// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qqmlsettings_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \qmltype Settings //! \instantiates QQmlSettings \inherits QtObject \inqmlmodule QtCore \since 6.5 \brief Provides persistent platform-independent application settings. The Settings type provides persistent platform-independent application settings. Users normally expect an application to remember its settings (window sizes and positions, options, etc.) across sessions. The Settings type enables you to save and restore such application settings with the minimum of effort. Individual setting values are specified by declaring properties within a Settings element. Only value types recognized by QSettings are supported. The recommended approach is to use property aliases in order to get automatic property updates both ways. The following example shows how to use Settings to store and restore the geometry of a window. \qml import QtCore import QtQuick Window { id: window width: 800 height: 600 Settings { property alias x: window.x property alias y: window.y property alias width: window.width property alias height: window.height } } \endqml At first application startup, the window gets default dimensions specified as 800x600. Notice that no default position is specified - we let the window manager handle that. Later when the window geometry changes, new values will be automatically stored to the persistent settings. The second application run will get initial values from the persistent settings, bringing the window back to the previous position and size. A fully declarative syntax, achieved by using property aliases, comes at the cost of storing persistent settings whenever the values of aliased properties change. Normal properties can be used to gain more fine-grained control over storing the persistent settings. The following example illustrates how to save a setting on component destruction. \qml import QtCore import QtQuick Item { id: page state: settings.state states: [ State { name: "active" // ... }, State { name: "inactive" // ... } ] Settings { id: settings property string state: "active" } Component.onDestruction: { settings.state = page.state } } \endqml Notice how the default value is now specified in the persistent setting property, and the actual property is bound to the setting in order to get the initial value from the persistent settings. \section1 Application Identifiers Application specific settings are identified by providing application \l {QCoreApplication::applicationName}{name}, \l {QCoreApplication::organizationName}{organization} and \l {QCoreApplication::organizationDomain}{domain}, or by specifying \l location. \code #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); app.setOrganizationName("Some Company"); app.setOrganizationDomain("somecompany.com"); app.setApplicationName("Amazing Application"); QQmlApplicationEngine engine("main.qml"); return app.exec(); } \endcode These are typically specified in C++ in the beginning of \c main(), but can also be controlled in QML via the following properties: \list \li \l {Qt::application}{Qt.application.name}, \li \l {Qt::application}{Qt.application.organization} and \li \l {Qt::application}{Qt.application.domain}. \endlist \section1 Categories Application settings may be divided into logical categories by specifying a category name via the \l category property. Using logical categories not only provides a cleaner settings structure, but also prevents possible conflicts between setting keys. If several categories are required, use several Settings objects, each with their own category: \qml Item { id: panel visible: true Settings { category: "OutputPanel" property alias visible: panel.visible // ... } Settings { category: "General" property alias fontSize: fontSizeSpinBox.value // ... } } \endqml Instead of ensuring that all settings in the application have unique names, the settings can be divided into unique categories that may then contain settings using the same names that are used in other categories - without a conflict. \section1 Settings singleton It's often useful to have settings available to every QML file as a singleton. For an example of this, see the \l {Qt Quick Controls - To Do List}{To Do List example}. Specifically, \l {https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtdeclarative.git/tree/examples/quickcontrols/ios/todolist/AppSettings.qml} {AppSettings.qml} is the singleton, and in the \l {https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtdeclarative.git/tree/examples/quickcontrols/ios/todolist/CMakeLists.txt} {CMakeLists.txt file}, the \c QT_QML_SINGLETON_TYPE property is set to \c TRUE for that file via \c set_source_files_properties. \section1 Notes The current implementation is based on \l QSettings. This imposes certain limitations, such as missing change notifications. Writing a setting value using one instance of Settings does not update the value in another Settings instance, even if they are referring to the same setting in the same category. The information is stored in the system registry on Windows, and in XML preferences files on \macos. On other Unix systems, in the absence of a standard, INI text files are used. See \l QSettings documentation for more details. \sa QSettings */ using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcQmlSettings, "qt.core.settings") static constexpr const int settingsWriteDelay = 500; class QQmlSettingsPrivate { Q_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE(QQmlSettingsPrivate) Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QQmlSettings) public: QQmlSettingsPrivate() = default; ~QQmlSettingsPrivate() = default; QSettings *instance() const; void init(); void reset(); void load(); void store(); void _q_propertyChanged(); QVariant readProperty(const QMetaProperty &property) const; QQmlSettings *q_ptr = nullptr; int timerId = 0; bool initialized = false; QString category = {}; QUrl location = {}; mutable QPointer settings = nullptr; QHash changedProperties = {}; }; QSettings *QQmlSettingsPrivate::instance() const { if (settings) return settings; QQmlSettings *q = const_cast(q_func()); settings = location.isLocalFile() ? new QSettings(location.toLocalFile(), QSettings::IniFormat, q) : new QSettings(q); if (settings->status() != QSettings::NoError) { // TODO: can't print out the enum due to the following error: // error: C2666: 'QQmlInfo::operator <<': 15 overloads have similar conversions qmlWarning(q) << "Failed to initialize QSettings instance. Status code is: " << int(settings->status()); if (settings->status() == QSettings::AccessError) { QStringList missingIdentifiers = {}; if (QCoreApplication::organizationName().isEmpty()) missingIdentifiers.append(u"organizationName"_s); if (QCoreApplication::organizationDomain().isEmpty()) missingIdentifiers.append(u"organizationDomain"_s); if (QCoreApplication::applicationName().isEmpty()) missingIdentifiers.append(u"applicationName"_s); if (!missingIdentifiers.isEmpty()) qmlWarning(q) << "The following application identifiers have not been set: " << missingIdentifiers; } return settings; } if (!category.isEmpty()) settings->beginGroup(category); if (initialized) q->d_func()->load(); return settings; } void QQmlSettingsPrivate::init() { if (initialized) return; load(); initialized = true; qCDebug(lcQmlSettings) << "QQmlSettings: stored at" << instance()->fileName(); } void QQmlSettingsPrivate::reset() { if (initialized && settings && !changedProperties.isEmpty()) store(); delete settings; } void QQmlSettingsPrivate::load() { Q_Q(QQmlSettings); const QMetaObject *mo = q->metaObject(); const int offset = mo->propertyOffset(); const int count = mo->propertyCount(); // don't save built-in properties if there aren't any qml properties if (offset == 1) return; for (int i = offset; i < count; ++i) { QMetaProperty property = mo->property(i); const QString propertyName = QString::fromUtf8(property.name()); const QVariant previousValue = readProperty(property); const QVariant currentValue = instance()->value(propertyName, previousValue); if (!currentValue.isNull() && (!previousValue.isValid() || (currentValue.canConvert(previousValue.metaType()) && previousValue != currentValue))) { property.write(q, currentValue); qCDebug(lcQmlSettings) << "QQmlSettings: load" << property.name() << "setting:" << currentValue << "default:" << previousValue; } // ensure that a non-existent setting gets written // even if the property wouldn't change later if (!instance()->contains(propertyName)) _q_propertyChanged(); // setup change notifications on first load if (!initialized && property.hasNotifySignal()) { static const int propertyChangedIndex = mo->indexOfSlot("_q_propertyChanged()"); QMetaObject::connect(q, property.notifySignalIndex(), q, propertyChangedIndex); } } } void QQmlSettingsPrivate::store() { QHash::const_iterator it = changedProperties.constBegin(); while (it != changedProperties.constEnd()) { instance()->setValue(QString::fromUtf8(it.key()), it.value()); qCDebug(lcQmlSettings) << "QQmlSettings: store" << it.key() << ":" << it.value(); ++it; } changedProperties.clear(); } void QQmlSettingsPrivate::_q_propertyChanged() { Q_Q(QQmlSettings); const QMetaObject *mo = q->metaObject(); const int offset = mo->propertyOffset(); const int count = mo->propertyCount(); for (int i = offset; i < count; ++i) { const QMetaProperty &property = mo->property(i); const QVariant value = readProperty(property); changedProperties.insert(property.name(), value); qCDebug(lcQmlSettings) << "QQmlSettings: cache" << property.name() << ":" << value; } if (timerId != 0) q->killTimer(timerId); timerId = q->startTimer(settingsWriteDelay); } QVariant QQmlSettingsPrivate::readProperty(const QMetaProperty &property) const { Q_Q(const QQmlSettings); QVariant var = property.read(q); if (var.metaType() == QMetaType::fromType()) var = var.value().toVariant(); return var; } QQmlSettings::QQmlSettings(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), d_ptr(new QQmlSettingsPrivate) { Q_D(QQmlSettings); d->q_ptr = this; } QQmlSettings::~QQmlSettings() { Q_D(QQmlSettings); d->reset(); // flush pending changes } /*! \qmlproperty string Settings::category This property holds the name of the settings category. Categories can be used to group related settings together. */ QString QQmlSettings::category() const { Q_D(const QQmlSettings); return d->category; } void QQmlSettings::setCategory(const QString &category) { Q_D(QQmlSettings); if (d->category == category) return; d->reset(); d->category = category; if (d->initialized) d->load(); Q_EMIT categoryChanged(category); } /*! \qmlproperty url Settings::location This property holds the path to the settings file. If the file doesn't already exist, it will be created. If this property is empty (the default), then QSettings::defaultFormat() will be used. Otherwise, QSettings::IniFormat will be used. \sa QSettings::fileName, QSettings::defaultFormat, QSettings::IniFormat */ QUrl QQmlSettings::location() const { Q_D(const QQmlSettings); return d->location; } void QQmlSettings::setLocation(const QUrl &location) { Q_D(QQmlSettings); if (d->location == location) return; d->reset(); d->location = location; if (d->initialized) d->load(); Q_EMIT locationChanged(location); } /*! \qmlmethod var Settings::value(string key, var defaultValue) Returns the value for setting \a key. If the setting doesn't exist, returns \a defaultValue. \sa QSettings::value */ QVariant QQmlSettings::value(const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue) const { Q_D(const QQmlSettings); return d->instance()->value(key, defaultValue); } /*! \qmlmethod Settings::setValue(string key, var value) Sets the value of setting \a key to \a value. If the key already exists, the previous value is overwritten. \sa QSettings::setValue */ void QQmlSettings::setValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value) { Q_D(const QQmlSettings); d->instance()->setValue(key, value); qCDebug(lcQmlSettings) << "QQmlSettings: setValue" << key << ":" << value; } /*! \qmlmethod Settings::sync() Writes any unsaved changes to permanent storage, and reloads any settings that have been changed in the meantime by another application. This function is called automatically from QSettings's destructor and by the event loop at regular intervals, so you normally don't need to call it yourself. \sa QSettings::sync */ void QQmlSettings::sync() { Q_D(QQmlSettings); d->instance()->sync(); } void QQmlSettings::classBegin() { } void QQmlSettings::componentComplete() { Q_D(QQmlSettings); d->init(); } void QQmlSettings::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) { Q_D(QQmlSettings); QObject::timerEvent(event); if (event->timerId() != d->timerId) return; killTimer(d->timerId); d->timerId = 0; d->store(); } QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_qqmlsettings_p.cpp"