path: root/platform/node/test/js
diff options
authorMike Morris <>2015-08-21 15:53:24 -0400
committerMike Morris <>2015-08-21 16:22:04 -0400
commit6e6387e089d2f8cf998f6726fec8eef25028627f (patch)
tree2abf4da384fa29f7c64cd3773a0afa432ef9b71a /platform/node/test/js
parenta8d9b921d71a91d7f8eff82e5a584aaab8b7d1c6 (diff)
move node-mbgl to platform/node/ directory
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/node/test/js')
3 files changed, 502 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/node/test/js/consecutive.test.js b/platform/node/test/js/consecutive.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f493e2a31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/node/test/js/consecutive.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+'use strict';
+/* jshint node:true */
+var test = require('tape');
+var mbgl = require('../..');
+var fs = require('fs');
+var path = require('path');
+var suitePath = path.dirname(require.resolve('mapbox-gl-test-suite/package.json'));
+function renderTest(style, info, dir, key) {
+ return function (t) {
+ var completed = 0;
+ var remaining = 10;
+ var start = +new Date;
+ var options = {};
+ options.request = function(req) {
+ fs.readFile(path.join(suitePath, decodeURIComponent(req.url)), function(err, data) {
+ req.respond(err, { data: data });
+ t.error(err);
+ });
+ };
+ options.cancel = function() {};
+ options.ratio = 1.0;
+ var map = new mbgl.Map(options);
+ map.load(style);
+ function render() {
+ map.render(info[key], function(err, image) {
+ t.error(err);
+ t.ok(true, 'render @ ' + ((+new Date) - start) + 'ms');
+ if (++completed === remaining) {
+ map.release();
+ t.end();
+ } else {
+ render();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ render();
+ };
+function rewriteLocalSchema(uri) {
+ return uri.replace(/^local:\/\//, '');
+test('Consecutive', function(t) {
+ var dir = 'line-join';
+ var k = 'round';
+ var style = require(path.join(suitePath, 'tests', dir, 'style.json')),
+ info = require(path.join(suitePath, 'tests', dir, 'info.json'));
+ for (var k in style.sources) {
+ var source = style.sources[k];
+ if (source.tiles) {
+ source.tiles =;
+ }
+ if (source.url) {
+ source.url = rewriteLocalSchema(source.url);
+ }
+ }
+ if (style.sprite) style.sprite = rewriteLocalSchema(style.sprite);
+ if (style.glyphs) style.glyphs = rewriteLocalSchema(style.glyphs);
+ style = JSON.stringify(style);
+ for (k in info) {
+ t.test(dir + ' ' + k, renderTest(style, info, dir, k));
+ }
+ t.end();
diff --git a/platform/node/test/js/gzip.test.js b/platform/node/test/js/gzip.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e899604ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/node/test/js/gzip.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+'use strict';
+/* jshint node: true */
+var test = require('tape').test;
+var mbgl = require('../..');
+var fs = require('fs');
+var path = require('path');
+var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
+var http = require('http');
+var request = require('request');
+var st = require('st');
+var style = require('../../test/fixtures/style.json');
+var PNG = require('pngjs').PNG;
+var compare = require('../compare.js');
+var dirPath = path.join(path.dirname(require.resolve('../../package.json')), 'test');
+var server = http.createServer(st({ path: dirPath }));
+function filePath(name) {
+ return ['expected', 'actual', 'diff'].reduce(function(prev, key) {
+ var dir = path.join('test', key, 'gzip');
+ mkdirp.sync(dir);
+ prev[key] = path.join(dir, name);
+ return prev;
+ }, {});
+function setup(options, callback) {
+ callback(new mbgl.Map(options));
+function getOptions(gzip, t) {
+ return {
+ request: function(req) {
+ var parts = req.url.split('.');
+ var filetype = parts[parts.length - 1];
+ request({
+ url: 'http://localhost:' + server.address().port + path.join('/', req.url),
+ encoding: null,
+ gzip: filetype === 'pbf' ? gzip : true,
+ headers: {
+ 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'
+ }
+ }, function (err, res, body) {
+ t.error(err);
+ var response = {};
+ = res.body;
+ req.respond(null, response);
+ });
+ },
+ ratio: 1.0
+ };
+test('gzip', function(t) {
+ t.test('success', function(t) {
+ mbgl.on('message', function(msg) {
+ if (msg.severity == 'ERROR') t.error(msg);
+ });
+ setup(getOptions(true, t), function(map) {
+ map.load(style);
+ map.render({}, function(err, data) {
+ mbgl.removeAllListeners('message');
+ map.release();
+ t.error(err);
+ var filename = filePath('success.png');
+ var png = new PNG({
+ width: data.width,
+ height: data.height
+ });
+ = data.pixels;
+ if (process.env.UPDATE) {
+ png.pack()
+ .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(filename.expected))
+ .on('finish', t.end);
+ } else {
+ png.pack()
+ .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(filename.actual))
+ .on('finish', function() {
+ compare(filename.actual, filename.expected, filename.diff, t, function(err, diff) {
+ t.error(err);
+ t.ok(diff <= 0.01, 'actual matches expected');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ t.test('unhandled', function(t) {
+ mbgl.once('message', function(msg) {
+ if (msg.severity == 'ERROR') {
+ t.ok(msg, 'emits error');
+ t.equal(msg.class, 'Style');
+ t.equal(msg.severity, 'ERROR');
+ t.ok(msg.text.match(/pbf unknown field type exception/), 'error text matches');
+ }
+ });
+ setup(getOptions(false, t), function(map) {
+ map.load(style);
+ map.render({}, function(err, data) {
+ map.release();
+ t.ok(err, 'returns error');
+ t.ok(err.message.match(/Failed to parse/), 'error text matches');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ t.test('teardown', function(t) {
+ server.close(t.end);
+ });
diff --git a/platform/node/test/js/map.test.js b/platform/node/test/js/map.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4586ceeed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/node/test/js/map.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+'use strict';
+/* jshint node: true */
+var test = require('tape');
+var mbgl = require('../..');
+var fs = require('fs');
+var path = require('path');
+var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
+var style = require('../fixtures/style.json');
+var PNG = require('pngjs').PNG;
+var compare = require('../compare.js');
+function filePath(name) {
+ return ['expected', 'actual', 'diff'].reduce(function(prev, key) {
+ var dir = path.join('test', key, 'map');
+ mkdirp.sync(dir);
+ prev[key] = path.join(dir, name);
+ return prev;
+ }, {});
+function setup(options, callback) {
+ callback(new mbgl.Map(options));
+test('Map', function(t) {
+ t.test('constructor', function(t) {
+ t.test('must be called with new', function(t) {
+ t.throws(function() {
+ mbgl.Map();
+ }, /Use the new operator to create new Map objects/);
+ t.end();
+ });
+ t.test('should require an options object as first parameter', function(t) {
+ t.throws(function() {
+ new mbgl.Map();
+ }, /Requires an options object as first argument/);
+ t.throws(function() {
+ new mbgl.Map('options');
+ }, /Requires an options object as first argument/);
+ t.end();
+ });
+ t.test('should require then options object to have request and cancel methods', function(t) {
+ var options = {};
+ t.throws(function() {
+ new mbgl.Map(options);
+ }, /Options object must have a 'request' method/);
+ options.request = 'test';
+ t.throws(function() {
+ new mbgl.Map(options);
+ }, /Options object must have a 'request' method/);
+ options.request = function() {};
+ options.cancel = 'test';
+ t.throws(function() {
+ new mbgl.Map(options);
+ }, /Options object 'cancel' property must be a function/);
+ options.cancel = function() {};
+ t.throws(function() {
+ new mbgl.Map(options);
+ }, /Options object must have a numerical 'ratio' property/);
+ options.ratio = 'test';
+ t.throws(function() {
+ new mbgl.Map(options);
+ }, /Options object must have a numerical 'ratio' property/);
+ options.ratio = 1.0;
+ t.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ new mbgl.Map(options);
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ t.test('load styles', function(t) {
+ var options = {};
+ options.request = function() {};
+ options.cancel = function() {};
+ options.ratio = 1.0;
+ t.test('requires a string or object as the first parameter', function(t) {
+ t.test('requires a map style as first argument', function(t) {
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ t.throws(function() {
+ map.load();
+ }, /Requires a map style as first argument/);
+ map.release();
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ t.test('expect either an object or array at root', { timeout: 1000 }, function(t) {
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ mbgl.once('message', function(msg) {
+ t.equal(msg.severity, 'ERROR');
+ t.equal(msg.class, 'ParseStyle');
+ t.ok(msg.text.match(/Expect either an object or array at root/));
+ map.release();
+ t.end();
+ });
+ map.load('invalid');
+ });
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ t.test('accepts an empty stylesheet string', function(t) {
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ t.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ map.load('{}');
+ });
+ map.release();
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ t.test('accepts a JSON stylesheet', { timeout: 1000 }, function(t) {
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ t.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ map.load(style);
+ });
+ map.release();
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ t.test('accepts a stringified stylesheet', { timeout: 1000 }, function(t) {
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ t.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ map.load(JSON.stringify(style));
+ });
+ map.release();
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ t.test('render argument requirements', function(t) {
+ var options = {};
+ options.request = function(req) {
+ fs.readFile(path.join('test', req.url), function(err, data) {
+ req.respond(err, { data: data });
+ });
+ };
+ options.cancel = function() {};
+ options.ratio = 1.0;
+ t.test('requires an object as the first parameter', function(t) {
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ t.throws(function() {
+ map.render();
+ }, /First argument must be an options object/);
+ t.throws(function() {
+ map.render('invalid');
+ }, /First argument must be an options object/);
+ map.release();
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ t.test('requires a callback as the second parameter', function(t) {
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ t.throws(function() {
+ map.render({});
+ }, /Second argument must be a callback function/);
+ t.throws(function() {
+ map.render({}, 'invalid');
+ }, /Second argument must be a callback function/);
+ map.release();
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ t.test('requires a style to be set', function(t) {
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ t.throws(function() {
+ map.render({}, function() {});
+ }, /Style is not loaded/);
+ map.release();
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ t.test('returns an error', function(t) {
+ mbgl.on('message', function(msg) {
+ t.ok(msg, 'emits error');
+ t.equal(msg.class, 'Style');
+ t.equal(msg.severity, 'ERROR');
+ t.ok(msg.text.match(/Failed to load/), 'error text matches');
+ });
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ map.load(style);
+ map.render({ zoom: 1 }, function(err, data) {
+ mbgl.removeAllListeners('message');
+ map.release();
+ t.ok(err, 'returns error');
+ t.ok(err.message.match(/Failed to load/), 'error text matches');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ t.test('double release', function(t) {
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ map.release();
+ t.throws(function() {
+ map.release();
+ }, /Map resources have already been released/);
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ t.test('returns an image', function(t) {
+ setup(options, function(map) {
+ map.load(style);
+ map.render({}, function(err, data) {
+ t.error(err);
+ map.release();
+ var filename = filePath('image.png');
+ var png = new PNG({
+ width: data.width,
+ height: data.height
+ });
+ = data.pixels;
+ if (process.env.UPDATE) {
+ png.pack()
+ .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(filename.expected))
+ .on('finish', t.end);
+ } else {
+ png.pack()
+ .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(filename.actual))
+ .on('finish', function() {
+ compare(filename.actual, filename.expected, filename.diff, t, function(err, diff) {
+ t.error(err);
+ t.ok(diff <= 0.01, 'actual matches expected');
+ t.end();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ t.end();
+ });
+ t.end();