// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! * \title Qt Wayland Compositor Examples - Overview Compositor * \example overview-compositor * \meta category {Embedded} * \brief Overview Compositor shows how to switch between clients in a grid. * * \section1 Introduction * * Overview Compositor demonstrates selecting and activating an application * from a grid of currently connected clients. * * \image overview-compositor.jpg * * For an introduction to the basic principles of creating a \l{Qt Wayland Compositor} with Qt, * see the \l{Qt Wayland Compositor Examples - Minimal QML}{Minimal QML example}. * * \section1 Application Grid * * In this example, the compositor supports two different modes of operation: * * \list * \li A \e fullscreen mode, where a single application window occupies the whole compositor * window and is interactable. * \li An \e overview mode, where all application windows are visible in a grid. Clicking on a * window in the grid causes it to be selected. The compositor enters fullscreen mode, * showing the selected application window. * \endlist * * When a client connects to the compositor and creates a top-level surface, the surface will be * connected to a \l{Shell Extensions - Qt Wayland Compositor}{shell extension}. The example only * supports the \l{XdgShell} extension, so the client will connect to this. * * \snippet overview-compositor/main.qml XdgShell * * For each surface, we tell the client to configure it as fullscreen. In addition, the surfaces * are added to a \l ListModel for easy access. * * This model is used by a \l Repeater to create \l{ShellSurfaceItem}{ShellSurfaceItems} inside * a \l{Grid}. The \l Grid component positions the items in a grid. * * \snippet overview-compositor/main.qml toplevels repeater * * For each of the items, we create a \l MouseArea which covers the item and intercepts all mouse * and touch input. This is only active when the compositor is in \e{overview} mode, and activates * the application that was clicked. * * When the compositor goes into fullscreen mode, the same \l Grid component is used, but is scaled * and translated into a position where the single selected cell fills the compositor's window. The * idea is to "zoom in" on the selected cell, allowing the user to interact with the application it * contains. * * \snippet overview-compositor/main.qml zoom transform * * At the bottom side of the window, there is a button which toggles between the modes. This can * be used to bring back the application grid while the compositor is in fullscreen mode. * * This example shows one way to have the compositor visualize clients in different modes. Another * way to achieve similar effects is to create multiple Qt Quick items that refer to the same * surface. See \l{Qt Wayland Compositor Examples - Multi Output}{the Multi Output example} for a * demonstration. * * \ingroup qtwaylandcompositor-examples */