Next release ------------ - Add `` dev`` and `` docs`` aliases. - Appease IDEs that want to monkeypatch the thread module by changing a testing pattern. With any luck, the following will no longer be a problem: 0.8.1 (2012-02-13) ------------------ Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - A brown-bag bug prevented request concurrency. A slow request would block subsequent the responses of subsequent requests until the slow request's response was fully generated. This was due to a "task lock" being declared as a class attribute rather than as an instance attribute on HTTPChannel. Also took the opportunity to move another lock named "outbuf lock" to the channel instance rather than the class. See . 0.8 (2012-01-31) ---------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - Support the WSGI ``wsgi.file_wrapper`` protocol as per Here's a usage example:: import os here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def myapp(environ, start_response): f = open(os.path.join(here, 'myphoto.jpg'), 'rb') headers = [('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')] start_response( '200 OK', headers ) return environ['wsgi.file_wrapper'](f, 32768) The signature of the file wrapper constructor is ``(filelike_object, block_size)``. Both arguments must be passed as positional (not keyword) arguments. The result of creating a file wrapper should be **returned** as the ``app_iter`` from a WSGI application. The object passed as ``filelike_object`` to the wrapper must be a file-like object which supports *at least* the ``read()`` method, and the ``read()`` method must support an optional size hint argument. It *should* support the ``seek()`` and ``tell()`` methods. If it does not, normal iteration over the filelike object using the provided block_size is used (and copying is done, negating any benefit of the file wrapper). It *should* support a ``close()`` method. The specified ``block_size`` argument to the file wrapper constructor will be used only when the ``filelike_object`` doesn't support ``seek`` and/or ``tell`` methods. Waitress needs to use normal iteration to serve the file in this degenerate case (as per the WSGI spec), and this block size will be used as the iteration chunk size. The ``block_size`` argument is optional; if it is not passed, a default value``32768`` is used. Waitress will set a ``Content-Length`` header on the behalf of an application when a file wrapper with a sufficiently filelike object is used if the application hasn't already set one. The machinery which handles a file wrapper currently doesn't do anything particularly special using fancy system calls (it doesn't use ``sendfile`` for example); using it currently just prevents the system from needing to copy data to a temporary buffer in order to send it to the client. No copying of data is done when a WSGI app returns a file wrapper that wraps a sufficiently filelike object. It may do something fancier in the future. 0.7 (2012-01-11) ---------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - Default ``send_bytes`` value is now 18000 instead of 9000. The larger default value prevents asyncore from needing to execute select so many times to serve large files, speeding up file serving by about 15%-20% or so. This is probably only an optimization for LAN communications, and could slow things down across a WAN (due to higher TCP overhead), but we're likely to be behind a reverse proxy on a LAN anyway if in production. - Added an (undocumented) profiling feature to the ``serve()`` command. 0.6.1 (2012-01-08) ------------------ Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Remove performance-sapping call to ``pull_trigger`` in the channel's ``write_soon`` method added mistakenly in 0.6. 0.6 (2012-01-07) ---------------- Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - A logic error prevented the internal outbuf buffer of a channel from being flushed when the client could not accept the entire contents of the output buffer in a single succession of socket.send calls when the channel was in a "pending close" state. The socket in such a case would be closed prematurely, sometimes resulting in partially delivered content. This was discovered by a user using waitress behind an Nginx reverse proxy, which apparently is not always ready to receive data. The symptom was that he received "half" of a large CSS file (110K) while serving content via waitress behind the proxy. 0.5 (2012-01-03) ---------------- Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fix PATH_INFO encoding/decoding on Python 3 (as per PEP 3333, tunnel bytes-in-unicode-as-latin-1-after-unquoting). 0.4 (2012-01-02) ---------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - Added "design" document to docs. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Set default ``connection_limit`` back to 100 for benefit of maximal platform compatibility. - Normalize setting of ``last_activity`` during send. - Minor resource cleanups during tests. - Channel timeout cleanup was broken. 0.3 (2012-01-02) ---------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - Dont hang a thread up trying to send data to slow clients. - Use self.logger to log socket errors instead of self.log_info (normalize). - Remove pointless handle_error method from channel. - Queue requests instead of tasks in a channel. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Expect: 100-continue responses were broken. 0.2 (2011-12-31) ---------------- Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Set up logging by calling logging.basicConfig() when ``serve`` is called (show tracebacks and other warnings to console by default). - Disallow WSGI applications to set "hop-by-hop" headers (Connection, Transfer-Encoding, etc). - Don't treat 304 status responses specially in HTTP/1.1 mode. - Remove out of date ```` file. - Normalize logging (all output is now sent to the ``waitress`` logger rather than in degenerate cases some output being sent directly to stderr). Features ~~~~~~~~ - Support HTTP/1.1 ``Transfer-Encoding: chunked`` responses. - Slightly better docs about logging. 0.1 (2011-12-30) ---------------- - Initial release.