/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the config.tests of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:COMM$ ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qwaylandwindow_p.h" #include "qwaylandbuffer_p.h" #include "qwaylanddisplay_p.h" #include "qwaylandsurface_p.h" #include "qwaylandinputdevice_p.h" #include "qwaylandscreen_p.h" #include "qwaylandshellsurface_p.h" #include "qwaylandsubsurface_p.h" #include "qwaylandabstractdecoration_p.h" #include "qwaylandwindowmanagerintegration_p.h" #include "qwaylandnativeinterface_p.h" #include "qwaylanddecorationfactory_p.h" #include "qwaylandshmbackingstore_p.h" #include "qwaylandshellintegration_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace QtWaylandClient { Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcWaylandBackingstore, "qt.qpa.wayland.backingstore") QWaylandWindow *QWaylandWindow::mMouseGrab = nullptr; QWaylandWindow::QWaylandWindow(QWindow *window, QWaylandDisplay *display) : QPlatformWindow(window) , mDisplay(display) , mFrameQueue(mDisplay->createFrameQueue()) , mResizeAfterSwap(qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_WAYLAND_RESIZE_AFTER_SWAP")) { { bool ok; int frameCallbackTimeout = qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("QT_WAYLAND_FRAME_CALLBACK_TIMEOUT", &ok); if (ok) mFrameCallbackTimeout = frameCallbackTimeout; } mScale = waylandScreen() ? waylandScreen()->scale() : 1; // fallback to 1 if we don't have a real screen static WId id = 1; mWindowId = id++; initializeWlSurface(); } QWaylandWindow::~QWaylandWindow() { mDisplay->destroyFrameQueue(mFrameQueue); mDisplay->handleWindowDestroyed(this); delete mWindowDecoration; if (mSurface) reset(); const QWindow *parent = window(); const auto tlw = QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows(); for (QWindow *w : tlw) { if (w->transientParent() == parent) QWindowSystemInterface::handleCloseEvent(w); } if (mMouseGrab == this) { mMouseGrab = nullptr; } } void QWaylandWindow::ensureSize() { if (mBackingStore) mBackingStore->ensureSize(); } void QWaylandWindow::initWindow() { if (window()->type() == Qt::Desktop) return; if (!mSurface) { initializeWlSurface(); } if (shouldCreateSubSurface()) { Q_ASSERT(!mSubSurfaceWindow); auto *parent = static_cast(QPlatformWindow::parent()); if (parent->wlSurface()) { if (::wl_subsurface *subsurface = mDisplay->createSubSurface(this, parent)) mSubSurfaceWindow = new QWaylandSubSurface(this, parent, subsurface); } } else if (shouldCreateShellSurface()) { Q_ASSERT(!mShellSurface); Q_ASSERT(mDisplay->shellIntegration()); mShellSurface = mDisplay->shellIntegration()->createShellSurface(this); if (mShellSurface) { // Set initial surface title setWindowTitle(window()->title()); // The appId is the desktop entry identifier that should follow the // reverse DNS convention (see http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s02.html). // According to xdg-shell the appId is only the name, without // the .desktop suffix. // // If the application specifies the desktop file name use that // removing the ".desktop" suffix, otherwise fall back to the // executable name and prepend the reversed organization domain // when available. if (!QGuiApplication::desktopFileName().isEmpty()) { QString name = QGuiApplication::desktopFileName(); if (name.endsWith(QLatin1String(".desktop"))) name.chop(8); mShellSurface->setAppId(name); } else { QFileInfo fi = QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationFilePath(); QStringList domainName = QCoreApplication::instance()->organizationDomain().split(QLatin1Char('.'), Qt::SkipEmptyParts); if (domainName.isEmpty()) { mShellSurface->setAppId(fi.baseName()); } else { QString appId; for (int i = 0; i < domainName.count(); ++i) appId.prepend(QLatin1Char('.')).prepend(domainName.at(i)); appId.append(fi.baseName()); mShellSurface->setAppId(appId); } } // the user may have already set some window properties, so make sure to send them out for (auto it = m_properties.cbegin(); it != m_properties.cend(); ++it) mShellSurface->sendProperty(it.key(), it.value()); } else { qWarning("Could not create a shell surface object."); } } // Enable high-dpi rendering. Scale() returns the screen scale factor and will // typically be integer 1 (normal-dpi) or 2 (high-dpi). Call set_buffer_scale() // to inform the compositor that high-resolution buffers will be provided. if (mDisplay->compositorVersion() >= 3) mSurface->set_buffer_scale(scale()); if (QScreen *s = window()->screen()) setOrientationMask(s->orientationUpdateMask()); setWindowFlags(window()->flags()); QRect geometry = windowGeometry(); if (geometry.isEmpty()) setGeometry_helper(QRect(QPoint(), QSize(500,500))); else setGeometry_helper(geometry); setMask(window()->mask()); if (mShellSurface) mShellSurface->requestWindowStates(window()->windowStates()); handleContentOrientationChange(window()->contentOrientation()); mFlags = window()->flags(); } void QWaylandWindow::initializeWlSurface() { Q_ASSERT(!mSurface); { QWriteLocker lock(&mSurfaceLock); mSurface.reset(new QWaylandSurface(mDisplay)); connect(mSurface.data(), &QWaylandSurface::screensChanged, this, &QWaylandWindow::handleScreensChanged); mSurface->m_window = this; } emit wlSurfaceCreated(); } bool QWaylandWindow::shouldCreateShellSurface() const { if (!mDisplay->shellIntegration()) return false; if (shouldCreateSubSurface()) return false; if (window()->inherits("QShapedPixmapWindow")) return false; if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_WAYLAND_USE_BYPASSWINDOWMANAGERHINT")) return !(window()->flags() & Qt::BypassWindowManagerHint); return true; } bool QWaylandWindow::shouldCreateSubSurface() const { return QPlatformWindow::parent() != nullptr; } void QWaylandWindow::reset() { delete mShellSurface; mShellSurface = nullptr; delete mSubSurfaceWindow; mSubSurfaceWindow = nullptr; invalidateSurface(); if (mSurface) { emit wlSurfaceDestroyed(); QWriteLocker lock(&mSurfaceLock); mSurface.reset(); } if (mFrameCallback) { wl_callback_destroy(mFrameCallback); mFrameCallback = nullptr; } mFrameCallbackElapsedTimer.invalidate(); mWaitingForFrameCallback = false; mFrameCallbackTimedOut = false; mMask = QRegion(); mQueuedBuffer = nullptr; } QWaylandWindow *QWaylandWindow::fromWlSurface(::wl_surface *surface) { if (auto *s = QWaylandSurface::fromWlSurface(surface)) return s->m_window; return nullptr; } WId QWaylandWindow::winId() const { return mWindowId; } void QWaylandWindow::setParent(const QPlatformWindow *parent) { if (!window()->isVisible()) return; QWaylandWindow *oldparent = mSubSurfaceWindow ? mSubSurfaceWindow->parent() : nullptr; if (oldparent == parent) return; if (mSubSurfaceWindow && parent) { // new parent, but we were a subsurface already delete mSubSurfaceWindow; QWaylandWindow *p = const_cast(static_cast(parent)); mSubSurfaceWindow = new QWaylandSubSurface(this, p, mDisplay->createSubSurface(this, p)); } else { // we're changing role, need to make a new wl_surface reset(); initWindow(); } } void QWaylandWindow::setWindowTitle(const QString &title) { if (mShellSurface) { const QString separator = QString::fromUtf8(" \xe2\x80\x94 "); // unicode character U+2014, EM DASH const QString formatted = formatWindowTitle(title, separator); const int libwaylandMaxBufferSize = 4096; // Some parts of the buffer is used for metadata, so subtract 100 to be on the safe side. // Also, QString is in utf-16, which means that in the worst case each character will be // three bytes when converted to utf-8 (which is what libwayland uses), so divide by three. const int maxLength = libwaylandMaxBufferSize / 3 - 100; auto truncated = QStringRef(&formatted).left(maxLength); if (truncated.length() < formatted.length()) { qCWarning(lcQpaWayland) << "Window titles longer than" << maxLength << "characters are not supported." << "Truncating window title (from" << formatted.length() << "chars)"; } mShellSurface->setTitle(truncated.toString()); } if (mWindowDecoration && window()->isVisible()) mWindowDecoration->update(); } void QWaylandWindow::setWindowIcon(const QIcon &icon) { mWindowIcon = icon; if (mWindowDecoration && window()->isVisible()) mWindowDecoration->update(); } void QWaylandWindow::setGeometry_helper(const QRect &rect) { QSize minimum = windowMinimumSize(); QSize maximum = windowMaximumSize(); QPlatformWindow::setGeometry(QRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), qBound(minimum.width(), rect.width(), maximum.width()), qBound(minimum.height(), rect.height(), maximum.height()))); if (mSubSurfaceWindow) { QMargins m = QPlatformWindow::parent()->frameMargins(); mSubSurfaceWindow->set_position(rect.x() + m.left(), rect.y() + m.top()); QWaylandWindow *parentWindow = mSubSurfaceWindow->parent(); if (parentWindow && parentWindow->isExposed()) { QRect parentExposeGeometry(QPoint(), parentWindow->geometry().size()); parentWindow->sendExposeEvent(parentExposeGeometry); } } } void QWaylandWindow::setGeometry(const QRect &rect) { setGeometry_helper(rect); if (window()->isVisible() && rect.isValid()) { if (mWindowDecoration) mWindowDecoration->update(); if (mResizeAfterSwap && windowType() == Egl && mSentInitialResize) mResizeDirty = true; else QWindowSystemInterface::handleGeometryChange(window(), geometry()); mSentInitialResize = true; } QRect exposeGeometry(QPoint(), geometry().size()); if (isExposed() && !mInResizeFromApplyConfigure && exposeGeometry != mLastExposeGeometry) sendExposeEvent(exposeGeometry); if (mShellSurface && isExposed()) mShellSurface->setWindowGeometry(windowContentGeometry()); if (isOpaque() && mMask.isEmpty()) setOpaqueArea(rect); } void QWaylandWindow::resizeFromApplyConfigure(const QSize &sizeWithMargins, const QPoint &offset) { QMargins margins = frameMargins(); int widthWithoutMargins = qMax(sizeWithMargins.width() - (margins.left() + margins.right()), 1); int heightWithoutMargins = qMax(sizeWithMargins.height() - (margins.top() + margins.bottom()), 1); QRect geometry(windowGeometry().topLeft(), QSize(widthWithoutMargins, heightWithoutMargins)); mOffset += offset; mInResizeFromApplyConfigure = true; setGeometry(geometry); mInResizeFromApplyConfigure = false; } void QWaylandWindow::sendExposeEvent(const QRect &rect) { if (!(mShellSurface && mShellSurface->handleExpose(rect))) QWindowSystemInterface::handleExposeEvent(window(), rect); else qCDebug(lcQpaWayland) << "sendExposeEvent: intercepted by shell extension, not sending"; mLastExposeGeometry = rect; } static QVector> activePopups; void QWaylandWindow::closePopups(QWaylandWindow *parent) { while (!activePopups.isEmpty()) { auto popup = activePopups.takeLast(); if (popup.isNull()) continue; if (popup.data() == parent) return; popup->reset(); } } QPlatformScreen *QWaylandWindow::calculateScreenFromSurfaceEvents() const { QReadLocker lock(&mSurfaceLock); if (mSurface) { if (auto *screen = mSurface->oldestEnteredScreen()) return screen; } return QPlatformWindow::screen(); } void QWaylandWindow::setVisible(bool visible) { // Workaround for issue where setVisible may be called with the same value twice if (lastVisible == visible) return; lastVisible = visible; if (visible) { if (window()->type() == Qt::Popup || window()->type() == Qt::ToolTip) activePopups << this; initWindow(); mDisplay->flushRequests(); setGeometry(windowGeometry()); // Don't flush the events here, or else the newly visible window may start drawing, but since // there was no frame before it will be stuck at the waitForFrameSync() in // QWaylandShmBackingStore::beginPaint(). } else { sendExposeEvent(QRect()); closePopups(this); reset(); } } void QWaylandWindow::raise() { if (mShellSurface) mShellSurface->raise(); } void QWaylandWindow::lower() { if (mShellSurface) mShellSurface->lower(); } void QWaylandWindow::setMask(const QRegion &mask) { QReadLocker locker(&mSurfaceLock); if (!mSurface) return; if (mMask == mask) return; mMask = mask; if (mMask.isEmpty()) { mSurface->set_input_region(nullptr); if (isOpaque()) setOpaqueArea(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), geometry().size())); } else { struct ::wl_region *region = mDisplay->createRegion(mMask); mSurface->set_input_region(region); wl_region_destroy(region); if (isOpaque()) setOpaqueArea(mMask); } mSurface->commit(); } void QWaylandWindow::applyConfigureWhenPossible() { QMutexLocker resizeLocker(&mResizeLock); if (!mWaitingToApplyConfigure) { mWaitingToApplyConfigure = true; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "applyConfigure", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } void QWaylandWindow::doApplyConfigure() { if (!mWaitingToApplyConfigure) return; if (mShellSurface) mShellSurface->applyConfigure(); mWaitingToApplyConfigure = false; } void QWaylandWindow::setCanResize(bool canResize) { QMutexLocker lock(&mResizeLock); mCanResize = canResize; if (canResize) { if (mResizeDirty) { QWindowSystemInterface::handleGeometryChange(window(), geometry()); } if (mWaitingToApplyConfigure) { doApplyConfigure(); sendExposeEvent(QRect(QPoint(), geometry().size())); } else if (mResizeDirty) { mResizeDirty = false; sendExposeEvent(QRect(QPoint(), geometry().size())); } } } void QWaylandWindow::applyConfigure() { QMutexLocker lock(&mResizeLock); if (mCanResize || !mSentInitialResize) doApplyConfigure(); lock.unlock(); sendRecursiveExposeEvent(); QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents(); } void QWaylandWindow::sendRecursiveExposeEvent() { if (!window()->isVisible()) return; sendExposeEvent(QRect(QPoint(), geometry().size())); for (QWaylandSubSurface *subSurface : qAsConst(mChildren)) { auto subWindow = subSurface->window(); subWindow->sendRecursiveExposeEvent(); } } void QWaylandWindow::attach(QWaylandBuffer *buffer, int x, int y) { Q_ASSERT(!buffer->committed()); QReadLocker locker(&mSurfaceLock); if (mSurface == nullptr) return; if (buffer) { handleUpdate(); buffer->setBusy(); mSurface->attach(buffer->buffer(), x, y); } else { mSurface->attach(nullptr, 0, 0); } } void QWaylandWindow::attachOffset(QWaylandBuffer *buffer) { attach(buffer, mOffset.x(), mOffset.y()); mOffset = QPoint(); } void QWaylandWindow::damage(const QRect &rect) { QReadLocker locker(&mSurfaceLock); if (mSurface == nullptr) return; mSurface->damage(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); } void QWaylandWindow::safeCommit(QWaylandBuffer *buffer, const QRegion &damage) { if (isExposed()) { commit(buffer, damage); } else { mQueuedBuffer = buffer; mQueuedBufferDamage = damage; } } void QWaylandWindow::handleExpose(const QRegion ®ion) { QWindowSystemInterface::handleExposeEvent(window(), region); if (mQueuedBuffer) { commit(mQueuedBuffer, mQueuedBufferDamage); mQueuedBuffer = nullptr; mQueuedBufferDamage = QRegion(); } } void QWaylandWindow::commit(QWaylandBuffer *buffer, const QRegion &damage) { Q_ASSERT(isExposed()); if (buffer->committed()) { qCDebug(lcWaylandBackingstore) << "Buffer already committed, ignoring."; return; } QReadLocker locker(&mSurfaceLock); if (!mSurface) return; attachOffset(buffer); for (const QRect &rect: damage) mSurface->damage(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); Q_ASSERT(!buffer->committed()); buffer->setCommitted(); mSurface->commit(); } void QWaylandWindow::commit() { QReadLocker locker(&mSurfaceLock); if (mSurface != nullptr) mSurface->commit(); } const wl_callback_listener QWaylandWindow::callbackListener = { [](void *data, wl_callback *callback, uint32_t time) { Q_UNUSED(callback); Q_UNUSED(time); auto *window = static_cast(data); window->handleFrameCallback(); } }; void QWaylandWindow::handleFrameCallback() { mWaitingForFrameCallback = false; mFrameCallbackElapsedTimer.invalidate(); // The rest can wait until we can run it on the correct thread if (!mWaitingForUpdateDelivery) { auto doHandleExpose = [this]() { bool wasExposed = isExposed(); mFrameCallbackTimedOut = false; if (!wasExposed && isExposed()) // Did setting mFrameCallbackTimedOut make the window exposed? sendExposeEvent(QRect(QPoint(), geometry().size())); if (wasExposed && hasPendingUpdateRequest()) deliverUpdateRequest(); mWaitingForUpdateDelivery = false; }; // Queued connection, to make sure we don't call handleUpdate() from inside waitForFrameSync() // in the single-threaded case. mWaitingForUpdateDelivery = true; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, doHandleExpose, Qt::QueuedConnection); } } bool QWaylandWindow::waitForFrameSync(int timeout) { QMutexLocker locker(mFrameQueue.mutex); mDisplay->dispatchQueueWhile(mFrameQueue.queue, [&]() { return mWaitingForFrameCallback; }, timeout); if (mWaitingForFrameCallback) { qCDebug(lcWaylandBackingstore) << "Didn't receive frame callback in time, window should now be inexposed"; mFrameCallbackTimedOut = true; mWaitingForUpdate = false; sendExposeEvent(QRect()); } return !mWaitingForFrameCallback; } QMargins QWaylandWindow::frameMargins() const { if (mWindowDecoration) return mWindowDecoration->margins(); return QPlatformWindow::frameMargins(); } /*! * Size, with decorations (including including eventual shadows) in wl_surface coordinates */ QSize QWaylandWindow::surfaceSize() const { return geometry().marginsAdded(frameMargins()).size(); } /*! * Window geometry as defined by the xdg-shell spec (in wl_surface coordinates) * topLeft is where the shadow stops and the decorations border start. */ QRect QWaylandWindow::windowContentGeometry() const { return QRect(QPoint(), surfaceSize()); } /*! * Converts from wl_surface coordinates to Qt window coordinates. Qt window * coordinates start inside (not including) the window decorations, while * wl_surface coordinates start at the first pixel of the buffer. Potentially, * this should be in the window shadow, although we don't have those. So for * now, it's the first pixel of the decorations. */ QPointF QWaylandWindow::mapFromWlSurface(const QPointF &surfacePosition) const { const QMargins margins = frameMargins(); return QPointF(surfacePosition.x() - margins.left(), surfacePosition.y() - margins.top()); } wl_surface *QWaylandWindow::wlSurface() { QReadLocker locker(&mSurfaceLock); return mSurface ? mSurface->object() : nullptr; } QWaylandShellSurface *QWaylandWindow::shellSurface() const { return mShellSurface; } QWaylandSubSurface *QWaylandWindow::subSurfaceWindow() const { return mSubSurfaceWindow; } QWaylandScreen *QWaylandWindow::waylandScreen() const { auto *platformScreen = QPlatformWindow::screen(); Q_ASSERT(platformScreen); if (platformScreen->isPlaceholder()) return nullptr; return static_cast(platformScreen); } void QWaylandWindow::handleContentOrientationChange(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation) { QReadLocker locker(&mSurfaceLock); if (mDisplay->compositorVersion() < 2 || mSurface == nullptr) return; wl_output_transform transform; bool isPortrait = window()->screen() && window()->screen()->primaryOrientation() == Qt::PortraitOrientation; switch (orientation) { case Qt::PrimaryOrientation: transform = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL; break; case Qt::LandscapeOrientation: transform = isPortrait ? WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_270 : WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL; break; case Qt::PortraitOrientation: transform = isPortrait ? WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL : WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90; break; case Qt::InvertedLandscapeOrientation: transform = isPortrait ? WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90 : WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_180; break; case Qt::InvertedPortraitOrientation: transform = isPortrait ? WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_180 : WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_270; break; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); } mSurface->set_buffer_transform(transform); // set_buffer_transform is double buffered, we need to commit. mSurface->commit(); } void QWaylandWindow::setOrientationMask(Qt::ScreenOrientations mask) { if (mShellSurface) mShellSurface->setContentOrientationMask(mask); } void QWaylandWindow::setWindowState(Qt::WindowStates states) { if (mShellSurface) mShellSurface->requestWindowStates(states); } void QWaylandWindow::setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowFlags flags) { if (mShellSurface) mShellSurface->setWindowFlags(flags); mFlags = flags; createDecoration(); } bool QWaylandWindow::createDecoration() { if (!mDisplay->supportsWindowDecoration()) return false; static bool decorationPluginFailed = false; bool decoration = false; switch (window()->type()) { case Qt::Window: case Qt::Widget: case Qt::Dialog: case Qt::Tool: case Qt::Drawer: decoration = true; break; default: break; } if (mFlags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint) decoration = false; if (mFlags & Qt::BypassWindowManagerHint) decoration = false; if (mSubSurfaceWindow) decoration = false; if (!mShellSurface || !mShellSurface->wantsDecorations()) decoration = false; bool hadDecoration = mWindowDecoration; if (decoration && !decorationPluginFailed) { if (!mWindowDecoration) { QStringList decorations = QWaylandDecorationFactory::keys(); if (decorations.empty()) { qWarning() << "No decoration plugins available. Running with no decorations."; decorationPluginFailed = true; return false; } QString targetKey; QByteArray decorationPluginName = qgetenv("QT_WAYLAND_DECORATION"); if (!decorationPluginName.isEmpty()) { targetKey = QString::fromLocal8Bit(decorationPluginName); if (!decorations.contains(targetKey)) { qWarning() << "Requested decoration " << targetKey << " not found, falling back to default"; targetKey = QString(); // fallthrough } } if (targetKey.isEmpty()) targetKey = decorations.first(); // first come, first served. mWindowDecoration = QWaylandDecorationFactory::create(targetKey, QStringList()); if (!mWindowDecoration) { qWarning() << "Could not create decoration from factory! Running with no decorations."; decorationPluginFailed = true; return false; } mWindowDecoration->setWaylandWindow(this); } } else { delete mWindowDecoration; mWindowDecoration = nullptr; } if (hadDecoration != (bool)mWindowDecoration) { for (QWaylandSubSurface *subsurf : qAsConst(mChildren)) { QPoint pos = subsurf->window()->geometry().topLeft(); QMargins m = frameMargins(); subsurf->set_position(pos.x() + m.left(), pos.y() + m.top()); } sendExposeEvent(QRect(QPoint(), geometry().size())); } return mWindowDecoration; } QWaylandAbstractDecoration *QWaylandWindow::decoration() const { return mWindowDecoration; } static QWaylandWindow *closestShellSurfaceWindow(QWindow *window) { while (window) { auto w = static_cast(window->handle()); if (w && w->shellSurface()) return w; window = window->transientParent() ? window->transientParent() : window->parent(); } return nullptr; } QWaylandWindow *QWaylandWindow::transientParent() const { // Take the closest window with a shell surface, since the transient parent may be a // QWidgetWindow or some other window without a shell surface, which is then not able to // get mouse events. if (auto transientParent = closestShellSurfaceWindow(window()->transientParent())) return transientParent; if (QGuiApplication::focusWindow() && (window()->type() == Qt::ToolTip || window()->type() == Qt::Popup)) return closestShellSurfaceWindow(QGuiApplication::focusWindow()); return nullptr; } void QWaylandWindow::handleMouse(QWaylandInputDevice *inputDevice, const QWaylandPointerEvent &e) { if (e.type == QEvent::Leave) { if (mWindowDecoration) { if (mMouseEventsInContentArea) QWindowSystemInterface::handleLeaveEvent(window()); } else { QWindowSystemInterface::handleLeaveEvent(window()); } #if QT_CONFIG(cursor) restoreMouseCursor(inputDevice); #endif return; } if (mWindowDecoration) { handleMouseEventWithDecoration(inputDevice, e); } else { switch (e.type) { case QEvent::Enter: QWindowSystemInterface::handleEnterEvent(window(), e.local, e.global); break; case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: case QEvent::MouseMove: QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent(window(), e.timestamp, e.local, e.global, e.buttons, e.button, e.type, e.modifiers); break; case QEvent::Wheel: QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent(window(), e.timestamp, e.local, e.global, e.pixelDelta, e.angleDelta, e.modifiers, e.phase, e.source, false); break; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); } } #if QT_CONFIG(cursor) if (e.type == QEvent::Enter) { QRect contentGeometry = windowContentGeometry().marginsRemoved(frameMargins()); if (contentGeometry.contains(e.local.toPoint())) restoreMouseCursor(inputDevice); } #endif } bool QWaylandWindow::touchDragDecoration(QWaylandInputDevice *inputDevice, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, Qt::TouchPointState state, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods) { if (!mWindowDecoration) return false; return mWindowDecoration->handleTouch(inputDevice, local, global, state, mods); } void QWaylandWindow::handleMouseEventWithDecoration(QWaylandInputDevice *inputDevice, const QWaylandPointerEvent &e) { if (mMousePressedInContentArea == Qt::NoButton && mWindowDecoration->handleMouse(inputDevice, e.local, e.global, e.buttons, e.modifiers)) { if (mMouseEventsInContentArea) { QWindowSystemInterface::handleLeaveEvent(window()); mMouseEventsInContentArea = false; } return; } QMargins marg = frameMargins(); QRect windowRect(0 + marg.left(), 0 + marg.top(), geometry().size().width() - marg.right(), geometry().size().height() - marg.bottom()); if (windowRect.contains(e.local.toPoint()) || mMousePressedInContentArea != Qt::NoButton) { const QPointF localTranslated = mapFromWlSurface(e.local); QPointF globalTranslated = e.global; globalTranslated.setX(globalTranslated.x() - marg.left()); globalTranslated.setY(globalTranslated.y() - marg.top()); if (!mMouseEventsInContentArea) { #if QT_CONFIG(cursor) restoreMouseCursor(inputDevice); #endif QWindowSystemInterface::handleEnterEvent(window()); } switch (e.type) { case QEvent::Enter: QWindowSystemInterface::handleEnterEvent(window(), localTranslated, globalTranslated); break; case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: case QEvent::MouseMove: QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent(window(), e.timestamp, localTranslated, globalTranslated, e.buttons, e.button, e.type, e.modifiers); break; case QEvent::Wheel: { QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent(window(), e.timestamp, localTranslated, globalTranslated, e.pixelDelta, e.angleDelta, e.modifiers, e.phase, e.source, false); break; } default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); } mMouseEventsInContentArea = true; mMousePressedInContentArea = e.buttons; } else { if (mMouseEventsInContentArea) { QWindowSystemInterface::handleLeaveEvent(window()); mMouseEventsInContentArea = false; } } } void QWaylandWindow::handleScreensChanged() { QPlatformScreen *newScreen = calculateScreenFromSurfaceEvents(); if (newScreen == mLastReportedScreen) return; QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowScreenChanged(window(), newScreen->QPlatformScreen::screen()); mLastReportedScreen = newScreen; int scale = newScreen->isPlaceholder() ? 1 : static_cast(newScreen)->scale(); if (scale != mScale) { mScale = scale; if (mSurface && mDisplay->compositorVersion() >= 3) mSurface->set_buffer_scale(mScale); ensureSize(); } } #if QT_CONFIG(cursor) void QWaylandWindow::setMouseCursor(QWaylandInputDevice *device, const QCursor &cursor) { int fallbackBufferScale = int(devicePixelRatio()); device->setCursor(&cursor, {}, fallbackBufferScale); } void QWaylandWindow::restoreMouseCursor(QWaylandInputDevice *device) { setMouseCursor(device, window()->cursor()); } #endif void QWaylandWindow::requestActivateWindow() { qCWarning(lcQpaWayland) << "Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()"; } bool QWaylandWindow::isExposed() const { if (!window()->isVisible()) return false; if (mFrameCallbackTimedOut) return false; if (mShellSurface) return mShellSurface->isExposed(); if (mSubSurfaceWindow) return mSubSurfaceWindow->parent()->isExposed(); return !(shouldCreateShellSurface() || shouldCreateSubSurface()); } bool QWaylandWindow::isActive() const { return mDisplay->isWindowActivated(this); } int QWaylandWindow::scale() const { return mScale; } qreal QWaylandWindow::devicePixelRatio() const { return mScale; } bool QWaylandWindow::setMouseGrabEnabled(bool grab) { if (window()->type() != Qt::Popup) { qWarning("This plugin supports grabbing the mouse only for popup windows"); return false; } mMouseGrab = grab ? this : nullptr; return true; } void QWaylandWindow::handleWindowStatesChanged(Qt::WindowStates states) { createDecoration(); QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowStateChanged(window(), states, mLastReportedWindowStates); mLastReportedWindowStates = states; } void QWaylandWindow::sendProperty(const QString &name, const QVariant &value) { m_properties.insert(name, value); QWaylandNativeInterface *nativeInterface = static_cast( QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface()); nativeInterface->emitWindowPropertyChanged(this, name); if (mShellSurface) mShellSurface->sendProperty(name, value); } void QWaylandWindow::setProperty(const QString &name, const QVariant &value) { m_properties.insert(name, value); QWaylandNativeInterface *nativeInterface = static_cast( QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface()); nativeInterface->emitWindowPropertyChanged(this, name); } QVariantMap QWaylandWindow::properties() const { return m_properties; } QVariant QWaylandWindow::property(const QString &name) { return m_properties.value(name); } QVariant QWaylandWindow::property(const QString &name, const QVariant &defaultValue) { return m_properties.value(name, defaultValue); } void QWaylandWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) { if (event->timerId() != mFrameCallbackCheckIntervalTimerId) return; bool callbackTimerExpired = mFrameCallbackElapsedTimer.hasExpired(mFrameCallbackTimeout); if (!mFrameCallbackElapsedTimer.isValid() || callbackTimerExpired ) { killTimer(mFrameCallbackCheckIntervalTimerId); mFrameCallbackCheckIntervalTimerId = -1; } if (mFrameCallbackElapsedTimer.isValid() && callbackTimerExpired) { mFrameCallbackElapsedTimer.invalidate(); qCDebug(lcWaylandBackingstore) << "Didn't receive frame callback in time, window should now be inexposed"; mFrameCallbackTimedOut = true; mWaitingForUpdate = false; sendExposeEvent(QRect()); } } void QWaylandWindow::requestUpdate() { qCDebug(lcWaylandBackingstore) << "requestUpdate"; Q_ASSERT(hasPendingUpdateRequest()); // should be set by QPA // If we have a frame callback all is good and will be taken care of there if (mWaitingForFrameCallback) return; // If we've already called deliverUpdateRequest(), but haven't seen any attach+commit/swap yet // This is a somewhat redundant behavior and might indicate a bug in the calling code, so log // here so we can get this information when debugging update/frame callback issues. // Continue as nothing happened, though. if (mWaitingForUpdate) qCDebug(lcWaylandBackingstore) << "requestUpdate called twice without committing anything"; // Some applications (such as Qt Quick) depend on updates being delivered asynchronously, // so use invokeMethod to delay the delivery a bit. QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [this] { // Things might have changed in the meantime if (hasPendingUpdateRequest() && !mWaitingForFrameCallback) deliverUpdateRequest(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); } // Should be called whenever we commit a buffer (directly through wl_surface.commit or indirectly // with eglSwapBuffers) to know when it's time to commit the next one. // Can be called from the render thread (without locking anything) so make sure to not make races in this method. void QWaylandWindow::handleUpdate() { qCDebug(lcWaylandBackingstore) << "handleUpdate" << QThread::currentThread(); // TODO: Should sync subsurfaces avoid requesting frame callbacks? QReadLocker lock(&mSurfaceLock); if (!mSurface) return; if (mFrameCallback) { wl_callback_destroy(mFrameCallback); mFrameCallback = nullptr; } QMutexLocker locker(mFrameQueue.mutex); struct ::wl_surface *wrappedSurface = reinterpret_cast(wl_proxy_create_wrapper(mSurface->object())); wl_proxy_set_queue(reinterpret_cast(wrappedSurface), mFrameQueue.queue); mFrameCallback = wl_surface_frame(wrappedSurface); wl_proxy_wrapper_destroy(wrappedSurface); wl_callback_add_listener(mFrameCallback, &QWaylandWindow::callbackListener, this); mWaitingForFrameCallback = true; mWaitingForUpdate = false; // Start a timer for handling the case when the compositor stops sending frame callbacks. if (mFrameCallbackTimeout > 0) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [this] { if (mWaitingForFrameCallback) { if (mFrameCallbackCheckIntervalTimerId < 0) mFrameCallbackCheckIntervalTimerId = startTimer(mFrameCallbackTimeout); mFrameCallbackElapsedTimer.start(); } }, Qt::QueuedConnection); } } void QWaylandWindow::deliverUpdateRequest() { qCDebug(lcWaylandBackingstore) << "deliverUpdateRequest"; mWaitingForUpdate = true; QPlatformWindow::deliverUpdateRequest(); } void QWaylandWindow::addAttachOffset(const QPoint point) { mOffset += point; } void QWaylandWindow::propagateSizeHints() { if (mShellSurface) mShellSurface->propagateSizeHints(); } bool QWaylandWindow::startSystemResize(Qt::Edges edges) { if (auto *seat = display()->lastInputDevice()) return mShellSurface && mShellSurface->resize(seat, edges); return false; } bool QtWaylandClient::QWaylandWindow::startSystemMove() { if (auto seat = display()->lastInputDevice()) return mShellSurface && mShellSurface->move(seat); return false; } bool QWaylandWindow::isOpaque() const { return window()->requestedFormat().alphaBufferSize() <= 0; } void QWaylandWindow::setOpaqueArea(const QRegion &opaqueArea) { const QRegion translatedOpaqueArea = opaqueArea.translated(frameMargins().left(), frameMargins().top()); if (translatedOpaqueArea == mOpaqueArea || !mSurface) return; mOpaqueArea = translatedOpaqueArea; struct ::wl_region *region = mDisplay->createRegion(translatedOpaqueArea); mSurface->set_opaque_region(region); wl_region_destroy(region); } } QT_END_NAMESPACE