/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL3$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in ** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be ** met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "runner.h" QT_USE_NAMESPACE int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription(QLatin1String("winrtrunner installs, runs, and collects test " "results for packages made with Qt.")); parser.addPositionalArgument(QStringLiteral("package [arguments]"), QLatin1String("The executable or package manifest to act upon. " "Arguments after the package name will be passed " "to the application when it starts.")); QCommandLineOption testOption(QStringLiteral("test"), QLatin1String("Install, start, collect output, stop (if needed), " "and uninstall the package. This is the " "default action of winrtrunner.")); parser.addOption(testOption); QCommandLineOption startOption(QStringLiteral("start"), QLatin1String("Start the package. The package is installed if " "it is not already installed. Pass --install to " "force reinstallation.")); parser.addOption(startOption); QCommandLineOption debugOption(QStringLiteral("debug"), QLatin1String("Start the package with the debugger attached. " "The package is installed if it is not already " "installed. Pass --install to force " "reinstallation."), QLatin1Literal("debugger")); parser.addOption(debugOption); QCommandLineOption debuggerArgumentsOption(QStringLiteral("debugger-arguments"), QLatin1String("Arguments that are passed to the " "debugger when --debug is used. If no " "debugger was provided this option is " "ignored."), QLatin1String("arguments")); parser.addOption(debuggerArgumentsOption); QCommandLineOption suspendOption(QStringLiteral("suspend"), QLatin1String("Suspend a running package. When combined " "with --stop or --test, the app will be " "suspended before being terminated.")); parser.addOption(suspendOption); QCommandLineOption stopOption(QStringLiteral("stop"), QLatin1String("Terminate a running package. Can be be " "combined with --start and --suspend.")); parser.addOption(stopOption); QCommandLineOption waitOption(QStringLiteral("wait"), QLatin1String("If the package is running, waits the given " "number of seconds before continuing to the next " "task. Passing 0 causes the runner to wait " "indefinitely."), QStringLiteral("seconds")); parser.addOption(waitOption); QCommandLineOption installOption(QStringLiteral("install"), QStringLiteral("(Re)installs the package.")); parser.addOption(installOption); QCommandLineOption removeOption(QStringLiteral("remove"), QStringLiteral("Uninstalls the package.")); parser.addOption(removeOption); QCommandLineOption deviceOption(QStringLiteral("device"), QLatin1String("Specifies the device to target as a device name " " or index. Use --list-devices to find available " "devices. The default device is the first device " "found for the active run profile."), QStringLiteral("name|index")); parser.addOption(deviceOption); QCommandLineOption profileOption(QStringLiteral("profile"), QStringLiteral("Force a particular run profile."), QStringLiteral("name")); parser.addOption(profileOption); QCommandLineOption listDevicesOption(QStringLiteral("list-devices"), QLatin1String("List the available devices " "(for use with --device).")); parser.addOption(listDevicesOption); QCommandLineOption verbosityOption(QStringLiteral("verbose"), QLatin1String("The verbosity level of the message output " "(0 - silent, 1 - info, 2 - debug). Defaults to 1."), QStringLiteral("level"), QStringLiteral("1")); parser.addOption(verbosityOption); QCommandLineOption ignoreErrorsOption(QStringLiteral("ignore-errors"), QStringLiteral("Always exit with code 0, regardless of the error state.")); parser.addOption(ignoreErrorsOption); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.setSingleDashWordOptionMode(QCommandLineParser::ParseAsLongOptions); QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments(); parser.parse(arguments); QStringList filterRules = QStringList() // Default logging rules << QStringLiteral("qt.winrtrunner.warning=true") << QStringLiteral("qt.winrtrunner.critical=true") << QStringLiteral("qt.winrtrunner.app=true"); if (parser.isSet(verbosityOption)) { bool ok; uint verbosity = parser.value(verbosityOption).toUInt(&ok); if (!ok || verbosity > 2) { qCCritical(lcWinRtRunner) << "Incorrect value specified for verbosity."; parser.showHelp(1); } switch (verbosity) { case 2: // Enable debug print filterRules.append(QStringLiteral("qt.winrtrunner.debug=true")); break; case 1: // Remove warnings filterRules.removeFirst(); // fall through case 0: // Silent filterRules.removeFirst(); // fall through default: // Impossible break; } } QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules(filterRules.join(QLatin1Char('\n'))); if (parser.isSet(listDevicesOption)) { std::wcout << "Available devices:\n"; const QMap deviceNames = Runner::deviceNames(); foreach (const QString &profile, deviceNames.keys()) { std::wcout << reinterpret_cast(profile.utf16()) << ":\n"; int index = 0; foreach (const QString &device, deviceNames.value(profile)) { std::wcout << " " << index++ << ' ' << reinterpret_cast(device.utf16()) << '\n'; } } std::wcout << std::endl; return 0; } // Process front-end args if (parser.positionalArguments().count() < 1) parser.showHelp(parser.isSet(QStringLiteral("help")) ? 0 : 1); const QString app = parser.positionalArguments().first(); const int appArgsPos = arguments.indexOf(app) + 1; const QStringList mainArgs = arguments.mid(0, appArgsPos); QStringList appArgs = arguments.mid(appArgsPos); parser.process(mainArgs); // Exit codes: // 1 - Bad arguments // 2 - Bad package or no backend available // 3 - Installation failed // 4 - Removal failed // 5 - Start failed // 6 - Suspend failed // 7 - Stop failed // 8 - Test setup failed // 9 - Test results retrieval failed // 10 - Enabling debugging failed // In "test" mode, the exit code of the app is returned bool ignoreErrors = parser.isSet(ignoreErrorsOption); bool testEnabled = parser.isSet(testOption); bool startEnabled = testEnabled || parser.isSet(startOption) || parser.isSet(debugOption); bool suspendEnabled = parser.isSet(suspendOption); bool waitEnabled = testEnabled || parser.isSet(waitOption); bool stopEnabled = !testEnabled && parser.isSet(stopOption); // test and stop are mutually exclusive bool installEnabled = testEnabled || startEnabled || parser.isSet(installOption); bool removeBeforeInstall = testEnabled || parser.isSet(installOption); bool removeEnabled = testEnabled || parser.isSet(removeOption); // Default to test mode if no conflicting arguments were passed if (!testEnabled && !installEnabled && !startEnabled && !stopEnabled && !suspendEnabled && !removeEnabled) testEnabled = installEnabled = removeBeforeInstall = startEnabled = waitEnabled = stopEnabled = removeEnabled = true; int waitTime = parser.value(waitOption).toInt(); if (!waitTime && testEnabled) waitTime = 300; // The maximum wait period for test cases is 300 seconds (5 minutes) // Set up runner Runner runner(app, appArgs, parser.value(profileOption), parser.value(deviceOption)); if (!runner.isValid()) return ignoreErrors ? 0 : 2; if (testEnabled && !runner.setupTest()) { qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Test setup failed, exiting with code 8."; return ignoreErrors ? 0 : 8; } if (installEnabled && !runner.install(removeBeforeInstall)) { qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Installation failed, exiting with code 3."; return ignoreErrors ? 0 : 3; } if (parser.isSet(debugOption)) { const QString &debuggerExecutable = parser.value(debugOption); const QString &debuggerArguments = parser.value(debuggerArgumentsOption); qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Debugger: " << debuggerExecutable; qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Debugger Options: " << debuggerArguments; if (debuggerExecutable.isEmpty() || !runner.enableDebugging(debuggerExecutable, debuggerArguments)) { qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Failed to enable debugging, exiting with code 10."; return ignoreErrors ? 0 : 10; } } bool startFailed = startEnabled && !runner.start(); if (parser.isSet(debugOption) && !runner.disableDebugging()) qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Failed to disable debugging"; if (startFailed) { qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Start failed, exiting with code 5."; return ignoreErrors ? 0 : 5; } qint64 pid = runner.pid(); if (pid != -1) qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner) << "App started with process ID" << pid; if (waitEnabled) runner.wait(waitTime); if (suspendEnabled && !runner.suspend()) { qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Suspend failed, exiting with code 6."; return ignoreErrors ? 0 : 6; } if (stopEnabled && !runner.stop()) { qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Stop failed, exiting with code 7."; return ignoreErrors ? 0 : 7; } if (testEnabled && !runner.collectTest()) { qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Collect test failed, exiting with code 9."; return ignoreErrors ? 0 : 9; } if (removeEnabled && !runner.remove()) { qCDebug(lcWinRtRunner) << "Remove failed, exiting with code 4."; return ignoreErrors ? 0 : 4; } if (stopEnabled) { int exitCode = runner.exitCode(); if (exitCode == -1) return 0; // Exit code unknown; not necessarily an error qCWarning(lcWinRtRunner) << "App exited with code" << exitCode; return ignoreErrors ? 0 : exitCode; } return 0; }