path: root/src/bluetooth/bluez/bluezperipheralapplication.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bluetooth/bluez/bluezperipheralapplication.cpp')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/bluez/bluezperipheralapplication.cpp b/src/bluetooth/bluez/bluezperipheralapplication.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0da243e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bluetooth/bluez/bluezperipheralapplication.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "bluezperipheralapplication_p.h"
+#include "bluezperipheralobjects_p.h"
+#include "objectmanageradaptor_p.h"
+#include "gattmanager1_p.h"
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+static constexpr QLatin1String appObjectPathTemplate{"/qt/btle/application/%1%2/%3"};
+QtBluezPeripheralApplication::QtBluezPeripheralApplication(const QString& hostAdapterPath,
+ QObject* parent)
+ : QObject(parent),
+ m_objectPath(QString(appObjectPathTemplate).
+ arg(sanitizeNameForDBus(QCoreApplication::applicationName())).
+ arg(QCoreApplication::applicationPid()).
+ arg(QRandomGenerator::global()->generate()))
+ m_objectManager = new OrgFreedesktopDBusObjectManagerAdaptor(this);
+ m_gattManager = new OrgBluezGattManager1Interface("org.bluez"_L1, hostAdapterPath,
+ QDBusConnection::systemBus(), this);
+ unregisterApplication();
+void QtBluezPeripheralApplication::registerApplication()
+ if (m_applicationRegistered) {
+ // Can happen eg. if advertisement is start-stop-started
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Bluez peripheral application already registered";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_services.isEmpty()) {
+ // Registering the application to bluez without services would fail
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "No services, omiting Bluez peripheral application registration";
+ return;
+ }
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Registering bluez peripheral application:" << m_objectPath;
+ // Register this application object on DBus
+ if (!QDBusConnection::systemBus().registerObject(m_objectPath, m_objectManager,
+ QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents)) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Peripheral application object registration failed";
+ emit errorOccurred();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Register the service objects on DBus
+ registerServices();
+ // Register the gatt application to Bluez. After successful registration Bluez
+ // is aware of this peripheral application and will inquiry which services this application
+ // provides, see GetManagedObjects()
+ auto reply = m_gattManager->RegisterApplication(QDBusObjectPath(m_objectPath), {});
+ QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(reply, this);
+ QObject::connect(watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this,
+ [this](QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher) {
+ QDBusPendingReply<> reply = *watcher;
+ if (reply.isError()) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Application registration failed" << reply.error();
+ QDBusConnection::systemBus().unregisterObject(m_objectPath);
+ emit errorOccurred();
+ } else {
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Peripheral application registered as" << m_objectPath;
+ m_applicationRegistered = true;
+ emit registered();
+ }
+ watcher->deleteLater();
+ });
+void QtBluezPeripheralApplication::unregisterApplication()
+ if (!m_applicationRegistered)
+ return;
+ m_applicationRegistered = false;
+ auto reply = m_gattManager->UnregisterApplication(QDBusObjectPath(m_objectPath));
+ reply.waitForFinished();
+ if (reply.isError())
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Error in unregistering peripheral application";
+ else
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Peripheral application unregistered successfully";
+ QDBusConnection::systemBus().unregisterObject(m_objectPath);
+ unregisterServices();
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Unregistered Bluez peripheral application on DBus:" << m_objectPath;
+void QtBluezPeripheralApplication::registerServices()
+ // Register the service objects on DBus
+ for (const auto service: std::as_const(m_services))
+ service->registerObject();
+ for (const auto& characteristic : std::as_const(m_characteristics))
+ characteristic->registerObject();
+ for (const auto& descriptor : std::as_const(m_descriptors))
+ descriptor->registerObject();
+void QtBluezPeripheralApplication::unregisterServices()
+ // Unregister the service objects from DBus
+ for (const auto service: std::as_const(m_services))
+ service->unregisterObject();
+ for (const auto& characteristic : std::as_const(m_characteristics))
+ characteristic->unregisterObject();
+ for (const auto& descriptor : std::as_const(m_descriptors))
+ descriptor->unregisterObject();
+void QtBluezPeripheralApplication::reset()
+ unregisterApplication();
+ qDeleteAll(m_services);
+ m_services.clear();
+ qDeleteAll(m_descriptors);
+ m_descriptors.clear();
+ qDeleteAll(m_characteristics);
+ m_characteristics.clear();
+void QtBluezPeripheralApplication::addService(const QLowEnergyServiceData &serviceData,
+ QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate> servicePrivate,
+ QLowEnergyHandle serviceHandle)
+ if (m_applicationRegistered) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Adding services to a registered application is not supported "
+ "on Bluez DBus. Add services only before first advertisement or "
+ "after disconnection";
+ return;
+ }
+ // The ordinal numbers in the below object creation are used to create paths such as:
+ // ../service0/char0/desc0
+ // ../service0/char1/desc0
+ // ../service1/char0/desc0
+ // ../service1/char0/desc1
+ // For the Service object itself the ordinal number is the size of the service container
+ QtBluezPeripheralService* service = new QtBluezPeripheralService(
+ serviceData, m_objectPath, m_services.size(), serviceHandle, this);
+ m_services.insert(serviceHandle, service);
+ // Add included services
+ for (const auto includedService : serviceData.includedServices()) {
+ // As per Qt documentation the included service must have been added earlier
+ for (const auto s : std::as_const(m_services)) {
+ if (QBluetoothUuid(s->uuid) == includedService->serviceUuid()) {
+ service->addIncludedService(s->objectPath);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set characteristics and their descriptors
+ quint16 characteristicOrdinal{0};
+ for (const auto& characteristicData : serviceData.characteristics()) {
+ auto characteristicHandle = handleForCharacteristic(
+ characteristicData.uuid(), servicePrivate);
+ QtBluezPeripheralCharacteristic* characteristic =
+ new QtBluezPeripheralCharacteristic(characteristicData,
+ service->objectPath, characteristicOrdinal++,
+ characteristicHandle, this);
+ m_characteristics.insert(characteristicHandle, characteristic);
+ QObject::connect(characteristic, &QtBluezPeripheralCharacteristic::valueUpdatedByRemote,
+ this, &QtBluezPeripheralApplication::characteristicValueUpdatedByRemote);
+ QObject::connect(characteristic, &QtBluezPeripheralCharacteristic::remoteDeviceAccessEvent,
+ this, &QtBluezPeripheralApplication::remoteDeviceAccessEvent);
+ quint16 descriptorOrdinal{0};
+ for (const auto& descriptorData : characteristicData.descriptors()) {
+ // With bluez we don't use the CCCD user has provided, because Bluez
+ // generates it if 'notify/indicate' flag is set. Duplicate CCCDs would ensue
+ if (descriptorData.uuid()
+ == QBluetoothUuid::DescriptorType::ClientCharacteristicConfiguration) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto descriptorHandle = handleForDescriptor(descriptorData.uuid(),
+ servicePrivate,
+ characteristicHandle);
+ QtBluezPeripheralDescriptor* descriptor =
+ new QtBluezPeripheralDescriptor(descriptorData,
+ characteristic->objectPath, descriptorOrdinal++,
+ descriptorHandle, characteristicHandle, this);
+ QObject::connect(descriptor, &QtBluezPeripheralDescriptor::valueUpdatedByRemote,
+ this, &QtBluezPeripheralApplication::descriptorValueUpdatedByRemote);
+ QObject::connect(descriptor, &QtBluezPeripheralCharacteristic::remoteDeviceAccessEvent,
+ this, &QtBluezPeripheralApplication::remoteDeviceAccessEvent);
+ m_descriptors.insert(descriptorHandle, descriptor);
+ }
+ }
+// This function is called when characteristic is written to from Qt API
+bool QtBluezPeripheralApplication::localCharacteristicWrite(QLowEnergyHandle handle,
+ const QByteArray& value)
+ auto characteristic = m_characteristics.value(handle);
+ if (!characteristic) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "DBus characteristic not found for write";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return characteristic->localValueUpdate(value);
+// This function is called when characteristic is written to from Qt API
+bool QtBluezPeripheralApplication::localDescriptorWrite(QLowEnergyHandle handle,
+ const QByteArray& value)
+ auto descriptor = m_descriptors.value(handle);
+ if (!descriptor) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "DBus descriptor not found for write";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return descriptor->localValueUpdate(value);
+bool QtBluezPeripheralApplication::registrationNeeded()
+ return !m_applicationRegistered && !m_services.isEmpty();
+// org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager
+// This is called by Bluez when we register the application
+ManagedObjectList QtBluezPeripheralApplication::GetManagedObjects()
+ ManagedObjectList managedObjects;
+ for (const auto service: std::as_const(m_services))
+ managedObjects.insert(QDBusObjectPath(service->objectPath), service->properties());
+ for (const auto& charac : std::as_const(m_characteristics))
+ managedObjects.insert(QDBusObjectPath(charac->objectPath), charac->properties());
+ for (const auto& descriptor : std::as_const(m_descriptors))
+ managedObjects.insert(QDBusObjectPath(descriptor->objectPath), descriptor->properties());
+ return managedObjects;
+// Returns the Qt-internal handle for the characteristic
+QLowEnergyHandle QtBluezPeripheralApplication::handleForCharacteristic(QBluetoothUuid uuid,
+ QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate> service)
+ const auto handles = service->characteristicList.keys();
+ for (const auto handle : handles) {
+ if (uuid == service->characteristicList[handle].uuid)
+ return handle;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Returns the Qt-internal handle for the descriptor
+QLowEnergyHandle QtBluezPeripheralApplication::handleForDescriptor(QBluetoothUuid uuid,
+ QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate> service,
+ QLowEnergyHandle characteristicHandle)
+ const auto characteristicData = service->characteristicList[characteristicHandle];
+ const auto handles = characteristicData.descriptorList.keys();
+ for (const auto handle : handles) {
+ if (uuid == characteristicData.descriptorList[handle].uuid)
+ return handle;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#include "moc_bluezperipheralapplication_p.cpp"