// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "qdesigner_formwindow.h" #include "qdesigner_workbench.h" #include "formwindowbase_p.h" // sdk #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; QDesignerFormWindow::QDesignerFormWindow(QDesignerFormWindowInterface *editor, QDesignerWorkbench *workbench, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : QWidget(parent, flags), m_editor(editor), m_workbench(workbench), m_action(new QAction(this)), m_initialized(false), m_windowTitleInitialized(false) { Q_ASSERT(workbench); setMaximumSize(0xFFF, 0xFFF); QDesignerFormEditorInterface *core = workbench->core(); if (m_editor) { m_editor->setParent(this); } else { m_editor = core->formWindowManager()->createFormWindow(this); } QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout(this); l->setContentsMargins(QMargins()); l->addWidget(m_editor); m_action->setCheckable(true); connect(m_editor->commandHistory(), &QUndoStack::indexChanged, this, &QDesignerFormWindow::updateChanged); connect(m_editor.data(), &QDesignerFormWindowInterface::geometryChanged, this, &QDesignerFormWindow::slotGeometryChanged); } QDesignerFormWindow::~QDesignerFormWindow() { if (workbench()) workbench()->removeFormWindow(this); } QAction *QDesignerFormWindow::action() const { return m_action; } void QDesignerFormWindow::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::WindowTitleChange: m_action->setText(windowTitle().remove("[*]"_L1)); break; case QEvent::WindowIconChange: m_action->setIcon(windowIcon()); break; case QEvent::WindowStateChange: { const QWindowStateChangeEvent *wsce = static_cast(e); const bool wasMinimized = Qt::WindowMinimized & wsce->oldState(); const bool isMinimizedNow = isMinimized(); if (wasMinimized != isMinimizedNow ) emit minimizationStateChanged(m_editor, isMinimizedNow); } break; default: break; } QWidget::changeEvent(e); } QRect QDesignerFormWindow::geometryHint() const { const QPoint point(0, 0); // If we have a container, we want to be just as big. // QMdiSubWindow attempts to resize its children to sizeHint() when switching user interface modes. if (QWidget *mainContainer = m_editor->mainContainer()) return QRect(point, mainContainer->size()); return QRect(point, sizeHint()); } QDesignerFormWindowInterface *QDesignerFormWindow::editor() const { return m_editor; } QDesignerWorkbench *QDesignerFormWindow::workbench() const { return m_workbench; } void QDesignerFormWindow::firstShow() { // Set up handling of file name changes and set initial title. if (!m_windowTitleInitialized) { m_windowTitleInitialized = true; if (m_editor) { connect(m_editor.data(), &QDesignerFormWindowInterface::fileNameChanged, this, &QDesignerFormWindow::updateWindowTitle); updateWindowTitle(m_editor->fileName()); updateChanged(); } } show(); } int QDesignerFormWindow::getNumberOfUntitledWindows() const { const int totalWindows = m_workbench->formWindowCount(); if (!totalWindows) return 0; int maxUntitled = 0; // Find the number of untitled windows excluding ourselves. // Do not fall for 'untitled.ui', match with modified place holder. // This will cause some problems with i18n, but for now I need the string to be "static" static const QRegularExpression rx(u"untitled( (\\d+))?\\[\\*\\]$"_s); Q_ASSERT(rx.isValid()); for (int i = 0; i < totalWindows; ++i) { QDesignerFormWindow *fw = m_workbench->formWindow(i); if (fw != this) { const QString title = m_workbench->formWindow(i)->windowTitle(); const QRegularExpressionMatch match = rx.match(title); if (match.hasMatch()) { if (maxUntitled == 0) ++maxUntitled; if (match.lastCapturedIndex() >= 2) { const auto numberCapture = match.capturedView(2); if (!numberCapture.isEmpty()) maxUntitled = qMax(numberCapture.toInt(), maxUntitled); } } } } return maxUntitled; } void QDesignerFormWindow::updateWindowTitle(const QString &fileName) { if (!m_windowTitleInitialized) { m_windowTitleInitialized = true; if (m_editor) connect(m_editor.data(), &QDesignerFormWindowInterface::fileNameChanged, this, &QDesignerFormWindow::updateWindowTitle); } QString fileNameTitle; if (fileName.isEmpty()) { fileNameTitle += "untitled"_L1; if (const int maxUntitled = getNumberOfUntitledWindows()) { fileNameTitle += u' ' + QString::number(maxUntitled + 1); } } else { fileNameTitle = QFileInfo(fileName).fileName(); } if (const QWidget *mc = m_editor->mainContainer()) { setWindowIcon(mc->windowIcon()); setWindowTitle(tr("%1 - %2[*]").arg(mc->windowTitle(), fileNameTitle)); } else { setWindowTitle(fileNameTitle); } } void QDesignerFormWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *ev) { if (m_editor->isDirty()) { raise(); QMessageBox box(QMessageBox::Information, tr("Save Form?"), tr("Do you want to save the changes to this document before closing?"), QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Save, m_editor); box.setInformativeText(tr("If you don't save, your changes will be lost.")); box.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); static_cast(box.button(QMessageBox::Save))->setDefault(true); switch (box.exec()) { case QMessageBox::Save: { bool ok = workbench()->saveForm(m_editor); ev->setAccepted(ok); m_editor->setDirty(!ok); break; } case QMessageBox::Discard: m_editor->setDirty(false); // Not really necessary, but stops problems if we get close again. ev->accept(); break; case QMessageBox::Cancel: ev->ignore(); break; } } } void QDesignerFormWindow::updateChanged() { // Sometimes called after form window destruction. if (m_editor) { setWindowModified(m_editor->isDirty()); updateWindowTitle(m_editor->fileName()); } } void QDesignerFormWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *rev) { if(m_initialized) { m_editor->setDirty(true); setWindowModified(true); } m_initialized = true; QWidget::resizeEvent(rev); } void QDesignerFormWindow::slotGeometryChanged() { // If the form window changes, re-update the geometry of the current widget in the property editor. // Note that in the case of layouts, non-maincontainer widgets must also be updated, // so, do not do it for the main container only const QDesignerFormEditorInterface *core = m_editor->core(); QObject *object = core->propertyEditor()->object(); if (object == nullptr || !object->isWidgetType()) return; static const QString geometryProperty = u"geometry"_s; const QDesignerPropertySheetExtension *sheet = qt_extension(core->extensionManager(), object); const int geometryIndex = sheet->indexOf(geometryProperty); if (geometryIndex == -1) return; core->propertyEditor()->setPropertyValue(geometryProperty, sheet->property(geometryIndex)); } QT_END_NAMESPACE