# Release procedure: # - run tox (to run runtests.py and run_aiotest.py) # - maybe test examples # - update version in setup.py # - hg ci # - hg tag VERSION # - hg push # - run on Linux: python setup.py register sdist upload # - run on Windows: python release.py VERSION # - increment version in setup.py # - hg ci && hg push import os try: from setuptools import setup, Extension except ImportError: # Use distutils.core as a fallback. # We won't be able to build the Wheel file on Windows. from distutils.core import setup, Extension extensions = [] if os.name == 'nt': ext = Extension( 'asyncio._overlapped', ['overlapped.c'], libraries=['ws2_32'], ) extensions.append(ext) with open("README") as fp: long_description = fp.read() setup( name="asyncio", version="3.4.3", description="reference implementation of PEP 3156", long_description=long_description, url="http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3156/", classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3", ], packages=["asyncio"], test_suite="runtests.runtests", ext_modules=extensions, )