// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page overviews-main.html \title Qt Overviews \brief Qt development topics Qt features a wide range of different technologies. The following topics are key areas of functionality and can be used as a starting point for learning how to to get the most of Qt. \list \li \l{Development Tools} \li \l{User Interfaces} \li \l{Core Internals} \li \l{Data Input Output} \li \l{Networking and Connectivity} \li \l{Graphics} \li \l{Mobile Development} \li \l{QML Applications} \li \l{Platform Integration} \li \l{XML Processing} \li \l {Scripting} \li \l {Internationalization with Qt} \li \l {Testing and Debugging} \endlist \section1 Best Practices These pages give guidance on how to use Qt technologies best to create applications that excel in usability and software design. \annotatedlist best-practices \section1 Reference Also see \l {All Overviews} for lists of overview articles, C++ modules, and QML modules on one page. */