import errno from http import client as httplib import logging import multiprocessing import os import signal import socket import string import subprocess import sys import time import unittest from waitress import server from waitress.utilities import cleanup_unix_socket dn = os.path.dirname here = dn(__file__) class NullHandler(logging.Handler): # pragma: no cover """A logging handler that swallows all emitted messages. """ def emit(self, record): pass def start_server(app, svr, queue, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Run a fixture application. """ logging.getLogger("waitress").addHandler(NullHandler()) try_register_coverage() svr(app, queue, **kwargs).run() def try_register_coverage(): # pragma: no cover # Hack around multiprocessing exiting early and not triggering coverage's # atexit handler by always registering a signal handler if "COVERAGE_PROCESS_START" in os.environ: def sigterm(*args): sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm) class FixtureTcpWSGIServer(server.TcpWSGIServer): """A version of TcpWSGIServer that relays back what it's bound to. """ family = socket.AF_INET # Testing def __init__(self, application, queue, **kw): # pragma: no cover # Coverage doesn't see this as it's ran in a separate process. kw["port"] = 0 # Bind to any available port. super().__init__(application, **kw) host, port = self.socket.getsockname() if == "nt": host = "" queue.put((host, port)) class SubprocessTests: # For nose: all tests may be ran in separate processes. _multiprocess_can_split_ = True exe = sys.executable server = None def start_subprocess(self, target, **kw): # Spawn a server process. self.queue = multiprocessing.Queue() if "COVERAGE_RCFILE" in os.environ: os.environ["COVERAGE_PROCESS_START"] = os.environ["COVERAGE_RCFILE"] self.proc = multiprocessing.Process( target=start_server, args=(target, self.server, self.queue), kwargs=kw, ) self.proc.start() if self.proc.exitcode is not None: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("%s didn't start" % str(target)) # Get the socket the server is listening on. self.bound_to = self.queue.get(timeout=5) self.sock = self.create_socket() def stop_subprocess(self): if self.proc.exitcode is None: self.proc.terminate() self.sock.close() # This give us one FD back ... self.queue.close() self.proc.join() def assertline(self, line, status, reason, version): v, s, r = (x.strip() for x in line.split(None, 2)) self.assertEqual(s, status.encode("latin-1")) self.assertEqual(r, reason.encode("latin-1")) self.assertEqual(v, version.encode("latin-1")) def create_socket(self): return socket.socket(, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def connect(self): self.sock.connect(self.bound_to) def make_http_connection(self): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def send_check_error(self, to_send): self.sock.send(to_send) class TcpTests(SubprocessTests): server = FixtureTcpWSGIServer def make_http_connection(self): return httplib.HTTPConnection(*self.bound_to) class SleepyThreadTests(TcpTests, unittest.TestCase): # test that sleepy thread doesnt block other requests def setUp(self): from tests.fixtureapps import sleepy self.start_subprocess( def tearDown(self): self.stop_subprocess() def test_it(self): getline = os.path.join(here, "fixtureapps", "") cmds = ( [self.exe, getline, "http://%s:%d/sleepy" % self.bound_to], [self.exe, getline, "http://%s:%d/" % self.bound_to], ) r, w = os.pipe() procs = [] for cmd in cmds: procs.append(subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=w)) time.sleep(3) for proc in procs: if proc.returncode is not None: # pragma: no cover proc.terminate() proc.wait() # the notsleepy response should always be first returned (it sleeps # for 2 seconds, then returns; the notsleepy response should be # processed in the meantime) result =, 10000) os.close(r) os.close(w) self.assertEqual(result, b"notsleepy returnedsleepy returned") class EchoTests: def setUp(self): from tests.fixtureapps import echo self.start_subprocess(, trusted_proxy="*", trusted_proxy_count=1, trusted_proxy_headers={"x-forwarded-for", "x-forwarded-proto"}, clear_untrusted_proxy_headers=True, ) def tearDown(self): self.stop_subprocess() def _read_echo(self, fp): from tests.fixtureapps import echo line, headers, body = read_http(fp) return line, headers, echo.parse_response(body) def test_date_and_server(self): to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, echo = self._read_echo(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(headers.get("server"), "waitress") self.assertTrue(headers.get("date")) def test_bad_host_header(self): # to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n Host: 0\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "400", "Bad Request", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(headers.get("server"), "waitress") self.assertTrue(headers.get("date")) def test_send_with_body(self): to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" to_send += b"hello" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, echo = self._read_echo(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(echo.content_length, "5") self.assertEqual(echo.body, b"hello") def test_send_empty_body(self): to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, echo = self._read_echo(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(echo.content_length, "0") self.assertEqual(echo.body, b"") def test_multiple_requests_with_body(self): orig_sock = self.sock for x in range(3): self.sock = self.create_socket() self.test_send_with_body() self.sock.close() self.sock = orig_sock def test_multiple_requests_without_body(self): orig_sock = self.sock for x in range(3): self.sock = self.create_socket() self.test_send_empty_body() self.sock.close() self.sock = orig_sock def test_without_crlf(self): data = b"Echo\r\nthis\r\nplease" s = ( b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: close\r\n" b"Content-Length: %d\r\n" b"\r\n" b"%s" % (len(data), data) ) self.connect() self.sock.send(s) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, echo = self._read_echo(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(int(echo.content_length), len(data)) self.assertEqual(len(echo.body), len(data)) self.assertEqual(echo.body, (data)) def test_large_body(self): # 1024 characters. body = b"This string has 32 characters.\r\n" * 32 s = b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s" % (len(body), body) self.connect() self.sock.send(s) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, echo = self._read_echo(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(echo.content_length, "1024") self.assertEqual(echo.body, body) def test_many_clients(self): conns = [] for n in range(50): h = self.make_http_connection() h.request("GET", "/", headers={"Accept": "text/plain"}) conns.append(h) responses = [] for h in conns: response = h.getresponse() self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) responses.append(response) for response in responses: for h in conns: h.close() def test_chunking_request_without_content(self): header = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(header) self.sock.send(b"0\r\n\r\n") fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, echo = self._read_echo(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") self.assertEqual(echo.body, b"") self.assertEqual(echo.content_length, "0") self.assertFalse("transfer-encoding" in headers) def test_chunking_request_with_content(self): control_line = b"20;\r\n" # 20 hex = 32 dec s = b"This string has 32 characters.\r\n" expected = s * 12 header = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(header) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) for n in range(12): self.sock.send(control_line) self.sock.send(s) self.sock.send(b"\r\n") # End the chunk self.sock.send(b"0\r\n\r\n") line, headers, echo = self._read_echo(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") self.assertEqual(echo.body, expected) self.assertEqual(echo.content_length, str(len(expected))) self.assertFalse("transfer-encoding" in headers) def test_broken_chunked_encoding(self): control_line = b"20;\r\n" # 20 hex = 32 dec s = b"This string has 32 characters.\r\n" to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n" to_send += control_line + s + b"\r\n" # garbage in input to_send += b"garbage\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) # receiver caught garbage and turned it into a 400 self.assertline(line, "400", "Bad Request", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) self.assertEqual( sorted(headers.keys()), ["connection", "content-length", "content-type", "date", "server"], ) self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "text/plain") # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_broken_chunked_encoding_missing_chunk_end(self): control_line = b"20;\r\n" # 20 hex = 32 dec s = b"This string has 32 characters.\r\n" to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n" to_send += control_line + s # garbage in input to_send += b"garbage" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) # receiver caught garbage and turned it into a 400 self.assertline(line, "400", "Bad Request", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) self.assertTrue(b"Chunk not properly terminated" in response_body) self.assertEqual( sorted(headers.keys()), ["connection", "content-length", "content-type", "date", "server"], ) self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "text/plain") # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_keepalive_http_10(self): # Handling of Keep-Alive within HTTP 1.0 data = b"Default: Don't keep me alive" s = b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s" % (len(data), data) self.connect() self.sock.send(s) response = httplib.HTTPResponse(self.sock) response.begin() self.assertEqual(int(response.status), 200) connection = response.getheader("Connection", "") # We sent no Connection: Keep-Alive header # Connection: close (or no header) is default. self.assertTrue(connection != "Keep-Alive") def test_keepalive_http10_explicit(self): # If header Connection: Keep-Alive is explicitly sent, # we want to keept the connection open, we also need to return # the corresponding header data = b"Keep me alive" s = ( b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: %d\r\n" b"\r\n" b"%s" % (len(data), data) ) self.connect() self.sock.send(s) response = httplib.HTTPResponse(self.sock) response.begin() self.assertEqual(int(response.status), 200) connection = response.getheader("Connection", "") self.assertEqual(connection, "Keep-Alive") def test_keepalive_http_11(self): # Handling of Keep-Alive within HTTP 1.1 # All connections are kept alive, unless stated otherwise data = b"Default: Keep me alive" s = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s" % (len(data), data) self.connect() self.sock.send(s) response = httplib.HTTPResponse(self.sock) response.begin() self.assertEqual(int(response.status), 200) self.assertTrue(response.getheader("connection") != "close") def test_keepalive_http11_explicit(self): # Explicitly set keep-alive data = b"Default: Keep me alive" s = ( b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" b"Connection: keep-alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: %d\r\n" b"\r\n" b"%s" % (len(data), data) ) self.connect() self.sock.send(s) response = httplib.HTTPResponse(self.sock) response.begin() self.assertEqual(int(response.status), 200) self.assertTrue(response.getheader("connection") != "close") def test_keepalive_http11_connclose(self): # specifying Connection: close explicitly data = b"Don't keep me alive" s = ( b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" b"Connection: close\r\n" b"Content-Length: %d\r\n" b"\r\n" b"%s" % (len(data), data) ) self.connect() self.sock.send(s) response = httplib.HTTPResponse(self.sock) response.begin() self.assertEqual(int(response.status), 200) self.assertEqual(response.getheader("connection"), "close") def test_proxy_headers(self): to_send = ( b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Content-Length: 0\r\n" b"Host:\r\n" b"X-Forwarded-For:\r\n" b"X-Forwarded-Proto: https\r\n" b"X-Forwarded-Port: 5000\r\n\r\n" ) self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, echo = self._read_echo(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(headers.get("server"), "waitress") self.assertTrue(headers.get("date")) self.assertIsNone(echo.headers.get("X_FORWARDED_PORT")) self.assertEqual(echo.headers["HOST"], "") self.assertEqual(echo.scheme, "https") self.assertEqual(echo.remote_addr, "") self.assertEqual(echo.remote_host, "") class PipeliningTests: def setUp(self): from tests.fixtureapps import echo self.start_subprocess(echo.app_body_only) def tearDown(self): self.stop_subprocess() def test_pipelining(self): s = ( b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: %s\r\n" b"Content-Length: %d\r\n" b"\r\n" b"%s" ) to_send = b"" count = 25 for n in range(count): body = b"Response #%d\r\n" % (n + 1) if n + 1 < count: conn = b"keep-alive" else: conn = b"close" to_send += s % (conn, len(body), body) self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) for n in range(count): expect_body = b"Response #%d\r\n" % (n + 1) line = fp.readline() # status line version, status, reason = (x.strip() for x in line.split(None, 2)) headers = parse_headers(fp) length = int(headers.get("content-length")) or None response_body = self.assertEqual(int(status), 200) self.assertEqual(length, len(response_body)) self.assertEqual(response_body, expect_body) class ExpectContinueTests: def setUp(self): from tests.fixtureapps import echo self.start_subprocess(echo.app_body_only) def tearDown(self): self.stop_subprocess() def test_expect_continue(self): # specifying Connection: close explicitly data = b"I have expectations" to_send = ( b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" b"Connection: close\r\n" b"Content-Length: %d\r\n" b"Expect: 100-continue\r\n" b"\r\n" b"%s" % (len(data), data) ) self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line = fp.readline() # continue status line version, status, reason = (x.strip() for x in line.split(None, 2)) self.assertEqual(int(status), 100) self.assertEqual(reason, b"Continue") self.assertEqual(version, b"HTTP/1.1") fp.readline() # blank line line = fp.readline() # next status line version, status, reason = (x.strip() for x in line.split(None, 2)) headers = parse_headers(fp) length = int(headers.get("content-length")) or None response_body = self.assertEqual(int(status), 200) self.assertEqual(length, len(response_body)) self.assertEqual(response_body, data) class BadContentLengthTests: def setUp(self): from tests.fixtureapps import badcl self.start_subprocess( def tearDown(self): self.stop_subprocess() def test_short_body(self): # check to see if server closes connection when body is too short # for cl header to_send = ( b"GET /short_body HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: 0\r\n" b"\r\n" ) self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line = fp.readline() # status line version, status, reason = (x.strip() for x in line.split(None, 2)) headers = parse_headers(fp) content_length = int(headers.get("content-length")) response_body = self.assertEqual(int(status), 200) self.assertNotEqual(content_length, len(response_body)) self.assertEqual(len(response_body), content_length - 1) self.assertEqual(response_body, b"abcdefghi") # remote closed connection (despite keepalive header); not sure why # first send succeeds self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_long_body(self): # check server doesnt close connection when body is too short # for cl header to_send = ( b"GET /long_body HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: 0\r\n" b"\r\n" ) self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line = fp.readline() # status line version, status, reason = (x.strip() for x in line.split(None, 2)) headers = parse_headers(fp) content_length = int(headers.get("content-length")) or None response_body = self.assertEqual(int(status), 200) self.assertEqual(content_length, len(response_body)) self.assertEqual(response_body, b"abcdefgh") # remote does not close connection (keepalive header) self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line = fp.readline() # status line version, status, reason = (x.strip() for x in line.split(None, 2)) headers = parse_headers(fp) content_length = int(headers.get("content-length")) or None response_body = self.assertEqual(int(status), 200) class NoContentLengthTests: def setUp(self): from tests.fixtureapps import nocl self.start_subprocess( def tearDown(self): self.stop_subprocess() def test_http10_generator(self): body = string.ascii_letters.encode("latin-1") to_send = ( b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n" % len(body) ) to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(headers.get("content-length"), None) self.assertEqual(headers.get("connection"), "close") self.assertEqual(response_body, body) # remote closed connection (despite keepalive header), because # generators cannot have a content-length divined self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_http10_list(self): body = string.ascii_letters.encode("latin-1") to_send = ( b"GET /list HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n" % len(body) ) to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(headers["content-length"], str(len(body))) self.assertEqual(headers.get("connection"), "Keep-Alive") self.assertEqual(response_body, body) # remote keeps connection open because it divined the content length # from a length-1 list self.sock.send(to_send) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") def test_http10_listlentwo(self): body = string.ascii_letters.encode("latin-1") to_send = ( b"GET /list_lentwo HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n" % len(body) ) to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(headers.get("content-length"), None) self.assertEqual(headers.get("connection"), "close") self.assertEqual(response_body, body) # remote closed connection (despite keepalive header), because # lists of length > 1 cannot have their content length divined self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_http11_generator(self): body = string.ascii_letters body = body.encode("latin-1") to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n" % len(body) to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb") line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") expected = b"" for chunk in chunks(body, 10): expected += b"%s\r\n%s\r\n" % ( hex(len(chunk))[2:].upper().encode("latin-1"), chunk, ) expected += b"0\r\n\r\n" self.assertEqual(response_body, expected) # connection is always closed at the end of a chunked response self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_http11_list(self): body = string.ascii_letters.encode("latin-1") to_send = b"GET /list HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n" % len(body) to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") self.assertEqual(headers["content-length"], str(len(body))) self.assertEqual(response_body, body) # remote keeps connection open because it divined the content length # from a length-1 list self.sock.send(to_send) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") def test_http11_listlentwo(self): body = string.ascii_letters.encode("latin-1") to_send = b"GET /list_lentwo HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n" % len(body) to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb") line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") expected = b"" for chunk in (body[:1], body[1:]): expected += b"%s\r\n%s\r\n" % ( (hex(len(chunk))[2:].upper().encode("latin-1")), chunk, ) expected += b"0\r\n\r\n" self.assertEqual(response_body, expected) # connection is always closed at the end of a chunked response self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) class WriteCallbackTests: def setUp(self): from tests.fixtureapps import writecb self.start_subprocess( def tearDown(self): self.stop_subprocess() def test_short_body(self): # check to see if server closes connection when body is too short # for cl header to_send = ( b"GET /short_body HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: 0\r\n" b"\r\n" ) self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) # server trusts the content-length header (5) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, 9) self.assertNotEqual(cl, len(response_body)) self.assertEqual(len(response_body), cl - 1) self.assertEqual(response_body, b"abcdefgh") # remote closed connection (despite keepalive header) self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_long_body(self): # check server doesnt close connection when body is too long # for cl header to_send = ( b"GET /long_body HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: 0\r\n" b"\r\n" ) self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) content_length = int(headers.get("content-length")) or None self.assertEqual(content_length, 9) self.assertEqual(content_length, len(response_body)) self.assertEqual(response_body, b"abcdefghi") # remote does not close connection (keepalive header) self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") def test_equal_body(self): # check server doesnt close connection when body is equal to # cl header to_send = ( b"GET /equal_body HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: 0\r\n" b"\r\n" ) self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) content_length = int(headers.get("content-length")) or None self.assertEqual(content_length, 9) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") self.assertEqual(content_length, len(response_body)) self.assertEqual(response_body, b"abcdefghi") # remote does not close connection (keepalive header) self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") def test_no_content_length(self): # wtf happens when there's no content-length to_send = ( b"GET /no_content_length HTTP/1.0\r\n" b"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" b"Content-Length: 0\r\n" b"\r\n" ) self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line = fp.readline() # status line line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) content_length = headers.get("content-length") self.assertEqual(content_length, None) self.assertEqual(response_body, b"abcdefghi") # remote closed connection (despite keepalive header) self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) class TooLargeTests: toobig = 1050 def setUp(self): from tests.fixtureapps import toolarge self.start_subprocess(, max_request_header_size=1000, max_request_body_size=1000 ) def tearDown(self): self.stop_subprocess() def test_request_body_too_large_with_wrong_cl_http10(self): body = b"a" * self.toobig to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb") # first request succeeds (content-length 5) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) # server trusts the content-length header; no pipelining, # so request fulfilled, extra bytes are thrown away # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_request_body_too_large_with_wrong_cl_http10_keepalive(self): body = b"a" * self.toobig to_send = ( b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n" ) to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb") # first request succeeds (content-length 5) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "431", "Request Header Fields Too Large", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_request_body_too_large_with_no_cl_http10(self): body = b"a" * self.toobig to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) # extra bytes are thrown away (no pipelining), connection closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_request_body_too_large_with_no_cl_http10_keepalive(self): body = b"a" * self.toobig to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n" to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) # server trusts the content-length header (assumed zero) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) # next response overruns because the extra data appears to be # header data self.assertline(line, "431", "Request Header Fields Too Large", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_request_body_too_large_with_wrong_cl_http11(self): body = b"a" * self.toobig to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb") # first request succeeds (content-length 5) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) # second response is an error response line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "431", "Request Header Fields Too Large", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_request_body_too_large_with_wrong_cl_http11_connclose(self): body = b"a" * self.toobig to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) # server trusts the content-length header (5) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_request_body_too_large_with_no_cl_http11(self): body = b"a" * self.toobig to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb") # server trusts the content-length header (assumed 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) # server assumes pipelined requests due to http/1.1, and the first # request was assumed c-l 0 because it had no content-length header, # so entire body looks like the header of the subsequent request # second response is an error response line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "431", "Request Header Fields Too Large", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_request_body_too_large_with_no_cl_http11_connclose(self): body = b"a" * self.toobig to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" to_send += body self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) # server trusts the content-length header (assumed 0) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_request_body_too_large_chunked_encoding(self): control_line = b"20;\r\n" # 20 hex = 32 dec s = b"This string has 32 characters.\r\n" to_send = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n" repeat = control_line + s to_send += repeat * ((self.toobig // len(repeat)) + 1) self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) # body bytes counter caught a max_request_body_size overrun self.assertline(line, "413", "Request Entity Too Large", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "text/plain") # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) class InternalServerErrorTests: def setUp(self): from tests.fixtureapps import error self.start_subprocess(, expose_tracebacks=True) def tearDown(self): self.stop_subprocess() def test_before_start_response_http_10(self): to_send = b"GET /before_start_response HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "500", "Internal Server Error", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) self.assertTrue(response_body.startswith(b"Internal Server Error")) self.assertEqual(headers["connection"], "close") # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_before_start_response_http_11(self): to_send = b"GET /before_start_response HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "500", "Internal Server Error", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) self.assertTrue(response_body.startswith(b"Internal Server Error")) self.assertEqual( sorted(headers.keys()), ["connection", "content-length", "content-type", "date", "server"], ) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_before_start_response_http_11_close(self): to_send = b"GET /before_start_response HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "500", "Internal Server Error", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) self.assertTrue(response_body.startswith(b"Internal Server Error")) self.assertEqual( sorted(headers.keys()), ["connection", "content-length", "content-type", "date", "server"], ) self.assertEqual(headers["connection"], "close") # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_after_start_response_http10(self): to_send = b"GET /after_start_response HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "500", "Internal Server Error", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) self.assertTrue(response_body.startswith(b"Internal Server Error")) self.assertEqual( sorted(headers.keys()), ["connection", "content-length", "content-type", "date", "server"], ) self.assertEqual(headers["connection"], "close") # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_after_start_response_http11(self): to_send = b"GET /after_start_response HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "500", "Internal Server Error", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) self.assertTrue(response_body.startswith(b"Internal Server Error")) self.assertEqual( sorted(headers.keys()), ["connection", "content-length", "content-type", "date", "server"], ) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_after_start_response_http11_close(self): to_send = b"GET /after_start_response HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "500", "Internal Server Error", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) self.assertTrue(response_body.startswith(b"Internal Server Error")) self.assertEqual( sorted(headers.keys()), ["connection", "content-length", "content-type", "date", "server"], ) self.assertEqual(headers["connection"], "close") # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_after_write_cb(self): to_send = b"GET /after_write_cb HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") self.assertEqual(response_body, b"") # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_in_generator(self): to_send = b"GET /in_generator HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") self.assertEqual(response_body, b"") # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) class FileWrapperTests: def setUp(self): from tests.fixtureapps import filewrapper self.start_subprocess( def tearDown(self): self.stop_subprocess() def test_filelike_http11(self): to_send = b"GET /filelike HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() for t in range(0, 2): self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has not been closed def test_filelike_nocl_http11(self): to_send = b"GET /filelike_nocl HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() for t in range(0, 2): self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has not been closed def test_filelike_shortcl_http11(self): to_send = b"GET /filelike_shortcl HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() for t in range(0, 2): self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, 1) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377" in response_body) # connection has not been closed def test_filelike_longcl_http11(self): to_send = b"GET /filelike_longcl HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() for t in range(0, 2): self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has not been closed def test_notfilelike_http11(self): to_send = b"GET /notfilelike HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() for t in range(0, 2): self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has not been closed def test_notfilelike_iobase_http11(self): to_send = b"GET /notfilelike_iobase HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() for t in range(0, 2): self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has not been closed def test_notfilelike_nocl_http11(self): to_send = b"GET /notfilelike_nocl HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has been closed (no content-length) self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_notfilelike_shortcl_http11(self): to_send = b"GET /notfilelike_shortcl HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() for t in range(0, 2): self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, 1) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377" in response_body) # connection has not been closed def test_notfilelike_longcl_http11(self): to_send = b"GET /notfilelike_longcl HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.1") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body) + 10) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_filelike_http10(self): to_send = b"GET /filelike HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_filelike_nocl_http10(self): to_send = b"GET /filelike_nocl HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_notfilelike_http10(self): to_send = b"GET /notfilelike HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") cl = int(headers["content-length"]) self.assertEqual(cl, len(response_body)) ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has been closed self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) def test_notfilelike_nocl_http10(self): to_send = b"GET /notfilelike_nocl HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" self.connect() self.sock.send(to_send) fp = self.sock.makefile("rb", 0) line, headers, response_body = read_http(fp) self.assertline(line, "200", "OK", "HTTP/1.0") ct = headers["content-type"] self.assertEqual(ct, "image/jpeg") self.assertTrue(b"\377\330\377" in response_body) # connection has been closed (no content-length) self.send_check_error(to_send) self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed, read_http, fp) class TcpEchoTests(EchoTests, TcpTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class TcpPipeliningTests(PipeliningTests, TcpTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class TcpExpectContinueTests(ExpectContinueTests, TcpTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class TcpBadContentLengthTests(BadContentLengthTests, TcpTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class TcpNoContentLengthTests(NoContentLengthTests, TcpTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class TcpWriteCallbackTests(WriteCallbackTests, TcpTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class TcpTooLargeTests(TooLargeTests, TcpTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class TcpInternalServerErrorTests( InternalServerErrorTests, TcpTests, unittest.TestCase ): pass class TcpFileWrapperTests(FileWrapperTests, TcpTests, unittest.TestCase): pass if hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"): class FixtureUnixWSGIServer(server.UnixWSGIServer): """A version of UnixWSGIServer that relays back what it's bound to. """ family = socket.AF_UNIX # Testing def __init__(self, application, queue, **kw): # pragma: no cover # Coverage doesn't see this as it's ran in a separate process. # To permit parallel testing, use a PID-dependent socket. kw["unix_socket"] = "/tmp/waitress.test-%d.sock" % os.getpid() super().__init__(application, **kw) queue.put(self.socket.getsockname()) class UnixTests(SubprocessTests): server = FixtureUnixWSGIServer def make_http_connection(self): return UnixHTTPConnection(self.bound_to) def stop_subprocess(self): super().stop_subprocess() cleanup_unix_socket(self.bound_to) def send_check_error(self, to_send): # Unlike inet domain sockets, Unix domain sockets can trigger a # 'Broken pipe' error when the socket it closed. try: self.sock.send(to_send) except OSError as exc: self.assertEqual(get_errno(exc), errno.EPIPE) class UnixEchoTests(EchoTests, UnixTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class UnixPipeliningTests(PipeliningTests, UnixTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class UnixExpectContinueTests(ExpectContinueTests, UnixTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class UnixBadContentLengthTests( BadContentLengthTests, UnixTests, unittest.TestCase ): pass class UnixNoContentLengthTests(NoContentLengthTests, UnixTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class UnixWriteCallbackTests(WriteCallbackTests, UnixTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class UnixTooLargeTests(TooLargeTests, UnixTests, unittest.TestCase): pass class UnixInternalServerErrorTests( InternalServerErrorTests, UnixTests, unittest.TestCase ): pass class UnixFileWrapperTests(FileWrapperTests, UnixTests, unittest.TestCase): pass def parse_headers(fp): """Parses only RFC2822 headers from a file pointer. """ headers = {} while True: line = fp.readline() if line in (b"\r\n", b"\n", b""): break line = line.decode("iso-8859-1") name, value = line.strip().split(":", 1) headers[name.lower().strip()] = value.lower().strip() return headers class UnixHTTPConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection): """Patched version of HTTPConnection that uses Unix domain sockets. """ def __init__(self, path): httplib.HTTPConnection.__init__(self, "localhost") self.path = path def connect(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(self.path) self.sock = sock class ConnectionClosed(Exception): pass # stolen from gevent def read_http(fp): # pragma: no cover try: response_line = fp.readline() except OSError as exc: fp.close() # errno 104 is ENOTRECOVERABLE, In WinSock 10054 is ECONNRESET if get_errno(exc) in (errno.ECONNABORTED, errno.ECONNRESET, 104, 10054): raise ConnectionClosed raise if not response_line: raise ConnectionClosed header_lines = [] while True: line = fp.readline() if line in (b"\r\n", b"\r\n", b""): break else: header_lines.append(line) headers = dict() for x in header_lines: x = x.strip() if not x: continue key, value = x.split(b": ", 1) key = key.decode("iso-8859-1").lower() value = value.decode("iso-8859-1") assert key not in headers, "%s header duplicated" % key headers[key] = value if "content-length" in headers: num = int(headers["content-length"]) body = b"" left = num while left > 0: data = if not data: break body += data left -= len(data) else: # read until EOF body = return response_line, headers, body # stolen from gevent def get_errno(exc): # pragma: no cover """ Get the error code out of socket.error objects. socket.error in <2.5 does not have errno attribute socket.error in 3.x does not allow indexing access e.args[0] works for all. There are cases when args[0] is not errno. i.e. Maybe there are cases when errno is set, but it is not the first argument? """ try: if exc.errno is not None: return exc.errno except AttributeError: pass try: return exc.args[0] except IndexError: return None def chunks(l, n): """ Yield successive n-sized chunks from l. """ for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i : i + n]