sdist = False self.aiotest = False self.verbose = False self.upload = False # Release mode: enable more tests self.release = False self.python_versions = [] if WINDOWS: supported_archs = (32, 64) else: bits = get_architecture_bits() supported_archs = (bits,) for major, minor in PYTHON_VERSIONS: for bits in supported_archs: pyver = PythonVersion(major, minor, bits) self.python_versions.append(pyver) @contextlib.contextmanager def _popen(self, args, **kw): verbose = kw.pop('verbose', True) if self.verbose and verbose: print('+ ' + ' '.join(args)) if PY3: kw['universal_newlines'] = True proc = subprocess.Popen(args, **kw) try: yield proc except: proc.kill() proc.wait() raise def get_output(self, *args, **kw): kw['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE ignore_stderr = kw.pop('ignore_stderr', False) if ignore_stderr: devnull = open(os.path.devnull, 'wb') kw['stderr'] = devnull else: kw['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT try: with self._popen(args, **kw) as proc: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() return proc.returncode, stdout finally: if ignore_stderr: devnull.close() def check_output(self, *args, **kw): exitcode, output = self.get_output(*args, **kw) if exitcode: sys.stdout.write(output) sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit(1) return output def run_command(self, *args, **kw): with self._popen(args, **kw) as proc: exitcode = proc.wait() if exitcode: sys.exit(exitcode) def get_local_changes(self): status = self.check_output(HG, 'status') return [line for line in status.splitlines() if not line.startswith("?")] def remove_directory(self, name): path = os.path.join(self.root, name) if os.path.exists(path): if self.verbose: print("Remove directory: %s" % name) shutil.rmtree(path) def remove_file(self, name): path = os.path.join(self.root, name) if os.path.exists(path): if self.verbose: print("Remove file: %s" % name) os.unlink(path) def windows_sdk_setenv(self, pyver): if (pyver.major, pyver.minor) >= (3, 3): path = "v7.1" sdkver = (7, 1) else: path = "v7.0" sdkver = (7, 0) setenv = os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, path, 'Bin', 'SetEnv.cmd') if not os.path.exists(setenv): print("Unable to find Windows SDK %s.%s for %s" % (sdkver[0], sdkver[1], pyver)) print("Please download and install it") print("%s does not exists" % setenv) sys.exit(1) if pyver.bits == 64: arch = '/x64' else: arch = '/x86' cmd = ["CALL", setenv, "/release", arch] return (cmd, sdkver) def quote(self, arg): if not re.search("[ '\"]", arg): return arg # FIXME: should we escape "? return '"%s"' % arg def quote_args(self, args): return ' '.join(self.quote(arg) for arg in args) def cleanup(self): if self.verbose: print("Cleanup") self.remove_directory('build') self.remove_directory('dist') self.remove_file('_overlapped.pyd') self.remove_file(os.path.join(PROJECT, '_overlapped.pyd')) def sdist_upload(self): self.cleanup() self.run_command(sys.executable, 'setup.py', 'sdist', 'upload') def build_inplace(self, pyver): print("Build for %s" % pyver) self.build(pyver, 'build') if WINDOWS: if pyver.bits == 64: arch = 'win-amd64' else: arch = 'win32' build_dir = 'lib.%s-%s.%s' % (arch, pyver.major, pyver.minor) src = os.path.join(self.root, 'build', build_dir, PROJECT, '_overlapped.pyd') dst = os.path.join(self.root, PROJECT, '_overlapped.pyd') shutil.copyfile(src, dst) def runtests(self, pyver): print("Run tests on %s" % pyver) if WINDOWS and not self.options.no_compile: self.build_inplace(pyver) release_env = dict(os.environ) release_env.pop(DEBUG_ENV_VAR, None) dbg_env = dict(os.environ) dbg_env[DEBUG_ENV_VAR] = '1' python = pyver.get_executable(self) args = (python, 'runtests.py', '-r') if self.release: print("Run runtests.py in release mode on %s" % pyver) self.run_command(*args, env=release_env) print("Run runtests.py in debug mode on %s" % pyver) self.run_command(*args, env=dbg_env) if self.aiotest: args = (python, 'run_aiotest.py') if self.release: print("Run aiotest in release mode on %s" % pyver) self.run_command(*args, env=release_env) print("Run aiotest in debug mode on %s" % pyver) self.run_command(*args, env=dbg_env) print("") def _build_windows(self, pyver, cmd): setenv, sdkver = self.windows_sdk_setenv(pyver) temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", suffix=".bat", delete=False) with temp: temp.write("SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion\n") temp.write(self.quote_args(setenv) + "\n") temp.write(BATCH_FAIL_ON_ERROR + "\n") # Restore console colors: lightgrey on black temp.write("COLOR 07\n") temp.write("\n") temp.write("SET DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1\n") temp.write("SET MSSDK=1\n") temp.write("CD %s\n" % self.quote(self.root)) temp.write(self.quote_args(cmd) + "\n") temp.write(BATCH_FAIL_ON_ERROR + "\n") try: if self.verbose: print("Setup Windows SDK %s.%s" % sdkver) print("+ " + ' '.join(cmd)) # SDK 7.1 uses the COLOR command which makes SetEnv.cmd failing # if the stdout is not a TTY (if we redirect stdout into a file) if self.verbose or sdkver >= (7, 1): self.run_command(temp.name, verbose=False) else: self.check_output(temp.name, verbose=False) finally: os.unlink(temp.name) def _build_unix(self, pyver, cmd): self.check_output(*cmd) def build(self, pyver, *cmds): self.cleanup() python = pyver.get_executable(self) cmd = [python, 'setup.py'] + list(cmds) if WINDOWS: self._build_windows(pyver, cmd) else: self._build_unix(pyver, cmd) def test_wheel(self, pyver): print("Test building wheel package for %s" % pyver) self.build(pyver, 'bdist_wheel') def publish_wheel(self, pyver): print("Build and publish wheel package for %s" % pyver) self.build(pyver, 'bdist_wheel', 'upload') def parse_options(self): parser = optparse.OptionParser( description="Run all unittests.", usage="%prog [options] command") parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", dest='verbose', default=0, help='verbose') parser.add_option( '-t', '--tag', type="str", help='Mercurial tag or revision, required to release') parser.add_option( '-p', '--python', type="str", help='Only build/test one specific Python version, ex: "2.7:32"') parser.add_option( '-C', "--no-compile", action="store_true", help="Don't compile the module, this options implies --running", default=False) parser.add_option( '-r', "--running", action="store_true", help='Only use the running Python version', default=False) parser.add_option( '--ignore', action="store_true", help='Ignore local changes', default=False) self.options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 1: command = args[0] else: command = None if self.options.no_compile: self.options.running = True if command == 'clean': self.options.verbose = True elif command == 'build': self.options.running = True elif command == 'test_wheel': self.wheel = True elif command == 'test': self.test = True elif command == 'release': if not self.options.tag: print("The release command requires the --tag option") sys.exit(1) self.release = True self.wheel = True self.test = True self.upload = True else: if command: print("Invalid command: %s" % command) else: parser.print_help() print("") print("Available commands:") print("- build: build asyncio in place, imply --running") print("- test: run tests") print("- test_wheel: test building wheel packages") print("- release: run tests and publish wheel packages,") print(" require the --tag option") print("- clean: cleanup the project") sys.exit(1) if self.options.python and self.options.running: print("--python and --running options are exclusive") sys.exit(1) python = self.options.python if python: match = re.match("^([23])\.([0-9])/(32|64)$", python) if not match: print("Invalid Python version: %s" % python) print('Format of a Python version: "x.y/bits"') print("Example: 2.7/32") sys.exit(1) major = int(match.group(1)) minor = int(match.group(2)) bits = int(match.group(3)) self.python_versions = [PythonVersion(major, minor, bits)] if self.options.running: self.python_versions = [PythonVersion.running()] self.verbose = self.options.verbose self.command = command def main(self): self.parse_options() print("Directory: %s" % self.root) os.chdir(self.root) if self.command == "clean": self.cleanup() sys.exit(1) if self.command == "build": if len(self.python_versions) != 1: print("build command requires one specific Python version") print("Use the --python command line option") sys.exit(1) pyver = self.python_versions[0] self.build_inplace(pyver) if (self.register or self.upload) and (not self.options.ignore): lines = self.get_local_changes() else: lines = () if lines: print("ERROR: Found local changes") for line in lines: print(line) print("") print("Revert local changes") print("or use the --ignore command line option") sys.exit(1) hg_tag = self.options.tag if hg_tag: print("Update repository to revision %s" % hg_tag) self.check_output(HG, 'update', hg_tag) hg_rev = self.check_output(HG, 'id').rstrip() if self.wheel: for pyver in self.python_versions: self.test_wheel(pyver) if self.test: for pyver in self.python_versions: self.runtests(pyver) if self.register: self.run_command(sys.executable, 'setup.py', 'register') if self.sdist: self.sdist_upload() if self.upload: for pyver in self.python_versions: self.publish_wheel(pyver) hg_rev2 = self.check_output(HG, 'id').rstrip() if hg_rev != hg_rev2: print("ERROR: The Mercurial revision changed") print("Before: %s" % hg_rev) print("After: %s" % hg_rev2) sys.exit(1) print("") print("Mercurial revision: %s" % hg_rev) if self.command == 'build': print("Inplace compilation done") if self.wheel: print("Compilation of wheel packages succeeded") if self.test: print("Tests succeeded") if self.register: print("Project registered on the Python cheeseshop (PyPI)") if self.sdist: print("Project source code uploaded to the Python " "cheeseshop (PyPI)") if self.upload: print("Wheel packages uploaded to the Python cheeseshop (PyPI)") for pyver in self.python_versions: print("- %s" % pyver) if __name__ == "__main__": Release().main()