// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qdbusconnection_p.h" #include "qdbus_symbols_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include "qdbusabstractadaptor.h" #include "qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h" #include "qdbusconnection.h" #include "qdbusextratypes.h" #include "qdbusmessage.h" #include "qdbusmetatype.h" #include "qdbusmetatype_p.h" #include "qdbusmessage_p.h" #include "qdbusutil_p.h" #include "qdbusvirtualobject.h" #include #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; // defined in qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp extern Q_DBUS_EXPORT QString qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml(QString interface, const QMetaObject *mo, const QMetaObject *base, int flags); static const char introspectableInterfaceXml[] = " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n"; static const char propertiesInterfaceXml[] = " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n"; static const char peerInterfaceXml[] = " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n"; static QString generateSubObjectXml(QObject *object) { QString retval; for (const QObject *child : object->children()) { QString name = child->objectName(); if (!name.isEmpty() && QDBusUtil::isValidPartOfObjectPath(name)) retval += " \n"_L1; } return retval; } // declared as extern in qdbusconnection_p.h QString qDBusIntrospectObject(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node, const QString &path) { // object may be null QString xml_data(DBUS_INTROSPECT_1_0_XML_DOCTYPE_DECL_NODE ""_L1); xml_data += "\n"_L1; if (node.obj) { Q_ASSERT_X(QThread::currentThread() == node.obj->thread(), "QDBusConnection: internal threading error", "function called for an object that is in another thread!!"); if (node.flags & (QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableContents | QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableContents)) { // create XML for the object itself const QMetaObject *mo = node.obj->metaObject(); for ( ; mo != &QObject::staticMetaObject; mo = mo->superClass()) xml_data += qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml(node.interfaceName, mo, mo->superClass(), node.flags); } // does this object have adaptors? QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector; if (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors && (connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(node.obj))) { // trasverse every adaptor in this object for (const QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorData &adaptorData : std::as_const(connector->adaptors)) { // add the interface: QString ifaceXml = QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate::retrieveIntrospectionXml(adaptorData.adaptor); if (ifaceXml.isEmpty()) { // add the interface's contents: ifaceXml += qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml( QString::fromLatin1(adaptorData.interface), adaptorData.adaptor->metaObject(), &QDBusAbstractAdaptor::staticMetaObject, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableContents | QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableContents); QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate::saveIntrospectionXml(adaptorData.adaptor, ifaceXml); } xml_data += ifaceXml; } } // is it a virtual node that handles introspection itself? if (node.flags & QDBusConnectionPrivate::VirtualObject) { xml_data += node.treeNode->introspect(path); } xml_data += QLatin1StringView(propertiesInterfaceXml); } xml_data += QLatin1StringView(introspectableInterfaceXml); xml_data += QLatin1StringView(peerInterfaceXml); if (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportChildObjects) { xml_data += generateSubObjectXml(node.obj); } else { // generate from the object tree for (const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node : node.children) { if (node.obj || !node.children.isEmpty()) xml_data += " \n"_L1; } } xml_data += "\n"_L1; return xml_data; } // implement the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties static inline QDBusMessage interfaceNotFoundError(const QDBusMessage &msg, const QString &interface_name) { return msg.createErrorReply(QDBusError::UnknownInterface, "Interface %1 was not found in object %2"_L1 .arg(interface_name, msg.path())); } static inline QDBusMessage propertyNotFoundError(const QDBusMessage &msg, const QString &interface_name, const QByteArray &property_name) { return msg.createErrorReply(QDBusError::UnknownProperty, "Property %1%2%3 was not found in object %4"_L1 .arg(interface_name, interface_name.isEmpty() ? ""_L1 : "."_L1, QLatin1StringView(property_name), msg.path())); } QDBusMessage qDBusPropertyGet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node, const QDBusMessage &msg) { Q_ASSERT(msg.arguments().size() == 2); Q_ASSERT_X(!node.obj || QThread::currentThread() == node.obj->thread(), "QDBusConnection: internal threading error", "function called for an object that is in another thread!!"); QString interface_name = msg.arguments().at(0).toString(); QByteArray property_name = msg.arguments().at(1).toString().toUtf8(); const QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector; QVariant value; bool interfaceFound = false; if (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors && (connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(node.obj))) { // find the class that implements interface_name or try until we've found the property // in case of an empty interface if (interface_name.isEmpty()) { for (const QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorData &adaptorData : connector->adaptors) { const QMetaObject *mo = adaptorData.adaptor->metaObject(); int pidx = mo->indexOfProperty(property_name); if (pidx != -1) { value = mo->property(pidx).read(adaptorData.adaptor); break; } } } else { QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it; it = std::lower_bound(connector->adaptors.constBegin(), connector->adaptors.constEnd(), interface_name); if (it != connector->adaptors.constEnd() && interface_name == QLatin1StringView(it->interface)) { interfaceFound = true; value = it->adaptor->property(property_name); } } } if (!interfaceFound && !value.isValid() && node.flags & (QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties | QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties)) { // try the object itself if (!interface_name.isEmpty()) interfaceFound = qDBusInterfaceInObject(node.obj, interface_name); if (interfaceFound) { int pidx = node.obj->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(property_name); if (pidx != -1) { QMetaProperty mp = node.obj->metaObject()->property(pidx); if ((mp.isScriptable() && (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableProperties)) || (!mp.isScriptable() && (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties))) value = mp.read(node.obj); } } } if (!value.isValid()) { // the property was not found if (!interfaceFound) return interfaceNotFoundError(msg, interface_name); return propertyNotFoundError(msg, interface_name, property_name); } return msg.createReply(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(value))); } enum PropertyWriteResult { PropertyWriteSuccess = 0, PropertyNotFound, PropertyTypeMismatch, PropertyReadOnly, PropertyWriteFailed }; static QDBusMessage propertyWriteReply(const QDBusMessage &msg, const QString &interface_name, const QByteArray &property_name, int status) { switch (status) { case PropertyNotFound: return propertyNotFoundError(msg, interface_name, property_name); case PropertyTypeMismatch: return msg.createErrorReply(QDBusError::InvalidArgs, "Invalid arguments for writing to property %1%2%3"_L1 .arg(interface_name, interface_name.isEmpty() ? ""_L1 : "."_L1, QLatin1StringView(property_name))); case PropertyReadOnly: return msg.createErrorReply(QDBusError::PropertyReadOnly, "Property %1%2%3 is read-only"_L1 .arg(interface_name, interface_name.isEmpty() ? ""_L1 : "."_L1, QLatin1StringView(property_name))); case PropertyWriteFailed: return msg.createErrorReply(QDBusError::InternalError, QString::fromLatin1("Internal error")); case PropertyWriteSuccess: return msg.createReply(); } Q_ASSERT_X(false, "", "Should not be reached"); return QDBusMessage(); } static int writeProperty(QObject *obj, const QByteArray &property_name, QVariant value, int propFlags = QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties) { const QMetaObject *mo = obj->metaObject(); int pidx = mo->indexOfProperty(property_name); if (pidx == -1) { // this object has no property by that name return PropertyNotFound; } QMetaProperty mp = mo->property(pidx); // check if this property is writable if (!mp.isWritable()) return PropertyReadOnly; // check if this property is exported bool isScriptable = mp.isScriptable(); if (!(propFlags & QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableProperties) && isScriptable) return PropertyNotFound; if (!(propFlags & QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties) && !isScriptable) return PropertyNotFound; // we found our property // do we have the right type? QMetaType id = mp.metaType(); if (!id.isValid()){ // type not registered or invalid / void? qWarning("QDBusConnection: Unable to handle unregistered datatype '%s' for property '%s::%s'", mp.typeName(), mo->className(), property_name.constData()); return PropertyWriteFailed; } if (id.id() != QMetaType::QVariant && value.metaType() == QDBusMetaTypeId::argument()) { // we have to demarshall before writing QVariant other{QMetaType(id)}; if (!QDBusMetaType::demarshall(qvariant_cast(value), other.metaType(), other.data())) { qWarning("QDBusConnection: type '%s' (%d) is not registered with QtDBus. " "Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it", mp.typeName(), id.id()); return PropertyWriteFailed; } value = std::move(other); } if (mp.metaType() == QMetaType::fromType()) value = QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(value)); // the property type here should match return mp.write(obj, std::move(value)) ? PropertyWriteSuccess : PropertyWriteFailed; } QDBusMessage qDBusPropertySet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node, const QDBusMessage &msg) { Q_ASSERT(msg.arguments().size() == 3); Q_ASSERT_X(!node.obj || QThread::currentThread() == node.obj->thread(), "QDBusConnection: internal threading error", "function called for an object that is in another thread!!"); QString interface_name = msg.arguments().at(0).toString(); QByteArray property_name = msg.arguments().at(1).toString().toUtf8(); QVariant value = qvariant_cast(msg.arguments().at(2)).variant(); QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector; if (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors && (connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(node.obj))) { // find the class that implements interface_name or try until we've found the property // in case of an empty interface if (interface_name.isEmpty()) { for (const QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorData &adaptorData : std::as_const(connector->adaptors)) { int status = writeProperty(adaptorData.adaptor, property_name, value); if (status == PropertyNotFound) continue; return propertyWriteReply(msg, interface_name, property_name, status); } } else { QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it; it = std::lower_bound(connector->adaptors.constBegin(), connector->adaptors.constEnd(), interface_name); if (it != connector->adaptors.cend() && interface_name == QLatin1StringView(it->interface)) { return propertyWriteReply(msg, interface_name, property_name, writeProperty(it->adaptor, property_name, value)); } } } if (node.flags & (QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableProperties | QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties)) { // try the object itself bool interfaceFound = true; if (!interface_name.isEmpty()) interfaceFound = qDBusInterfaceInObject(node.obj, interface_name); if (interfaceFound) { return propertyWriteReply(msg, interface_name, property_name, writeProperty(node.obj, property_name, value, node.flags)); } } // the property was not found if (!interface_name.isEmpty()) return interfaceNotFoundError(msg, interface_name); return propertyWriteReply(msg, interface_name, property_name, PropertyNotFound); } // unite two QVariantMaps, but don't generate duplicate keys static QVariantMap &operator+=(QVariantMap &lhs, const QVariantMap &rhs) { for (const auto &[key, value] : rhs.asKeyValueRange()) lhs.insert(key, value); return lhs; } static QVariantMap readAllProperties(QObject *object, int flags) { QVariantMap result; const QMetaObject *mo = object->metaObject(); // QObject has properties, so don't start from 0 for (int i = QObject::staticMetaObject.propertyCount(); i < mo->propertyCount(); ++i) { QMetaProperty mp = mo->property(i); // is it readable? if (!mp.isReadable()) continue; // is it a registered property? QMetaType type = mp.metaType(); if (!type.isValid()) continue; const char *signature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(type); if (!signature) continue; // is this property visible from the outside? if ((mp.isScriptable() && flags & QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableProperties) || (!mp.isScriptable() && flags & QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties)) { // yes, it's visible QVariant value = mp.read(object); if (value.isValid()) result.insert(QString::fromLatin1(mp.name()), value); } } return result; } QDBusMessage qDBusPropertyGetAll(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node, const QDBusMessage &msg) { Q_ASSERT(msg.arguments().size() == 1); Q_ASSERT_X(!node.obj || QThread::currentThread() == node.obj->thread(), "QDBusConnection: internal threading error", "function called for an object that is in another thread!!"); QString interface_name = msg.arguments().at(0).toString(); bool interfaceFound = false; QVariantMap result; QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector; if (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors && (connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(node.obj))) { if (interface_name.isEmpty()) { // iterate over all interfaces for (const QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorData &adaptorData : std::as_const(connector->adaptors)) { result += readAllProperties(adaptorData.adaptor, QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties); } } else { // find the class that implements interface_name QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it; it = std::lower_bound(connector->adaptors.constBegin(), connector->adaptors.constEnd(), interface_name); if (it != connector->adaptors.constEnd() && interface_name == QLatin1StringView(it->interface)) { interfaceFound = true; result = readAllProperties(it->adaptor, QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties); } } } if (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties && (!interfaceFound || interface_name.isEmpty())) { // try the object itself result += readAllProperties(node.obj, node.flags); interfaceFound = true; } if (!interfaceFound && !interface_name.isEmpty()) { // the interface was not found return interfaceNotFoundError(msg, interface_name); } return msg.createReply(QVariant::fromValue(result)); } QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // QT_NO_DBUS