/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qbs. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:FDL$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Free Documentation License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free ** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of ** this file. 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It is difficult to determine the correct build order in complex projects, especially during parallel builds. The build tool should bear that burden, not the developer. With a declarative language, \QBS enables you to express intent rather than specifying single build steps. This provides the appropriate level of abstraction for a build system. For example, \e dependencies can be created between \e products, such that the target \e artifacts of the dependency can be used as input to the build \e rules in the context of the depending product. In addition, you can \e export dependencies and \e properties to other products. \QBS is modular with clean interfaces between modules. A \e module is a collection of properties and \e {language items} that are used for building a product if the product depends on the module. The properties that can be set for a module are used to control the behavior of the toolchain used to build the module. \QBS itself knows nothing about file types or extensions, and therefore all source files in a product are handled equally. However, you can assign \e {file tags} to an artifact to act as markers or to specify a file type. \QBS applies a rule to the source files of the project and chooses the ones that match the input file tags specified by the rule. It then creates artifacts in the build graph that have other filenames and file tags. Products and projects can contain \e probes that are run prior to building, for instance to locate dependent headers, libraries, and other files outside the project directory. \section2 Well-Defined Language \QBS projects are specified in a QML dialect. QML is a concise, easy to learn, and intuitive language that is used successfully in the Qt project. Its core is declarative, but it can be extended with JavaScript snippets for extra flexibility. \QBS builds applications based on the information in a project file. Each project file specifies one \l{Project}{project} that can contain several \l{Product}{products}. You specify the type of the product, such as an \e application, and the dependencies the product has on other products. The product type determines the set of \l{Rule}{rules} that \QBS applies to produce artifacts from input files. The input files can be divided into \l{Group}{groups} according to their type or purpose, for example. A group can also be used to attach \l{Properties}{properties} to products. The following is an example of a minimal project file that specifies the product type, application name, source file, and a dependency on the \l{cpp} module: \code import qbs Application { name: "helloworld" files: "main.cpp" Depends { name: "cpp" } } \endcode For more information, see \l{Language Introduction}. \section2 Platform and Programming Language Independence \QBS can be used for any software project, regardless of programming language, toolkit, or libraries used. \QBS has built-in support for building applications for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, QNX, and FreeBSD, as well as for cross-compilation. It can be easily extended to support further platforms. Invoking \l{build}{qbs build} from the command line automatically builds the project for the current host platform using the best available toolchain and settings, unless a default profile is set. You can configure additional profiles for each toolchain you want to use and select the profile to use at build time. For example, to build applications for Android devices, you would need to set up a profile for the Android toolchain and select it when you build the application. If you name the profile \e Android, you would then enter the following command: \code qbs build profile:Android \endcode For more information, see \l{Building Applications}. Platform and programming language support is implemented as a set of \l{List of Modules}{modules} that your product depends on. In the language example above, the dependency on the \l{cpp} module determines that the C++ sources are compiled and linked into a binary. Alternatively, you could use the \l{CppApplication} convenience item that implies a dependency on the \l{cpp} module: \code CppApplication { name: "helloworld" files: "main.cpp" } \endcode Additionally, if the sources use Qt, you need a dependency to the \l{Qt.core} module, and so on. In addition to building projects, \QBS can install the build artifacts to a location from where they can be run on the desktop or on a device. \QBS modules can be used to create installers for the end users of the applications. For example, the \l{dmg} module contains properties and rules for building Apple Disk Images, which are typically used to distribute applications and installers on macOS. The \l{innosetup}, \l{nsis}, and \l{wix} modules contain properties and rules for building installers for Windows platforms. \section2 Correct and Fast Incremental Builds \QBS is an all-in-one tool that generates a build graph from a high-level project description (like qmake or CMake) and additionally undertakes the task of executing the commands in the low-level build graph (like make). \QBS automatically takes advantage of multi-processor and multi-core systems to achieve maximum build parallelization. By default, running \c qbs without any arguments is roughly equivalent to running \c {make -j} where \c n is the number of CPU cores. Similarly, \QBS allows the number of concurrent jobs to be explicitly specified using its own \c -j option. \QBS has knowledge about the whole project, and therefore builds remain correct even when you build sub-projects, because \QBS ensures that all dependencies are built too. This virtually eliminates the need for clean builds. \QBS uses dynamic build graphs with build rules that can generate a variable number of files and that are executed only when needed. When figuring out which rules to execute, \QBS starts at the product type and then looks for a way to produce artifacts with matching file tags from source files, using a chain of rules that are connected by their respective input and output tags. For an example of how rules are applied when building products, see \l{Rules and Product Types}. The \QBS build rules can produce a variable number of outputs. If the input changes, only the required rules are applied at build time. If a rule is applied, all the dependent rules are applied as well, but only those. This feature ensures the correctness of the build graph after source code changes without having to re-configure the whole project. Changing properties that do not affect the build, because they are not used by rules, will not cause the project to be rebuilt. The use of properties is tracked. Generated artifacts that cease to exist are deleted to avoid picking outdated generated artifacts and indefinitely increasing the size of the build directory. Fast incremental builds are crucial for a fast edit-build-run cycle. Instead of retrieving the timestamps of generated files, \QBS uses the time stamps stored in the build graph. This is especially important on Windows, where file system operations are slow. If the project files were not changed, the build graph is loaded from disk. It is stored in a binary format that can be loaded much faster than the real project files. The project files are parsed only if they were changed. \section2 Extensible Architecture You can create your own custom \l{List of Modules}{modules} and \l{List of Language Items}{items} and make \QBS aware of them. You store the custom modules and items in a subdirectory of the project directory and specify the path to the subdirectory as a value of the \l{Project::}{qbsSearchPaths} property. For example, if the custom module is located at \c my-modules/modules/modulename/modulename.qbs, you would specify it in the project file as follows: \code Project { qbsSearchPaths: "my-modules" \endcode For more information, see \l{Custom Modules and Items}. \section2 IDE Integration \QBS can be used not only from the command line, but also in combination with an IDE, such as Qt Creator, Microsoft Visual Studio, or Xcode. Qt Creator directly supports \QBS projects. Visual Studio and Xcode users can use \QBS to generate Microsoft Visual Studio and Xcode projects. For more information, see \l {Generators}. \section3 Qt Creator \l{http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/index.html}{Qt Creator} uses the same \QBS library as the \QBS command line tools. Therefore, it can retrieve all the information required to build a single file or project through a defined public API. Qt Creator provides accurate information about the build progress and displays a project tree that reflects the logical structure of the project, instead of presenting low-level information, such as the file system structure. Adding or removing source files keeps the existing project file structure intact. For more information about using \QBS to build projects from Qt Creator, see \l{http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-project-qbs.html}{Setting Up Qbs}. \section1 Build Process \image qbs-build-process.png The build process of a product starts by examining the \l{Product::}{type} property of the product. It contains a list of \e {file tags} that are similar to MIME types. The following example product contains one file tag, \e application: \code import qbs Product { Depends { name: "cpp" } type: ["application"] files: ["main.cpp", "class.cpp", "class.h"] } \endcode \QBS then searches through all \e rules available in the context, meaning rules that are defined in the project or those that are made available through the dependency on a module, such as the compiler and linker rules pulled in from the \c cpp dependency in the example. When \QBS finds a rule that produces one or more artifacts with the relevant file tag, it looks at the depencencies of that rule and finds out that it produces artifacts tagged \c obj. It then finds a rule that produces \c obj artifacts that takes \c .cpp artifacts as input. \code import qbs Module { // ... Rule { inputs {"cpp"] Artifact [ filePath: input.fileName + ".o" fileTags: {"obj"] } prepare: [ // g++ -c main.cpp -o main.o ... } } //... } \endcode There is no rule in the current context that produces \c .cpp files, but we have defined \c .cpp files as inputs for the product. When we added a dependency on the \l{cpp} module, that dependency also pulled in another \QBS primitive called the \l{FileTagger}{file tagger}. The file tagger looked for files matching the pattern \c *.cpp, and then applied the \c cpp tag to those input files: \code Module { // ... FileTagger { patterns: "*.cpp" fileTags: ["cpp"] } //... } \endcode Since the \c .cpp files are input files, they by definition have no other dependencies, and we can go back the opposite way in the tree starting with the compiler rule described above. This design works well for generated files. The \c .cpp artifacts could come from another rule that produced them by processing some other input, either instead of or in addition to the raw files listed in the product. The compiler rule will be invoked twice, once for each \c .cpp file, producing a separate object file for each one. Then the linker rule will be invoked. Its \c multiplex property is set to \c true, which means that instead of producing one output per input and invoking the rule multiple times, all input will be collected before invoking the rule only once to produce the final application object. The standard versus multiplex rules map well to the compiler and linker processes. The compiler takes one input file to produce one output file, whereas the linker takes multiple input files to produce one output file. Finally, after the linker rule has been invoked, it produces an artifact tagged \c application. Because the product's type property did not contain other file tags, the build process is now complete. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage overview.html \page setup.html \nextpage installing.html \title Setup \list \li \l{Installing} \li \l{Configuring} \li \l{Managing Qt Versions} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage reference.html \page building-qbs.html \nextpage porting-to-qbs.html \title Appendix A: Building Qbs \QBS can be \l{Installing}{installed from binary packages} or built from sources, as described in this appendix. In addition, this appendix describes how to use Docker images for developing \QBS. \section1 Supported Platforms \QBS can be installed and run on the following platforms: \list \li Windows 7, or later \li Linux (tested on Debian 8 and 9, Ubuntu 16.04, OpenSuSE 13.2, and Arch Linux) \li macOS 10.7, or later \endlist \section1 System Requirements To build \QBS from the source, you need: \list \li Qt 5.6.2, or later \li Windows: MinGW with GCC 4.9 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, or later \li Linux: GCC 4.9, or later, or Clang 3.9.0, or later \li macOS: Xcode 6.2, or later \endlist An installed toolchain has to match the one that Qt was compiled with. \section2 Documentation Building the \QBS documentation requires Python 2.7 or 3.2 or above, as well as some third party Python modules. These can be installed via \c pip: \code pip install beautifulsoup4 lxml \endcode Regenerating the man page requires a Perl module, help2man. \section1 Building To build \QBS, enter the following command: \code qmake -r qbs.pro && make \endcode Depending on your platform, you might use \c mingw32-make, \c nmake, or \c jom instead of \c make. Installation by using \c {make install} is usually not needed. It is however possible, by entering the following command. \code make install INSTALL_ROOT=$INSTALL_DIRECTORY \endcode \section1 Configure Options \QBS recognizes the following qmake CONFIG options to customize the build: \table \header \li Option \li Notes \row \li qbs_enable_unit_tests \li Enable additional autotests. \row \li qbs_disable_rpath \li Disable the use of rpath. This can be used when packaging \QBS for distributions which do not permit the use of rpath, such as Fedora. \row \li qbs_no_dev_install \li Exclude header files from installation, that is, perform a non-developer build. \row \li qbs_no_man_install \li Exclude the man page from installation. \row \li qbs_enable_project_file_updates \li Enable API for updating project files. This implies a dependency to the Qt GUI module. \endtable \section1 Using Docker A set of Docker images for developing \QBS (which are maintained by the \QBS team) is available \l{https://hub.docker.com/u/qbsbuild/}{on Docker Hub}. Both Windows Server Core and Debian Linux container types are available. \note The source code for the \QBS development Docker images is located in the \c{docker/} directory of the \QBS source tree, if you wish to build them yourself. \section2 Linux Containers The easiest way to get started is to build \QBS using a Linux container. These types of containers are supported out of the box on all the supported host platforms: Windows, macOS, and Linux. Run the following to download the \QBS development image based on Debian 9 \e Stretch: \code docker pull qbsbuild/qbsdev:stretch \endcode You can then create a new container with the \QBS source directory mounted from your host machine's file system, by running: \code docker run -it -v $PWD:/qbs -w /qbs qbsbuild/qbsdev:stretch \endcode Or with a slightly different syntax for Windows: \code docker run -it -v %CD%:/qbs -w /qbs qbsbuild/qbsdev:stretch \endcode You will now be in an interactive Linux shell where you can develop and build \QBS. \section2 Windows Containers To build \QBS for Windows using Windows containers, your host OS must be running Windows 10 Pro and have Hyper-V enabled. \l{https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/#switch-between-windows-and-linux-containers}{Switch your Docker environment to use Windows containers}, then run the following command to download the Windows 10 \QBS development image: \code docker pull qbsbuild/qbsdev:windowsservercore \endcode You can then create a new container with the \QBS source directory mounted from your host machine's file system, by running: \code docker run -it -v %CD%:C:\qbs -w C:\qbs qbsbuild/qbsdev:windowsservercore \endcode If you want to use Windows containers on a macOS or Linux host, you will have to create a virtual machine running Windows 10 and register it with \c{docker-machine}. There is at least \l{https://github.com/StefanScherer/windows-docker-machine}{one Open Source project} that helps to facilitate this by using using Packer, Vagrant, and VirtualBox. The \c{docker run} command to spawn a Windows container on a Unix host will look slightly different (assuming \c windows is the name of the Docker machine associated with the Windows container hosting VM): \code eval $(docker-machine env windows) docker run -it -v C:$PWD:C:\\qbs -w C:\\qbs qbsbuild/qbsdev:windowsservercore \endcode \section2 Building Release Packages Release packages for \QBS for Windows can be built using the following command on Windows: \code docker run --rm -v %CD%:C:\qbs -w C:\qbs qbsbuild/qbsdev:windowsservercore cmd /c scripts\make-release-archives \endcode For building release packages for Windows on macOS or Linux: \code eval $(docker-machine env windows) docker run --rm -v C:$PWD:C:\\qbs -w C:\\qbs qbsbuild/qbsdev:windowsservercore cmd /c scripts\\make-release-archives \endcode */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage setup.html \page installing.html \nextpage configuring.html \title Installing \QBS binaries are available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD. On all platforms, \QBS binaries are part of the \l{Qt Creator} and \l{Qt SDK} installers. You can find the \c qbs executable in the \c bin directory of Qt Creator, or within the application bundle's \c MacOS directory on macOS. \QBS can also be built locally from sources. For more information, see \l{Appendix A: Building Qbs}. \section1 Windows The Qt Project provides prebuilt binaries for Windows (x86 and x64) at \l{https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qbs/}. For commercial customers of The Qt Company, the binaries are available in the \l {Qt Account}. The binaries are packaged in a .zip folder that can be extracted to a location of your choice. \QBS is also available as a \l Chocolatey package, which can be installed in the usual way: \code choco install qbs \endcode The \c .nupkg file can also be downloaded directly from \l{https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qbs/} for \l{https://chocolatey.org/security#organizational-use-of-chocolatey}{offline installation}. \section1 macOS \QBS can be conveniently installed on macOS with the \l{MacPorts} or \l{Homebrew} package managers: \code brew install qbs \endcode or \code port install qbs \endcode \section1 Linux and FreeBSD \QBS is \l{https://repology.org/metapackage/qbs/versions}{available via the package management systems} of Linux distributions, and FreeBSD. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage installing.html \page configuring.html \nextpage qt-versions.html \title Configuring \section1 Setting Up Toolchains Open a build shell (on Windows open an MSVC command prompt, on other platforms you can usually open the default shell): \code qbs setup-toolchains --detect \endcode The tool chain detector automatically sets up a profile for each detected tool chain. You can list the existing profiles by running: \code qbs config --list profiles \endcode Now you should be ready to build your first project with \QBS. Go into examples/helloworld-minimal and type: \code qbs profile: \endcode If you want to build projects that use Qt, additional steps are necessary. Please refer to \l{Managing Qt Versions} for more information. \section1 Managing Settings You can use the \l{config} command to manage \QBS settings, such as preferences and profiles from the command line or the \l{config-ui} command to open the \QBS Settings application where you can manage the settings in a hierarchical view. \image qbs-settings-gui.png \QBS Settings displays the keys in the specified settings directory and their values. To expand all keys, select \uicontrol View > \uicontrol {Expand All} (\key Ctrl+E or \key Cmd+E on macOS). To collapse all keys, select \uicontrol {Collapse All} (\key Ctrl+C or \key Cmd+C). To change the value of a key, double-click it and enter the new value. To save your changes, select \uicontrol File > \uicontrol Save. To refresh the settings from the settings directory, select \uicontrol File > \uicontrol Reload. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage configuring.html \page qt-versions.html \nextpage usage.html \title Managing Qt Versions \section1 Introduction To let \QBS know where the Qt build or Qt version is that you want to use, you must register it. Register a Qt version like this: \code qbs setup-qt /usr/bin/qmake myqt \endcode This will create the \c myqt profile which can then be used on the command line: \code qbs profile:myqt \endcode \note If the \c setup-toolchains command has found more than one toolchain, you will need to manually link your Qt profile to one of them, like this: \code qbs config profiles.myqt.baseProfile \endcode \section1 Multiple Qt Builds To support multiple Qt builds, or in fact any combination of related settings, you need to create several profiles. The following example illustrates how to set up three different profiles, each for a different Qt build: \code qbs setup-qt ~/dev/qt/4.7/bin/qmake qt47 qbs setup-qt ~/dev/qt/4.8/bin/qmake qt48 qbs setup-qt ~/dev/qt/5.0/qtbase/bin/qmake qt5 \endcode You can set the default Qt build like this: \code qbs config defaultProfile qt5 \endcode To choose a Qt build that is different from the default, use: \code qbs build profile:qt48 \endcode You can set other properties in a profile (not just Qt ones), in the same way you override them from the command line. For example: \code qbs setup-qt C:\Qt\5.0.0\qtbase\bin\qmake.exe qt5 qbs config profiles.qt5.qbs.architecture x86_64 qbs config profiles.qt5.baseProfile msvc2010 \endcode The last example uses the inheritance feature of profiles. All settings in the profile set as \c baseProfile are known in the derived profile as well. They can of course be overridden there. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage qt-versions.html \page usage.html \nextpage language-introduction.html \title Usage \list \li \l{Language Introduction} \li \l{Building Applications} \li \l{Running Applications} \li \l{Installing Files} \li \l{Using the Shell} \li \l{Generators} \li \l{Multiplexing} \li \l{Custom Modules and Items} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage usage.html \page language-introduction.html \nextpage building-applications.html \title Language Introduction \QBS uses project files (*.qbs) to describe the contents of a project. A project contains one or more \l{Product}{products}. A product is the target of a build process, typically an application, library or maybe a tar ball. \note \QBS source files are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. \section1 The Obligatory Hello World Example \QBS project files are written using a QML dialect. A very simple C++ hello world project looks like this: \code ---helloworld.qbs--- import qbs 1.0 Application { name: "helloworld" files: "main.cpp" Depends { name: "cpp" } } \endcode The import statement gives us access to some built-in types and specifies the used language version. \a Application describes the product we want to build. In this case, an application. This is just a shortcut for writing \code Product { type: "application" // ... } \endcode The \a name is the name of the product. In this case it is also the name of the produced executable (on Windows, the ".exe" extension is added by default). In the property \a files, we specify the source files for our product. Unlike QML, the right-hand side can be either a string or a string list. A single string is converted to a stringlist containing just one element. So we could have also written \code files: [ "main.cpp" ] \endcode \a Depends adds the dependency to the \l{cpp} module. This is necessary to let \QBS know that we have a C++ project and want to compile main.cpp with a C++ compiler. For more information about \QBS modules, see \l{Modules}. \section1 Reusing Project File Code QML-like inheritance works also in \QBS. \code ---CrazyProduct.qbs--- import qbs 1.0 Product { property string craziness: "low" } ---hellocrazyworld.qbs--- import "CrazyProduct.qbs" as CrazyProduct CrazyProduct { craziness: "enormous" name: "hellocrazyworld" // ... } \endcode You can put JS code into separate \c{.js} files and then import them. \code ---helpers.js--- function planetsCorrectlyAligned() { // implementation } ---myproject.qbs--- import qbs 1.0 import "helpers.js" as Helpers Product { name: "myproject" Group { condition: Helpers.planetsCorrectlyAligned() file: "magic_hack.cpp" } // ... } \endcode \section1 Modules A \e module is a collection of properties and language items that are used for building a product if the product depends on (or loads) the module. For example, the \a cpp module looks like this (simplified): \code Module { name: "cpp" property string warningLevel property string optimization property bool debugInformation property pathList includePaths // ... FileTagger { patterns: "*.cpp" fileTags: ["cpp"] } Rule {...} // compiler Rule {...} // application linker Rule {...} // static lib linker Rule {...} // dynamic lib linker } \endcode The properties that can be set for the \a cpp module are used to control the behavior of your C++ tool chain. In addition, you can use FileTaggers and Rules that are explained later. As soon as your product depends on a module, it can set the properties of the module. You specify the optimization level for your product (and all build variants) like this: \code ---helloworld.qbs--- import qbs 1.0 Application { name: "helloworld" files: ["main.cpp"] cpp.optimization: "ludicrousSpeed" Depends { name: "cpp" } } \endcode A module can implicitly depend on other modules. For example, the \l{Qt.core} module depends on the \l{cpp} module. However, to set the properties of a module, you must make the dependency explicit. \code // THIS DOES NOT WORK Application { name: "helloworld" files: ["main.cpp"] Depends { name: "Qt.core" } cpp.optimization: "ludicrousSpeed" // ERROR! We do not know about "cpp" here, // though "Qt.core" depends on "cpp". } // THIS WORKS Application { name: "helloworld" files: ["main.cpp"] Depends { name: "Qt.core" } Depends { name: "cpp" } cpp.optimization: "ludicrousSpeed" } \endcode \section2 Different Properties for a Single File Not only the product, but all the source files of the product can have their own set of module properties. For example, assume you have some files that are known to crash your compiler if you turn on optimizations. You want to turn off optimizations for just these files and this is how you do it: \code Application { name: "helloworld" files: "main.cpp" Group { files: ["bad_file.cpp", "other_bad_file.cpp"] cpp.optimization: "none" } Depends { name: "cpp" } } \endcode \section2 Selecting Files by Properties Sometimes you have a file that is only going to be compiled on a certain platform. This is how you do it: \code Group { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") files: [ "harddiskdeleter_win.cpp", "blowupmonitor_win.cpp", "setkeyboardonfire_win.cpp" ] } Group { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("linux") files: [ "harddiskdeleter_linux.cpp", "blowupmonitor_linux.cpp", "setkeyboardonfire_linux.cpp" ] } \endcode In the above example, \l{qbs::targetOS}{qbs.targetOS} is a property of the target of the the \l{qbs} module. The \c qbs module is always implicitly loaded. Its main properties are: \list \li \l{qbs::}{buildVariant} that specifies the name of the build variant for the current build. \li \l{qbs::}{hostOS} that is set by \QBS internally and specifies the operating system \QBS is running on. \li \l{qbs::}{targetOS} that specifies the operating system you want to build the project for. \endlist You can set these properties on the command line or by using a profile. \code $ qbs # qbs.buildVariant:debug, profile: (or profile:none, if no default profile exists) $ qbs release # qbs.buildVariant:release, profile: $ qbs debug release # builds two configurations of the project $ qbs profile:none # all module properties have their default values \endcode To select files by build variant: \code Group { condition: qbs.buildVariant == "debug" files: "debughelper.cpp" } \endcode To set properties for a build variant: \code Properties { condition: qbs.buildVariant == "debug" cpp.debugInformation: true cpp.optimization: "none" } \endcode Or, to use a more QML-like style: \code cpp.debugInformation: qbs.buildVariant == "debug" ? true : false cpp.optimization: qbs.buildVariant == "debug" ? "none" : "fast" \endcode \section1 Property Types While properties in \QBS generally work the same way as in QML, the set of possible property types has been adapted to reflect the specific needs of a build tool. The supported types are as follows: \table \header \li Property type \li Example \li Description \row \li \c bool \li \c{property bool someBoolean: false} \li The usual boolean values. \row \li \c int \li \c{property int theAnswer: 42} \li Integral numbers. \row \li \c path \li \c{property path aFile: "file.txt"} \li File paths resolved relative to the directory the product they are associated with is located in. \row \li \c pathList \li \c{property pathList twoFiles: ["file1.txt", "./file2.txt"]} \li A list of \c path values. \row \li \c string \li \c{property string parentalAdvisory: "explicit lyrics"} \li JavaScript strings. \row \li \c stringList \li \c{property stringList realWorldExample: ["no", "not really"]} \li A list of JavaScript strings. \row \li \c var \li \c{property var aMap: ({ key1: "value1", key2: "value2" })} \li Generic data, as in QML. \endtable \section1 Overriding Property Values from the Command Line Property values set in project files or profiles can be overridden on the command line. The syntax is \c{.:}. The following command lines demonstrate how to set different kinds of properties: \code $ qbs projects.someProject.projectProperty:false # set a property of a project $ qbs products.someProduct.productProperty:false # set a property of a product $ qbs modules.cpp.treatWarningsAsErrors:true # set a module property for all products $ qbs products.someProduct.cpp.treatWarningsAsErrors:true # set a module property for one product \endcode Property values on the command line can also be expressed in JavaScript form, the same way as you would write them in a project file. Make sure to take care of proper quoting, so that the shell does not interpret any of the values itself. Properties of type \c stringList can also be provided as comma-separated values, if none of the strings contain special characters: \code $ qbs projects.someProject.listProp:'["a", "b", "c"]' $ qbs projects.someProject.listProp:a,b,c # same as above $ qbs projects.someProject.listProp:'["a b", "c"]' # no CSV equivalent \endcode \section1 File Tags and Taggers \QBS itself knows nothing about C++ files or file extensions. All source files in a product are handled equally. However, you can assign \a{file tags} to an artifact to act as a marker or to specify a file type. An artifact can have multiple file tags. For example, you can use the \a Group item to group files with the same file tags (or a set of properties). \code Product { Group { files: ["file1.cpp", "file2.cpp"] fileTags: ["cpp"] } Group { files: "mydsl_scanner.l" fileTags: ["flex", "foobar"] } // ... } \endcode When you load the \a cpp module, you also load the following item: \code FileTagger { patterns: "*.cpp" fileTags: ["cpp"] } \endcode This construct means that each source file that matches the pattern \c{*.cpp} (and has not explicitly set a file tag) gets the file tag \c{cpp}. The above example can be simplified to \code Product { Depends: "cpp" files: ["file1.cpp", "file2.cpp"] Group { files: "mydsl_scanner.l" fileTags: ["flex", "foobar"] } // ... } \endcode The \a FileTagger from the \a cpp module automatically assigns the \c cpp file tag to the source files. Groups that just contain the \a files property can be more simply expressed by using the \a files property of the product. File tags are used by \a rules to transform one type of artifact into another. For instance, the C++ compiler rule transforms artifacts with the file tag \c cpp to artifacts with the file tag \c{obj}. In addition, it is possible to use file taggers to tag files and specify custom file tags: \code Product { Depends: "cpp" Group { overrideTags: false // The overrideTags property defaults to true. fileTags: ["foobar"] files: ["main.cpp"] // Gets the file tag "cpp" through a FileTagger item and // "foobar" from this group's fileTags property. } // ... } \endcode \section1 Rules \QBS applies a \e rule to a pool of artifacts (in the beginning it is just the set of source files of the project) and chooses the ones that match the input file tags specified by the rule. Then it creates output artifacts in the build graph that have other filenames and file tags. It also creates a script that transforms the input artifacts into the output artifacts. Artifacts created by one rule can (and typically do) serve as inputs to another rule. In this way, rules are connected to one another via their input and output file tags. For examples of rules, see the share/qbs/modules directory in the \QBS repository. You can define rules in your own module to be provided along with your project. Or you can put a rule directly into your project file. For more information, see \l{Rule}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage language-introduction.html \page building-applications.html \nextpage running-applications.html \title Building Applications To build applications from the command line, enter the following commands: \code cd examples/collidingmice qbs \endcode By default, \QBS uses all the CPU cores available to achieve maximum build parallelization. To explicitly specify the number of concurrent jobs, use the \c -j option. For example, to run 4 concurrent jobs, enter the following command: \code qbs -j4 \endcode The application is built using the default build profile that is set up in your \QBS configuration. You can use the \l{config} command to set the max number of jobs per profile. For example, to set four jobs as the default option for a profile named \e Android, enter the following command: \code qbs config profiles.Android.preferences.jobs 4 \endcode To build with other profiles than the default one, specify options for the \l{build} command. For example, to build debug and release configurations with the \e Android profile, enter the following command: \code qbs build profile:Android debug release \endcode The position of the property assignment is important. In the example above, the profile property is set for all build configurations that come afterwards. To set a property just for one build configuration, place the assignment after the build configuration name. In the following example, the property \l{cpp::treatWarningsAsErrors} {cpp.treatWarningsAsErrors} is set to \c true for debug only and \l{cpp::optimization}{cpp.optimization} is set to \c small for release only. \code qbs build debug modules.cpp.treatWarningsAsErrors:true release modules.cpp.optimization:small \endcode */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage running-applications.html \page installing-files.html \nextpage shell.html \title Installing Files To install your project, specify the necessary information in the project file: \code Application { Group { name: "Runtime resources" files: "*.qml" qbs.install: true qbs.installDir: "share/myproject" } Group { name: "The App itself" fileTagsFilter: "application" qbs.install: true qbs.installDir: "bin" } } \endcode In this example, we want to install a couple of QML files and an executable. The actual installation is then done like this (using the default profile): \code qbs --clean-install-root qbs.installRoot:/tmp/myProjectRoot \endcode Here, we want the \c installDir properties from the project file to be interpreted relative to the directory \c{/tmp/myProjectRoot}, and we want that directory to be removed first. If the \l{qbs::installRoot}{qbs.installRoot} property is not given, a default is used, namely \c{/install-root}. For more information about how the installation path is constructed, see \l {Installation Properties}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage building-applications.html \page running-applications.html \nextpage installing-files.html \title Running Applications By default, running an application also builds it and installs it to a location from where it can be run on the desktop or on a device. For example, entering the following command runs the Qt Creator application: \code qbs run --products qtcreator \endcode This command also builds and installs the product, if necessary. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage installing-files.html \page shell.html \nextpage generators.html \title Using the Shell To use the \QBS shell, enter the following command: \code qbs shell \endcode This is mainly a debugging tool. It opens a shell with the same environment that \QBS uses when building the project, so you can, for example, inspect which environment variables will be set up. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage multiplexing.html \page custom-modules.html \nextpage howtos.html \title Custom Modules and Items Users of \QBS are not limited to the pre-defined \l{List of Modules}{modules} and \l{List of Language Items}{items}, they can also create their own. Here we describe how to set up custom modules and items so that \QBS will find them. \section1 File System Layout Items and modules are located under a common base directory, whose name and location is completely arbitrary. We will refer to it as \c search-path here. This directory has two subdirectories \c modules and \c imports, which contain \QBS modules and items, respectively. \section1 Custom Modules To introduce a custom module \c mymodule, create a directory \c{search-path/modules/mymodule/}. \note Module names are case-sensitive, and this also goes for the corresponding directory name. Then, put a file containing an instance of the \l{Module} in there and give it the \c{.qbs} extension. This module will be pulled in if a \l{Product}{product} declares a \l{Depends}{dependency} on \c mymodule. \section1 Custom Items To introduce a custom item \c MyItem, create the file \c{search-path/imports/MyItem.qbs}. \section1 Making \QBS Aware of Custom Modules and Items To be able to use your custom modules and items, you need to make them known to \QBS. You can do this per project or globally. \section2 Project-specific Modules and Items Let's assume you have a project that is located in \c{project_dir} and you have created some modules in \c{project_dir/custom-stuff/modules/} as well as some items in \c{project_dir/custom-stuff/imports/} that you want to use in the project. To achieve this, your top-level project file should look like this: \code // ... Project { // .. qbsSearchPaths: "custom-stuff" // .. } \endcode \note For technical reasons, the custom modules and items will not be available in the file that contains the \l{Project::qbsSearchPaths} {Project.qbsSearchPaths} property. Any product that wants to make use of them needs to be in a different file that is pulled in via the \l{Project::references}{Project.references} property, for example. This is not a serious limitation, since every well-structured project will be split up in this manner. \section2 Making Custom Modules and Items Available Across Projects What if your modules and items are generally useful and you want to access them in several projects? In this case, it is best to add the location to your preferences. For example: \code qbs config preferences.qbsSearchPaths /usr/local/share/custom-qbs-extensions \endcode */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage shell.html \page generators.html \nextpage multiplexing.html \title Generators Generators are a \QBS sub-tool and set of APIs that enable arbitrary processing to be performed on the build graph. Currently, they are used to integrate \QBS with popular IDEs, such as Microsoft Visual Studio, and to generate Clang compilation databases. \section1 Generating Projects To generate a project for another build system, such as Microsoft Visual Studio, use the \l{generate}{qbs generate} command and specify a generator using the \l{generate-generator}{-g} option. For example: \code # For Visual Studio qbs generate -g visualstudio2015 \endcode \QBS will then generate a series of files in the current directory, based on the generator that was chosen. The resulting project files can be opened in the respective IDE and all work can be performed there. The project files will expose as much information as possible to the IDE and will use \QBS to perform the actual build. \note You cannot modify build system files and expect the changes to be reflected in \QBS. You must edit your \QBS project files and re-run \l{generate}{qbs generate} in order for the changes to be reflected in your IDE. \section1 Generating Clang Compilation Databases To generate a \l{JSON Compilation Database Format Specification} {Clang compilation database (clangdb)}, use the following command: \code qbs generate --generator clangdb \endcode \section1 Limitations Due to the high flexibility of the \QBS project format and build engine, some projects may be too complex to produce an equivalent project file for another build system. This list of limitations aims to be as small as possible, but one of the most notable (at least for the Microsoft Visual Studio generator) is that certain properties must contain the same value across all build configurations. For example, the following is not allowed: \code Product { // ERROR: 'name' property cannot have different values based on the configuration name: qbs.configuration === "debug" ? "MyProduct_debug" : "MyProduct" } \endcode \note This limitation only applies when property values are varied on the configuration name. For example, the following is OK (as long as the value of xyz itself does not vary across configurations): \code Product { // OK property bool isDebug: name: isDebug ? "MyProduct_debug" : "MyProduct" } \endcode The properties to which the limitation applies includes but is not limited to: \list \li \l{Product::name}{Product.name} \li \l{bundle::isBundle}{bundle.isBundle} \endlist If a simple workaround is possible in a particular case (for example, varying \l{Product::targetName}{Product.targetName} across configuration instead of \l{Product::name}{Product.name}, the generator will typically suggest it in the error message. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage generators.html \page multiplexing.html \nextpage custom-modules.html \title Multiplexing Multiplexing is an advanced \QBS feature that allows a product to be transparently built in multiple \e passes along with an optional, final \e aggregate pass that allows the output artifacts of the initial passes to be combined or otherwise operated on in some way. The multiplexing feature is used to implement certain platform-specific behavior: specifically, it allows applications and libraries on Apple platforms to be compiled into \e fat binaries containing multiple CPU architectures, the creation of Apple frameworks containing multiple \e variants (for example, combined debug and release builds), and the creation of Android application and library packages containing native code built for multiple Android ABIs. A product can be multiplexed over the \l{qbs::architectures} {qbs.architectures} property (which maps to \l{qbs::architecture} {qbs.architecture}), \l{qbs::buildVariants}{qbs.buildVariants} property (which maps to \l{qbs::buildVariant}{qbs.buildVariant}), and \l{qbs::profiles} {qbs.profiles} (which maps to \l{Project::profile}{Project.profile}). \note The implementation details around multiplexing are subject to change. Product multiplexing works by examining the \l{Product::multiplexByQbsProperties}{Product.multiplexByQbsProperties} property, which can be set to the list of properties your product should multiplex over. For example, \c multiplexByQbsProperties might contain two strings, \c "architectures" and \c "buildVariants". \QBS evaluates the values of \c qbs.architectures and \c qbs.buildVariants, which in turn might contain the values \c ["x86", "x86_64"] and \c ["debug", "release"]. \QBS will build all the possible configurations of the product: \c {(x86, debug)}, \c {(x86, release)}, \c {(x86_64, debug)}, and \c {(x86_64, release)}. If the \l{Product::aggregate}{Product.aggregate} property is \c true, the product will also be built a fifth time, with the values of the multiplexed properties left undefined. The aggregate product will have an automatic dependency on the original four instances of the product, allowing it to collect their output artifacts and to operate on them. The aggregate product is used in situations where the target artifacts of the individually multiplexed instances must be combined into one final aggregate artifact that makes up the overall product. Bundle products on Apple platforms use the aggregate product to create the bundle artifacts (such as \c Info.plist and \c PkgInfo) that are independent of a particular architecture or build variant. In addition, they use the \c lipo tool to join together the built native code for different architectures (such as \c x86 and \c x86_64) into the final, multi-architecture fat binary that the app bundle contains. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage porting-to-qbs.html \page attributions.html \title Appendix C: Code Attributions \QBS contains third-party code, which we gratefully acknowledge: \generatelist{groupsbymodule attributions-qbs} */