# iOS does not require OpenSSL and always passes !ios:requires(contains(QT_CONFIG, ssl) | contains(QT_CONFIG, openssl) | contains(QT_CONFIG, openssl-linked)) lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5): error("The Enginio Qt library only supports Qt 5.") load(configure) load(qt_parts) QMAKE_DOCS = $$PWD/doc/qtenginiooverview.qdocconf load(qt_docs) OTHER_FILES += \ doc/enginio_overview.qdoc \ doc/qtenginiooverview.qdocconf contains(CONFIG, coverage) { gcc*: { message("Enabling test coverage instrumentization") coverage.commands = lcov -t "Enginio" -o result1.info -c -d . \ && lcov -e result1.info *enginio* -o result2.info \ && lcov -r result2.info moc* -o result.info \ && genhtml -o results result.info coverage.target = check_coverage coverage.depends = check QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += coverage } else { warning("Test coverage is supported only through gcc") } } contains(DEFINES, ENGINIO_VALGRIND_DEBUG) { warning("ENGINIO_VALGRIND_DEBUG is enabled, ssl cipher will be hardcoded, DO NOT USE IT IN PRODUCTION") }