import contextlib import os import sys if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6): # pragma: no cover import unittest2 as unittest else: # pragma: no cover import unittest from waitress import runner class Test_match(unittest.TestCase): def test_empty(self): self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, "^Malformed application ''$", runner.match, "" ) def test_module_only(self): self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, r"^Malformed application 'foo\.bar'$", runner.match, "" ) def test_bad_module(self): self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, r"^Malformed application 'foo#bar:barney'$", runner.match, "foo#bar:barney", ) def test_module_obj(self): self.assertTupleEqual( runner.match(""), ("", "fred.barney") ) class Test_resolve(unittest.TestCase): def test_bad_module(self): self.assertRaises( ImportError, runner.resolve, "nonexistent", "nonexistent_function" ) def test_nonexistent_function(self): self.assertRaisesRegex( AttributeError, r"has no attribute 'nonexistent_function'", runner.resolve, "os.path", "nonexistent_function", ) def test_simple_happy_path(self): from os.path import exists self.assertIs(runner.resolve("os.path", "exists"), exists) def test_complex_happy_path(self): # Ensure we can recursively resolve object attributes if necessary. self.assertEqual(runner.resolve("os.path", "exists.__name__"), "exists") class Test_run(unittest.TestCase): def match_output(self, argv, code, regex): argv = ["waitress-serve"] + argv with capture() as captured: self.assertEqual(, code) self.assertRegex(captured.getvalue(), regex) captured.close() def test_bad(self): self.match_output(["--bad-opt"], 1, "^Error: option --bad-opt not recognized") def test_help(self): self.match_output(["--help"], 0, "^Usage:\n\n waitress-serve") def test_no_app(self): self.match_output([], 1, "^Error: Specify one application only") def test_multiple_apps_app(self): self.match_output(["a:a", "b:b"], 1, "^Error: Specify one application only") def test_bad_apps_app(self): self.match_output(["a"], 1, "^Error: Malformed application 'a'") def test_bad_app_module(self): self.match_output(["nonexistent:a"], 1, "^Error: Bad module 'nonexistent'") self.match_output( ["nonexistent:a"], 1, ( r"There was an exception \((ImportError|ModuleNotFoundError)\) " "importing your module.\n\nIt had these arguments: \n" "1. No module named '?nonexistent'?" ), ) def test_cwd_added_to_path(self): def null_serve(app, **kw): pass sys_path = sys.path current_dir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) argv = [ "waitress-serve", "fixtureapps.runner:app", ] self.assertEqual(, _serve=null_serve), 0) finally: sys.path = sys_path os.chdir(current_dir) def test_bad_app_object(self): self.match_output( ["tests.fixtureapps.runner:a"], 1, "^Error: Bad object name 'a'" ) def test_simple_call(self): from tests.fixtureapps import runner as _apps def check_server(app, **kw): self.assertIs(app, self.assertDictEqual(kw, {"port": "80"}) argv = [ "waitress-serve", "--port=80", "tests.fixtureapps.runner:app", ] self.assertEqual(, _serve=check_server), 0) def test_returned_app(self): from tests.fixtureapps import runner as _apps def check_server(app, **kw): self.assertIs(app, self.assertDictEqual(kw, {"port": "80"}) argv = [ "waitress-serve", "--port=80", "--call", "tests.fixtureapps.runner:returns_app", ] self.assertEqual(, _serve=check_server), 0) class Test_helper(unittest.TestCase): def test_exception_logging(self): from waitress.runner import show_exception regex = ( r"There was an exception \(ImportError\) importing your module." r"\n\nIt had these arguments: \n1. My reason" ) with capture() as captured: try: raise ImportError("My reason") except ImportError: self.assertEqual(show_exception(sys.stderr), None) self.assertRegex(captured.getvalue(), regex) captured.close() regex = ( r"There was an exception \(ImportError\) importing your module." r"\n\nIt had no arguments." ) with capture() as captured: try: raise ImportError except ImportError: self.assertEqual(show_exception(sys.stderr), None) self.assertRegex(captured.getvalue(), regex) captured.close() @contextlib.contextmanager def capture(): from io import StringIO fd = StringIO() sys.stdout = fd sys.stderr = fd yield fd sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__