from __future__ import annotations import io import socket import time import typing import warnings from test import LONG_TIMEOUT, SHORT_TIMEOUT from threading import Event from unittest import mock from urllib.parse import urlencode import pytest from dummyserver.server import HAS_IPV6_AND_DNS, NoIPv6Warning from dummyserver.testcase import HTTPDummyServerTestCase, SocketDummyServerTestCase from urllib3 import HTTPConnectionPool, encode_multipart_formdata from urllib3._collections import HTTPHeaderDict from urllib3.connection import _get_default_user_agent from urllib3.exceptions import ( ConnectTimeoutError, DecodeError, EmptyPoolError, MaxRetryError, NameResolutionError, NewConnectionError, ReadTimeoutError, UnrewindableBodyError, ) from urllib3.fields import _TYPE_FIELD_VALUE_TUPLE from urllib3.util import SKIP_HEADER, SKIPPABLE_HEADERS from urllib3.util.retry import RequestHistory, Retry from urllib3.util.timeout import _TYPE_TIMEOUT, Timeout from .. import INVALID_SOURCE_ADDRESSES, TARPIT_HOST, VALID_SOURCE_ADDRESSES from ..port_helpers import find_unused_port def wait_for_socket(ready_event: Event) -> None: ready_event.wait() ready_event.clear() class TestConnectionPoolTimeouts(SocketDummyServerTestCase): def test_timeout_float(self) -> None: block_event = Event() ready_event = self.start_basic_handler(block_send=block_event, num=2) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, retries=False) as pool: wait_for_socket(ready_event) with pytest.raises(ReadTimeoutError): pool.request("GET", "/", timeout=SHORT_TIMEOUT) block_event.set() # Release block # Shouldn't raise this time wait_for_socket(ready_event) block_event.set() # Pre-release block pool.request("GET", "/", timeout=LONG_TIMEOUT) def test_conn_closed(self) -> None: block_event = Event() self.start_basic_handler(block_send=block_event, num=1) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=SHORT_TIMEOUT, retries=False ) as pool: conn = pool._get_conn() pool._put_conn(conn) try: with pytest.raises(ReadTimeoutError): pool.urlopen("GET", "/") if not conn.is_closed: with pytest.raises(socket.error): conn.sock.recv(1024) # type: ignore[attr-defined] finally: pool._put_conn(conn) block_event.set() def test_timeout(self) -> None: # Requests should time out when expected block_event = Event() ready_event = self.start_basic_handler(block_send=block_event, num=3) # Pool-global timeout short_timeout = Timeout(read=SHORT_TIMEOUT) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=short_timeout, retries=False ) as pool: wait_for_socket(ready_event) block_event.clear() with pytest.raises(ReadTimeoutError): pool.request("GET", "/") block_event.set() # Release request # Request-specific timeouts should raise errors with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=short_timeout, retries=False ) as pool: wait_for_socket(ready_event) now = time.time() with pytest.raises(ReadTimeoutError): pool.request("GET", "/", timeout=LONG_TIMEOUT) delta = time.time() - now message = "timeout was pool-level SHORT_TIMEOUT rather than request-level LONG_TIMEOUT" assert delta >= LONG_TIMEOUT, message block_event.set() # Release request # Timeout passed directly to request should raise a request timeout wait_for_socket(ready_event) with pytest.raises(ReadTimeoutError): pool.request("GET", "/", timeout=SHORT_TIMEOUT) block_event.set() # Release request def test_connect_timeout(self) -> None: url = "/" host, port = TARPIT_HOST, 80 timeout = Timeout(connect=SHORT_TIMEOUT) # Pool-global timeout with HTTPConnectionPool(host, port, timeout=timeout) as pool: conn = pool._get_conn() with pytest.raises(ConnectTimeoutError): pool._make_request(conn, "GET", url) # Retries retries = Retry(connect=0) with pytest.raises(MaxRetryError): pool.request("GET", url, retries=retries) # Request-specific connection timeouts big_timeout = Timeout(read=LONG_TIMEOUT, connect=LONG_TIMEOUT) with HTTPConnectionPool(host, port, timeout=big_timeout, retries=False) as pool: conn = pool._get_conn() with pytest.raises(ConnectTimeoutError): pool._make_request(conn, "GET", url, timeout=timeout) pool._put_conn(conn) with pytest.raises(ConnectTimeoutError): pool.request("GET", url, timeout=timeout) def test_total_applies_connect(self) -> None: host, port = TARPIT_HOST, 80 timeout = Timeout(total=None, connect=SHORT_TIMEOUT) with HTTPConnectionPool(host, port, timeout=timeout) as pool: conn = pool._get_conn() try: with pytest.raises(ConnectTimeoutError): pool._make_request(conn, "GET", "/") finally: conn.close() timeout = Timeout(connect=3, read=5, total=SHORT_TIMEOUT) with HTTPConnectionPool(host, port, timeout=timeout) as pool: conn = pool._get_conn() try: with pytest.raises(ConnectTimeoutError): pool._make_request(conn, "GET", "/") finally: conn.close() def test_total_timeout(self) -> None: block_event = Event() ready_event = self.start_basic_handler(block_send=block_event, num=2) wait_for_socket(ready_event) # This will get the socket to raise an EAGAIN on the read timeout = Timeout(connect=3, read=SHORT_TIMEOUT) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=timeout, retries=False ) as pool: with pytest.raises(ReadTimeoutError): pool.request("GET", "/") block_event.set() wait_for_socket(ready_event) block_event.clear() # The connect should succeed and this should hit the read timeout timeout = Timeout(connect=3, read=5, total=SHORT_TIMEOUT) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=timeout, retries=False ) as pool: with pytest.raises(ReadTimeoutError): pool.request("GET", "/") def test_create_connection_timeout(self) -> None: self.start_basic_handler(block_send=Event(), num=0) # needed for self.port timeout = Timeout(connect=SHORT_TIMEOUT, total=LONG_TIMEOUT) with HTTPConnectionPool( TARPIT_HOST, self.port, timeout=timeout, retries=False ) as pool: conn = pool._new_conn() with pytest.raises(ConnectTimeoutError): conn.connect() class TestConnectionPool(HTTPDummyServerTestCase): def test_get(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("GET", "/specific_method", fields={"method": "GET"}) assert r.status == 200, def test_post_url(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("POST", "/specific_method", fields={"method": "POST"}) assert r.status == 200, def test_urlopen_put(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.urlopen("PUT", "/specific_method?method=PUT") assert r.status == 200, def test_wrong_specific_method(self) -> None: # To make sure the dummy server is actually returning failed responses with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("GET", "/specific_method", fields={"method": "POST"}) assert r.status == 400, with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("POST", "/specific_method", fields={"method": "GET"}) assert r.status == 400, def test_upload(self) -> None: data = "I'm in ur multipart form-data, hazing a cheezburgr" fields: dict[str, _TYPE_FIELD_VALUE_TUPLE] = { "upload_param": "filefield", "upload_filename": "lolcat.txt", "filefield": ("lolcat.txt", data), } fields["upload_size"] = len(data) # type: ignore with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("POST", "/upload", fields=fields) assert r.status == 200, def test_one_name_multiple_values(self) -> None: fields = [("foo", "a"), ("foo", "b")] with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: # urlencode r = pool.request("GET", "/echo", fields=fields) assert == b"foo=a&foo=b" # multipart r = pool.request("POST", "/echo", fields=fields) assert'name="foo"') == 2 def test_request_method_body(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: body = b"hi" r = pool.request("POST", "/echo", body=body) assert == body fields = [("hi", "hello")] with pytest.raises(TypeError): pool.request("POST", "/echo", body=body, fields=fields) def test_unicode_upload(self) -> None: fieldname = "myfile" filename = "\xe2\x99\xa5.txt" data = "\xe2\x99\xa5".encode() size = len(data) fields: dict[str, _TYPE_FIELD_VALUE_TUPLE] = { "upload_param": fieldname, "upload_filename": filename, fieldname: (filename, data), } fields["upload_size"] = size # type: ignore with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("POST", "/upload", fields=fields) assert r.status == 200, def test_nagle(self) -> None: """Test that connections have TCP_NODELAY turned on""" # This test needs to be here in order to be run. socket.create_connection actually tries # to connect to the host provided so we need a dummyserver to be running. with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: conn = pool._get_conn() try: pool._make_request(conn, "GET", "/") tcp_nodelay_setting = conn.sock.getsockopt( # type: ignore[attr-defined] socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY ) assert tcp_nodelay_setting finally: conn.close() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "socket_options", [ [(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)], ((socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1),), ], ) def test_socket_options(self, socket_options: tuple[int, int, int]) -> None: """Test that connections accept socket options.""" # This test needs to be here in order to be run. socket.create_connection actually tries to # connect to the host provided so we need a dummyserver to be running. with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, socket_options=socket_options, ) as pool: # Get the socket of a new connection. s = pool._new_conn()._new_conn() # type: ignore[attr-defined] try: using_keepalive = ( s.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE) > 0 ) assert using_keepalive finally: s.close() @pytest.mark.parametrize("socket_options", [None, []]) def test_disable_default_socket_options( self, socket_options: list[int] | None ) -> None: """Test that passing None or empty list disables all socket options.""" # This test needs to be here in order to be run. socket.create_connection actually tries # to connect to the host provided so we need a dummyserver to be running. with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, socket_options=socket_options ) as pool: s = pool._new_conn()._new_conn() # type: ignore[attr-defined] try: using_nagle = s.getsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY) == 0 assert using_nagle finally: s.close() def test_defaults_are_applied(self) -> None: """Test that modifying the default socket options works.""" # This test needs to be here in order to be run. socket.create_connection actually tries # to connect to the host provided so we need a dummyserver to be running. with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: # Get the HTTPConnection instance conn = pool._new_conn() try: # Update the default socket options assert conn.socket_options is not None conn.socket_options += [(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)] # type: ignore[operator] s = conn._new_conn() # type: ignore[attr-defined] nagle_disabled = ( s.getsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY) > 0 ) using_keepalive = ( s.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE) > 0 ) assert nagle_disabled assert using_keepalive finally: conn.close() s.close() def test_connection_error_retries(self) -> None: """ECONNREFUSED error should raise a connection error, with retries""" port = find_unused_port() with HTTPConnectionPool(, port) as pool: with pytest.raises(MaxRetryError) as e: pool.request("GET", "/", retries=Retry(connect=3)) assert type(e.value.reason) == NewConnectionError def test_timeout_success(self) -> None: timeout = Timeout(connect=3, read=5, total=None) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=timeout) as pool: pool.request("GET", "/") # This should not raise a "Timeout already started" error pool.request("GET", "/") with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=timeout) as pool: # This should also not raise a "Timeout already started" error pool.request("GET", "/") timeout = Timeout(total=None) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=timeout) as pool: pool.request("GET", "/") socket_timeout_reuse_testdata = pytest.mark.parametrize( ["timeout", "expect_settimeout_calls"], [ (1, (1, 1)), (None, (None, None)), (Timeout(read=4), (None, 4)), (Timeout(read=4, connect=5), (5, 4)), (Timeout(connect=6), (6, None)), ], ) @socket_timeout_reuse_testdata def test_socket_timeout_updated_on_reuse_constructor( self, timeout: _TYPE_TIMEOUT, expect_settimeout_calls: typing.Sequence[float | None], ) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=timeout) as pool: # Make a request to create a new connection. pool.urlopen("GET", "/") # Grab the connection and mock the inner socket. assert pool.pool is not None conn = pool.pool.get_nowait() conn_sock = mock.Mock(wraps=conn.sock) conn.sock = conn_sock pool._put_conn(conn) # Assert that sock.settimeout() is called with the new connect timeout, then the read timeout. pool.urlopen("GET", "/", timeout=timeout) conn_sock.settimeout.assert_has_calls( [ for x in expect_settimeout_calls] ) @socket_timeout_reuse_testdata def test_socket_timeout_updated_on_reuse_parameter( self, timeout: _TYPE_TIMEOUT, expect_settimeout_calls: typing.Sequence[float | None], ) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: # Make a request to create a new connection. pool.urlopen("GET", "/", timeout=LONG_TIMEOUT) # Grab the connection and mock the inner socket. assert pool.pool is not None conn = pool.pool.get_nowait() conn_sock = mock.Mock(wraps=conn.sock) conn.sock = conn_sock pool._put_conn(conn) # Assert that sock.settimeout() is called with the new connect timeout, then the read timeout. pool.urlopen("GET", "/", timeout=timeout) conn_sock.settimeout.assert_has_calls( [ for x in expect_settimeout_calls] ) def test_tunnel(self) -> None: # note the actual has no tests for this functionality timeout = Timeout(total=None) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=timeout) as pool: conn = pool._get_conn() try: conn.set_tunnel(, self.port) with mock.patch.object( conn, "_tunnel", create=True, return_value=None ) as conn_tunnel: pool._make_request(conn, "GET", "/") conn_tunnel.assert_called_once_with() finally: conn.close() # test that it's not called when tunnel is not set timeout = Timeout(total=None) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=timeout) as pool: conn = pool._get_conn() try: with mock.patch.object( conn, "_tunnel", create=True, return_value=None ) as conn_tunnel: pool._make_request(conn, "GET", "/") assert not conn_tunnel.called finally: conn.close() def test_redirect(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("GET", "/redirect", fields={"target": "/"}, redirect=False) assert r.status == 303 r = pool.request("GET", "/redirect", fields={"target": "/"}) assert r.status == 200 assert == b"Dummy server!" def test_bad_connect(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool("badhost.invalid", self.port) as pool: with pytest.raises(MaxRetryError) as e: pool.request("GET", "/", retries=5) assert type(e.value.reason) == NameResolutionError def test_keepalive(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, block=True, maxsize=1) as pool: r = pool.request("GET", "/keepalive?close=0") r = pool.request("GET", "/keepalive?close=0") assert r.status == 200 assert pool.num_connections == 1 assert pool.num_requests == 2 def test_keepalive_close(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, block=True, maxsize=1, timeout=2 ) as pool: r = pool.request( "GET", "/keepalive?close=1", retries=0, headers={"Connection": "close"} ) assert pool.num_connections == 1 # The dummyserver will have responded with Connection:close, # and httplib will properly cleanup the socket. # We grab the HTTPConnection object straight from the Queue, # because _get_conn() is where the check & reset occurs assert pool.pool is not None conn = pool.pool.get() assert conn.sock is None pool._put_conn(conn) # Now with keep-alive r = pool.request( "GET", "/keepalive?close=0", retries=0, headers={"Connection": "keep-alive"}, ) # The dummyserver responded with Connection:keep-alive, the connection # persists. conn = pool.pool.get() assert conn.sock is not None pool._put_conn(conn) # Another request asking the server to close the connection. This one # should get cleaned up for the next request. r = pool.request( "GET", "/keepalive?close=1", retries=0, headers={"Connection": "close"} ) assert r.status == 200 conn = pool.pool.get() assert conn.sock is None pool._put_conn(conn) # Next request r = pool.request("GET", "/keepalive?close=0") def test_post_with_urlencode(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: data = {"banana": "hammock", "lol": "cat"} r = pool.request("POST", "/echo", fields=data, encode_multipart=False) assert"utf-8") == urlencode(data) def test_post_with_multipart(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: data = {"banana": "hammock", "lol": "cat"} r = pool.request("POST", "/echo", fields=data, encode_multipart=True) body ="\r\n") encoded_data = encode_multipart_formdata(data)[0] expected_body = encoded_data.split(b"\r\n") # TODO: Get rid of extra parsing stuff when you can specify # a custom boundary to encode_multipart_formdata """ We need to loop the return lines because a timestamp is attached from within encode_multipart_formdata. When the server echos back the data, it has the timestamp from when the data was encoded, which is not equivalent to when we run encode_multipart_formdata on the data again. """ for i, line in enumerate(body): if line.startswith(b"--"): continue assert body[i] == expected_body[i] def test_post_with_multipart__iter__(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: data = {"hello": "world"} r = pool.request( "POST", "/echo", fields=data, preload_content=False, multipart_boundary="boundary", encode_multipart=True, ) chunks = [chunk for chunk in r] assert chunks == [ b"--boundary\r\n", b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="hello"\r\n', b"\r\n", b"world\r\n", b"--boundary--\r\n", ] def test_check_gzip(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request( "GET", "/encodingrequest", headers={"accept-encoding": "gzip"} ) assert r.headers.get("content-encoding") == "gzip" assert == b"hello, world!" def test_check_deflate(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request( "GET", "/encodingrequest", headers={"accept-encoding": "deflate"} ) assert r.headers.get("content-encoding") == "deflate" assert == b"hello, world!" def test_bad_decode(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: with pytest.raises(DecodeError): pool.request( "GET", "/encodingrequest", headers={"accept-encoding": "garbage-deflate"}, ) with pytest.raises(DecodeError): pool.request( "GET", "/encodingrequest", headers={"accept-encoding": "garbage-gzip"}, ) def test_connection_count(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, maxsize=1) as pool: pool.request("GET", "/") pool.request("GET", "/") pool.request("GET", "/") assert pool.num_connections == 1 assert pool.num_requests == 3 def test_connection_count_bigpool(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, maxsize=16) as http_pool: http_pool.request("GET", "/") http_pool.request("GET", "/") http_pool.request("GET", "/") assert http_pool.num_connections == 1 assert http_pool.num_requests == 3 def test_partial_response(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, maxsize=1) as pool: req_data = {"lol": "cat"} resp_data = urlencode(req_data).encode("utf-8") r = pool.request("GET", "/echo", fields=req_data, preload_content=False) assert == resp_data[:5] assert == resp_data[5:] def test_lazy_load_twice(self) -> None: # This test is sad and confusing. Need to figure out what's # going on with partial reads and socket reuse. with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, block=True, maxsize=1, timeout=2 ) as pool: payload_size = 1024 * 2 first_chunk = 512 boundary = "foo" req_data = {"count": "a" * payload_size} resp_data = encode_multipart_formdata(req_data, boundary=boundary)[0] req2_data = {"count": "b" * payload_size} resp2_data = encode_multipart_formdata(req2_data, boundary=boundary)[0] r1 = pool.request( "POST", "/echo", fields=req_data, multipart_boundary=boundary, preload_content=False, ) assert == resp_data[:first_chunk] try: r2 = pool.request( "POST", "/echo", fields=req2_data, multipart_boundary=boundary, preload_content=False, pool_timeout=0.001, ) # This branch should generally bail here, but maybe someday it will # work? Perhaps by some sort of magic. Consider it a TODO. assert == resp2_data[:first_chunk] assert == resp_data[first_chunk:] assert == resp2_data[first_chunk:] assert pool.num_requests == 2 except EmptyPoolError: assert == resp_data[first_chunk:] assert pool.num_requests == 1 assert pool.num_connections == 1 def test_for_double_release(self) -> None: MAXSIZE = 5 # Check default state with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, maxsize=MAXSIZE) as pool: assert pool.num_connections == 0 assert pool.pool is not None assert pool.pool.qsize() == MAXSIZE # Make an empty slot for testing pool.pool.get() assert pool.pool.qsize() == MAXSIZE - 1 # Check state after simple request pool.urlopen("GET", "/") assert pool.pool.qsize() == MAXSIZE - 1 # Check state without release pool.urlopen("GET", "/", preload_content=False) assert pool.pool.qsize() == MAXSIZE - 2 pool.urlopen("GET", "/") assert pool.pool.qsize() == MAXSIZE - 2 # Check state after read pool.urlopen("GET", "/").data assert pool.pool.qsize() == MAXSIZE - 2 pool.urlopen("GET", "/") assert pool.pool.qsize() == MAXSIZE - 2 def test_release_conn_parameter(self) -> None: MAXSIZE = 5 with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, maxsize=MAXSIZE) as pool: assert pool.pool is not None assert pool.pool.qsize() == MAXSIZE # Make request without releasing connection pool.request("GET", "/", release_conn=False, preload_content=False) assert pool.pool.qsize() == MAXSIZE - 1 def test_dns_error(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool( "thishostdoesnotexist.invalid", self.port, timeout=0.001 ) as pool: with pytest.raises(MaxRetryError): pool.request("GET", "/test", retries=2) @pytest.mark.parametrize("char", [" ", "\r", "\n", "\x00"]) def test_invalid_method_not_allowed(self, char: str) -> None: with pytest.raises(ValueError): with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: pool.request("GET" + char, "/") def test_percent_encode_invalid_target_chars(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("GET", "/echo_params?q=\r&k=\n \n") assert == b"[('k', '\\n \\n'), ('q', '\\r')]" def test_source_address(self) -> None: for addr, is_ipv6 in VALID_SOURCE_ADDRESSES: if is_ipv6 and not HAS_IPV6_AND_DNS: warnings.warn("No IPv6 support: skipping.", NoIPv6Warning) continue with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, source_address=addr, retries=False ) as pool: r = pool.request("GET", "/source_address") assert == addr[0].encode() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "invalid_source_address, is_ipv6", INVALID_SOURCE_ADDRESSES ) def test_source_address_error( self, invalid_source_address: tuple[str, int], is_ipv6: bool ) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, source_address=invalid_source_address, retries=False ) as pool: if is_ipv6: with pytest.raises(NameResolutionError): pool.request("GET", f"/source_address?{invalid_source_address}") else: with pytest.raises(NewConnectionError): pool.request("GET", f"/source_address?{invalid_source_address}") def test_stream_keepalive(self) -> None: x = 2 with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: for _ in range(x): response = pool.request( "GET", "/chunked", headers={"Connection": "keep-alive"}, preload_content=False, retries=False, ) for chunk in assert chunk == b"123" assert pool.num_connections == 1 assert pool.num_requests == x def test_read_chunked_short_circuit(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: response = pool.request("GET", "/chunked", preload_content=False) with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(response.read_chunked()) def test_read_chunked_on_closed_response(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: response = pool.request("GET", "/chunked", preload_content=False) response.close() with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(response.read_chunked()) def test_chunked_gzip(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: response = pool.request( "GET", "/chunked_gzip", preload_content=False, decode_content=True ) assert b"123" * 4 == def test_cleanup_on_connection_error(self) -> None: """ Test that connections are recycled to the pool on connection errors where no http response is received. """ poolsize = 3 with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, maxsize=poolsize, block=True ) as http: assert http.pool is not None assert http.pool.qsize() == poolsize # force a connection error by supplying a non-existent # url. We won't get a response for this and so the # conn won't be implicitly returned to the pool. with pytest.raises(MaxRetryError): http.request( "GET", "/redirect", fields={"target": "/"}, release_conn=False, retries=0, ) r = http.request( "GET", "/redirect", fields={"target": "/"}, release_conn=False, retries=1, ) r.release_conn() # the pool should still contain poolsize elements assert http.pool.qsize() == http.pool.maxsize def test_mixed_case_hostname(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool("LoCaLhOsT", self.port) as pool: response = pool.request("GET", f"http://LoCaLhOsT:{self.port}/") assert response.status == 200 def test_preserves_path_dot_segments(self) -> None: """ConnectionPool preserves dot segments in the URI""" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: response = pool.request("GET", "/echo_uri/seg0/../seg2") assert == b"/echo_uri/seg0/../seg2" def test_default_user_agent_header(self) -> None: """ConnectionPool has a default user agent""" default_ua = _get_default_user_agent() custom_ua = "I'm not a web scraper, what are you talking about?" custom_ua2 = "Yet Another User Agent" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: # Use default user agent if no user agent was specified. r = pool.request("GET", "/headers") request_headers = r.json() assert request_headers.get("User-Agent") == _get_default_user_agent() # Prefer the request user agent over the default. headers = {"UsEr-AGENt": custom_ua} r = pool.request("GET", "/headers", headers=headers) request_headers = r.json() assert request_headers.get("User-Agent") == custom_ua # Do not modify pool headers when using the default user agent. pool_headers = {"foo": "bar"} pool.headers = pool_headers r = pool.request("GET", "/headers") request_headers = r.json() assert request_headers.get("User-Agent") == default_ua assert "User-Agent" not in pool_headers pool.headers.update({"User-Agent": custom_ua2}) r = pool.request("GET", "/headers") request_headers = r.json() assert request_headers.get("User-Agent") == custom_ua2 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "headers", [ None, {}, {"User-Agent": "key"}, {"user-agent": "key"}, {b"uSeR-AgEnT": b"key"}, {b"user-agent": "key"}, ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chunked", [True, False]) def test_user_agent_header_not_sent_twice( self, headers: dict[str, str] | None, chunked: bool ) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("GET", "/headers", headers=headers, chunked=chunked) request_headers = r.json() if not headers: assert request_headers["User-Agent"].startswith("python-urllib3/") assert "key" not in request_headers["User-Agent"] else: assert request_headers["User-Agent"] == "key" def test_no_user_agent_header(self) -> None: """ConnectionPool can suppress sending a user agent header""" custom_ua = "I'm not a web scraper, what are you talking about?" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: # Suppress user agent in the request headers. no_ua_headers = {"User-Agent": SKIP_HEADER} r = pool.request("GET", "/headers", headers=no_ua_headers) request_headers = r.json() assert "User-Agent" not in request_headers assert no_ua_headers["User-Agent"] == SKIP_HEADER # Suppress user agent in the pool headers. pool.headers = no_ua_headers r = pool.request("GET", "/headers") request_headers = r.json() assert "User-Agent" not in request_headers assert no_ua_headers["User-Agent"] == SKIP_HEADER # Request headers override pool headers. pool_headers = {"User-Agent": custom_ua} pool.headers = pool_headers r = pool.request("GET", "/headers", headers=no_ua_headers) request_headers = r.json() assert "User-Agent" not in request_headers assert no_ua_headers["User-Agent"] == SKIP_HEADER assert pool_headers.get("User-Agent") == custom_ua @pytest.mark.parametrize( "accept_encoding", [ "Accept-Encoding", "accept-encoding", b"Accept-Encoding", b"accept-encoding", None, ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("host", ["Host", "host", b"Host", b"host", None]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "user_agent", ["User-Agent", "user-agent", b"User-Agent", b"user-agent", None] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chunked", [True, False]) def test_skip_header( self, accept_encoding: str | None, host: str | None, user_agent: str | None, chunked: bool, ) -> None: headers = {} if accept_encoding is not None: headers[accept_encoding] = SKIP_HEADER if host is not None: headers[host] = SKIP_HEADER if user_agent is not None: headers[user_agent] = SKIP_HEADER with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("GET", "/headers", headers=headers, chunked=chunked) request_headers = r.json() if accept_encoding is None: assert "Accept-Encoding" in request_headers else: assert accept_encoding not in request_headers if host is None: assert "Host" in request_headers else: assert host not in request_headers if user_agent is None: assert "User-Agent" in request_headers else: assert user_agent not in request_headers @pytest.mark.parametrize("header", ["Content-Length", "content-length"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chunked", [True, False]) def test_skip_header_non_supported(self, header: str, chunked: bool) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="urllib3.util.SKIP_HEADER only supports 'Accept-Encoding', 'Host', 'User-Agent'", ) as e: pool.request( "GET", "/headers", headers={header: SKIP_HEADER}, chunked=chunked ) # Ensure that the error message stays up to date with 'SKIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED_HEADERS' assert all( ("'" + header.title() + "'") in str(e.value) for header in SKIPPABLE_HEADERS ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chunked", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pool_request", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("header_type", [dict, HTTPHeaderDict]) def test_headers_not_modified_by_request( self, chunked: bool, pool_request: bool, header_type: type[dict[str, str] | HTTPHeaderDict], ) -> None: # Test that the .request*() methods of ConnectionPool and HTTPConnection # don't modify the given 'headers' structure, instead they should # make their own internal copies at request time. headers = header_type() headers["key"] = "val" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: pool.headers = headers if pool_request: pool.request("GET", "/headers", chunked=chunked) else: conn = pool._get_conn() conn.request("GET", "/headers", chunked=chunked) assert pool.headers == {"key": "val"} assert isinstance(pool.headers, header_type) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: if pool_request: pool.request("GET", "/headers", headers=headers, chunked=chunked) else: conn = pool._get_conn() conn.request("GET", "/headers", headers=headers, chunked=chunked) assert headers == {"key": "val"} def test_request_chunked_is_deprecated( self, ) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: conn = pool._get_conn() with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning) as w: conn.request_chunked("GET", "/headers") # type: ignore[attr-defined] assert len(w) == 1 and str(w[0].message) == ( "HTTPConnection.request_chunked() is deprecated and will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0. " "Instead use HTTPConnection.request(..., chunked=True)." ) resp = conn.getresponse() assert resp.status == 200 assert resp.json()["Transfer-Encoding"] == "chunked" def test_bytes_header(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: headers = {"User-Agent": "test header"} r = pool.request("GET", "/headers", headers=headers) request_headers = r.json() assert "User-Agent" in request_headers assert request_headers["User-Agent"] == "test header" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "user_agent", ["Schönefeld/1.18.0", "Schönefeld/1.18.0".encode("iso-8859-1")] ) def test_user_agent_non_ascii_user_agent(self, user_agent: str) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, retries=False) as pool: r = pool.urlopen( "GET", "/headers", headers={"User-Agent": user_agent}, ) request_headers = r.json() assert "User-Agent" in request_headers assert request_headers["User-Agent"] == "Schönefeld/1.18.0" class TestRetry(HTTPDummyServerTestCase): def test_max_retry(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: with pytest.raises(MaxRetryError): pool.request("GET", "/redirect", fields={"target": "/"}, retries=0) def test_disabled_retry(self) -> None: """Disabled retries should disable redirect handling.""" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("GET", "/redirect", fields={"target": "/"}, retries=False) assert r.status == 303 r = pool.request( "GET", "/redirect", fields={"target": "/"}, retries=Retry(redirect=False), ) assert r.status == 303 with HTTPConnectionPool( "thishostdoesnotexist.invalid", self.port, timeout=0.001 ) as pool: with pytest.raises(NameResolutionError): pool.request("GET", "/test", retries=False) def test_read_retries(self) -> None: """Should retry for status codes in the forcelist""" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: retry = Retry(read=1, status_forcelist=[418]) resp = pool.request( "GET", "/successful_retry", headers={"test-name": "test_read_retries"}, retries=retry, ) assert resp.status == 200 def test_read_total_retries(self) -> None: """HTTP response w/ status code in the forcelist should be retried""" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: headers = {"test-name": "test_read_total_retries"} retry = Retry(total=1, status_forcelist=[418]) resp = pool.request( "GET", "/successful_retry", headers=headers, retries=retry ) assert resp.status == 200 def test_retries_wrong_forcelist(self) -> None: """HTTP response w/ status code not in forcelist shouldn't be retried""" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: retry = Retry(total=1, status_forcelist=[202]) resp = pool.request( "GET", "/successful_retry", headers={"test-name": "test_wrong_forcelist"}, retries=retry, ) assert resp.status == 418 def test_default_method_forcelist_retried(self) -> None: """urllib3 should retry methods in the default method forcelist""" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: retry = Retry(total=1, status_forcelist=[418]) resp = pool.request( "OPTIONS", "/successful_retry", headers={"test-name": "test_default_forcelist"}, retries=retry, ) assert resp.status == 200 def test_retries_wrong_method_list(self) -> None: """Method not in our allowed list should not be retried, even if code matches""" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: headers = {"test-name": "test_wrong_allowed_method"} retry = Retry(total=1, status_forcelist=[418], allowed_methods=["POST"]) resp = pool.request( "GET", "/successful_retry", headers=headers, retries=retry ) assert resp.status == 418 def test_read_retries_unsuccessful(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: headers = {"test-name": "test_read_retries_unsuccessful"} resp = pool.request("GET", "/successful_retry", headers=headers, retries=1) assert resp.status == 418 def test_retry_reuse_safe(self) -> None: """It should be possible to reuse a Retry object across requests""" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: headers = {"test-name": "test_retry_safe"} retry = Retry(total=1, status_forcelist=[418]) resp = pool.request( "GET", "/successful_retry", headers=headers, retries=retry ) assert resp.status == 200 with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: resp = pool.request( "GET", "/successful_retry", headers=headers, retries=retry ) assert resp.status == 200 def test_retry_return_in_response(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: headers = {"test-name": "test_retry_return_in_response"} retry = Retry(total=2, status_forcelist=[418]) resp = pool.request( "GET", "/successful_retry", headers=headers, retries=retry ) assert resp.status == 200 assert resp.retries is not None assert == 1 assert resp.retries.history == ( RequestHistory("GET", "/successful_retry", None, 418, None), ) def test_retry_redirect_history(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: resp = pool.request("GET", "/redirect", fields={"target": "/"}) assert resp.status == 200 assert resp.retries is not None assert resp.retries.history == ( RequestHistory("GET", "/redirect?target=%2F", None, 303, "/"), ) def test_multi_redirect_history(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request( "GET", "/multi_redirect", fields={"redirect_codes": "303,302,200"}, redirect=False, ) assert r.status == 303 assert r.retries is not None assert r.retries.history == tuple() with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request( "GET", "/multi_redirect", retries=10, fields={"redirect_codes": "303,302,301,307,302,200"}, ) assert r.status == 200 assert == b"Done redirecting" expected = [ (303, "/multi_redirect?redirect_codes=302,301,307,302,200"), (302, "/multi_redirect?redirect_codes=301,307,302,200"), (301, "/multi_redirect?redirect_codes=307,302,200"), (307, "/multi_redirect?redirect_codes=302,200"), (302, "/multi_redirect?redirect_codes=200"), ] assert r.retries is not None actual = [ (history.status, history.redirect_location) for history in r.retries.history ] assert actual == expected class TestRetryAfter(HTTPDummyServerTestCase): def test_retry_after(self) -> None: # Request twice in a second to get a 429 response. with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request( "GET", "/retry_after", fields={"status": "429 Too Many Requests"}, retries=False, ) r = pool.request( "GET", "/retry_after", fields={"status": "429 Too Many Requests"}, retries=False, ) assert r.status == 429 r = pool.request( "GET", "/retry_after", fields={"status": "429 Too Many Requests"}, retries=True, ) assert r.status == 200 # Request twice in a second to get a 503 response. r = pool.request( "GET", "/retry_after", fields={"status": "503 Service Unavailable"}, retries=False, ) r = pool.request( "GET", "/retry_after", fields={"status": "503 Service Unavailable"}, retries=False, ) assert r.status == 503 r = pool.request( "GET", "/retry_after", fields={"status": "503 Service Unavailable"}, retries=True, ) assert r.status == 200 # Ignore Retry-After header on status which is not defined in # Retry.RETRY_AFTER_STATUS_CODES. r = pool.request( "GET", "/retry_after", fields={"status": "418 I'm a teapot"}, retries=True, ) assert r.status == 418 def test_redirect_after(self) -> None: with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port) as pool: r = pool.request("GET", "/redirect_after", retries=False) assert r.status == 303 t = time.time() r = pool.request("GET", "/redirect_after") assert r.status == 200 delta = time.time() - t assert delta >= 1 t = time.time() timestamp = t + 2 r = pool.request("GET", "/redirect_after?date=" + str(timestamp)) assert r.status == 200 delta = time.time() - t assert delta >= 1 # Retry-After is past t = time.time() timestamp = t - 1 r = pool.request("GET", "/redirect_after?date=" + str(timestamp)) delta = time.time() - t assert r.status == 200 assert delta < 1 class TestFileBodiesOnRetryOrRedirect(HTTPDummyServerTestCase): def test_retries_put_filehandle(self) -> None: """HTTP PUT retry with a file-like object should not timeout""" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=0.1) as pool: retry = Retry(total=3, status_forcelist=[418]) # httplib reads in 8k chunks; use a larger content length content_length = 65535 data = b"A" * content_length uploaded_file = io.BytesIO(data) headers = { "test-name": "test_retries_put_filehandle", "Content-Length": str(content_length), } resp = pool.urlopen( "PUT", "/successful_retry", headers=headers, retries=retry, body=uploaded_file, assert_same_host=False, redirect=False, ) assert resp.status == 200 def test_redirect_put_file(self) -> None: """PUT with file object should work with a redirection response""" with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=0.1) as pool: retry = Retry(total=3, status_forcelist=[418]) # httplib reads in 8k chunks; use a larger content length content_length = 65535 data = b"A" * content_length uploaded_file = io.BytesIO(data) headers = { "test-name": "test_redirect_put_file", "Content-Length": str(content_length), } url = "/redirect?target=/echo&status=307" resp = pool.urlopen( "PUT", url, headers=headers, retries=retry, body=uploaded_file, assert_same_host=False, redirect=True, ) assert resp.status == 200 assert == data def test_redirect_with_failed_tell(self) -> None: """Abort request if failed to get a position from tell()""" class BadTellObject(io.BytesIO): def tell(self) -> typing.NoReturn: raise OSError body = BadTellObject(b"the data") url = "/redirect?target=/successful_retry" # httplib uses fileno if Content-Length isn't supplied, # which is unsupported by BytesIO. headers = {"Content-Length": "8"} with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, timeout=0.1) as pool: with pytest.raises( UnrewindableBodyError, match="Unable to record file position for" ): pool.urlopen("PUT", url, headers=headers, body=body) class TestRetryPoolSize(HTTPDummyServerTestCase): def test_pool_size_retry(self) -> None: retries = Retry(total=1, raise_on_status=False, status_forcelist=[404]) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, maxsize=10, retries=retries, block=True ) as pool: pool.urlopen("GET", "/not_found", preload_content=False) assert pool.num_connections == 1 class TestRedirectPoolSize(HTTPDummyServerTestCase): def test_pool_size_redirect(self) -> None: retries = Retry( total=1, raise_on_status=False, status_forcelist=[404], redirect=True ) with HTTPConnectionPool(, self.port, maxsize=10, retries=retries, block=True ) as pool: pool.urlopen("GET", "/redirect", preload_content=False) assert pool.num_connections == 1