version: 2 accept_configuration: condition: or conditions: - condition: property property: features contains_value: LicenseCheck - condition: and conditions: - condition: property property: host.os equals_value: Windows - condition: property property: host equals_property: target - condition: property property: target.compiler equals_value: MSVC2019 - condition: and conditions: - condition: property property: host.os equals_value: Linux - condition: and conditions: - condition: property property: host.os equals_value: MacOS machine_type: Build: cores: 8 Test: cores: 8 run_license_check: &run_license_check type: Group enable_if: condition: property property: features contains_value: LicenseCheck instructions: - type: EnvironmentVariable variableName: QT_MODULE_TO_TEST variableValue: "qt-creator/qt-creator" - type: ChangeDirectory directory: "{{.AgentWorkingDir}}" - type: ExecuteCommand command: echo " should run perl qt/qtqa-latest/tests/prebuild/license/" maxTimeInSeconds: 7200 maxTimeBetweenOutput: 120 userMessageOnFailure: > Failed .... common_environment: &common_environment type: Group instructions: - !include "{{qt-creator/qt-creator}}/common_environment.yaml" make_instructions: &make_instructions type: Group instructions: - !include "{{qt-creator/qt-creator}}/provision.yaml" - !include "{{qt-creator/qt-creator}}/build.yaml" test_instructions: &test_instructions type: Group instructions: - !include "{{qt-creator/qt-creator}}/provision.yaml" - !include "{{qt-creator/qt-creator}}/test.yaml" instructions: Build: - *common_environment - *make_instructions Test: - *common_environment - *test_instructions LicenseCheck: - *run_license_check