/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team * * Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or * the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "CLucene/StdHeader.h" #include "PhraseQuery.h" #include "SearchHeader.h" #include "Scorer.h" #include "BooleanQuery.h" #include "TermQuery.h" #include "CLucene/index/Term.h" #include "CLucene/index/Terms.h" #include "CLucene/index/IndexReader.h" #include "CLucene/util/StringBuffer.h" #include "CLucene/util/VoidList.h" #include "CLucene/util/Arrays.h" #include "ExactPhraseScorer.h" #include "SloppyPhraseScorer.h" CL_NS_USE(index) CL_NS_USE(util) CL_NS_DEF(search) PhraseQuery::PhraseQuery(): terms(false) { //Func - Constructor //Pre - true //Post - An empty PhraseQuery has been created slop = 0; field = NULL; } PhraseQuery::PhraseQuery(const PhraseQuery& clone): Query(clone), terms(false) { slop = clone.slop; field = clone.field; int32_t size=clone.positions.size(); { //msvc6 scope fix for ( int32_t i=0;ipositions.push_back( n ); } } size=clone.terms.size(); { //msvc6 scope fix for ( int32_t i=0;iterms.push_back( _CL_POINTER(clone.terms[i])); } } } Query* PhraseQuery::clone() const{ return _CLNEW PhraseQuery(*this); } bool PhraseQuery::equals(CL_NS(search)::Query *other) const{ if (!(other->instanceOf(PhraseQuery::getClassName()))) return false; PhraseQuery* pq = (PhraseQuery*)other; bool ret = (this->getBoost() == pq->getBoost()) && (this->slop == pq->slop); if ( ret ){ CLListEquals, const CL_NS(util)::CLVector > comp; ret = comp.equals(&this->terms,&pq->terms); } if ( ret ){ CLListEquals, const CL_NS(util)::CLVector > comp; ret = comp.equals(&this->positions,&pq->positions); } return ret; } PhraseQuery::~PhraseQuery(){ //Func - Destructor //Pre - true //Post 0 The instance has been destroyed //Iterate through all the terms for (uint32_t i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++){ _CLLDECDELETE(terms[i]); } positions.clear(); } size_t PhraseQuery::hashCode() const { //todo: do cachedHashCode, and invalidate on add/remove clause size_t ret = Similarity::floatToByte(getBoost()) ^ Similarity::floatToByte(slop); { //msvc6 scope fix for ( int32_t i=0;terms.size();i++ ) ret = 31 * ret + terms[i]->hashCode(); } { //msvc6 scope fix for ( int32_t i=0;positions.size();i++ ) ret = 31 * ret + positions[i]; } return ret; } const TCHAR* PhraseQuery::getClassName(){ return _T("PhraseQuery"); } const TCHAR* PhraseQuery::getQueryName() const{ //Func - Returns the string "PhraseQuery" //Pre - true //Post - The string "PhraseQuery" has been returned return getClassName(); } /** * Adds a term to the end of the query phrase. * The relative position of the term is the one immediately after the last term added. */ void PhraseQuery::add(Term* term) { CND_PRECONDITION(term != NULL,"term is NULL"); int32_t position = 0; if(positions.size() > 0) position = (positions[positions.size()-1]) + 1; add(term, position); } void PhraseQuery::add(Term* term, int32_t position) { //Func - Adds a term to the end of the query phrase. //Pre - term != NULL //Post - The term has been added if its field matches the field of the PhraseQuery // and true is returned otherwise false is returned CND_PRECONDITION(term != NULL,"term is NULL"); if (terms.size() == 0) field = term->field(); else{ //Check if the field of the _CLNEW term matches the field of the PhraseQuery //can use != because fields are interned if ( term->field() != field){ //return false; TCHAR buf[200]; _sntprintf(buf,200,_T("All phrase terms must be in the same field: %s"),term->field()); _CLTHROWT(CL_ERR_IllegalArgument,buf); } } //Store the _CLNEW term terms.push_back(_CL_POINTER(term)); positions.push_back(position); } void PhraseQuery::getPositions(Array& result) const{ result.length = positions.size(); result.values = _CL_NEWARRAY(int32_t,result.length); for(int32_t i = 0; i < result.length; i++){ result.values[i] = positions[i]; } } int32_t* PhraseQuery::getPositions() const{ CND_WARNING(false,"getPositions() is deprecated") Array arr; getPositions(arr); return arr.values; } Weight* PhraseQuery::_createWeight(Searcher* searcher) { if (terms.size() == 1) { // optimize one-term case Term* term = terms[0]; Query* termQuery = _CLNEW TermQuery(term); termQuery->setBoost(getBoost()); Weight* ret = termQuery->_createWeight(searcher); _CLDELETE(termQuery); return ret; } return _CLNEW PhraseWeight(searcher,this); } Term** PhraseQuery::getTerms() const{ //Func - added by search highlighter //Pre - //Post - //Let size contain the number of terms int32_t size = terms.size(); Term** ret = _CL_NEWARRAY(Term*,size+1); CND_CONDITION(ret != NULL,"Could not allocated memory for ret"); //Iterate through terms and copy each pointer to ret for ( int32_t i=0;itext() ); //Check if i is at the end of terms if (i != terms.size()-1){ buffer.append(_T(" ")); } } buffer.append( _T("\"") ); if (slop != 0) { buffer.append(_T("~")); buffer.appendFloat(slop,0); } //Check if there is an other boost factor than 1.0 if (getBoost() != 1.0f) { buffer.append(_T("^")); buffer.appendFloat( getBoost(),1 ); } //return the query string return buffer.toString(); } PhraseQuery::PhraseWeight::PhraseWeight(Searcher* searcher, PhraseQuery* _this) { this->_this=_this; this->value = 0; this->idf = 0; this->queryNorm = 0; this->queryWeight = 0; this->searcher = searcher; } TCHAR* PhraseQuery::PhraseWeight::toString() { return STRDUP_TtoT(_T("weight(PhraseQuery)")); } PhraseQuery::PhraseWeight::~PhraseWeight(){ } Query* PhraseQuery::PhraseWeight::getQuery() { return _this; } qreal PhraseQuery::PhraseWeight::getValue() { return value; } qreal PhraseQuery::PhraseWeight::sumOfSquaredWeights(){ idf = _this->getSimilarity(searcher)->idf(&_this->terms, searcher); queryWeight = idf * _this->getBoost(); // compute query weight return queryWeight * queryWeight; // square it } void PhraseQuery::PhraseWeight::normalize(qreal queryNorm) { this->queryNorm = queryNorm; queryWeight *= queryNorm; // normalize query weight value = queryWeight * idf; // idf for document } Scorer* PhraseQuery::PhraseWeight::scorer(IndexReader* reader) { //Func - //Pre - //Post - //Get the length of terms int32_t tpsLength = _this->terms.size(); //optimize zero-term case if (tpsLength == 0) return NULL; TermPositions** tps = _CL_NEWARRAY(TermPositions*,tpsLength+1); //Check if tps has been allocated properly CND_CONDITION(tps != NULL,"Could not allocate memory for tps"); TermPositions* p = NULL; //Iterate through all terms int32_t size = _this->terms.size(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { //Get the termPostitions for the i-th term p = reader->termPositions(_this->terms[i]); //Check if p is valid if (p == NULL) { //Delete previous retrieved termPositions while (--i >= 0){ _CLVDELETE(tps[i]); //todo: not a clucene object... should be } _CLDELETE_ARRAY(tps); return NULL; } //Store p at i in tps tps[i] = p; } tps[tpsLength] = NULL; Scorer* ret = NULL; Array positions; _this->getPositions(positions); int32_t slop = _this->getSlop(); if ( slop != 0) // optimize exact case //todo: need to pass these: this, tps, ret = _CLNEW SloppyPhraseScorer(this,tps,positions.values, _this->getSimilarity(searcher), slop, reader->norms(_this->field)); else ret = _CLNEW ExactPhraseScorer(this, tps, positions.values, _this->getSimilarity(searcher), reader->norms(_this->field)); positions.deleteArray(); CND_CONDITION(ret != NULL,"Could not allocate memory for ret"); //tps can be deleted safely. SloppyPhraseScorer or ExactPhraseScorer will take care //of its values _CLDELETE_ARRAY(tps); return ret; } void PhraseQuery::PhraseWeight::explain(IndexReader* reader, int32_t doc, Explanation* result){ TCHAR descbuf[LUCENE_SEARCH_EXPLANATION_DESC_LEN+1]; TCHAR* tmp; tmp = getQuery()->toString(); _sntprintf(descbuf,LUCENE_SEARCH_EXPLANATION_DESC_LEN,_T("weight(%s in %d), product of:"), tmp,doc); _CLDELETE_CARRAY(tmp); result->setDescription(descbuf); StringBuffer docFreqs; StringBuffer query; query.appendChar('\"'); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _this->terms.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) { docFreqs.appendChar(' '); query.appendChar(' '); } Term* term = _this->terms[i]; docFreqs.append(term->text()); docFreqs.appendChar('='); docFreqs.appendInt(searcher->docFreq(term)); query.append(term->text()); } query.appendChar('\"'); _sntprintf(descbuf,LUCENE_SEARCH_EXPLANATION_DESC_LEN, _T("idf(%s: %s)"),_this->field,docFreqs.getBuffer()); Explanation* idfExpl = _CLNEW Explanation(idf, descbuf); // explain query weight Explanation* queryExpl = _CLNEW Explanation; tmp = getQuery()->toString(); _sntprintf(descbuf,LUCENE_SEARCH_EXPLANATION_DESC_LEN, _T("queryWeight(%s), product of:"),tmp); _CLDELETE_CARRAY(tmp); queryExpl->setDescription(descbuf); Explanation* boostExpl = _CLNEW Explanation(_this->getBoost(), _T("boost")); if (_this->getBoost() != 1.0f) queryExpl->addDetail(boostExpl); queryExpl->addDetail(idfExpl); Explanation* queryNormExpl = _CLNEW Explanation(queryNorm,_T("queryNorm")); queryExpl->addDetail(queryNormExpl); queryExpl->setValue(boostExpl->getValue() * idfExpl->getValue() * queryNormExpl->getValue()); result->addDetail(queryExpl); // explain field weight Explanation* fieldExpl = _CLNEW Explanation; _sntprintf(descbuf,LUCENE_SEARCH_EXPLANATION_DESC_LEN, _T("fieldWeight(%s:%s in %d), product of:"), _this->field,query.getBuffer(),doc); fieldExpl->setDescription(descbuf); Explanation* tfExpl = _CLNEW Explanation; scorer(reader)->explain(doc, tfExpl); fieldExpl->addDetail(tfExpl); fieldExpl->addDetail(idfExpl); Explanation* fieldNormExpl = _CLNEW Explanation(); uint8_t* fieldNorms = reader->norms(_this->field); qreal fieldNorm = fieldNorms!=NULL ? Similarity::decodeNorm(fieldNorms[doc]) : 0.0f; fieldNormExpl->setValue(fieldNorm); _sntprintf(descbuf,LUCENE_SEARCH_EXPLANATION_DESC_LEN, _T("fieldNorm(field=%s, doc=%d)"),_this->field,doc); fieldNormExpl->setDescription(descbuf); fieldExpl->addDetail(fieldNormExpl); fieldExpl->setValue(tfExpl->getValue() * idfExpl->getValue() * fieldNormExpl->getValue()); result->addDetail(fieldExpl); // combine them result->setValue(queryExpl->getValue() * fieldExpl->getValue()); if (queryExpl->getValue() == 1.0f){ result->set(*fieldExpl); _CLDELETE(fieldExpl); } } CL_NS_END