// Copyright (C) 2019 Julian Sherollari // Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID # include #endif using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; class extractor { public: extractor(); static bool hasProperties(QQuickItem *item) { QVariant props = item->property("props"); return !props.isNull(); } static bool isFeatureCollection(QQuickItem *item) { QVariant geoJsonType = item->property("geojsonType"); return geoJsonType.toString() == QStringLiteral("FeatureCollection"); } static bool isGeoJsonEntry(QQuickItem *item) { QVariant geoJsonType = item->property("geojsonType"); return !geoJsonType.toString().isEmpty(); } static QVariantMap toVariant(QDeclarativePolygonMapItem *mapPolygon) { QVariantMap ls; ls["type"] = "Polygon"; ls["data"] = QVariant::fromValue(mapPolygon->geoShape()); if (hasProperties(mapPolygon)) ls["properties"] = mapPolygon->property("props").toMap(); return ls; } static QVariantMap toVariant(QDeclarativePolylineMapItem *mapPolyline) { QVariantMap ls; ls["type"] = "LineString"; ls["data"] = QVariant::fromValue(mapPolyline->geoShape()); if (hasProperties(mapPolyline)) ls["properties"] = mapPolyline->property("props").toMap(); return ls; } static QVariantMap toVariant(QDeclarativeCircleMapItem *mapCircle) { QVariantMap pt; pt["type"] = "Point"; pt["data"] = QVariant::fromValue(mapCircle->geoShape()); QVariantMap propMap = mapCircle->property("props").toMap(); propMap["radius"] = mapCircle->radius(); pt["properties"] = propMap; return pt; } static QVariantMap toVariant(QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem *mapRectangle) { QVariantMap pt; pt["type"] = "Polygon"; QGeoRectangle rectanlge = mapRectangle->geoShape(); QGeoPolygon poly; poly.addCoordinate(rectanlge.topLeft()); poly.addCoordinate(rectanlge.topRight()); poly.addCoordinate(rectanlge.bottomRight()); poly.addCoordinate(rectanlge.bottomLeft()); pt["data"] = QVariant::fromValue(poly); if (hasProperties(mapRectangle)) pt["properties"] = mapRectangle->property("props").toMap(); return pt; } static QVariantMap toVariant(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *mapItemView) { // bool featureCollecton = isFeatureCollection(mapItemView); // If not a feature collection, this must be a geometry collection, // or a multilinestring/multipoint/multipolygon. // To disambiguate, one could check for heterogeneity. // For simplicity, in this example, we expect the property "geojsonType" to be injected in the mapItemView // by the delegate, and to be correct. QString nodeType = mapItemView->property("geojsonType").toString(); QVariantMap root; if (!nodeType.isEmpty()) // Empty nodeType can happen only for the root MIV root["type"] = nodeType; if (hasProperties(mapItemView)) // Features are converted to regular types w properties. root["properties"] = mapItemView->property("props").toMap(); QVariantList features; const QList &quickChildren = mapItemView->childItems(); for (auto kid : quickChildren) { QVariant entry; if (QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *miv = qobject_cast(kid)) { // Handle nested miv entry = toVariant(miv); } else if (QDeclarativePolylineMapItem *polyline = qobject_cast(kid)) { entry = toVariant(polyline); } else if (QDeclarativePolygonMapItem *polygon = qobject_cast(kid)) { entry = toVariant(polygon); } else if (QDeclarativeCircleMapItem *circle = qobject_cast(kid)) { entry = toVariant(circle); // If GeoJSON Point type is visualized in other ways, handle those types here instead. } else if (QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem *rectangle = qobject_cast(kid)) { entry = toVariant(rectangle); // For the self-drawn rectangles. Will be exported as Polygons } features.append(entry); } if (nodeType.isEmpty()) { if (features.isEmpty()) return root; else if (features.size() == 1) return features.first().toMap(); else root["type"] = "FeatureCollection"; } root["data"] = features; return root; } }; class GeoJsoner: public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QVariant model MEMBER m_importedGeoJson NOTIFY modelChanged) public: GeoJsoner(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) { } public slots: Q_INVOKABLE bool load(QUrl url) { // Reading GeoJSON file QFile loadFile(url.toLocalFile()); if (!loadFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "Error while opening the file: " << url; qWarning() << loadFile.error() << loadFile.errorString(); return false; } // Load the GeoJSON file using Qt's API QJsonParseError err; QJsonDocument loadDoc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(loadFile.readAll(), &err)); if (err.error) { qWarning() << "Parsing while importing the JSON document:\n" << err.errorString(); return false; } // Import geographic data to a QVariantList QVariantList modelList = QGeoJson::importGeoJson(loadDoc); m_importedGeoJson = modelList; emit modelChanged(); return true; } // Used by the MapItemView Extractor to identify a Feature Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList toGeoJson(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *mapItemView) { QVariantList res; QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *root = mapItemView; QVariantMap miv = extractor::toVariant(root); if (!miv.isEmpty()) res.append(miv); return res; } Q_INVOKABLE void dumpGeoJSON(QVariantList geoJson, QUrl url) { QJsonDocument json = QGeoJson::exportGeoJson(geoJson); QFile jsonFile(url.toLocalFile()); jsonFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); jsonFile.write(json.toJson()); jsonFile.close(); } Q_INVOKABLE void writeDebug(QVariantList geoJson, QUrl url) { QString prettyPrint = QGeoJson::toString(geoJson); QFile debugFile(url.toLocalFile()); debugFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); debugFile.write(prettyPrint.toUtf8()); debugFile.close(); } Q_INVOKABLE void print(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *view) { QVariantList list; list.append(extractor::toVariant(view)); QString prettyPrint = QGeoJson::toString(list); qDebug().noquote() << prettyPrint; } signals: void modelChanged(); public: QVariant m_importedGeoJson; }; #include "main.moc" #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID // Request permissions because we're using QStandardPaths::writableLocation() bool requestStoragePermissions() { const QString permission = "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"_L1; auto checkFuture = QtAndroidPrivate::checkPermission(permission); if (checkFuture.result() == QtAndroidPrivate::Denied) { auto requestFuture = QtAndroidPrivate::requestPermission(permission); if (requestFuture.result() != QtAndroidPrivate::Authorized) { qWarning() << "Couldn't get permission: " << permission; return false; } } return true; } #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID if (!requestStoragePermissions()) return -1; #endif QQmlApplicationEngine engine; QUrl absoluteFilePath = argc > 1 ? QUrl(QStringLiteral("file://") + QFileInfo(argv[1]).absoluteFilePath()) : QUrl(); engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("dataPath", QUrl(QStringLiteral("file://") + qPrintable(QT_STRINGIFY(SRC_PATH)) + QStringLiteral("/data"))); qmlRegisterType("Qt.GeoJson", 1, 0, "GeoJsoner"); engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"))); if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty()) return -1; if (!absoluteFilePath.isEmpty()) { GeoJsoner *geoJsoner = engine.rootObjects().first()->findChild(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(geoJsoner, "load", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QUrl, absoluteFilePath)); } return app.exec(); }