// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick import QtQuick.Window import QtPositioning import QtLocation Window { width: 700 height: 500 visible: true property variant topLeftEurope: QtPositioning.coordinate(60.5, 0.0) property variant bottomRightEurope: QtPositioning.coordinate(51.0, 14.0) property variant viewOfEurope: QtPositioning.rectangle(topLeftEurope, bottomRightEurope) property variant berlin: QtPositioning.coordinate(52.5175, 13.384) property variant oslo: QtPositioning.coordinate(59.9154, 10.7425) property variant london: QtPositioning.coordinate(51.5, 0.1275) Map { id: mapOfEurope anchors.centerIn: parent; anchors.fill: parent plugin: Plugin { name: "osm" // "maplibregl", "esri", ... } Plane { id: qmlPlane pilotName: "QML" coordinate: oslo2Berlin.position SequentialAnimation { id: qmlPlaneAnimation property real rotationDirection : 0; NumberAnimation { target: qmlPlane; property: "bearing"; duration: 1000 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad to: qmlPlaneAnimation.rotationDirection } //! [QmlPlane1] CoordinateAnimation { id: coordinateAnimation; duration: 5000 target: oslo2Berlin; property: "position" easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } //! [QmlPlane1] onStopped: { if (coordinateAnimation.to === berlin) qmlPlane.showMessage(qsTr("Hello Berlin!")) else if (coordinateAnimation.to === oslo) qmlPlane.showMessage(qsTr("Hello Oslo!")) } onStarted: { if (coordinateAnimation.from === oslo) qmlPlane.showMessage(qsTr("See you Oslo!")) else if (coordinateAnimation.from === berlin) qmlPlane.showMessage(qsTr("See you Berlin!")) } } //! [QmlPlane2] TapHandler { onTapped: { if (qmlPlaneAnimation.running) { console.log("Plane still in the air."); return; } if (oslo2Berlin.position === berlin) { coordinateAnimation.from = berlin; coordinateAnimation.to = oslo; } else if (oslo2Berlin.position === oslo) { coordinateAnimation.from = oslo; coordinateAnimation.to = berlin; } qmlPlaneAnimation.rotationDirection = oslo2Berlin.position.azimuthTo(coordinateAnimation.to) qmlPlaneAnimation.start() } } //! [QmlPlane2] Component.onCompleted: { oslo2Berlin.position = oslo; } } //! [CppPlane1] Plane { id: cppPlane pilotName: "C++" coordinate: berlin2London.position TapHandler { onTapped: { if (cppPlaneAnimation.running || berlin2London.isFlying()) { console.log("Plane still in the air."); return; } berlin2London.swapDestinations(); cppPlaneAnimation.rotationDirection = berlin2London.position.azimuthTo(berlin2London.to) cppPlaneAnimation.start(); cppPlane.departed(); } } //! [CppPlane1] //! [CppPlane3] SequentialAnimation { id: cppPlaneAnimation property real rotationDirection : 0; NumberAnimation { target: cppPlane; property: "bearing"; duration: 1000 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad to: cppPlaneAnimation.rotationDirection } ScriptAction { script: berlin2London.startFlight() } } //! [CppPlane3] Component.onCompleted: { berlin2London.position = berlin; berlin2London.to = london; berlin2London.from = berlin; berlin2London.arrived.connect(arrived) } function arrived(){ if (berlin2London.to === berlin) cppPlane.showMessage(qsTr("Hello Berlin!")) else if (berlin2London.to === london) cppPlane.showMessage(qsTr("Hello London!")) } function departed(){ if (berlin2London.from === berlin) cppPlane.showMessage(qsTr("See you Berlin!")) else if (berlin2London.from === london) cppPlane.showMessage(qsTr("See you London!")) } //! [CppPlane2] } //! [CppPlane2] visibleRegion: viewOfEurope } Rectangle { id: infoBox anchors.centerIn: parent color: "white" border.width: 1 width: text.width * 1.3 height: text.height * 1.3 radius: 5 Text { id: text anchors.centerIn: parent text: qsTr("Hit the plane to start the flight!") } Timer { interval: 5000; running: true; repeat: false; onTriggered: fadeOut.start() } NumberAnimation { id: fadeOut; target: infoBox; property: "opacity"; to: 0.0; duration: 200 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } }