#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Pelagicore AB 2016 import click from subprocess import call from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler from watchdog.observers import Observer from path import Path import time import os import yaml import logging import logging.config here = Path(__file__).abspath().dirname() logging.config.dictConfig(yaml.load((here / 'log.yaml').open())) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = Path.getcwd() def sh(cmd, all=False, **kwargs): click.echo('$ {0}'.format(cmd)) return call(cmd, shell=True, **kwargs) @click.group() def cli(): pass @cli.command() def antlr(): """generate a new parser based on the grammar using antlr""" cwd = str(Path('qface/idl/parser').abspath()) sh('antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 -Werror -package qface.idl.parser -o . -listener -visitor T.g4', cwd=cwd) @cli.command() @click.option('--debug/--nodebug') def test(debug): """run the tests""" sh('python3 -m pytest -v -s -l {0}'.format('-pdb' if debug else '')) @cli.command() def test_ci(): """run the tests for CI integration""" sh('python3 -m pytest --cov=qface -v -l tests/') @click.option('--editable/--no-editable', default=False, help='install editable package') @cli.command() def install(editable): """install the script onto the system using pip3""" script_dir = str(Path(__file__).parent.abspath()) click.secho(script_dir, fg='blue') if editable: sh('pip3 install --editable {0} --upgrade'.format(script_dir)) else: sh('pip3 install {0} --upgrade'.format(script_dir)) @cli.command() def uninstall(): """uninstall the script from the system using pip3""" sh('pip3 uninstall qface') @cli.command() def upload(): sh('twine upload dist/*') Path('build').rmtree_p() @cli.command() def pack(): Path('build').rmtree_p() Path('dist').rmtree_p() sh('python3 setup.py bdist_wheel') sh('unzip -l dist/*.whl') @cli.command() def docs_serve(): server = Server() server.watch('docs/*.rst', shell('make html', cwd='docs')) server.serve(root='docs/_build/html', open_url=True) @cli.command() def clean(): Path('build').rmtree_p() Path('dist').rmtree_p() Path('qface.egg-info').rmtree_p() if __name__ == '__main__': cli()