// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "printout.h" #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; PrintOut::PrintOut(QPrinter *printer) : pr(printer), nextRule(NoRule), page(0) { p.begin(pr); QFont f(QStringList{u"Arial"_s}); f8 = f; f8.setPointSize(8); f10 = f; f10.setPointSize(10); p.setFont(f10); fmetrics = new QFontMetrics(p.fontMetrics()); hmargin = 5 * printer->width() / printer->widthMM(); // 5 mm vmargin = 5 * printer->height() / printer->heightMM(); // 5 mm hsize = printer->width() - 2 * hmargin; vsize = printer->height() - vmargin; dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); breakPage(true); // init vsize and draw first header cp = Paragraph(QPoint(hmargin, voffset)); } PrintOut::~PrintOut() { flushLine(); delete fmetrics; p.end(); } void PrintOut::setRule(Rule rule) { if (nextRule < rule) nextRule = rule; } void PrintOut::setGuide(const QString &guide) { g = guide; } void PrintOut::vskip() { if (!firstParagraph) voffset += 14; } void PrintOut::flushLine(bool /* mayBreak */) { if (voffset + cp.rect.height() > vsize) breakPage(); else if (!firstParagraph) drawRule(nextRule); for (int i = 0; i < cp.boxes.count(); ++i) { Box b = cp.boxes[i]; b.rect.translate(0, voffset); QRect r = b.rect; p.setFont(b.font); p.drawText(r, b.text, b.options); } voffset += cp.rect.height(); nextRule = NoRule; cp = Paragraph(QPoint(hmargin, voffset)); firstParagraph = false; } void PrintOut::addBox(int percent, const QString &text, Style style, Qt::Alignment halign) { QTextOption options; options.setAlignment(halign | Qt::AlignTop); options.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); QFont f = f10; if (style == Strong) f.setBold(true); else if (style == Emphasis) f.setItalic(true); int wd = hsize * percent / 100; QRect r(cp.rect.x() + cp.rect.width(), 0, wd, vsize); const int ht = static_cast(p.boundingRect(r, text, options).height()); Box b(r, text, f, options); cp.boxes.append(b); cp.rect.setSize(QSize(cp.rect.width() + wd, qMax(cp.rect.height(), ht))); } // use init if initial vsize should be calculated (first breakPage call) void PrintOut::breakPage(bool init) { static const int LeftAlign = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop; static const int RightAlign = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop; QRect r1, r2; int h1 = 0; int h2 = 0; if (page > 0) pr->newPage(); if (!init) page++; voffset = 0; p.setFont(f10); r1 = QRect(hmargin, voffset, 3 * hsize / 4, vsize); r2 = QRect(r1.x() + r1.width(), voffset, hsize - r1.width(), vsize); h1 = p.boundingRect(r1, LeftAlign, pr->docName()).height(); if (!init) p.drawText(r1, LeftAlign, pr->docName()); h2 = p.boundingRect(r2, RightAlign, QString::number(page)).height(); if (!init) p.drawText(r2, RightAlign, QString::number(page)); voffset += qMax(h1, h2 ); r1 = QRect(hmargin, voffset, hsize / 2, LeftAlign); p.setFont(f8); h1 = p.boundingRect(r1, LeftAlign, dateTime.toString()).height(); if (!init) p.drawText(r1, LeftAlign, dateTime.toString()); p.setFont(f10); voffset += qMax(h1, h2); voffset += 4; if (!init) p.drawLine(QPoint(hmargin, voffset), QPoint(hmargin + hsize, voffset)); voffset += 14; firstParagraph = true; if (init) { vsize -= voffset; breakPage(); // now draw it when the vsize is ok } } void PrintOut::drawRule(Rule rule) { QPen pen; switch (rule) { case NoRule: voffset += 5; break; case ThinRule: pen.setColor(QColor(192, 192, 192)); pen.setStyle(Qt::DotLine); pen.setWidth(0); p.setPen(pen); voffset += 5; p.drawLine(QPoint(hmargin, voffset), QPoint(hmargin + hsize, voffset)); p.setPen(QPen()); voffset += 2; break; case ThickRule: voffset += 7; p.drawLine(QPoint(hmargin, voffset), QPoint(hmargin + hsize, voffset)); voffset += 4; } } QT_END_NAMESPACE