// Copyright 2014 Cubane Canada, Inc. All rights reserved. // See LICENSE for details. /*--- info: | [...] 6. Else, let handlerResult be Call(handler, undefined, «argument»). es6id: S25.4.2.1_A3.1_T1 author: Sam Mikes description: > "fulfilled" handler invoked correctly outside of strict mode flags: [async, noStrict] ---*/ var expectedThis = this, obj = {}; var p = Promise.resolve(obj).then(function(arg) { if (this !== expectedThis) { $DONE("'this' must be global object, got " + this); return; } if (arg !== obj) { $DONE("Expected promise to be fulfilled by obj, actually " + arg); return; } if (arguments.length !== 1) { $DONE('Expected handler function to be called with exactly 1 argument.'); return; } $DONE(); }, function() { $DONE('The promise should not be rejected.'); });