diff options
authorSteve Piercy <>2018-05-20 13:48:31 -0700
committerSteve Piercy <>2018-05-20 13:48:31 -0700
commit184f604cc558fa977a041b0cae2591fe0f2b79f6 (patch)
parent675ef5daa68abbe9f568d06f6476f74c8a5940c7 (diff)
Delete HACKING.txt
- because it duplicates and its links to
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/HACKING.txt b/HACKING.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f96d8..0000000
--- a/HACKING.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-Hacking on waitress
-Here are some guidelines for hacking on waitress.
-Using a Development Checkout
-You'll have to create a development environment to hack on waitress, using a
-waitress checkout. You can either do this by hand, or if you have ``tox``
-installed (it's on PyPI), you can use ``tox`` to set up a working development
-environment. Each installation method is described below.
-By Hand
-- While logged into your GitHub account, navigate to the waitress repo on
- GitHub.
-- Fork and clone the waitress repository to your GitHub account by clicking
- the "Fork" button.
-- Clone your fork of waitress from your GitHub account to your local computer,
- substituting your account username and specifying the destination as
- "hack-on-waitress".
- $ cd ~
- $ git clone hack-on-waitress
- $ cd hack-on-waitress
- # Configure remotes such that you can pull changes from the waitress
- # repository into your local repository.
- $ git remote add upstream
- # fetch and merge changes from upstream into master
- $ git fetch upstream
- $ git merge upstream/master
-Now your local repo is set up such that you will push changes to your GitHub
-repo, from which you can submit a pull request.
-- Create a virtual environment in which to install waitress:
- $ cd ~/hack-on-waitress
- $ python3 -m venv env
- From here on in within these instructions, the ``~/hack-on-waitress/env``
- virtual environment you created above will be referred to as ``$VENV``.
- To use the instructions in the steps that follow literally, use the
- ``export VENV=~/hack-on-waitress/env`` command.
-- Install waitress from the checkout into the virtual environment, where the
- current working directory is the ``waitress`` checkout directory. We will
- install waitress in editable (development) mode as well as its testing
- requirements.
- $ cd ~/hack-on-waitress
- $ $VENV/bin/pip install -e ".[testing,docs]"
-Using ``Tox``
-Alternatively, if you already have ``tox`` installed, there is an easier
-way to get going.
-- Create a new directory somewhere and ``cd`` to it:
- $ mkdir ~/hack-on-waitress
- $ cd ~/hack-on-waitress
-- Check out a read-only copy of the waitress source:
- $ git clone git:// .
- Alternatively, create a writeable fork on GitHub and clone it.
-Since waitress is a framework and not an application, it can be convenient to
-work against a sample application, preferably in its own virtual environment. A
-quick way to achieve this is to use `tox
-<>`_ with a custom configuration file
-that is part of the checkout:
- $ tox -c hacking-tox.ini
-This will create a python-2.7 based virtual environment named ``env27``
-(waitress's ``.gitconfig` ignores all top-level folders that start with ``env``
-specifically in our use case), and inside that a simple waitress application
-named ``hacking`` that you can then fire up like so:
- $ cd env27/hacking
- $ ../bin/pip install -e ".[testing,docs]"
- $ ../bin/pserve development.ini
-Adding Features
-In order to add a feature to waitress:
-- The feature must be documented in both the API and narrative documentation
- (in ``docs/``).
-- The feature must work fully on the following CPython versions: 2.7, 3.4, 3.5,
- and 3.6 on both UNIX and Windows.
-- The feature must work on the latest version of PyPy.
-- The feature must not depend on any particular persistence layer (filesystem,
- SQL, etc).
-- The feature must not add unnecessary dependencies (where "unnecessary" is of
- course subjective, but new dependencies should be discussed).
-Coding Style
-- PEP8 compliance. Whitespace rules are relaxed: not necessary to put two
- newlines between classes. But 79-column lines, in particular, are mandatory.
- See for more
- information.
-- Please do not remove trailing whitespace. Configure your editor to reduce
- diff noise. See for more.
-Running Tests
-- To run all tests for waitress on a single Python version from your
- development virtual environment (See *Using a Development Checkout* above),
- run ``nosetests``:
- $ $VENV/bin/nosetests
-- To run individual tests (i.e., during development), you can use ``nosetests``
- syntax as follows:
- # run a single test
- $ $VENV/bin/nosetests waitress.tests.test_module:ClassName.test_mytestname
- # run all tests in a class
- $ $VENV/bin/nosetests waitress.tests.test_module:ClassName
- Optionally you can install a nose plugin, `nose-selecttests
- <>`_, and use a regular
- expression with the ``-t`` parameter to run tests.
- # run a single test
- $ $VENV/bin/nosetests -t test_mytestname
-- The ``tox.ini`` uses ``nose`` and ``coverage``. As such ``tox`` may be used
- to run groups of tests or only a specific version of Python. For example, the
- following command will run tests on Python 2.7 only without coverage:
- $ tox -e py27
- This command will run tests on the latest versions of Python 2 and 3 with
- coverage totaled for both versions.
- $ tox -e py2-cover,py3-cover,coverage
-- To run the full set of waitress tests on all platforms, install `tox
- <>`_ into a system Python. The ``tox`` console
- script will be installed into the scripts location for that Python. While
- ``cd``'ed to the waitress checkout root directory (it contains ``tox.ini``),
- invoke the ``tox`` console script. This will read the ``tox.ini`` file and
- execute the tests on multiple Python versions and platforms. While it runs,
- it creates a virtual environment for each version/platform combination. For
- example:
- $ sudo /usr/bin/pip install tox
- $ cd ~/hack-on-waitress/
- $ /usr/bin/tox
-- The tests can also be run using `pytest <>`_. This is
- intended as a convenience for people who are more used to or fond of
- ``pytest``. Run the tests like so:
- $ $VENV/bin/pip install pytest
- $ $VENV/bin/py.test --strict waitress/
- To run individual tests (i.e., during development), see "py.test usage -
- Specifying tests / selecting tests":
-Test Coverage
-- The codebase *must* have 100% test statement coverage after each commit. You
- can test coverage via ``tox -e py2-cover,py3-cover,coverage``.
-Documentation Coverage and Building HTML Documentation
-If you fix a bug, and the bug requires an API or behavior modification, all
-documentation in this package which references that API or behavior must be
-changed to reflect the bug fix, ideally in the same commit that fixes the bug
-or adds the feature. To build and review docs, use the following steps.
-1. In the main waitress checkout directory, run ``tox -e docs``.
-2. Open the ``docs/_build/html/index.html`` file to see the resulting HTML
- rendering.
-Change Log
-- Feature additions and bugfixes must be added to the ``CHANGES.txt``
- file in the prevailing style. Changelog entries should be long and
- descriptive, not cryptic. Other developers should be able to know
- what your changelog entry means.