import re translate = None """ The translate function used for translating inline tags. The function will be called with tag, value arguments. Example: import qface.doc def qdoc_translate(tag, value): return '\\{0}{{{1}}}'.format(tag, value) qface.doc.translate = qdoc_translate """ class DocObject: """ The documentation object passed into the template engine """ def __init__(self): self.brief = [] self.description = [] self.see = [] self.deprecated = False def add_tag(self, name, value): attr_type = type(getattr(self, name, None)) if type(value) == str: value = self._replace_inline_tags(value) if attr_type is bool: setattr(self, name, bool(value)) elif attr_type is str: setattr(self, name, str(value)) elif attr_type is list: getattr(self, name).append(value) else: print('documentation tag @{0} not supported'.format(name)) @staticmethod def _translate(name, value): return '{{@{0} {1}}}'.format(name, value) @staticmethod def _call_translate(mo): global translate name, value =, translate = translate if translate else DocObject._translate return translate(name, value) @staticmethod def _replace_inline_tags(line): return re.sub(r'{@(\w+)\s+([^}]*)}', DocObject._call_translate, line) def parse_doc(s): """ parse a comment in the format of JavaDoc and returns an object, where each JavaDoc tag is a property of the object. """ if not s: return doc = DocObject() tag = None s = s[3:-2] # remove '/**' and '*/' for line in s.splitlines(): line = line.lstrip(' *') # strip a ' ' and '*' from start if not line: tag = None # on empty line reset the tag information elif line[0] == '@': line = line[1:] res = line.split(maxsplit=1) if len(res) == 0: continue tag = res[0] if len(res) == 1: doc.add_tag(tag, True) elif len(res) == 2: value = res[1] doc.add_tag(tag, value) elif tag: # append to previous matched tag doc.add_tag(tag, line) else: # append any loose lines to description doc.add_tag('description', line) return doc