// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! * \title Spanning Screens * \example spanning-screens * \meta category {Embedded} * \brief Spanning Screens is an example that demonstrates how to let Wayland clients span multiple screens. * \ingroup qtwaylandcompositor-examples * * \section1 Introduction * * Spanning screens is a Wayland compositor example that maximizes clients across a top and a bottom * screen. * * \image spanning-screens.jpg * * For an introduction to the basic principles of creating a \l{Qt Wayland Compositor} with Qt, * see the \l{Minimal QML}{Minimal QML example}. * * \section1 Supporting Multiple Screens * * In \l{Qt Wayland Compositor} a screen is represented by a \l{WaylandOutput}, and a \l Window is * used to contain the \l{Qt Quick} scene representing both clients and the compositor's UI. * * In this example, a multi-screen setup is emulated by creating two windows on the primary screen, * but the code can easily be modified to target multiple physical screens. * * \snippet spanning-screens/main.qml enable screens * * Since each \l Window represents an isolated \l{Qt Quick} scene, this means we need a trick to * have the same client content display inside both windows. The way to do this in * \l{Qt Wayland Compositor} is to create two views of the same client content: One for the "top" * window and one for the "bottom". The views share a reference to the same underlying graphics buffer. * This allows us to copy different areas of the client's surface onto each of the windows. * * \snippet spanning-screens/main.qml create items * * When the client connects to the \l{Shell Extensions - Qt Wayland Compositor}{shell extension} * \l{XdgShell}, we create two references to the surface. One of them is added to the "top" output, * and the second to the "bottom". The item on the bottom output also gets an offset corresponding * to the height of the top output. This ensures that the part of the client surface showing on * the bottom output starts where the top output ends. * * \snippet spanning-screens/main.qml size * * In addition, we tell the client to resize its surface so that it fills both the top and bottom * window. The end result is a client that spans two windows, or "screens". * * Referencing the same client surface from multiple items is a tool which can be used for many * things. For a demonstration of a desktop-style compositor where windows can be moved from screen * to screen, take a look at the \l{Multi Screen}{Multi Screen example}. * * The \l{Multi Output}{Multi Output example} shows how client surfaces can be displayed on multiple * outputs with different sizes and other properties. * * \note In order to support multiple Wayland outputs in the same compositor, the * \l Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts attribute must be set before the \l QGuiApplication * object is constructed. */