// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! * \title Multi Screen * \example multi-screen * \meta category {Embedded} * \brief Multi Screen is a desktop-style Wayland compositor for multiple screens. * \ingroup qtwaylandcompositor-examples * * \section1 Introduction * * Multi-screen is a desktop-style Wayland compositor example for multiple * screens. * * For an introduction to the basic principles of creating a \l{Qt Wayland Compositor} with Qt, * see the \l{Minimal QML}{Minimal QML example}. * * \section1 Supporting multiple screens * * For each available screen on the system, the example creates a \c CompositorScreen, which is * a subclass of \l WaylandOutput. If there is only one physical screen available, the example * emulates three screens with dummy data. * * \snippet multi-screen/qml/main.qml screens * * Each \l WaylandOutput contains a \l{Window}, which is used for containing client content, as * is the standard setup with \l{Qt Wayland Compositor}. Since each \l Window is isolated from the * others, we cannot share any Qt Quick items between them. Therefore, when a client connects and * a \l ShellSurface is created, one \l ShellSurfaceItem is created on each of the screens. * * \snippet multi-screen/qml/main.qml createShellSurfaceItems * * These items serve as views of the same client content. The client's surface itself will only be * created once, and will be shared by the surface items. * * Top-level surface items are created as children of the background \l Rectangle in each of the * outputs. These views are stored for later, and if the client spawns any child windows, these are * parented to the top-level window's item. * * \snippet multi-screen/qml/main.qml parenting * * The client content will be visible only on one or two screens at a time. \l ShellSurfaceItem * positions are synchronized so that when windows enter one screen, they are moved off of another * at the same time. This gives the appearance of a single item which moves seamlessly between * screens. The global position of the client is stored in a shared * \l{ShellSurfaceItem::moveItem}{moveItem} and relative position of each screen's * \l ShellSurfaceItem is calculated based on this. If the \c moveItem is currently outside the * bounds of one screen, its coordinates will reflect this, and it will not be visible on that * screen. * * \snippet multi-screen/qml/Chrome.qml position sync * * Finally, \l{WaylandQuickItem::setPrimary()} is called at appropriate times to set the primary * view for the \l ShellSurface, which is used when the client asks to be maximized or fullscreen. * The primary \l ShellSurfaceItem is selected based on how much of it is currently visible. * * \note In order to support multiple Wayland outputs in the same compositor, the * \l Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts attribute must be set before the \l QGuiApplication * object is constructed. In the example, we do this at the very beginning of the \c main() * function. * * \snippet multi-screen/main.cpp share context * * \sa {Multi Output} */