Abstract ======== The appman-prompt script provides command completion inside a bash shell for the appman executable, appman-controller and appman-packager commands. Installation ============ As a prerequisite the bash-completion package needs not be installed. The appman-prompt script itself can be installed in one of the following ways: 1. Copy appman-prompt into the /etc/bash_completion.d folder (or whatever "pkg-config --variable=compatdir bash-completion" yields) 2. Copy the contents of appman-prompt into the ~/.bash_completion file Afterwards completion will be available in new shells. Notes ===== (Sub-)Command options for the appman-controller and appman-packager are currently not supported, only the general ones (help and version). Users of the zsh shell might want to run the following commands to get going: autoload bashcompinit bashcompinit source /etc/bash_completion.d/appman-prompt