path: root/src
diff options
authorInho Lee <>2021-06-15 10:54:00 +0200
committerInho Lee <>2021-11-08 11:19:56 +0200
commitaf8f8c33ea885f472682f98e0699721f50b1f020 (patch)
treed9ffba05219c785f15f9cefc3ffbb681b730401c /src
parent1357e2cbc9d9ba7acca53a87e9570c1fc7ebe880 (diff)
add abstract class QWaylandTextInputInterface in client side
There are several protocols for text-input and it will be an abstract class for them. It is not related with qt_text_input_method_v1. It will help to implement zwp_text_input_* protocols. Change-Id: I2207887d84d416469217cff7d011648402a53664 Reviewed-by: Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
10 files changed, 713 insertions, 422 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/CMakeLists.txt b/src/client/CMakeLists.txt
index 2f139113..79a07033 100644
--- a/src/client/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/client/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ qt_internal_add_module(WaylandClient
qwaylanddisplay.cpp qwaylanddisplay_p.h
qwaylandextendedsurface.cpp qwaylandextendedsurface_p.h
qwaylandinputcontext.cpp qwaylandinputcontext_p.h
+ qwaylandtextinputv2.cpp qwaylandtextinputv2_p.h
+ qwaylandtextinputinterface.cpp qwaylandtextinputinterface_p.h
qwaylandinputdevice.cpp qwaylandinputdevice_p.h
qwaylandinputmethodcontext.cpp qwaylandinputmethodcontext_p.h
qwaylandintegration.cpp qwaylandintegration_p.h
diff --git a/src/client/qwaylanddisplay.cpp b/src/client/qwaylanddisplay.cpp
index 199f5ad3..8426000d 100644
--- a/src/client/qwaylanddisplay.cpp
+++ b/src/client/qwaylanddisplay.cpp
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
#include <wayland-cursor.h>
#include "qwaylandhardwareintegration_p.h"
+#include "qwaylandtextinputv2_p.h"
#include "qwaylandinputcontext_p.h"
#include "qwaylandinputmethodcontext_p.h"
@@ -510,7 +511,7 @@ bool QWaylandDisplay::registerTextInputManager(const QStringList &protocols, int
qCDebug(lcQpaWayland) << "text input: register zwp_text_input_manager_v2";
mTextInputManager.reset(new QtWayland::zwp_text_input_manager_v2(global.registry,, 1));
for (QWaylandInputDevice *inputDevice : qAsConst(mInputDevices))
- inputDevice->setTextInput(new QWaylandTextInput(this, mTextInputManager->get_text_input(inputDevice->wl_seat())));
+ inputDevice->setTextInput(new QWaylandTextInputv2(this, mTextInputManager->get_text_input(inputDevice->wl_seat())));
return true;
diff --git a/src/client/qwaylandinputcontext.cpp b/src/client/qwaylandinputcontext.cpp
index 645fd56a..9ac1c3df 100644
--- a/src/client/qwaylandinputcontext.cpp
+++ b/src/client/qwaylandinputcontext.cpp
@@ -40,15 +40,13 @@
#include "qwaylandinputcontext_p.h"
+#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include <QtGui/QTextCharFormat>
#include <QtGui/QWindow>
-#include <QtGui/private/qguiapplication_p.h>
-#include <QtGui/qpa/qplatformintegration.h>
#include "qwaylanddisplay_p.h"
#include "qwaylandinputdevice_p.h"
-#include "qwaylandinputmethodeventbuilder_p.h"
#include "qwaylandwindow_p.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon)
@@ -61,342 +59,6 @@ Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qLcQpaInputMethods, "qt.qpa.input.methods")
namespace QtWaylandClient {
-namespace {
-const Qt::InputMethodQueries supportedQueries = Qt::ImEnabled |
- Qt::ImSurroundingText |
- Qt::ImCursorPosition |
- Qt::ImAnchorPosition |
- Qt::ImHints |
- Qt::ImCursorRectangle |
- Qt::ImPreferredLanguage;
-QWaylandTextInput::QWaylandTextInput(QWaylandDisplay *display, struct ::zwp_text_input_v2 *text_input)
- : QtWayland::zwp_text_input_v2(text_input)
- , m_display(display)
- if (m_resetCallback)
- wl_callback_destroy(m_resetCallback);
-void QWaylandTextInput::reset()
- m_builder.reset();
- m_preeditCommit = QString();
- updateState(Qt::ImQueryAll, update_state_reset);
-void QWaylandTextInput::commit()
- if (QObject *o = QGuiApplication::focusObject()) {
- QInputMethodEvent event;
- event.setCommitString(m_preeditCommit);
- QCoreApplication::sendEvent(o, &event);
- }
- reset();
-const wl_callback_listener QWaylandTextInput::callbackListener = {
- QWaylandTextInput::resetCallback
-void QWaylandTextInput::resetCallback(void *data, wl_callback *, uint32_t)
- QWaylandTextInput *self = static_cast<QWaylandTextInput*>(data);
- if (self->m_resetCallback) {
- wl_callback_destroy(self->m_resetCallback);
- self->m_resetCallback = nullptr;
- }
-void QWaylandTextInput::updateState(Qt::InputMethodQueries queries, uint32_t flags)
- if (!QGuiApplication::focusObject())
- return;
- if (!QGuiApplication::focusWindow() || !QGuiApplication::focusWindow()->handle())
- return;
- auto *window = static_cast<QWaylandWindow *>(QGuiApplication::focusWindow()->handle());
- auto *surface = window->wlSurface();
- if (!surface || (surface != m_surface))
- return;
- queries &= supportedQueries;
- // Surrounding text, cursor and anchor positions are transferred together
- if ((queries & Qt::ImSurroundingText) || (queries & Qt::ImCursorPosition) || (queries & Qt::ImAnchorPosition))
- queries |= Qt::ImSurroundingText | Qt::ImCursorPosition | Qt::ImAnchorPosition;
- QInputMethodQueryEvent event(queries);
- QCoreApplication::sendEvent(QGuiApplication::focusObject(), &event);
- if ((queries & Qt::ImSurroundingText) || (queries & Qt::ImCursorPosition) || (queries & Qt::ImAnchorPosition)) {
- QString text = event.value(Qt::ImSurroundingText).toString();
- int cursor = event.value(Qt::ImCursorPosition).toInt();
- int anchor = event.value(Qt::ImAnchorPosition).toInt();
- // Make sure text is not too big
- if (text.toUtf8().size() > 2048) {
- int c = qAbs(cursor - anchor) <= 512 ? qMin(cursor, anchor) + qAbs(cursor - anchor) / 2: cursor;
- const int offset = c - qBound(0, c, 512 - qMin(text.size() - c, 256));
- text = text.mid(offset + c - 256, 512);
- cursor -= offset;
- anchor -= offset;
- }
- set_surrounding_text(text, QWaylandInputMethodEventBuilder::indexToWayland(text, cursor), QWaylandInputMethodEventBuilder::indexToWayland(text, anchor));
- }
- if (queries & Qt::ImHints) {
- QWaylandInputMethodContentType contentType = QWaylandInputMethodContentType::convert(static_cast<Qt::InputMethodHints>(event.value(Qt::ImHints).toInt()));
- set_content_type(contentType.hint, contentType.purpose);
- }
- if (queries & Qt::ImCursorRectangle) {
- const QRect &cRect = event.value(Qt::ImCursorRectangle).toRect();
- const QRect &windowRect = QGuiApplication::inputMethod()->inputItemTransform().mapRect(cRect);
- const QMargins margins = window->frameMargins();
- const QRect &surfaceRect = windowRect.translated(margins.left(),;
- set_cursor_rectangle(surfaceRect.x(), surfaceRect.y(), surfaceRect.width(), surfaceRect.height());
- }
- if (queries & Qt::ImPreferredLanguage) {
- const QString &language = event.value(Qt::ImPreferredLanguage).toString();
- set_preferred_language(language);
- }
- update_state(m_serial, flags);
- if (flags != update_state_change) {
- if (m_resetCallback)
- wl_callback_destroy(m_resetCallback);
- m_resetCallback = wl_display_sync(m_display->wl_display());
- wl_callback_add_listener(m_resetCallback, &QWaylandTextInput::callbackListener, this);
- }
-void QWaylandTextInput::setCursorInsidePreedit(int)
- // Not supported yet
-bool QWaylandTextInput::isInputPanelVisible() const
- return m_inputPanelVisible;
-QRectF QWaylandTextInput::keyboardRect() const
- return m_keyboardRectangle;
-QLocale QWaylandTextInput::locale() const
- return m_locale;
-Qt::LayoutDirection QWaylandTextInput::inputDirection() const
- return m_inputDirection;
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_enter(uint32_t serial, ::wl_surface *surface)
- m_serial = serial;
- m_surface = surface;
- updateState(Qt::ImQueryAll, update_state_enter);
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_leave(uint32_t serial, ::wl_surface *surface)
- m_serial = serial;
- if (m_surface != surface) {
- qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Got leave event for surface" << surface << "focused surface" << m_surface;
- }
- m_surface = nullptr;
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_modifiers_map(wl_array *map)
- const QList<QByteArray> modifiersMap = QByteArray::fromRawData(static_cast<const char*>(map->data), map->size).split('\0');
- m_modifiersMap.clear();
- for (const QByteArray &modifier : modifiersMap) {
- if (modifier == "Shift")
- m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::ShiftModifier);
- else if (modifier == "Control")
- m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::ControlModifier);
- else if (modifier == "Alt")
- m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::AltModifier);
- else if (modifier == "Mod1")
- m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::AltModifier);
- else if (modifier == "Mod4")
- m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::MetaModifier);
- else
- m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::NoModifier);
- }
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_input_panel_state(uint32_t visible, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
- const bool inputPanelVisible = (visible == input_panel_visibility_visible);
- if (m_inputPanelVisible != inputPanelVisible) {
- m_inputPanelVisible = inputPanelVisible;
- QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->inputContext()->emitInputPanelVisibleChanged();
- }
- const QRectF keyboardRectangle(x, y, width, height);
- if (m_keyboardRectangle != keyboardRectangle) {
- m_keyboardRectangle = keyboardRectangle;
- QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->inputContext()->emitKeyboardRectChanged();
- }
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_string(const QString &text, const QString &commit)
- if (m_resetCallback) {
- qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << "discard preedit_string: reset not confirmed";
- m_builder.reset();
- return;
- }
- if (!QGuiApplication::focusObject())
- return;
- QInputMethodEvent *event = m_builder.buildPreedit(text);
- m_builder.reset();
- m_preeditCommit = commit;
- QCoreApplication::sendEvent(QGuiApplication::focusObject(), event);
- delete event;
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_styling(uint32_t index, uint32_t length, uint32_t style)
- m_builder.addPreeditStyling(index, length, style);
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_cursor(int32_t index)
- m_builder.setPreeditCursor(index);
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_commit_string(const QString &text)
- if (m_resetCallback) {
- qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << "discard commit_string: reset not confirmed";
- m_builder.reset();
- return;
- }
- if (!QGuiApplication::focusObject())
- return;
- QInputMethodEvent *event = m_builder.buildCommit(text);
- m_builder.reset();
- QCoreApplication::sendEvent(QGuiApplication::focusObject(), event);
- delete event;
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_cursor_position(int32_t index, int32_t anchor)
- m_builder.setCursorPosition(index, anchor);
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_delete_surrounding_text(uint32_t before_length, uint32_t after_length)
- m_builder.setDeleteSurroundingText(before_length, after_length);
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_keysym(uint32_t time, uint32_t sym, uint32_t state, uint32_t modifiers)
-#if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon)
- if (m_resetCallback) {
- qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << "discard keysym: reset not confirmed";
- return;
- }
- if (!QGuiApplication::focusWindow())
- return;
- Qt::KeyboardModifiers qtModifiers = modifiersToQtModifiers(modifiers);
- QEvent::Type type = state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED ? QEvent::KeyPress : QEvent::KeyRelease;
- QString text = QXkbCommon::lookupStringNoKeysymTransformations(sym);
- int qtkey = QXkbCommon::keysymToQtKey(sym, qtModifiers);
- QWindowSystemInterface::handleKeyEvent(QGuiApplication::focusWindow(),
- time, type, qtkey, qtModifiers, text);
- Q_UNUSED(time);
- Q_UNUSED(sym);
- Q_UNUSED(state);
- Q_UNUSED(modifiers);
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_language(const QString &language)
- if (m_resetCallback) {
- qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << "discard language: reset not confirmed";
- return;
- }
- const QLocale locale(language);
- if (m_locale != locale) {
- m_locale = locale;
- QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->inputContext()->emitLocaleChanged();
- }
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_text_direction(uint32_t direction)
- if (m_resetCallback) {
- qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << "discard text_direction: reset not confirmed";
- return;
- }
- const Qt::LayoutDirection inputDirection = (direction == text_direction_auto) ? Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto :
- (direction == text_direction_ltr) ? Qt::LeftToRight :
- (direction == text_direction_rtl) ? Qt::RightToLeft : Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto;
- if (m_inputDirection != inputDirection) {
- m_inputDirection = inputDirection;
- QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->inputContext()->emitInputDirectionChanged(m_inputDirection);
- }
-void QWaylandTextInput::zwp_text_input_v2_input_method_changed(uint32_t serial, uint32_t flags)
- Q_UNUSED(flags);
- m_serial = serial;
- updateState(Qt::ImQueryAll, update_state_full);
-Qt::KeyboardModifiers QWaylandTextInput::modifiersToQtModifiers(uint32_t modifiers)
- Qt::KeyboardModifiers ret = Qt::NoModifier;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_modifiersMap.size(); ++i) {
- if (modifiers & (1 << i)) {
- ret |= m_modifiersMap[i];
- }
- }
- return ret;
QWaylandInputContext::QWaylandInputContext(QWaylandDisplay *display)
: mDisplay(display)
@@ -456,17 +118,17 @@ void QWaylandInputContext::update(Qt::InputMethodQueries queries)
auto *currentSurface = surfaceForWindow(mCurrentWindow);
if (currentSurface && !inputMethodAccepted()) {
- textInput()->disable(currentSurface);
+ textInput()->disableSurface(currentSurface);
} else if (!currentSurface && inputMethodAccepted()) {
QWindow *window = QGuiApplication::focusWindow();
if (auto *focusSurface = surfaceForWindow(window)) {
- textInput()->enable(focusSurface);
+ textInput()->enableSurface(focusSurface);
mCurrentWindow = window;
- textInput()->updateState(queries, QtWayland::zwp_text_input_v2::update_state_change);
+ textInput()->updateState(queries, QWaylandTextInputInterface::update_state_change);
void QWaylandInputContext::invokeAction(QInputMethod::Action action, int cursorPostion)
@@ -485,7 +147,7 @@ void QWaylandInputContext::showInputPanel()
if (!textInput())
- textInput()->show_input_panel();
+ textInput()->showInputPanel();
void QWaylandInputContext::hideInputPanel()
@@ -495,7 +157,7 @@ void QWaylandInputContext::hideInputPanel()
if (!textInput())
- textInput()->hide_input_panel();
+ textInput()->hideInputPanel();
bool QWaylandInputContext::isInputPanelVisible() const
@@ -556,7 +218,7 @@ void QWaylandInputContext::setFocusObject(QObject *object)
if ( != window || !inputMethodAccepted()) {
auto *surface = static_cast<QWaylandWindow *>(mCurrentWindow->handle())->wlSurface();
if (surface)
- textInput()->disable(surface);
+ textInput()->disableSurface(surface);
@@ -565,15 +227,15 @@ void QWaylandInputContext::setFocusObject(QObject *object)
if ( != window) {
auto *surface = static_cast<QWaylandWindow *>(window->handle())->wlSurface();
if (surface) {
- textInput()->enable(surface);
+ textInput()->enableSurface(surface);
mCurrentWindow = window;
- textInput()->updateState(Qt::ImQueryAll, QtWayland::zwp_text_input_v2::update_state_enter);
+ textInput()->updateState(Qt::ImQueryAll, QWaylandTextInputInterface::update_state_enter);
-QWaylandTextInput *QWaylandInputContext::textInput() const
+QWaylandTextInputInterface *QWaylandInputContext::textInput() const
return mDisplay->defaultInputDevice()->textInput();
diff --git a/src/client/qwaylandinputcontext_p.h b/src/client/qwaylandinputcontext_p.h
index 912c68ad..f63bde20 100644
--- a/src/client/qwaylandinputcontext_p.h
+++ b/src/client/qwaylandinputcontext_p.h
@@ -54,14 +54,9 @@
#include <qpa/qplatforminputcontext.h>
-#include <QList>
-#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <QPointer>
-#include <QRectF>
-#include <QLocale>
-#include <QtWaylandClient/private/qwayland-text-input-unstable-v2.h>
-#include <qwaylandinputmethodeventbuilder_p.h>
+#include "qwaylandtextinputinterface_p.h"
#include <qtwaylandclientglobal_p.h>
#if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon)
#include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon-compose.h>
@@ -72,69 +67,10 @@ struct wl_callback_listener;
namespace QtWaylandClient {
class QWaylandDisplay;
-class QWaylandTextInput : public QtWayland::zwp_text_input_v2
- QWaylandTextInput(QWaylandDisplay *display, struct ::zwp_text_input_v2 *text_input);
- ~QWaylandTextInput() override;
- void reset();
- void commit();
- void updateState(Qt::InputMethodQueries queries, uint32_t flags);
- void setCursorInsidePreedit(int cursor);
- bool isInputPanelVisible() const;
- QRectF keyboardRect() const;
- QLocale locale() const;
- Qt::LayoutDirection inputDirection() const;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_enter(uint32_t serial, struct ::wl_surface *surface) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_leave(uint32_t serial, struct ::wl_surface *surface) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_modifiers_map(wl_array *map) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_input_panel_state(uint32_t state, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_string(const QString &text, const QString &commit) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_styling(uint32_t index, uint32_t length, uint32_t style) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_cursor(int32_t index) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_commit_string(const QString &text) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_cursor_position(int32_t index, int32_t anchor) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_delete_surrounding_text(uint32_t before_length, uint32_t after_length) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_keysym(uint32_t time, uint32_t sym, uint32_t state, uint32_t modifiers) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_language(const QString &language) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_text_direction(uint32_t direction) override;
- void zwp_text_input_v2_input_method_changed(uint32_t serial, uint32_t flags) override;
- Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiersToQtModifiers(uint32_t modifiers);
- QWaylandDisplay *m_display = nullptr;
- QWaylandInputMethodEventBuilder m_builder;
- QList<Qt::KeyboardModifier> m_modifiersMap;
- uint32_t m_serial = 0;
- struct ::wl_surface *m_surface = nullptr;
- QString m_preeditCommit;
- bool m_inputPanelVisible = false;
- QRectF m_keyboardRectangle;
- QLocale m_locale;
- Qt::LayoutDirection m_inputDirection = Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto;
- struct ::wl_callback *m_resetCallback = nullptr;
- static const wl_callback_listener callbackListener;
- static void resetCallback(void *data, struct wl_callback *wl_callback, uint32_t time);
class QWaylandInputContext : public QPlatformInputContext
@@ -168,7 +104,7 @@ public:
- QWaylandTextInput *textInput() const;
+ QWaylandTextInputInterface *textInput() const;
QWaylandDisplay *mDisplay = nullptr;
QPointer<QWindow> mCurrentWindow;
diff --git a/src/client/qwaylandinputdevice.cpp b/src/client/qwaylandinputdevice.cpp
index 07f37d43..5fbdd241 100644
--- a/src/client/qwaylandinputdevice.cpp
+++ b/src/client/qwaylandinputdevice.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
#include "qwaylandcursor_p.h"
#include "qwaylanddisplay_p.h"
#include "qwaylandshmbackingstore_p.h"
+#include "qwaylandtextinputv2_p.h"
+#include "qwaylandtextinputinterface_p.h"
#include "qwaylandinputcontext_p.h"
#include "qwaylandinputmethodcontext_p.h"
@@ -420,7 +422,7 @@ QWaylandInputDevice::QWaylandInputDevice(QWaylandDisplay *display, int version,
if (mQDisplay->textInputManager())
- mTextInput.reset(new QWaylandTextInput(mQDisplay, mQDisplay->textInputManager()->get_text_input(wl_seat())));
+ mTextInput.reset(new QWaylandTextInputv2(mQDisplay, mQDisplay->textInputManager()->get_text_input(wl_seat())));
if (mQDisplay->textInputMethodManager())
mTextInputMethod.reset(new QWaylandTextInputMethod(mQDisplay, mQDisplay->textInputMethodManager()->get_text_input_method(wl_seat())));
@@ -555,7 +557,7 @@ QWaylandPrimarySelectionDeviceV1 *QWaylandInputDevice::primarySelectionDevice()
-void QWaylandInputDevice::setTextInput(QWaylandTextInput *textInput)
+void QWaylandInputDevice::setTextInput(QWaylandTextInputInterface *textInput)
@@ -565,7 +567,7 @@ void QWaylandInputDevice::setTextInputMethod(QWaylandTextInputMethod *textInputM
-QWaylandTextInput *QWaylandInputDevice::textInput() const
+QWaylandTextInputInterface *QWaylandInputDevice::textInput() const
diff --git a/src/client/qwaylandinputdevice_p.h b/src/client/qwaylandinputdevice_p.h
index b9d7451b..ef914392 100644
--- a/src/client/qwaylandinputdevice_p.h
+++ b/src/client/qwaylandinputdevice_p.h
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class QWaylandTabletSeatV2;
class QWaylandPointerGestures;
class QWaylandPointerGestureSwipe;
class QWaylandPointerGesturePinch;
-class QWaylandTextInput;
+class QWaylandTextInputInterface;
class QWaylandTextInputMethod;
#if QT_CONFIG(cursor)
class QWaylandCursorTheme;
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ public:
void setTabletSeat(QWaylandTabletSeatV2 *tabletSeat);
QWaylandTabletSeatV2* tabletSeat() const;
- void setTextInput(QWaylandTextInput *textInput);
- QWaylandTextInput *textInput() const;
+ void setTextInput(QWaylandTextInputInterface *textInput);
+ QWaylandTextInputInterface *textInput() const;
void setTextInputMethod(QWaylandTextInputMethod *textInputMethod);
QWaylandTextInputMethod *textInputMethod() const;
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ protected:
QScopedPointer<QWaylandPointerGesturePinch> mPointerGesturePinch;
QScopedPointer<Touch> mTouch;
- QScopedPointer<QWaylandTextInput> mTextInput;
+ QScopedPointer<QWaylandTextInputInterface> mTextInput;
QScopedPointer<QWaylandTextInputMethod> mTextInputMethod;
QScopedPointer<QWaylandTabletSeatV2> mTabletSeat;
diff --git a/src/client/qwaylandtextinputinterface.cpp b/src/client/qwaylandtextinputinterface.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4334dd3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/qwaylandtextinputinterface.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
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+#include "qwaylandtextinputinterface_p.h"
diff --git a/src/client/qwaylandtextinputinterface_p.h b/src/client/qwaylandtextinputinterface_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d918f083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/qwaylandtextinputinterface_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include <QtCore/qlocale.h>
+#include <QtCore/qrect.h>
+struct wl_surface;
+namespace QtWaylandClient {
+class QWaylandTextInputInterface
+ virtual ~QWaylandTextInputInterface() {}
+ virtual void reset() = 0;
+ virtual void commit() = 0;
+ virtual void disableSurface(::wl_surface *surface) = 0;
+ virtual void enableSurface(::wl_surface *surface) = 0;
+ virtual void updateState(Qt::InputMethodQueries queries, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ virtual void showInputPanel() = 0;
+ virtual void hideInputPanel() = 0;
+ virtual bool isInputPanelVisible() const = 0;
+ virtual QRectF keyboardRect() const = 0;
+ virtual QLocale locale() const = 0;
+ virtual Qt::LayoutDirection inputDirection() const = 0;
+ virtual void setCursorInsidePreedit(int cursor) = 0;
+ // This enum should be compatible with update_state of text-input-unstable-v2.
+ // Higher versions of text-input-* protocol may not use it directly
+ // but QtWaylandClient can determine clients' states based on the values
+ enum TextInputState {
+ update_state_change = 0, // updated state because it changed
+ update_state_full = 1, // full state after enter or input_method_changed event
+ update_state_reset = 2, // full state after reset
+ update_state_enter = 3, // full state after switching focus to a different widget on client side
+ };
diff --git a/src/client/qwaylandtextinputv2.cpp b/src/client/qwaylandtextinputv2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..547ff056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/qwaylandtextinputv2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2016 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company,
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtWaylandClient module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+#include <qpa/qplatforminputcontext.h>
+#include "qwaylandtextinputv2_p.h"
+#include "qwaylandwindow_p.h"
+#include "qwaylandinputmethodeventbuilder_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
+#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
+#include <QtGui/private/qguiapplication_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/qpa/qplatformintegration.h>
+#include <QtGui/qevent.h>
+#include <QtGui/qwindow.h>
+#include <QTextCharFormat>
+#include <QList>
+#include <QRectF>
+#include <QLocale>
+namespace QtWaylandClient {
+namespace {
+const Qt::InputMethodQueries supportedQueries = Qt::ImEnabled |
+ Qt::ImSurroundingText |
+ Qt::ImCursorPosition |
+ Qt::ImAnchorPosition |
+ Qt::ImHints |
+ Qt::ImCursorRectangle |
+ Qt::ImPreferredLanguage;
+QWaylandTextInputv2::QWaylandTextInputv2(QWaylandDisplay *display, struct ::zwp_text_input_v2 *text_input)
+ : QtWayland::zwp_text_input_v2(text_input)
+ , m_display(display)
+ if (m_resetCallback)
+ wl_callback_destroy(m_resetCallback);
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::reset()
+ m_builder.reset();
+ m_preeditCommit = QString();
+ updateState(Qt::ImQueryAll, QtWayland::zwp_text_input_v2::update_state_reset);
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::commit()
+ if (QObject *o = QGuiApplication::focusObject()) {
+ QInputMethodEvent event;
+ event.setCommitString(m_preeditCommit);
+ QCoreApplication::sendEvent(o, &event);
+ }
+ reset();
+const wl_callback_listener QWaylandTextInputv2::callbackListener = {
+ QWaylandTextInputv2::resetCallback
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::resetCallback(void *data, wl_callback *, uint32_t)
+ QWaylandTextInputv2 *self = static_cast<QWaylandTextInputv2*>(data);
+ if (self->m_resetCallback) {
+ wl_callback_destroy(self->m_resetCallback);
+ self->m_resetCallback = nullptr;
+ }
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::updateState(Qt::InputMethodQueries queries, uint32_t flags)
+ if (!QGuiApplication::focusObject())
+ return;
+ if (!QGuiApplication::focusWindow() || !QGuiApplication::focusWindow()->handle())
+ return;
+ auto *window = static_cast<QWaylandWindow *>(QGuiApplication::focusWindow()->handle());
+ auto *surface = window->wlSurface();
+ if (!surface || (surface != m_surface))
+ return;
+ queries &= supportedQueries;
+ // Surrounding text, cursor and anchor positions are transferred together
+ if ((queries & Qt::ImSurroundingText) || (queries & Qt::ImCursorPosition) || (queries & Qt::ImAnchorPosition))
+ queries |= Qt::ImSurroundingText | Qt::ImCursorPosition | Qt::ImAnchorPosition;
+ QInputMethodQueryEvent event(queries);
+ QCoreApplication::sendEvent(QGuiApplication::focusObject(), &event);
+ if ((queries & Qt::ImSurroundingText) || (queries & Qt::ImCursorPosition) || (queries & Qt::ImAnchorPosition)) {
+ QString text = event.value(Qt::ImSurroundingText).toString();
+ int cursor = event.value(Qt::ImCursorPosition).toInt();
+ int anchor = event.value(Qt::ImAnchorPosition).toInt();
+ // Make sure text is not too big
+ if (text.toUtf8().size() > 2048) {
+ int c = qAbs(cursor - anchor) <= 512 ? qMin(cursor, anchor) + qAbs(cursor - anchor) / 2: cursor;
+ const int offset = c - qBound(0, c, 512 - qMin(text.size() - c, 256));
+ text = text.mid(offset + c - 256, 512);
+ cursor -= offset;
+ anchor -= offset;
+ }
+ set_surrounding_text(text, QWaylandInputMethodEventBuilder::indexToWayland(text, cursor), QWaylandInputMethodEventBuilder::indexToWayland(text, anchor));
+ }
+ if (queries & Qt::ImHints) {
+ QWaylandInputMethodContentType contentType = QWaylandInputMethodContentType::convert(static_cast<Qt::InputMethodHints>(event.value(Qt::ImHints).toInt()));
+ set_content_type(contentType.hint, contentType.purpose);
+ }
+ if (queries & Qt::ImCursorRectangle) {
+ const QRect &cRect = event.value(Qt::ImCursorRectangle).toRect();
+ const QRect &windowRect = QGuiApplication::inputMethod()->inputItemTransform().mapRect(cRect);
+ const QMargins margins = window->frameMargins();
+ const QRect &surfaceRect = windowRect.translated(margins.left(),;
+ set_cursor_rectangle(surfaceRect.x(), surfaceRect.y(), surfaceRect.width(), surfaceRect.height());
+ }
+ if (queries & Qt::ImPreferredLanguage) {
+ const QString &language = event.value(Qt::ImPreferredLanguage).toString();
+ set_preferred_language(language);
+ }
+ update_state(m_serial, flags);
+ if (flags != QtWayland::zwp_text_input_v2::update_state_change) {
+ if (m_resetCallback)
+ wl_callback_destroy(m_resetCallback);
+ m_resetCallback = wl_display_sync(m_display->wl_display());
+ wl_callback_add_listener(m_resetCallback, &QWaylandTextInputv2::callbackListener, this);
+ }
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::setCursorInsidePreedit(int)
+ // Not supported yet
+bool QWaylandTextInputv2::isInputPanelVisible() const
+ return m_inputPanelVisible;
+QRectF QWaylandTextInputv2::keyboardRect() const
+ return m_keyboardRectangle;
+QLocale QWaylandTextInputv2::locale() const
+ return m_locale;
+Qt::LayoutDirection QWaylandTextInputv2::inputDirection() const
+ return m_inputDirection;
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_enter(uint32_t serial, ::wl_surface *surface)
+ m_serial = serial;
+ m_surface = surface;
+ updateState(Qt::ImQueryAll, QtWayland::zwp_text_input_v2::update_state_enter);
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_leave(uint32_t serial, ::wl_surface *surface)
+ m_serial = serial;
+ if (m_surface != surface) {
+ qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Got leave event for surface" << surface << "focused surface" << m_surface;
+ }
+ m_surface = nullptr;
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_modifiers_map(wl_array *map)
+ const QList<QByteArray> modifiersMap = QByteArray::fromRawData(static_cast<const char*>(map->data), map->size).split('\0');
+ m_modifiersMap.clear();
+ for (const QByteArray &modifier : modifiersMap) {
+ if (modifier == "Shift")
+ m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::ShiftModifier);
+ else if (modifier == "Control")
+ m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::ControlModifier);
+ else if (modifier == "Alt")
+ m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::AltModifier);
+ else if (modifier == "Mod1")
+ m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::AltModifier);
+ else if (modifier == "Mod4")
+ m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::MetaModifier);
+ else
+ m_modifiersMap.append(Qt::NoModifier);
+ }
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_input_panel_state(uint32_t visible, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+ const bool inputPanelVisible = (visible == input_panel_visibility_visible);
+ if (m_inputPanelVisible != inputPanelVisible) {
+ m_inputPanelVisible = inputPanelVisible;
+ QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->inputContext()->emitInputPanelVisibleChanged();
+ }
+ const QRectF keyboardRectangle(x, y, width, height);
+ if (m_keyboardRectangle != keyboardRectangle) {
+ m_keyboardRectangle = keyboardRectangle;
+ QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->inputContext()->emitKeyboardRectChanged();
+ }
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_string(const QString &text, const QString &commit)
+ if (m_resetCallback) {
+ qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << "discard preedit_string: reset not confirmed";
+ m_builder.reset();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!QGuiApplication::focusObject())
+ return;
+ QInputMethodEvent *event = m_builder.buildPreedit(text);
+ m_builder.reset();
+ m_preeditCommit = commit;
+ QCoreApplication::sendEvent(QGuiApplication::focusObject(), event);
+ delete event;
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_styling(uint32_t index, uint32_t length, uint32_t style)
+ m_builder.addPreeditStyling(index, length, style);
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_cursor(int32_t index)
+ m_builder.setPreeditCursor(index);
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_commit_string(const QString &text)
+ if (m_resetCallback) {
+ qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << "discard commit_string: reset not confirmed";
+ m_builder.reset();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!QGuiApplication::focusObject())
+ return;
+ QInputMethodEvent *event = m_builder.buildCommit(text);
+ m_builder.reset();
+ QCoreApplication::sendEvent(QGuiApplication::focusObject(), event);
+ delete event;
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_cursor_position(int32_t index, int32_t anchor)
+ m_builder.setCursorPosition(index, anchor);
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_delete_surrounding_text(uint32_t before_length, uint32_t after_length)
+ m_builder.setDeleteSurroundingText(before_length, after_length);
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_keysym(uint32_t time, uint32_t sym, uint32_t state, uint32_t modifiers)
+#if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon)
+ if (m_resetCallback) {
+ qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << "discard keysym: reset not confirmed";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!QGuiApplication::focusWindow())
+ return;
+ Qt::KeyboardModifiers qtModifiers = modifiersToQtModifiers(modifiers);
+ QEvent::Type type = state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED ? QEvent::KeyPress : QEvent::KeyRelease;
+ QString text = QXkbCommon::lookupStringNoKeysymTransformations(sym);
+ int qtkey = QXkbCommon::keysymToQtKey(sym, qtModifiers);
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleKeyEvent(QGuiApplication::focusWindow(),
+ time, type, qtkey, qtModifiers, text);
+ Q_UNUSED(time);
+ Q_UNUSED(sym);
+ Q_UNUSED(state);
+ Q_UNUSED(modifiers);
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_language(const QString &language)
+ if (m_resetCallback) {
+ qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << "discard language: reset not confirmed";
+ return;
+ }
+ const QLocale locale(language);
+ if (m_locale != locale) {
+ m_locale = locale;
+ QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->inputContext()->emitLocaleChanged();
+ }
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_text_direction(uint32_t direction)
+ if (m_resetCallback) {
+ qCDebug(qLcQpaInputMethods()) << "discard text_direction: reset not confirmed";
+ return;
+ }
+ const Qt::LayoutDirection inputDirection = (direction == text_direction_auto) ? Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto :
+ (direction == text_direction_ltr) ? Qt::LeftToRight :
+ (direction == text_direction_rtl) ? Qt::RightToLeft : Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto;
+ if (m_inputDirection != inputDirection) {
+ m_inputDirection = inputDirection;
+ QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->inputContext()->emitInputDirectionChanged(m_inputDirection);
+ }
+void QWaylandTextInputv2::zwp_text_input_v2_input_method_changed(uint32_t serial, uint32_t flags)
+ Q_UNUSED(flags);
+ m_serial = serial;
+ updateState(Qt::ImQueryAll, QtWayland::zwp_text_input_v2::update_state_full);
+Qt::KeyboardModifiers QWaylandTextInputv2::modifiersToQtModifiers(uint32_t modifiers)
+ Qt::KeyboardModifiers ret = Qt::NoModifier;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_modifiersMap.size(); ++i) {
+ if (modifiers & (1 << i)) {
+ ret |= m_modifiersMap[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/client/qwaylandtextinputv2_p.h b/src/client/qwaylandtextinputv2_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84dd3f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/qwaylandtextinputv2_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2016 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company,
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtWaylandClient module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qwaylandtextinputinterface_p.h"
+#include <QtWaylandClient/private/qwayland-text-input-unstable-v2.h>
+#include <qwaylandinputmethodeventbuilder_p.h>
+struct wl_callback;
+struct wl_callback_listener;
+namespace QtWaylandClient {
+class QWaylandDisplay;
+class QWaylandTextInputv2 : public QtWayland::zwp_text_input_v2, public QWaylandTextInputInterface
+ QWaylandTextInputv2(QWaylandDisplay *display, struct ::zwp_text_input_v2 *text_input);
+ ~QWaylandTextInputv2() override;
+ void reset() override;
+ void commit() override;
+ void updateState(Qt::InputMethodQueries queries, uint32_t flags) override;
+ void setCursorInsidePreedit(int cursor) override;
+ bool isInputPanelVisible() const override;
+ QRectF keyboardRect() const override;
+ QLocale locale() const override;
+ Qt::LayoutDirection inputDirection() const override;
+ void showInputPanel() override
+ {
+ show_input_panel();
+ }
+ void hideInputPanel() override
+ {
+ hide_input_panel();
+ }
+ void enableSurface(::wl_surface *surface) override
+ {
+ enable(surface);
+ }
+ void disableSurface(::wl_surface *surface) override
+ {
+ disable(surface);
+ }
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_enter(uint32_t serial, struct ::wl_surface *surface) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_leave(uint32_t serial, struct ::wl_surface *surface) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_modifiers_map(wl_array *map) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_input_panel_state(uint32_t state, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_string(const QString &text, const QString &commit) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_styling(uint32_t index, uint32_t length, uint32_t style) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_preedit_cursor(int32_t index) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_commit_string(const QString &text) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_cursor_position(int32_t index, int32_t anchor) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_delete_surrounding_text(uint32_t before_length, uint32_t after_length) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_keysym(uint32_t time, uint32_t sym, uint32_t state, uint32_t modifiers) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_language(const QString &language) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_text_direction(uint32_t direction) override;
+ void zwp_text_input_v2_input_method_changed(uint32_t serial, uint32_t flags) override;
+ Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiersToQtModifiers(uint32_t modifiers);
+ QWaylandDisplay *m_display = nullptr;
+ QWaylandInputMethodEventBuilder m_builder;
+ QList<Qt::KeyboardModifier> m_modifiersMap;
+ uint32_t m_serial = 0;
+ struct ::wl_surface *m_surface = nullptr;
+ QString m_preeditCommit;
+ bool m_inputPanelVisible = false;
+ QRectF m_keyboardRectangle;
+ QLocale m_locale;
+ Qt::LayoutDirection m_inputDirection = Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto;
+ struct ::wl_callback *m_resetCallback = nullptr;
+ static const wl_callback_listener callbackListener;
+ static void resetCallback(void *data, struct wl_callback *wl_callback, uint32_t time);