// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause #include "sensormodels.h" #include "qsensor.h" #include "qorientationsensor.h" #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QByteArray rangelistToByteArray(const qrangelist& list) { QStringList ranges; for (const qrange &r : list) { if (r.first == r.second) ranges << QString("%1 Hz").arg(r.first); else ranges << QString("%1-%2 Hz").arg(r.first).arg(r.second); } if (ranges.size() > 0) return ranges.join(", ").toLatin1(); return "-"; } QByteArray outputrangelistToByteArray(const qoutputrangelist& list) { QStringList ranges; for (const qoutputrange &r : list) { ranges << QString("(%1, %2) += %3").arg(r.minimum).arg(r.maximum).arg(r.accuracy); } if (ranges.size() > 0) return ranges.join(", ").toLatin1(); return "-"; } AvailableSensorsModel::AvailableSensorsModel(QObject* parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) { // Some valuetypes do not convert nicely to presentable strings, add converters for them QMetaType::registerConverter(rangelistToByteArray); QMetaType::registerConverter(outputrangelistToByteArray); // Populate the available sensors list loadSensors(); } /* Load all available sensors and store them in a list. */ void AvailableSensorsModel::loadSensors() { //! [0] beginResetModel(); m_availableSensors.clear(); for (const QByteArray &type : QSensor::sensorTypes()) { for (const QByteArray &identifier : QSensor::sensorsForType(type)) { QSensor* sensor = new QSensor(type, this); sensor->setIdentifier(identifier); // Don't put in sensors we can't connect to if (!sensor->connectToBackend()) continue; m_availableSensors.append(sensor); } } endResetModel(); //! [0] } int AvailableSensorsModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return m_availableSensors.size(); } //! [1] QVariant AvailableSensorsModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) return QVariant(); return QVariant::fromValue(m_availableSensors.at(index.row())); } //! [1] QSensor* AvailableSensorsModel::get(int index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= m_availableSensors.size()) return nullptr; return m_availableSensors[index]; } // -- SensorPropertyModel static QSet ignoredProperties = {"reading", "identifier", "active", "connectedToBackend", "busy"}; SensorPropertyModel::SensorPropertyModel(QObject* parent) : QAbstractTableModel(parent) { } int SensorPropertyModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const { if (!m_sensor) return 0; return m_values.size(); } int SensorPropertyModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return 2; // 2 = property name + value columns } QVariant SensorPropertyModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) return QVariant(); return (index.column() == 0) ? std::get<0>(m_values.at(index.row())) : std::get<1>(m_values.at(index.row())); } void SensorPropertyModel::setSensor(QSensor *sensor) { if (m_sensor == sensor) return; if (m_sensor) m_sensor->disconnect(this); m_sensor = sensor; beginResetModel(); m_values.clear(); if (m_sensor) { // Use metobject to read the available properties. This allows the model to support all // available sensors without knowing their properties in advance / compile-time. // 1. Read properties of the 'reading' object if available //! [2] int firstProperty = QSensorReading::staticMetaObject.propertyOffset(); QSensorReading *reading = m_sensor->reading(); if (reading) { const QMetaObject *mo = reading->metaObject(); for (int i = firstProperty; i < mo->propertyCount(); ++i) { QByteArray name = mo->property(i).name(); m_values.append(std::tuple (name, reading->property(name).toByteArray())); } } //! [2] // 2. Read properties of the 'sensor' object const QMetaObject *mo1 = m_sensor->metaObject(); firstProperty = QSensorReading::staticMetaObject.propertyOffset(); for (int i = firstProperty; i < mo1->propertyCount(); ++i) { QByteArray name = mo1->property(i).name(); if (ignoredProperties.contains(name)) continue; m_values.append(std::tuple (name, m_sensor->property(name).toByteArray())); } QObject::connect(m_sensor, &QSensor::readingChanged, this, &SensorPropertyModel::onReadingChanged); } endResetModel(); emit sensorChanged(); } QSensor* SensorPropertyModel::sensor() const { return m_sensor; } void SensorPropertyModel::onReadingChanged() { QSensorReading *reading = m_sensor->reading(); const QMetaObject *mo = reading->metaObject(); int firstProperty = QSensorReading::staticMetaObject.propertyOffset(); int valueMapIndex = 0; for (int i = firstProperty; i < mo->propertyCount(); ++i) { QByteArray name = mo->property(i).name(); // Update the value and signal the change. Note: here we rely that the "reading" // properties are first on the m_values, and in same order as after the initial // population. This should be true as we access the static metabobject (dynamic // property changes shouldn't impact) m_values[valueMapIndex++] = std::tuple (name, reading->property(name).toByteArray()); } emit dataChanged(createIndex(0,1), createIndex(valueMapIndex,1), {Qt::DisplayRole}); } QT_END_NAMESPACE