// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qhelpdbreader_p.h" #include "qhelp_global.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QHelpDBReader::QHelpDBReader(const QString &dbName) : QObject(nullptr), m_dbName(dbName), m_uniqueId(QHelpGlobal::uniquifyConnectionName(QLatin1String("QHelpDBReader"), this)) { } QHelpDBReader::QHelpDBReader(const QString &dbName, const QString &uniqueId, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_dbName(dbName), m_uniqueId(uniqueId) { } QHelpDBReader::~QHelpDBReader() { if (m_initDone) { delete m_query; QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(m_uniqueId); } } bool QHelpDBReader::init() { if (m_initDone) return true; if (!QFile::exists(m_dbName)) return false; if (!initDB()) { QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(m_uniqueId); return false; } m_initDone = true; m_query = new QSqlQuery(QSqlDatabase::database(m_uniqueId)); return true; } bool QHelpDBReader::initDB() { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(QLatin1String("QSQLITE"), m_uniqueId); db.setConnectOptions(QLatin1String("QSQLITE_OPEN_READONLY")); db.setDatabaseName(m_dbName); if (!db.open()) { /*: The placeholders are: %1 - The name of the database which cannot be opened %2 - The unique id for the connection %3 - The actual error string */ m_error = tr("Cannot open database \"%1\" \"%2\": %3").arg(m_dbName, m_uniqueId, db.lastError().text()); return false; } return true; } QString QHelpDBReader::namespaceName() const { if (!m_namespace.isEmpty()) return m_namespace; if (m_query) { m_query->exec(QLatin1String("SELECT Name FROM NamespaceTable")); if (m_query->next()) m_namespace = m_query->value(0).toString(); } return m_namespace; } QString QHelpDBReader::virtualFolder() const { if (m_query) { m_query->exec(QLatin1String("SELECT Name FROM FolderTable WHERE Id=1")); if (m_query->next()) return m_query->value(0).toString(); } return QString(); } QString QHelpDBReader::version() const { const QString versionString = metaData(QLatin1String("version")).toString(); if (versionString.isEmpty()) return qtVersionHeuristic(); return versionString; } QString QHelpDBReader::qtVersionHeuristic() const { const QString nameSpace = namespaceName(); if (!nameSpace.startsWith(QLatin1String("org.qt-project."))) return QString(); // We take the namespace tail, starting from the last letter in namespace name. // We drop any non digit characters. const QChar dot(QLatin1Char('.')); QString tail; for (int i = nameSpace.size(); i > 0; --i) { const QChar c = nameSpace.at(i - 1); if (c.isDigit() || c == dot) tail.prepend(c); if (c.isLetter()) break; } if (!tail.startsWith(dot) && tail.count(dot) == 1) { // The org.qt-project.qtquickcontrols2.5120 case, // tail = 2.5120 here. We need to cut "2." here. const int dotIndex = tail.indexOf(dot); if (dotIndex > 0) tail = tail.mid(dotIndex); } // Drop beginning dots while (tail.startsWith(dot)) tail = tail.mid(1); // Drop ending dots while (tail.endsWith(dot)) tail.chop(1); if (tail.count(dot) == 0) { if (tail.size() > 5) return tail; // When we have 3 digits, we split it like: ABC -> A.B.C // When we have 4 digits, we split it like: ABCD -> A.BC.D // When we have 5 digits, we split it like: ABCDE -> A.BC.DE const int major = tail.left(1).toInt(); const int minor = tail.size() == 3 ? tail.mid(1, 1).toInt() : tail.mid(1, 2).toInt(); const int patch = tail.size() == 5 ? tail.right(2).toInt() : tail.right(1).toInt(); return QString::fromUtf8("%1.%2.%3").arg(major).arg(minor).arg(patch); } return tail; } static bool isAttributeUsed(QSqlQuery *query, const QString &tableName, int attributeId) { query->prepare(QString::fromLatin1("SELECT FilterAttributeId " "FROM %1 " "WHERE FilterAttributeId = ? " "LIMIT 1").arg(tableName)); query->bindValue(0, attributeId); query->exec(); return query->next(); // if we got a result it means it was used } static int filterDataCount(QSqlQuery *query, const QString &tableName) { query->exec(QString::fromLatin1("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM" "(SELECT DISTINCT * FROM %1)").arg(tableName)); query->next(); return query->value(0).toInt(); } QHelpDBReader::IndexTable QHelpDBReader::indexTable() const { IndexTable table; if (!m_query) return table; QMap attributeIds; m_query->exec(QLatin1String("SELECT DISTINCT Id, Name FROM FilterAttributeTable ORDER BY Id")); while (m_query->next()) attributeIds.insert(m_query->value(0).toInt(), m_query->value(1).toString()); // Maybe some are unused and specified erroneously in the named filter only, // like it was in case of qtlocation.qch <= qt 5.9 QList usedAttributeIds; for (auto it = attributeIds.cbegin(), end = attributeIds.cend(); it != end; ++it) { const int attributeId = it.key(); if (isAttributeUsed(m_query, QLatin1String("IndexFilterTable"), attributeId) || isAttributeUsed(m_query, QLatin1String("ContentsFilterTable"), attributeId) || isAttributeUsed(m_query, QLatin1String("FileFilterTable"), attributeId)) { usedAttributeIds.append(attributeId); } } bool legacy = false; m_query->exec(QLatin1String("SELECT * FROM pragma_table_info('IndexTable') " "WHERE name='ContextName'")); if (m_query->next()) legacy = true; const QString identifierColumnName = legacy ? QLatin1String("ContextName") : QLatin1String("Identifier"); const int usedAttributeCount = usedAttributeIds.size(); QMap idToIndexItem; m_query->exec(QString::fromLatin1("SELECT Name, %1, FileId, Anchor, Id " "FROM IndexTable " "ORDER BY Id").arg(identifierColumnName)); while (m_query->next()) { IndexItem indexItem; indexItem.name = m_query->value(0).toString(); indexItem.identifier = m_query->value(1).toString(); indexItem.fileId = m_query->value(2).toInt(); indexItem.anchor = m_query->value(3).toString(); const int indexId = m_query->value(4).toInt(); idToIndexItem.insert(indexId, indexItem); } QMap idToFileItem; QMap originalFileIdToNewFileId; int filesCount = 0; m_query->exec(QLatin1String("SELECT " "FileNameTable.FileId, " "FileNameTable.Name, " "FileNameTable.Title " "FROM FileNameTable, FolderTable " "WHERE FileNameTable.FolderId = FolderTable.Id " "ORDER BY FileId")); while (m_query->next()) { const int fileId = m_query->value(0).toInt(); FileItem fileItem; fileItem.name = m_query->value(1).toString(); fileItem.title = m_query->value(2).toString(); idToFileItem.insert(fileId, fileItem); originalFileIdToNewFileId.insert(fileId, filesCount); ++filesCount; } QMap idToContentsItem; m_query->exec(QLatin1String("SELECT Data, Id " "FROM ContentsTable " "ORDER BY Id")); while (m_query->next()) { ContentsItem contentsItem; contentsItem.data = m_query->value(0).toByteArray(); const int contentsId = m_query->value(1).toInt(); idToContentsItem.insert(contentsId, contentsItem); } bool optimized = true; if (usedAttributeCount) { // May optimize only when all usedAttributes are attached to every // index and file. It means the number of rows in the // IndexTable multiplied by number of used attributes // must equal the number of rows inside IndexFilterTable // (yes, we have a combinatorial explosion of data in IndexFilterTable, // which we want to optimize). The same with FileNameTable and // FileFilterTable. const bool mayOptimizeIndexTable = filterDataCount(m_query, QLatin1String("IndexFilterTable")) == idToIndexItem.size() * usedAttributeCount; const bool mayOptimizeFileTable = filterDataCount(m_query, QLatin1String("FileFilterTable")) == idToFileItem.size() * usedAttributeCount; const bool mayOptimizeContentsTable = filterDataCount(m_query, QLatin1String("ContentsFilterTable")) == idToContentsItem.size() * usedAttributeCount; optimized = mayOptimizeIndexTable && mayOptimizeFileTable && mayOptimizeContentsTable; if (!optimized) { m_query->exec(QLatin1String( "SELECT " "IndexFilterTable.IndexId, " "FilterAttributeTable.Name " "FROM " "IndexFilterTable, " "FilterAttributeTable " "WHERE " "IndexFilterTable.FilterAttributeId = FilterAttributeTable.Id")); while (m_query->next()) { const int indexId = m_query->value(0).toInt(); auto it = idToIndexItem.find(indexId); if (it != idToIndexItem.end()) it.value().filterAttributes.append(m_query->value(1).toString()); } m_query->exec(QLatin1String( "SELECT " "FileFilterTable.FileId, " "FilterAttributeTable.Name " "FROM " "FileFilterTable, " "FilterAttributeTable " "WHERE " "FileFilterTable.FilterAttributeId = FilterAttributeTable.Id")); while (m_query->next()) { const int fileId = m_query->value(0).toInt(); auto it = idToFileItem.find(fileId); if (it != idToFileItem.end()) it.value().filterAttributes.append(m_query->value(1).toString()); } m_query->exec(QLatin1String( "SELECT " "ContentsFilterTable.ContentsId, " "FilterAttributeTable.Name " "FROM " "ContentsFilterTable, " "FilterAttributeTable " "WHERE " "ContentsFilterTable.FilterAttributeId = FilterAttributeTable.Id")); while (m_query->next()) { const int contentsId = m_query->value(0).toInt(); auto it = idToContentsItem.find(contentsId); if (it != idToContentsItem.end()) it.value().filterAttributes.append(m_query->value(1).toString()); } } } // reindex fileId references for (auto it = idToIndexItem.cbegin(), end = idToIndexItem.cend(); it != end; ++it) { IndexItem item = it.value(); item.fileId = originalFileIdToNewFileId.value(item.fileId); table.indexItems.append(item); } table.fileItems = idToFileItem.values(); table.contentsItems = idToContentsItem.values(); if (optimized) { for (int attributeId : usedAttributeIds) table.usedFilterAttributes.append(attributeIds.value(attributeId)); } return table; } QList QHelpDBReader::filterAttributeSets() const { QList result; if (m_query) { m_query->exec(QLatin1String( "SELECT " "FileAttributeSetTable.Id, " "FilterAttributeTable.Name " "FROM " "FileAttributeSetTable, " "FilterAttributeTable " "WHERE FileAttributeSetTable.FilterAttributeId = FilterAttributeTable.Id " "ORDER BY FileAttributeSetTable.Id")); int oldId = -1; while (m_query->next()) { const int id = m_query->value(0).toInt(); if (id != oldId) { result.append(QStringList()); oldId = id; } result.last().append(m_query->value(1).toString()); } } return result; } QByteArray QHelpDBReader::fileData(const QString &virtualFolder, const QString &filePath) const { QByteArray ba; if (virtualFolder.isEmpty() || filePath.isEmpty() || !m_query) return ba; namespaceName(); m_query->prepare(QLatin1String( "SELECT " "FileDataTable.Data " "FROM " "FileDataTable, " "FileNameTable, " "FolderTable, " "NamespaceTable " "WHERE FileDataTable.Id = FileNameTable.FileId " "AND (FileNameTable.Name = ? OR FileNameTable.Name = ?) " "AND FileNameTable.FolderId = FolderTable.Id " "AND FolderTable.Name = ? " "AND FolderTable.NamespaceId = NamespaceTable.Id " "AND NamespaceTable.Name = ?")); m_query->bindValue(0, filePath); m_query->bindValue(1, QString(QLatin1String("./") + filePath)); m_query->bindValue(2, virtualFolder); m_query->bindValue(3, m_namespace); m_query->exec(); if (m_query->next() && m_query->isValid()) ba = qUncompress(m_query->value(0).toByteArray()); return ba; } QStringList QHelpDBReader::customFilters() const { QStringList lst; if (m_query) { m_query->exec(QLatin1String("SELECT Name FROM FilterNameTable")); while (m_query->next()) lst.append(m_query->value(0).toString()); } return lst; } QStringList QHelpDBReader::filterAttributes(const QString &filterName) const { QStringList lst; if (m_query) { if (filterName.isEmpty()) { m_query->prepare(QLatin1String("SELECT Name FROM FilterAttributeTable")); } else { m_query->prepare(QLatin1String( "SELECT " "FilterAttributeTable.Name " "FROM " "FilterAttributeTable, " "FilterTable, " "FilterNameTable " "WHERE FilterNameTable.Name = ? " "AND FilterNameTable.Id = FilterTable.NameId " "AND FilterTable.FilterAttributeId = FilterAttributeTable.Id")); m_query->bindValue(0, filterName); } m_query->exec(); while (m_query->next()) lst.append(m_query->value(0).toString()); } return lst; } QMultiMap QHelpDBReader::filesData(const QStringList &filterAttributes, const QString &extensionFilter) const { QMultiMap result; if (!m_query) return result; QString query; QString extension; if (!extensionFilter.isEmpty()) extension = QString(QLatin1String("AND FileNameTable.Name " "LIKE \'%.%1\'")).arg(extensionFilter); if (filterAttributes.isEmpty()) { query = QString(QLatin1String("SELECT " "FileNameTable.Name, " "FileDataTable.Data " "FROM " "FolderTable, " "FileNameTable, " "FileDataTable " "WHERE FileDataTable.Id = FileNameTable.FileId " "AND FileNameTable.FolderId = FolderTable.Id %1")) .arg(extension); } else { for (int i = 0; i < filterAttributes.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) query.append(QLatin1String(" INTERSECT ")); query.append(QString(QLatin1String( "SELECT " "FileNameTable.Name, " "FileDataTable.Data " "FROM " "FolderTable, " "FileNameTable, " "FileDataTable, " "FileFilterTable, " "FilterAttributeTable " "WHERE FileDataTable.Id = FileNameTable.FileId " "AND FileNameTable.FolderId = FolderTable.Id " "AND FileNameTable.FileId = FileFilterTable.FileId " "AND FileFilterTable.FilterAttributeId = FilterAttributeTable.Id " "AND FilterAttributeTable.Name = \'%1\' %2")) .arg(quote(filterAttributes.at(i))) .arg(extension)); } } m_query->exec(query); while (m_query->next()) result.insert(m_query->value(0).toString(), qUncompress(m_query->value(1).toByteArray())); return result; } QVariant QHelpDBReader::metaData(const QString &name) const { QVariant v; if (!m_query) return v; m_query->prepare(QLatin1String("SELECT COUNT(Value), Value FROM MetaDataTable " "WHERE Name=?")); m_query->bindValue(0, name); if (m_query->exec() && m_query->next() && m_query->value(0).toInt() == 1) v = m_query->value(1); return v; } QString QHelpDBReader::quote(const QString &string) const { QString s = string; s.replace(QLatin1Char('\''), QLatin1String("\'\'")); return s; } QT_END_NAMESPACE