// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- info: | The | regular expression operator separates two alternatives. The pattern first tries to match the left Alternative (followed by the sequel of the regular expression). If it fails, it tries to match the right Disjunction (followed by the sequel of the regular expression) es5id: description: > Execute /\d{3}|[a-z]{4}/.exec("2, 12 and of course repeat 12") and check results ---*/ var __executed = /\d{3}|[a-z]{4}/.exec("2, 12 and of course repeat 12"); var __expected = ["cour"]; __expected.index = 13; __expected.input = "2, 12 and of course repeat 12"; //CHECK#1 if (__executed.length !== __expected.length) { $ERROR('#1: __executed = /\\d{3}|[a-z]{4}/.exec("2, 12 and of course repeat 12"); __executed.length === ' + __expected.length + '. Actual: ' + __executed.length); } //CHECK#2 if (__executed.index !== __expected.index) { $ERROR('#2: __executed = /\\d{3}|[a-z]{4}/.exec("2, 12 and of course repeat 12"); __executed.index === ' + __expected.index + '. Actual: ' + __executed.index); } //CHECK#3 if (__executed.input !== __expected.input) { $ERROR('#3: __executed = /\\d{3}|[a-z]{4}/.exec("2, 12 and of course repeat 12"); __executed.input === ' + __expected.input + '. Actual: ' + __executed.input); } //CHECK#4 for(var index=0; index<__expected.length; index++) { if (__executed[index] !== __expected[index]) { $ERROR('#4: __executed = /\\d{3}|[a-z]{4}/.exec("2, 12 and of course repeat 12"); __executed[' + index + '] === ' + __expected[index] + '. Actual: ' + __executed[index]); } }