import pytest def test_cache_control_object_max_age_None(): from webob.cachecontrol import CacheControl cc = CacheControl({}, "a")["max-age"] = None assert cc.max_age == -1 class TestUpdateDict(object): def setup_method(self, method): self.call_queue = [] def callback(args): self.call_queue.append("Called with: %s" % repr(args)) self.callback = callback def make_one(self, callback): from webob.cachecontrol import UpdateDict ud = UpdateDict() ud.updated = callback return ud def test_clear(self): newone = self.make_one(self.callback) newone["first"] = 1 assert len(newone) == 1 newone.clear() assert len(newone) == 0 def test_update(self): newone = self.make_one(self.callback) d = {"one": 1} newone.update(d) assert newone == d def test_set_delete(self): newone = self.make_one(self.callback) newone["first"] = 1 assert len(self.call_queue) == 1 assert self.call_queue[-1] == "Called with: {'first': 1}" del newone["first"] assert len(self.call_queue) == 2 assert self.call_queue[-1] == "Called with: {}" def test_setdefault(self): newone = self.make_one(self.callback) assert newone.setdefault("haters", "gonna-hate") == "gonna-hate" assert len(self.call_queue) == 1 assert self.call_queue[-1] == "Called with: {'haters': 'gonna-hate'}" # no effect if failobj is not set assert newone.setdefault("haters", "gonna-love") == "gonna-hate" assert len(self.call_queue) == 1 def test_pop(self): newone = self.make_one(self.callback) newone["first"] = 1 newone.pop("first") assert len(self.call_queue) == 2 assert self.call_queue[-1] == "Called with: {}", self.call_queue[-1] def test_popitem(self): newone = self.make_one(self.callback) newone["first"] = 1 assert newone.popitem() == ("first", 1) assert len(self.call_queue) == 2 assert self.call_queue[-1] == "Called with: {}", self.call_queue[-1] class TestExistProp(object): """ Test webob.cachecontrol.exists_property """ def setUp(self): pass def make_one(self): from webob.cachecontrol import exists_property class Dummy(object): properties = dict(prop=1) type = "dummy" prop = exists_property("prop", "dummy") badprop = exists_property("badprop", "big_dummy") return Dummy def test_get_on_class(self): from webob.cachecontrol import exists_property Dummy = self.make_one() assert isinstance(Dummy.prop, exists_property), Dummy.prop def test_get_on_instance(self): obj = self.make_one()() assert obj.prop is True def test_type_mismatch_raise(self): with pytest.raises(AttributeError): obj = self.make_one()() obj.badprop = True def test_set_w_value(self): obj = self.make_one()() obj.prop = True assert obj.prop is True assert["prop"] is None def test_del_value(self): obj = self.make_one()() del obj.prop assert "prop" not in class TestValueProp(object): """ Test webob.cachecontrol.exists_property """ def setUp(self): pass def make_one(self): from webob.cachecontrol import value_property class Dummy(object): properties = dict(prop=1) type = "dummy" prop = value_property("prop", "dummy") badprop = value_property("badprop", "big_dummy") return Dummy def test_get_on_class(self): from webob.cachecontrol import value_property Dummy = self.make_one() assert isinstance(Dummy.prop, value_property), Dummy.prop def test_get_on_instance(self): dummy = self.make_one()() assert dummy.prop, dummy.prop def test_set_on_instance(self): dummy = self.make_one()() dummy.prop = "new" assert dummy.prop == "new", dummy.prop assert["prop"] == "new", dict( def test_set_on_instance_bad_attribute(self): dummy = self.make_one()() dummy.prop = "new" assert dummy.prop == "new", dummy.prop assert["prop"] == "new", dict( def test_set_wrong_type(self): from webob.cachecontrol import value_property class Dummy(object): properties = dict(prop=1, type="fail") type = "dummy" prop = value_property("prop", "dummy", type="failingtype") dummy = Dummy() def assign(): dummy.prop = "foo" with pytest.raises(AttributeError): assign() def test_set_type_true(self): dummy = self.make_one()() dummy.prop = True assert dummy.prop is None def test_set_on_instance_w_default(self): dummy = self.make_one()() dummy.prop = "dummy" assert dummy.prop == "dummy" # TODO: this probably needs more tests def test_del(self): dummy = self.make_one()() dummy.prop = "Ian Bicking likes to skip" del dummy.prop assert dummy.prop == "dummy" def test_copy_cc(): from webob.cachecontrol import CacheControl cc = CacheControl({"header": "%", "msg": "arewerichyet?"}, "request") cc2 = cc.copy() assert is not assert cc.type is cc2.type def test_serialize_cache_control_emptydict(): from webob.cachecontrol import serialize_cache_control result = serialize_cache_control(dict()) assert result == "" def test_serialize_cache_control_cache_control_object(): from webob.cachecontrol import serialize_cache_control, CacheControl result = serialize_cache_control(CacheControl({}, "request")) assert result == "" def test_serialize_cache_control_object_with_headers(): from webob.cachecontrol import serialize_cache_control, CacheControl result = serialize_cache_control(CacheControl({"header": "a"}, "request")) assert result == "header=a" def test_serialize_cache_control_value_is_None(): from webob.cachecontrol import serialize_cache_control, CacheControl result = serialize_cache_control(CacheControl({"header": None}, "request")) assert result == "header" def test_serialize_cache_control_value_needs_quote(): from webob.cachecontrol import serialize_cache_control, CacheControl result = serialize_cache_control(CacheControl({"header": '""'}, "request")) assert result == 'header=""""' class TestCacheControl(object): def make_one(self, props, typ): from webob.cachecontrol import CacheControl return CacheControl(props, typ) def test_ctor(self): cc = self.make_one({"a": 1}, "typ") assert == {"a": 1} assert cc.type == "typ" def test_parse(self): from webob.cachecontrol import CacheControl cc = CacheControl.parse("public, max-age=315360000") assert type(cc) == CacheControl assert cc.max_age == 315360000 assert cc.public is True def test_parse_updates_to(self): from webob.cachecontrol import CacheControl def foo(arg): return {"a": 1} cc = CacheControl.parse("public, max-age=315360000", updates_to=foo) assert type(cc) == CacheControl assert cc.max_age == 315360000 def test_parse_valueerror_int(self): from webob.cachecontrol import CacheControl def foo(arg): return {"a": 1} cc = CacheControl.parse("public, max-age=abc") assert type(cc) == CacheControl assert cc.max_age == "abc" def test_repr(self): cc = self.make_one({"a": "1"}, "typ") assert repr(cc) == ""