path: root/src/nfc/qnearfieldmanager.cpp
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1 files changed, 554 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/nfc/qnearfieldmanager.cpp b/src/nfc/qnearfieldmanager.cpp
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+** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
+** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
+#include "qnearfieldmanager.h"
+#include "qnearfieldmanager_p.h"
+#if defined(QT_SIMULATOR)
+#include "qnearfieldmanager_simulator_p.h"
+#elif defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+#include "qnearfieldmanager_symbian_p.h"
+#elif defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_6) || defined (Q_WS_MEEGO)
+#include "qnearfieldmanager_maemo6_p.h"
+#include "qnearfieldmanagerimpl_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/QMetaType>
+#include <QtCore/QMetaMethod>
+ \class QNearFieldManager
+ \brief The QNearFieldManager class provides access to notifications for NFC events.
+ \ingroup connectivity-nfc
+ \inmodule QtConnectivity
+ \since 5.0
+ NFC Forum devices support two modes of communications. The first mode, peer-to-peer
+ communications, is used to communicate between two NFC Forum devices. The second mode,
+ master/slave communications, is used to communicate between an NFC Forum device and an NFC
+ Forum Tag or Contactless Card. The targetDetected() signal is emitted when a target device
+ enters communications range. Communications can be initiated from the slot connected to this
+ signal.
+ NFC Forum devices generally operate as the master in master/slave communications. Some devices
+ are also capable of operating as the slave, so called Card Emulation mode. In this mode the
+ local NFC device emulates a NFC Forum Tag or Contactless Card and can be used to perform
+ transactions. The transaction happens entirely within a secure element on the device and only a
+ notification of the transaction is provided. The transactionDetected() signal is emitted
+ whenever a transaction occurs.
+ NFC Forum Tags can contain one or more messages in a standardized format. These messages are
+ encapsulated by the QNdefMessage class. Use the registerNdefMessageHandler() functions to
+ register message handlers with particular criteria. Handlers can be unregistered with the
+ unregisterNdefMessageHandler() function.
+ Applications can connect to the targetDetected() and targetLost() signals to get notified when
+ an NFC Forum Device or NFC Forum Tag enters or leaves proximity. Before these signals are
+ emitted target detection must be started with the startTargetDetection() function, which takes
+ a parameter to limit the type of device or tags detected. Target detection can be stopped with
+ the stopTargetDetection() function. Before a detected target can be accessed it is necessary to
+ request access rights. This must be done before the target device is touched. The
+ setTargetAccessModes() function is used to set the types of access the application wants to
+ perform on the detected target. When access is no longer required the target access modes
+ should be set to NoTargetAccess as other applications may be blocked from accessing targets.
+ The current target access modes can be retried with the targetAccessModes() function.
+ \section2 Automatically launching NDEF message handlers
+ It is possible to pre-register an application to receive NDEF messages matching a given
+ criteria. This is useful to get the system to automatically launch your application when a
+ matching NDEF message is received. This removes the need to have the user manually launch NDEF
+ handling applications, prior to touching a tag, or to have those applications always running
+ and using system resources.
+ The process of registering the handler is different on each platform. The platform specifics
+ are documented in the sections below. Qt Mobility provides a tool, \c {ndefhandlergen}, to
+ generate the platform specific registration files. The output of \c {ndefhandlergen -help} is
+ reproduced here for convenience:
+ \code
+ Generate platform specific NFC message handler registration files.
+ Usage: nfcxmlgen [options]
+ -template TEMPLATE Template to use.
+ -appname APPNAME Name of the application.
+ -apppath APPPATH Path to installed application binary.
+ -datatype DATATYPE URN of the NDEF message type to match.
+ -match MATCHSTRING Platform specific match string.
+ The -datatype and -match options are mutually exclusive.
+ Available templates: maemo6, symbian
+ \endcode
+ A typical invocation of the \c ndefhandlergen tool for Symbian^3 target:
+ \code
+ ndefhandlergen -template symbian -appname myapplication -datatype urn:nfc:ext:com.example:f
+ \endcode
+ and for Maemo6 target:
+ \code
+ ndefhandlergen -template maemo6 -appname myapplication -apppath /usr/bin/myapplication -datatype urn:nfc:ext:com.example:f
+ \endcode
+ Once the application has been registered as an NDEF message handler, the application only needs
+ to call the registerNdefMessageHandler() function:
+ \code
+ QNearFieldManager *manager = new QNearFieldManager;
+ manager->registerNdefMessageHandler(this,
+ SLOT(handleNdefMessage(QNdefMessage,QNearFieldTarget)));
+ \endcode
+ \section3 Symbian^3
+ On Symbian^3 an xml file needs to be created and installed into a particular directory on the
+ device. The format of the xml is given below.
+ \quotefile tools/ndefhandlergen/templates/symbian/symbian.xml
+ The \i {%APPNAME%} tags need to be changed to match the name of the application. The
+ \i description xml tags should be used to describe the application, however these values are
+ not used. The \i {%DATATYPE%} tag must be set with the NDEF record type to match For example
+ the following would be used to match NDEF messages that contain a RTD-URI record:
+ \code
+ <customproperty key="datatype">urn:nfc:wkt:U</customproperty>
+ \endcode
+ The following would be used to match NDEF messages that contain a custom type
+ \code
+ <customproperty key="datatype">urn:nfc:ext:com.example:f</customproperty>
+ \endcode
+ The value of the \i customproperty xml tag can be set to any valid match string supported by
+ the Symbian^3 platform.
+ It is recommended to name the xml file after the application package name. For example
+ myapplication.xml. To install the above xml file into the correct location the following should
+ be added to the application .pro file:
+ \code
+ symbian {
+ ndefhandler.sources = myapplication.xml
+ ndefhandler.path = /private/2002AC7F/import/
+ DEPLOYMENT += ndefhandler
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \section3 Maemo6
+ On Maemo6 the NDEF message handler notifications are passed over D-Bus. Registration of the
+ NDEF message match criteria is done via a D-Bus call. The application must also ensure that it
+ has registered a D-Bus service name so that the application can be automatically launched when
+ a notification message is sent to the registered service.
+ To register the D-Bus service the two files need to be created and installed into particular
+ directories on the device. The first file is the D-Bus bus configuration file:
+ \quotefile tools/ndefhandlergen/templates/maemo6/maemo6.conf
+ The \i {%APPNAME%} tag must be replaced with the name of your application binary.
+ The second file is a D-Bus service file which is used by the D-Bus daemon to launch your
+ application.
+ \quotefile tools/ndefhandlergen/templates/maemo6/maemo6.service
+ The \i {%APPNAME%} tag must be replace with the name of your application binary and the
+ \i {%APPPATH%} tag must be replaced with the path to your installed application binary.
+ It is recommended to name these files after the application package name. For example
+ myapplication.conf and myapplication.service. To install the above files into the correct
+ location the following should be added to the application .pro file:
+ \code
+ maemo6 {
+ ndefhandler_conf.sources = myapplication.conf
+ ndefhandler_conf.path = /etc/dbus-1/system.d/
+ ndefhandler_service.sources = myapplication.service
+ ndefhandler_service.path = /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/
+ DEPLOYMENT += ndefhandler_conf ndefhandler_service
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The NDEF message handler is registered with the following D-Bus command. Applications should
+ ensure that the following command (or similar) is executed once at installation time. For
+ example in the packages post-installation script.
+ \quotefile tools/ndefhandlergen/templates/maemo6/maemo6.postinst
+ The \i {%APPNAME%} string must be replaced with the name of the application binary. The
+ \i {%DATATYPE%} string must be replaced with the NDEF record type to match. For example the
+ following would be used to match NDEF messages that contain a RTD-URI record:
+ \code
+ string:"urn:nfc:wkt:U[1:*];"
+ \endcode
+ The following would be used to match NDEF messages that contain a custom type
+ \code
+ string:"[1:*];"
+ \endcode
+ Note that \c {[1:*]} indicates one or more records of the specified type must be in the NDEF
+ message. The value of the datatype string argument can be set to any valid match string
+ supported by the Maemo6 platform.
+ The NDEF message handler should be unregistered at uninstallation time. For example in the
+ packages pre-removal script.
+ \quotefile tools/ndefhandlergen/templates/maemo6/maemo6.prerm
+ The \i {%APPNAME%} string must be replace with the name of the application binary.
+ \enum QNearFieldManager::TargetAccessMode
+ This enum describes the different access modes an application can have.
+ \value NoTargetAccess The application cannot access NFC capabilities.
+ \value NdefReadTargetAccess The application can read NDEF messages from targets by calling
+ QNearFieldTarget::readNdefMessages().
+ \value NdefWriteTargetAccess The application can write NDEF messages to targets by calling
+ QNearFieldTarget::writeNdefMessages().
+ \value TagTypeSpecificTargetAccess The application can access targets using raw commands by
+ calling QNearFieldTarget::sendCommand().
+ \fn void QNearFieldManager::targetDetected(QNearFieldTarget *target)
+ This signal is emitted whenever a target is detected. The \a target parameter represents the
+ detected target.
+ This signal will be emitted for all detected targets.
+ QNearFieldManager maintains ownership of \a target, however, it will not be destroyed until
+ the QNearFieldManager destructor is called. Ownership may be transferred by calling
+ setParent().
+ Do not delete \a target from the slot connected to this signal, instead call deleteLater().
+ \note that if \a target is deleted before it moves out of proximity the targetLost() signal
+ will not be emitted.
+ \sa targetLost()
+ \fn void QNearFieldManager::targetLost(QNearFieldTarget *target)
+ This signal is emitted whenever a target moves out of proximity. The \a target parameter
+ represents the lost target.
+ Do not delete \a target from the slot connected to this signal, instead use deleteLater().
+ \sa QNearFieldTarget::disconnected()
+ \fn void QNearFieldManager::transactionDetected(const QByteArray &applicationIdentifier)
+ This signal is emitted when ever a transaction is performed with the application identified by
+ \a applicationIdentifier.
+ The \a applicationIdentifier is a byte array of up to 16 bytes as defined by ISO 7816-4 and
+ uniquely identifies the application and application vendor that was involved in the
+ transaction.
+ Constructs a new near field manager with \a parent.
+QNearFieldManager::QNearFieldManager(QObject *parent)
+: QObject(parent), d_ptr(new QNearFieldManagerPrivateImpl)
+ connect(d_ptr, SIGNAL(targetDetected(QNearFieldTarget*)),
+ this, SIGNAL(targetDetected(QNearFieldTarget*)));
+ connect(d_ptr, SIGNAL(targetLost(QNearFieldTarget*)),
+ this, SIGNAL(targetLost(QNearFieldTarget*)));
+ \internal
+ Constructs a new near field manager with the specified \a backend and with \a parent.
+ \note: This constructor is only enable for internal builds and is used for testing the
+ simulator backend.
+QNearFieldManager::QNearFieldManager(QNearFieldManagerPrivate *backend, QObject *parent)
+: QObject(parent), d_ptr(backend)
+ connect(d_ptr, SIGNAL(targetDetected(QNearFieldTarget*)),
+ this, SIGNAL(targetDetected(QNearFieldTarget*)));
+ connect(d_ptr, SIGNAL(targetLost(QNearFieldTarget*)),
+ this, SIGNAL(targetLost(QNearFieldTarget*)));
+ Destroys the near field manager.
+ delete d_ptr;
+ Returns true if NFC functionality is available; otherwise returns false.
+bool QNearFieldManager::isAvailable() const
+ Q_D(const QNearFieldManager);
+ return d->isAvailable();
+ Starts detecting targets of type \a targetTypes. Returns true if target detection is
+ successfully started; otherwise returns false.
+ Causes the targetDetected() signal to be emitted when a target with a type in \a targetTypes is
+ within proximity. If \a targetTypes is empty targets of all types will be detected.
+ \sa stopTargetDetection()
+bool QNearFieldManager::startTargetDetection(const QList<QNearFieldTarget::Type> &targetTypes)
+ Q_D(QNearFieldManager);
+ if (targetTypes.isEmpty())
+ return d->startTargetDetection(QList<QNearFieldTarget::Type>() << QNearFieldTarget::AnyTarget);
+ else
+ return d->startTargetDetection(targetTypes);
+ \overload
+ Starts detecting targets of type \a targetType. Returns true if target detection is
+ successfully started; otherwise returns false. Causes the targetDetected() signal to be emitted
+ when a target with the type \a targetType is within proximity.
+bool QNearFieldManager::startTargetDetection(QNearFieldTarget::Type targetType)
+ return startTargetDetection(QList<QNearFieldTarget::Type>() << targetType);
+ Stops detecting targets. The targetDetected() signal will no longer be emitted until another
+ call to startTargetDetection() is made.
+void QNearFieldManager::stopTargetDetection()
+ Q_D(QNearFieldManager);
+ d->stopTargetDetection();
+static QMetaMethod methodForSignature(QObject *object, const char *method)
+ QByteArray normalizedMethod = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(method);
+ if (!QMetaObject::checkConnectArgs(SIGNAL(targetDetected(QNdefMessage,QNearFieldTarget*)),
+ normalizedMethod)) {
+ qWarning("Signatures do not match: %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return QMetaMethod();
+ }
+ quint8 memcode = ( - '0') & 0x03;
+ normalizedMethod = normalizedMethod.mid(1);
+ int index;
+ switch (memcode) {
+ case QSLOT_CODE:
+ index = object->metaObject()->indexOfSlot(normalizedMethod.constData());
+ break;
+ index = object->metaObject()->indexOfSignal(normalizedMethod.constData());
+ break;
+ index = object->metaObject()->indexOfMethod(normalizedMethod.constData());
+ break;
+ default:
+ index = -1;
+ }
+ if (index == -1)
+ return QMetaMethod();
+ return object->metaObject()->method(index);
+ Registers \a object to receive notifications on \a method when a tag has been detected and has
+ an NDEF record that matches \a typeNameFormat and \a type. The \a method on \a object should
+ have the prototype
+ 'void targetDetected(const QNdefMessage &message, QNearFieldTarget *target)'.
+ Returns an identifier, which can be used to unregister the handler, on success; otherwise
+ returns -1.
+ \note The \i target parameter of \a method may not be available on all platforms, in which case
+ \i target will be 0.
+int QNearFieldManager::registerNdefMessageHandler(QNdefRecord::TypeNameFormat typeNameFormat,
+ const QByteArray &type,
+ QObject *object, const char *method)
+ QMetaMethod metaMethod = methodForSignature(object, method);
+ if (!metaMethod.enclosingMetaObject())
+ return -1;
+ QNdefFilter filter;
+ filter.appendRecord(typeNameFormat, type);
+ Q_D(QNearFieldManager);
+ return d->registerNdefMessageHandler(filter, object, metaMethod);
+ \fn int QNearFieldManager::registerNdefMessageHandler(QObject *object, const char *method)
+ Registers \a object to receive notifications on \a method when a tag has been detected and has
+ an NDEF message that matches a pre-registered message format. The \a method on \a object should
+ have the prototype
+ 'void targetDetected(const QNdefMessage &message, QNearFieldTarget *target)'.
+ Returns an identifier, which can be used to unregister the handler, on success; otherwise
+ returns -1.
+ This function is used to register a QNearFieldManager instance to receive notifications when a
+ NDEF message matching a pre-registered message format is received. See the section on
+ \l {Automatically launching NDEF message handlers}.
+ \note The \i target parameter of \a method may not be available on all platforms, in which case
+ \i target will be 0.
+int QNearFieldManager::registerNdefMessageHandler(QObject *object, const char *method)
+ QMetaMethod metaMethod = methodForSignature(object, method);
+ if (!metaMethod.enclosingMetaObject())
+ return -1;
+ Q_D(QNearFieldManager);
+ return d->registerNdefMessageHandler(object, metaMethod);
+ Registers \a object to receive notifications on \a method when a tag has been detected and has
+ an NDEF message that matches \a filter is detected. The \a method on \a object should have the
+ prototype 'void targetDetected(const QNdefMessage &message, QNearFieldTarget *target)'.
+ Returns an identifier, which can be used to unregister the handler, on success; otherwise
+ returns -1.
+ \note The \i target parameter of \a method may not be available on all platforms, in which case
+ \i target will be 0.
+int QNearFieldManager::registerNdefMessageHandler(const QNdefFilter &filter,
+ QObject *object, const char *method)
+ QMetaMethod metaMethod = methodForSignature(object, method);
+ if (!metaMethod.enclosingMetaObject())
+ return -1;
+ Q_D(QNearFieldManager);
+ return d->registerNdefMessageHandler(filter, object, metaMethod);
+ Unregisters the target detect handler identified by \a handlerId.
+ Returns true on success; otherwise returns false.
+bool QNearFieldManager::unregisterNdefMessageHandler(int handlerId)
+ Q_D(QNearFieldManager);
+ return d->unregisterNdefMessageHandler(handlerId);
+ Sets the requested target access modes to \a accessModes.
+void QNearFieldManager::setTargetAccessModes(TargetAccessModes accessModes)
+ Q_D(QNearFieldManager);
+ TargetAccessModes removedModes = ~accessModes & d->m_requestedModes;
+ if (removedModes)
+ d->releaseAccess(removedModes);
+ TargetAccessModes newModes = accessModes & ~d->m_requestedModes;
+ if (newModes)
+ d->requestAccess(newModes);
+ Returns current requested target access modes.
+QNearFieldManager::TargetAccessModes QNearFieldManager::targetAccessModes() const
+ Q_D(const QNearFieldManager);
+ return d->m_requestedModes;
+#include "moc_qnearfieldmanager.cpp"
+#include "moc_qnearfieldmanager_p.cpp"