# Installation Typical installation as a library pip3 install qface # Install for Development Installing as python executable using pip3 (python3) git clone git@github.com:Pelagicore/qface.git cd qface pip3 install -e . Installs qface as an "editable" package. Means updates on the local git repo are reflected. If this is not what you want you can install it with cd qface pip3 install . # Setup Develoment To install the python dependencies use cd qface pip3 install -r requirements pip3 install -e . For updating the grammar you also need antlr4 (see http://www.antlr.org). # Tests The commands are controlled by the cli.py script. cd qface ./cli.py --help To run the tests once ./cli.py test To monitor the tests and auto-run the tests cd qface ./cli.py test_monitor