/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/ ** ** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL$ ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this ** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation ** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this ** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General ** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** Other Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** ** ** ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p.h" #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \qmlclass MapPolygon QDeclarativePolygonMapItem \inqmlmodule QtLocation 5 \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps \since QtLocation 5.0 \brief The MapPolygon element displays a polygon on a Map The MapPolygon element displays a polygon on a Map, specified in terms of an ordered list of \l Coordinate elements. For best appearance and results, polygons should be simple (not self-intersecting). The Coordinate elements on the path can be changed after being added to the Polygon, and these changes will be reflected in the next frame on the display. Coordinates can also be added and removed at any time using the \l addCoordinate and \l removeCoordinate methods. For drawing rectangles with "straight" edges (same latitude across one edge, same latitude across the other), the \l MapRectangle element provides a simpler, two-point API. By default, the polygon is displayed as a 1 pixel black border with no fill. To change its appearance, use the \l color, \l border.color and \l border.width properties. \section2 Performance MapPolygons have a rendering cost that is O(n) with respect to the number of vertices. This means that the per frame cost of having a Polygon on the Map grows in direct proportion to the number of points on the Polygon. There is an additional triangulation cost (approximately O(n log n)) which is currently paid with each frame, but in future may be paid only upon adding or removing points. Like the other map objects, MapPolygon is normally drawn without a smooth appearance. Setting the \l opacity property will force the object to be blended, which decreases performance considerably depending on the hardware in use. \section2 Example Usage The following snippet shows a MapPolygon being used to display a triangle, with three vertices near Brisbane, Australia. The triangle is filled in green, with a 1 pixel black border. \code Map { MapPolygon { color: 'green' path: [ Coordinate { latitude: -27; longitude: 153.0 }, Coordinate { latitude: -27; longitude: 154.1 }, Coordinate { latitude: -28; longitude: 153.5 } ] } } \endcode \image ../../../doc/src/images/api-mappolygon.png */ struct Vertex { QVector2D position; }; void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::updatePolygon(QPolygonF &points, const QGeoMap &map, const QList &path, qreal& w, qreal& h, QPointF& offset) { // viewport rectangle, for clipping later QPainterPath viewport; viewport.moveTo(0, 0); viewport.lineTo(map.width(), 0); viewport.lineTo(map.width(), map.height()); viewport.lineTo(0, map.height()); viewport.closeSubpath(); // build the actual path QPainterPath pp; for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) { const QGeoCoordinate &coord = path.at(i); if (!coord.isValid()) continue; QPointF point = map.coordinateToScreenPosition(coord, false); if (i == 0) { offset = point; pp.moveTo(point); } else { pp.lineTo(point); } } pp.closeSubpath(); // really big numbers (> 2^21) break qTriangulate, so we must clip here // to avoid asserting QPainterPath ppi = pp.intersected(viewport); // nothing is on the screen if (ppi.elementCount() == 0) return; QRectF bb = ppi.boundingRect(); w = bb.width(); h = bb.height(); // we need relative coordinates ppi.translate(-bb.left(), -bb.top()); offset += QPointF(-bb.left(), -bb.top()); QTriangleSet ts = qTriangulate(ppi); qreal *vx = ts.vertices.data(); if (ts.indices.type() == QVertexIndexVector::UnsignedInt) { const quint32 *tx = reinterpret_cast(ts.indices.data()); for (int i = 0; i < (ts.indices.size()/3*3); i++) { points.append(QPointF(vx[tx[i]*2], vx[tx[i]*2+1])); } } else { const quint16 *tx = reinterpret_cast(ts.indices.data()); for (int i = 0; i < (ts.indices.size()/3*3); i++) { points.append(QPointF(vx[tx[i]*2], vx[tx[i]*2+1])); } } } QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::QDeclarativePolygonMapItem(QQuickItem *parent) : QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase(parent), color_(Qt::transparent), zoomLevel_(0.0), dirtyGeometry_(true), dirtyMaterial_(true) { setFlag(ItemHasContents, true); QObject::connect(&border_, SIGNAL(colorChanged(QColor)), this, SLOT(handleBorderUpdated())); QObject::connect(&border_, SIGNAL(widthChanged(qreal)), this, SLOT(handleBorderUpdated())); } void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::handleBorderUpdated() { dirtyGeometry_ = true; updateMapItem(); } void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::updateAfterCoordinateChanged() { QDeclarativeCoordinate *coord = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if (coord) { // TODO: maybe use a QHash instead of indexOf here? int idx = this->coordPath_.indexOf(coord); this->path_.replace(idx, coord->coordinate()); this->dirtyGeometry_ = true; this->updateMapItem(); } } QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::~QDeclarativePolygonMapItem() { } /*! \qmlproperty int MapPolygon::border.width \qmlproperty color MapPolygon::border.color These properties hold the width and color used to draw the border of the circle. The width is in pixels and is independent of the zoom level of the map. The default values correspond to a black border with a width of 1 pixel. For no line, use a width of 0 or a transparent color. */ QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::border() { return &border_; } void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap* quickMap, QGeoMap *map) { QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setMap(quickMap,map); if (map) { QObject::connect(map, SIGNAL(cameraDataChanged(QGeoCameraData)), this, SLOT(handleCameraDataChanged(QGeoCameraData))); dirtyGeometry_ = true; updateMapItem(); } } QDeclarativeListProperty QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::declarativePath() { return QDeclarativeListProperty(this, 0, path_append, path_count, path_at, path_clear); } /*! \qmlproperty list MapPolygon::path This property holds the ordered list of coordinates which define the polygon. \sa addCoordinate removeCoordinate */ void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::path_append( QDeclarativeListProperty *property, QDeclarativeCoordinate *coordinate) { QDeclarativePolygonMapItem* item = qobject_cast(property->object); item->coordPath_.append(coordinate); item->path_.append(coordinate->coordinate()); QObject::connect(coordinate, SIGNAL(coordinateChanged(QGeoCoordinate)), item, SLOT(updateAfterCoordinateChanged())); item->dirtyGeometry_ = true; item->updateMapItem(); emit item->pathChanged(); } int QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::path_count( QDeclarativeListProperty *property) { return qobject_cast(property->object)->coordPath_.count(); } QDeclarativeCoordinate* QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::path_at( QDeclarativeListProperty *property, int index) { return qobject_cast(property->object)->coordPath_.at(index); } void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::path_clear( QDeclarativeListProperty *property) { QDeclarativePolygonMapItem* item = qobject_cast( property->object); qDeleteAll(item->coordPath_); item->coordPath_.clear(); item->path_.clear(); item->dirtyGeometry_ = true; item->updateMapItem(); emit item->pathChanged(); } /*! \qmlmethod MapPolygon::addCoordinate(Coordinate) Adds coordinate to the path. \sa removeCoordinate path */ void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::addCoordinate(QDeclarativeCoordinate* coordinate) { coordPath_.append(coordinate); path_.append(coordinate->coordinate()); QObject::connect(coordinate, SIGNAL(coordinateChanged(QGeoCoordinate)), this, SLOT(updateAfterCoordinateChanged())); dirtyGeometry_ = true; updateMapItem(); emit pathChanged(); } /*! \qmlmethod MapPolygon::removeCoordinate(Coordinate) Remove coordinate from the path. If there are multiple instances of the same coordinate, the one added last is removed. \sa addCoordinate path */ void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::removeCoordinate(QDeclarativeCoordinate* coordinate) { int index = coordPath_.lastIndexOf(coordinate); if (index == -1) { qmlInfo(this) << tr("Coordinate does not belong to PolygonMapItem."); return; } if (path_.count() < index + 1) { qmlInfo(this) << tr("Coordinate does not belong to PolygonMapItem."); return; } coordPath_.removeAt(index); path_.removeAt(index); QObject::disconnect(coordinate, SIGNAL(coordinateChanged(QGeoCoordinate)), this, SLOT(updateAfterCoordinateChanged())); dirtyGeometry_ = true; updateMapItem(); emit pathChanged(); } /*! \qmlproperty color MapPolygon::color This property holds the color used to fill the polygon. The default value is transparent. */ QColor QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::color() const { return color_; } void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::setColor(const QColor &color) { if (color_ == color) return; color_ = color; dirtyMaterial_ = true; updateMapItem(); emit colorChanged(color_); } QSGNode* QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::updatePaintNode(QSGNode* oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData* data) { Q_UNUSED(data); MapPolygonNode *node = static_cast(oldNode); if (!node) node = new MapPolygonNode(); //TODO: update only material if (dirtyGeometry_ || dirtyMaterial_) { node->update(color_, polygon_, borderPolygon_, border_.color(), border_.width()); dirtyGeometry_ = false; dirtyMaterial_ = false; } return node; } void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::updateMapItem() { if (!map() || path_.count() == 0) return; if (dirtyGeometry_) { qreal h = 0; qreal w = 0; QPolygonF newPoly, newBorderPoly; QPointF offset; updatePolygon(newPoly, *map(), path_, w, h, offset); if (newPoly.size() > 0) { polygon_ = newPoly; offset_ = offset; } QList pathClosed = path_; pathClosed.append(path_.at(0)); QPainterPath outline; QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::updatePolyline(newBorderPoly, *map(), pathClosed, w, h, border_.width(), outline, offset); if (newBorderPoly.size() > 0) { borderPolygon_ = newBorderPoly; borderPolygon_.translate(offset_ - offset); } setWidth(w); setHeight(h); } setPositionOnMap(path_.at(0), offset_); update(); } void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::handleCameraDataChanged(const QGeoCameraData& cameraData) { if (cameraData.zoomFactor() != zoomLevel_) { zoomLevel_ = cameraData.zoomFactor(); } dirtyGeometry_ = true; updateMapItem(); } bool QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::contains(QPointF point) { return borderPolygon_.containsPoint(point, Qt::OddEvenFill); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MapPolygonNode::MapPolygonNode() : border_(new MapPolylineNode()), geometry_(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), 0) { geometry_.setDrawingMode(GL_TRIANGLES); QSGGeometryNode::setMaterial(&fill_material_); QSGGeometryNode::setGeometry(&geometry_); appendChildNode(border_); } MapPolygonNode::~MapPolygonNode() { } void MapPolygonNode::update(const QColor& fillColor, const QPolygonF& shape, const QPolygonF& borderShape, const QColor& borderColor, qreal borderWidth) { if (shape.size() == 0) return; QSGGeometry *fill = QSGGeometryNode::geometry(); Q_ASSERT(fill->sizeOfVertex() == sizeof(Vertex)); int fillVertexCount = 0; //note this will not allocate new buffer if the size has not changed fill->allocate(shape.size()); Vertex *vertices = (Vertex *)fill->vertexData(); for (int i = 0; i < shape.size(); ++i) vertices[fillVertexCount++].position = QVector2D(shape.at(i)); Q_ASSERT(fillVertexCount == fill->vertexCount()); markDirty(DirtyGeometry); if (fillColor != fill_material_.color()) { fill_material_.setColor(fillColor); setMaterial(&fill_material_); } border_->update(borderColor, borderShape, borderWidth); } QT_END_NAMESPACE