diff options
authorJoerg Bornemann <>2014-03-20 11:59:39 +0100
committerThe Qt Project <>2014-03-20 17:44:49 +0100
commit7c931162715cfb1ab27d20ff46564cbcf9b7ff98 (patch)
parent8361091dc703eaa45095be7f941c00e924d44e8d (diff)
winrtrunner: simplify error handling
Introducing the macros CHECK_RESULT and CHECK_RESULT_FATAL to condense the error checking code blocks into one line each. Change-Id: I485d21534c44f75d23e465ae6a6f048b6f255c52 Reviewed-by: Andrew Knight <> Reviewed-by: Oliver Wolff <>
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/src/winrtrunner/appxengine.cpp b/src/winrtrunner/appxengine.cpp
index 7b83a1460..24d2ffd89 100644
--- a/src/winrtrunner/appxengine.cpp
+++ b/src/winrtrunner/appxengine.cpp
@@ -385,6 +385,19 @@ QStringList AppxEngine::deviceNames()
return QStringList(QStringLiteral("local"));
+#define CHECK_RESULT(errorMessage, action)\
+ do {\
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {\
+ qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << errorMessage " (0x"\
+ << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()\
+ << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';\
+ action;\
+ }\
+ } while (false)
+#define CHECK_RESULT_FATAL(errorMessage, action)\
+ do {CHECK_RESULT(errorMessage, d->hasFatalError = true; action;);} while (false)
AppxEngine::AppxEngine(Runner *runner) : d_ptr(new AppxEnginePrivate)
@@ -401,64 +414,28 @@ AppxEngine::AppxEngine(Runner *runner) : d_ptr(new AppxEnginePrivate)
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to initialize COM. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Failed to initialize COM.", return);
hr = RoActivateInstance(HString::MakeReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Management_Deployment_PackageManager).Get(),
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to instantiate package manager. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Failed to instantiate package manager.", return);
hr = RoGetActivationFactory(HString::MakeReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Foundation_Uri).Get(),
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to instantiate URI factory. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Failed to instantiate URI factory.", return);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ApplicationActivationManager, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
IID_IApplicationActivationManager, &d->appLauncher);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to instantiate application activation manager. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Failed to instantiate application activation manager.", return);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_PackageDebugSettings, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
IID_IPackageDebugSettings, &d->packageDebug);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to instantiate package debug settings. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Failed to instantiate package debug settings.", return);
ComPtr<IAppxFactory> packageFactory;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AppxFactory, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
IID_IAppxFactory, &packageFactory);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to instantiate package factory. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Failed to instantiate package factory.", return);
ComPtr<IStream> manifestStream = Make<XmlStream>(d->manifest);
ComPtr<IAppxManifestReader> manifestReader;
@@ -479,78 +456,36 @@ AppxEngine::AppxEngine(Runner *runner) : d_ptr(new AppxEnginePrivate)
ComPtr<IAppxManifestPackageId> packageId;
hr = manifestReader->GetPackageId(&packageId);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Unable to obtain the package ID from the manifest. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Unable to obtain the package ID from the manifest.", return);
LPWSTR packageFullName;
hr = packageId->GetPackageFullName(&packageFullName);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Unable to obtain the package full name from the manifest. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Unable to obtain the package full name from the manifest.", return);
d->packageFullName = QString::fromWCharArray(packageFullName);
LPWSTR packageFamilyName;
hr = packageId->GetPackageFamilyName(&packageFamilyName);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Unable to obtain the package full family name from the manifest. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Unable to obtain the package full family name from the manifest.", return);
d->packageFamilyName = QString::fromWCharArray(packageFamilyName);
ComPtr<IAppxManifestApplicationsEnumerator> applications;
hr = manifestReader->GetApplications(&applications);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to get a list of applications from the manifest. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Failed to get a list of applications from the manifest.", return);
BOOL hasCurrent;
hr = applications->GetHasCurrent(&hasCurrent);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to iterate over applications in the manifest. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Failed to iterate over applications in the manifest.", return);
// For now, we are only interested in the first application
ComPtr<IAppxManifestApplication> application;
hr = applications->GetCurrent(&application);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to access the first application in the manifest. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Failed to access the first application in the manifest.", return);
LPWSTR executable;
application->GetStringValue(L"Executable", &executable);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to retrieve the application executable from the manifest. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- d->hasFatalError = true;
- return;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT_FATAL("Failed to retrieve the application executable from the manifest.", return);
d->executable = QFileInfo(d->manifest).absoluteDir()
@@ -584,22 +519,11 @@ bool AppxEngine::install(bool removeFirst)
const QString appPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(QFileInfo(d->manifest).absoluteFilePath());
ComPtr<IUriRuntimeClass> uri;
hr = d->uriFactory->CreateUri(hStringFromQString(appPath), &uri);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Unable to create a URI for the package manifest. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- return false;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT("Unable to create a URI for the package manifest.", return false);
ComPtr<IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult *, DeploymentProgress>> deploymentOperation;
hr = d->packageManager->RegisterPackageAsync(uri.Get(), 0, DeploymentOptions_DevelopmentMode, &deploymentOperation);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Unable to start package registration. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- return false;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT("Unable to start package registration.", return false);
ComPtr<IDeploymentResult> results;
while ((hr = deploymentOperation->GetResults(&results)) == E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL)
@@ -607,12 +531,7 @@ bool AppxEngine::install(bool removeFirst)
HRESULT errorCode;
hr = results->get_ExtendedErrorCode(&errorCode);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Unable to retrieve package registration results. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- return false;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT("Unable to retrieve package registration results.", return false);
if (FAILED(errorCode)) {
HString errorText;
@@ -672,12 +591,7 @@ bool AppxEngine::start()
const QString activationId = d->packageFamilyName + QStringLiteral("!App");
HRESULT hr = d->appLauncher->ActivateApplication(wchar(activationId),
wchar(launchArguments), AO_NONE, &pid);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to activate application. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- return false;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT("Failed to activate application.", return false);
d->pid = qint64(pid);
d->processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, true, pid);
@@ -693,12 +607,7 @@ bool AppxEngine::enableDebugging(const QString &debuggerExecutable, const QStrin
HRESULT hr = d->packageDebug->EnableDebugging(wchar(d->packageFullName),
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to enable debugging for application. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- return false;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT("Failed to enable debugging for application.", return false);
return true;
@@ -707,12 +616,8 @@ bool AppxEngine::disableDebugging()
HRESULT hr = d->packageDebug->DisableDebugging(wchar(d->packageFullName));
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to disable debugging for application. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- return false;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT("Failed to disable debugging for application.", return false);
return true;
@@ -722,12 +627,7 @@ bool AppxEngine::suspend()
qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << __FUNCTION__;
HRESULT hr = d->packageDebug->Suspend(wchar(d->packageFullName));
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to suspend application. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- return false;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT("Failed to suspend application.", return false);
return true;
@@ -744,12 +644,7 @@ bool AppxEngine::waitForFinished(int secs)
forever {
HRESULT hr = d->packageDebug->GetPackageExecutionState(wchar(d->packageFullName), &state);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to get package execution state. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- return false;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT("Failed to get package execution state.", return false);
qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Current execution state:" << state;
if (state == PES_TERMINATED || state == PES_UNKNOWN)
@@ -791,12 +686,7 @@ bool AppxEngine::stop()
if (!d->processHandle || d->exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) {
HRESULT hr = d->packageDebug->TerminateAllProcesses(wchar(d->packageFullName));
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner).nospace() << "Failed to terminate package process. (0x"
- << QByteArray::number(hr, 16).constData()
- << ' ' << qt_error_string(hr) << ')';
- return false;
- }
+ CHECK_RESULT("Failed to terminate package process.", return false);
if (d->processHandle && !GetExitCodeProcess(d->processHandle, &d->exitCode))
d->exitCode = UINT_MAX;