path: root/share
diff options
authorJake Petroules <>2013-10-10 02:28:28 -0400
committerJake Petroules <>2013-10-21 17:52:38 +0200
commite767d4615dfdb3e1a98ee319e80f1050fe119760 (patch)
tree4284f0102cacb75ba0f6cedc05222aaa1e21f2b1 /share
parent1c859aaa0f6d738359962c5f1c21fb64591ebc59 (diff)
Add support for building MSI and EXE installers with WiX.
Task-number: QBS-16 Change-Id: I16a520863991a5d85ed7cb753ce3d95fb33b5c01 Reviewed-by: Jake Petroules <> Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'share')
3 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/qbs/imports/qbs/base/BurnSetupPackage.qbs b/share/qbs/imports/qbs/base/BurnSetupPackage.qbs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..308fcc10b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/qbs/imports/qbs/base/BurnSetupPackage.qbs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Product {
+ Depends { name: "wix" }
+ type: ["burnsetup", "application"]
diff --git a/share/qbs/imports/qbs/base/WindowsInstallerPackage.qbs b/share/qbs/imports/qbs/base/WindowsInstallerPackage.qbs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27b3f68cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/qbs/imports/qbs/base/WindowsInstallerPackage.qbs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Product {
+ Depends { name: "wix" }
+ type: ["msi"]
diff --git a/share/qbs/modules/wix/WiXModule.qbs b/share/qbs/modules/wix/WiXModule.qbs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..487287402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/qbs/modules/wix/WiXModule.qbs
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+import qbs 1.0
+import qbs.File
+import qbs.FileInfo
+import "../utils.js" as ModUtils
+Module {
+ condition: qbs.hostOS.contains("windows") && qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")
+ property path toolchainInstallPath: {
+ // First try the WIX environment variable
+ var wixEnv = qbs.getenv("WIX");
+ if (wixEnv)
+ return wixEnv;
+ // Couldn't find in environment, now attempt to locate the latest version by checking all known versions
+ var versions = [ "4.0", "3.8", "3.7", "3.6", "3.5", "3.0", "2.0" ];
+ for (var i in versions) {
+ // First try the registry...
+ //var regInstallPath = registryValue("HKLM/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Microsoft/Windows Installer XML/" + versions[i] + "/InstallFolder");
+ //if (regInstallPath)
+ // return regInstallPath;
+ // Then try the known filesystem path
+ var path = FileInfo.joinPaths(qbs.getenv("PROGRAMFILES(X86)"), "WiX Toolset v" + versions[i]);
+ if (File.exists(path))
+ return path;
+ }
+ }
+ property string compilerName: "candle.exe"
+ property string compilerPath: compilerName
+ property string linkerName: "light.exe"
+ property string linkerPath: linkerName
+ property string warningLevel: "normal"
+ PropertyOptions {
+ name: "warningLevel"
+ allowedValues: ["none", "normal", "pedantic"]
+ }
+ property bool debugInformation: qbs.debugInformation
+ property bool treatWarningsAsErrors: false
+ property bool verboseOutput: false
+ PropertyOptions {
+ name: "verboseOutput"
+ description: "display verbose output from the compiler and linker"
+ }
+ property bool visualStudioCompatibility: true
+ PropertyOptions {
+ name: "visualStudioCompatibility"
+ description: "whether to define most of the same variables as " +
+ "Visual Studio when using the Candle compiler"
+ }
+ property bool enableQbsDefines: true
+ PropertyOptions {
+ name: "enableQbsDefines"
+ description: "built-in variables that are defined when using the Candle compiler"
+ }
+ property pathList includePaths
+ PropertyOptions {
+ name: "includePaths"
+ description: "directories to add to the include search path"
+ }
+ property stringList defines
+ PropertyOptions {
+ name: "defines"
+ description: "variables that are defined when using the Candle compiler"
+ }
+ property stringList compilerFlags
+ PropertyOptions {
+ name: "compilerFlags"
+ description: "additional flags for the Candle compiler"
+ }
+ property stringList linkerFlags
+ PropertyOptions {
+ name: "linkerFlags"
+ description: "additional flags for the Light linker"
+ }
+ property stringList cultures
+ PropertyOptions {
+ name: "cultures"
+ description: "the list of localizations to build the MSI for; leave undefined to build all localizations"
+ }
+ property stringList extensions: type.contains("burnsetup") ? ["WixBalExtension"] : [] // default to WiX Standard Bootstrapper extension
+ // private properties
+ property string targetSuffix: {
+ if (type.contains("msi")) {
+ return windowsInstallerSuffix;
+ } else if (type.contains("burnsetup")) {
+ return executableSuffix;
+ }
+ }
+ property string executableSuffix: ".exe"
+ property string windowsInstallerSuffix: ".msi"
+ validate: {
+ if (!toolchainInstallPath)
+ throw "wix.toolchainInstallPath is not defined. Set wix.toolchainInstallPath in your profile.";
+ }
+ setupBuildEnvironment: {
+ var v = new ModUtils.EnvironmentVariable("PATH", ";", true);
+ v.prepend(toolchainInstallPath + "/bin");
+ v.set();
+ }
+ // WiX Include Files
+ FileTagger {
+ pattern: "*.wxi"
+ fileTags: ["wxi"]
+ }
+ // WiX Localization Files
+ FileTagger {
+ pattern: "*.wxl"
+ fileTags: ["wxl"]
+ }
+ // WiX Source Files
+ FileTagger {
+ pattern: "*.wxs"
+ fileTags: ["wxs"]
+ }
+ Rule {
+ id: candleCompiler
+ inputs: ["wxs"]
+ Artifact {
+ fileTags: ["wixobj"]
+ fileName: ".obj/" + + "/" + input.baseDir.replace(':', '') + "/" + FileInfo.baseName(input.fileName) + ".wixobj"
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var i;
+ var args = ["-nologo"];
+ if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "warningLevel") === "none") {
+ args.push("-sw");
+ } else {
+ if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "warningLevel") === "pedantic") {
+ args.push("-pedantic");
+ }
+ if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "treatWarningsAsErrors")) {
+ args.push("-wx");
+ }
+ }
+ if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "verboseOutput")) {
+ args.push("-v");
+ }
+ var arch = product.moduleProperty("qbs", "architecture");
+ if (!["x86", "x86_64", "ia64", "arm"].contains(arch)) {
+ //
+ throw("WiX: unsupported architecture '" + arch + "'");
+ }
+ // QBS uses "x86_64", Microsoft uses "x64"
+ if (arch === "x86_64") {
+ arch = "x64";
+ }
+ // Visual Studio defines these variables along with various solution and project names and paths;
+ // we'll pass most of them to ease compatibility between QBS and WiX projects originally created
+ // using Visual Studio. The only definitions we don't pass are the ones which make no sense at all
+ // in QBS, like the solution and project directories since they do not exist.
+ if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "visualStudioCompatibility")) {
+ var toolchain = product.moduleProperty("cpp", "toolchain");
+ if (toolchain && toolchain.contains("msvc")) {
+ var vcDir = product.moduleProperty("cpp", "toolchainInstallPath").replace(/[\\/]bin$/i, "");
+ var vcRootDir = vcDir.replace(/[\\/]VC$/i, "");
+ args.push("-dDevEnvDir=" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(FileInfo.joinPaths(vcRootDir, 'Common7/IDE')));
+ }
+ var buildVariant = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "buildVariant");
+ if (buildVariant === "debug") {
+ args.push("-dDebug");
+ args.push("-dConfiguration=Debug");
+ } else if (buildVariant === "release") {
+ // VS doesn't define "Release"
+ args.push("-dConfiguration=Release");
+ }
+ var productTargetExt = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "targetSuffix");
+ if (!productTargetExt) {
+ throw("WiX: Unsupported product type '" + product.type + "'");
+ }
+ var builtBinaryFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.buildDirectory, product.destinationDirectory, product.targetName + productTargetExt);
+ args.push("-dOutDir=" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(FileInfo.path(builtBinaryFilePath))); // in VS, relative to the project file by default
+ args.push("-dPlatform=" + arch);
+ args.push("-dProjectName=" +;
+ args.push("-dTargetDir=" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(FileInfo.path(builtBinaryFilePath))); // in VS, an absolute path
+ args.push("-dTargetExt=" + productTargetExt);
+ args.push("-dTargetFileName=" + product.targetName + productTargetExt);
+ args.push("-dTargetName=" + product.targetName);
+ args.push("-dTargetPath=" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(builtBinaryFilePath));
+ }
+ var includePaths = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "includePaths");
+ for (i in includePaths) {
+ args.push("-I" + includePaths[i]);
+ }
+ var enableQbsDefines = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "enableQbsDefines")
+ if (enableQbsDefines) {
+ var map = {
+ "project.": project,
+ "product.": product
+ };
+ for (var prefix in map) {
+ var obj = map[prefix];
+ for (var prop in obj) {
+ var val = obj[prop];
+ if (typeof val !== 'function' && typeof val !== 'object' && !prop.startsWith("_")) {
+ args.push("-d" + prefix + prop + "=" + val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Helper define for alternating between 32-bit and 64-bit logic
+ if (arch === "x64" || arch === "ia64") {
+ args.push("-dWin64");
+ }
+ }
+ // User-supplied defines
+ var defines = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "defines");
+ for (i in defines) {
+ args.push("-d" + defines[i]);
+ }
+ // User-supplied flags
+ var flags = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "compilerFlags");
+ for (i in flags) {
+ args.push(flags[i]);
+ }
+ args.push("-out");
+ args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(output.fileName));
+ args.push("-arch");
+ args.push(arch);
+ var extensions = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "extensions");
+ for (i in extensions) {
+ args.push("-ext");
+ args.push(extensions[i]);
+ }
+ args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(inputs.wxs[0].fileName));
+ var cmd = new Command(ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "compilerPath"), args);
+ cmd.description = "compiling " + FileInfo.fileName(inputs.wxs[0].fileName);
+ cmd.highlight = "compiler";
+ cmd.workingDirectory = FileInfo.path(output.fileName);
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ }
+ Rule {
+ id: lightLinker
+ multiplex: true
+ inputs: ["wixobj", "wxl"]
+ Artifact {
+ condition: product.type.contains("burnsetup")
+ fileTags: ["burnsetup"]
+ fileName: product.destinationDirectory + "/" + product.targetName + ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "executableSuffix")
+ }
+ Artifact {
+ condition: product.type.contains("msi")
+ fileTags: ["msi"]
+ fileName: product.destinationDirectory + "/" + product.targetName + ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "windowsInstallerSuffix")
+ }
+ Artifact {
+ condition: product.moduleProperty("qbs", "debugInformation") // ### QBS-412
+ fileTags: ["wixpdb"]
+ fileName: product.destinationDirectory + "/" + product.targetName + ".wixpdb"
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var i;
+ var primaryOutput;
+ if (product.type.contains("burnsetup")) {
+ primaryOutput = outputs.burnsetup[0];
+ } else if (product.type.contains("msi")) {
+ primaryOutput = outputs.msi[0];
+ } else {
+ throw("WiX: Unsupported product type '" + product.type + "'");
+ }
+ var args = ["-nologo"];
+ if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "warningLevel") === "none") {
+ args.push("-sw");
+ } else {
+ if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "warningLevel") === "pedantic") {
+ args.push("-pedantic");
+ }
+ if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "treatWarningsAsErrors")) {
+ args.push("-wx");
+ }
+ }
+ if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "verboseOutput")) {
+ args.push("-v");
+ }
+ args.push("-out");
+ args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(primaryOutput.fileName));
+ if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "debugInformation")) {
+ args.push("-pdbout");
+ args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(outputs.wixpdb[0].fileName));
+ } else {
+ args.push("-spdb");
+ }
+ var extensions = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "extensions");
+ for (i in extensions) {
+ args.push("-ext");
+ args.push(extensions[i]);
+ }
+ for (i in inputs.wxl) {
+ args.push("-loc");
+ args.push(outputs.wxl[i].fileName);
+ }
+ if (product.type.contains("msi")) {
+ var cultures = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "cultures");
+ args.push("-cultures:" + (cultures ? cultures.join(";") : "null"));
+ }
+ // User-supplied flags
+ var flags = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "linkerFlags");
+ for (i in flags) {
+ args.push(flags[i]);
+ }
+ for (i in inputs.wixobj) {
+ args.push(inputs.wixobj[i].fileName);
+ }
+ var cmd = new Command(ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "linkerPath"), args);
+ cmd.description = "linking " + FileInfo.fileName(input.fileName);
+ cmd.highlight = "linker";
+ cmd.workingDirectory = FileInfo.path(primaryOutput.fileName);
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ }