// Copyright (C) 2017 Pier Luigi Fiorini // Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qtwaylandcompositorglobal_p.h" #include "qwaylandcompositor.h" #include "qwaylandcompositor_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_CONFIG(wayland_datadevice) #include "wayland_wrapper/qwldatadevice_p.h" #include "wayland_wrapper/qwldatadevicemanager_p.h" #endif #include "wayland_wrapper/qwlbuffermanager_p.h" #include "hardware_integration/qwlclientbufferintegration_p.h" #include "hardware_integration/qwlclientbufferintegrationfactory_p.h" #include "hardware_integration/qwlserverbufferintegration_p.h" #include "hardware_integration/qwlserverbufferintegrationfactory_p.h" #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) #include "hardware_integration/qwlhwintegration_p.h" #endif #include "extensions/qwaylandqtwindowmanager.h" #include "qwaylandsharedmemoryformathelper_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) # include # include # include # include # include #endif QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qLcWaylandCompositor, "qt.waylandcompositor") Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qLcWaylandCompositorHardwareIntegration, "qt.waylandcompositor.hardwareintegration") Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qLcWaylandCompositorInputMethods, "qt.waylandcompositor.inputmethods") #if QT_WAYLAND_TEXT_INPUT_V4_WIP Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qLcWaylandCompositorTextInput, "qt.waylandcompositor.textinput") #endif // QT_WAYLAND_TEXT_INPUT_V4_WIP namespace QtWayland { class WindowSystemEventHandler : public QWindowSystemEventHandler { public: WindowSystemEventHandler(QWaylandCompositor *c) : compositor(c) {} bool sendEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::WindowSystemEvent *e) override { if (e->type == QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::Key) { QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::KeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(e); handleKeyEvent(keyEvent); } else { QWindowSystemEventHandler::sendEvent(e); } return true; } void handleKeyEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::KeyEvent *ke) { auto *seat = compositor->defaultSeat(); if (!seat) return; QWaylandKeyboardPrivate *keyb = QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::get(seat->keyboard()); #if defined(Q_OS_QNX) // The QNX platform plugin delivers scan codes that haven't been adjusted to be // xkbcommon compatible. xkbcommon requires that the scan codes be bumped up by // 8 because that's how evdev/XKB deliver scan codes. You might think that it // would've been better to remove this (odd) requirement from xkbcommon on QNX // but it turns out that conforming to it has much less impact. static int offset = QGuiApplication::platformName() == QStringLiteral("qnx") ? 8 : 0; ke->nativeScanCode += offset; #endif uint32_t code = ke->nativeScanCode; bool isDown = ke->keyType == QEvent::KeyPress; #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) xkb_state *xkbState = keyb->xkbState(); const xkb_keysym_t sym = xkb_state_key_get_one_sym(xkbState, code); Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = QXkbCommon::modifiers(xkbState, sym); int qtkey = QXkbCommon::keysymToQtKey(sym, modifiers, xkbState, code); QString text = QXkbCommon::lookupString(xkbState, code); ke->key = qtkey; ke->modifiers = modifiers; ke->nativeVirtualKey = sym; ke->nativeModifiers = keyb->xkbModsMask(); ke->unicode = text; #endif if (!ke->repeat) keyb->keyEvent(code, isDown ? WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED : WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED); QWindowSystemEventHandler::sendEvent(ke); if (!ke->repeat) { keyb->maybeUpdateKeymap(); keyb->updateModifierState(code, isDown ? WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED : WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED); } } QWaylandCompositor *compositor = nullptr; }; } // namespace QWaylandCompositorPrivate::QWaylandCompositorPrivate(QWaylandCompositor *compositor) { if (QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface()) display = static_cast(QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface()->nativeResourceForIntegration("server_wl_display")); if (!display) { display = wl_display_create(); ownsDisplay = true; } eventHandler.reset(new QtWayland::WindowSystemEventHandler(compositor)); timer.start(); QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::installWindowSystemEventHandler(eventHandler.data()); #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) mXkbContext.reset(xkb_context_new(XKB_CONTEXT_NO_FLAGS)); if (!mXkbContext) { qWarning("Failed to create a XKB context: keymap will not be supported"); return; } #endif } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::init() { Q_Q(QWaylandCompositor); QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::instance()->arguments(); if (socket_name.isEmpty()) { const int socketArg = arguments.indexOf(QLatin1String("--wayland-socket-name")); if (socketArg != -1 && socketArg + 1 < arguments.size()) socket_name = arguments.at(socketArg + 1).toLocal8Bit(); } wl_compositor::init(display, 4); wl_subcompositor::init(display, 1); #if QT_CONFIG(wayland_datadevice) data_device_manager = new QtWayland::DataDeviceManager(q); #endif buffer_manager = new QtWayland::BufferManager(q); wl_display_init_shm(display); for (QWaylandCompositor::ShmFormat format : shmFormats) wl_display_add_shm_format(display, wl_shm_format(format)); if (!socket_name.isEmpty()) { if (wl_display_add_socket(display, socket_name.constData())) qFatal("Fatal: Failed to open server socket: \"%s\". XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is: \"%s\"\n", socket_name.constData(), getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")); } else { const char *autoSocketName = wl_display_add_socket_auto(display); if (!autoSocketName) qFatal("Fatal: Failed to open default server socket. XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is: \"%s\"\n", getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")); socket_name = autoSocketName; emit q->socketNameChanged(socket_name); } connectToExternalSockets(); loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(display); int fd = wl_event_loop_get_fd(loop); QSocketNotifier *sockNot = new QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Read, q); QObject::connect(sockNot, SIGNAL(activated(QSocketDescriptor)), q, SLOT(processWaylandEvents())); QAbstractEventDispatcher *dispatcher = QGuiApplicationPrivate::eventDispatcher; QObject::connect(dispatcher, SIGNAL(aboutToBlock()), q, SLOT(processWaylandEvents())); QObject::connect(static_cast(QGuiApplication::instance()), &QGuiApplication::applicationStateChanged, q, &QWaylandCompositor::applicationStateChanged); initializeHardwareIntegration(); initializeSeats(); initialized = true; for (const QPointer &object : std::exchange(polish_objects, {})) { if (object) { QEvent polishEvent(QEvent::Polish); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(object.data(), &polishEvent); } } emit q->createdChanged(); } QWaylandCompositorPrivate::~QWaylandCompositorPrivate() { // Take copies, since the lists will get modified as elements are deleted const auto clientsToDelete = clients; qDeleteAll(clientsToDelete); const auto outputsToDelete = outputs; qDeleteAll(outputsToDelete); #if QT_CONFIG(wayland_datadevice) delete data_device_manager; #endif // Some client buffer integrations need to clean up before the destroying the wl_display qDeleteAll(client_buffer_integrations); if (ownsDisplay) wl_display_destroy(display); } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::preInit() { Q_Q(QWaylandCompositor); if (preInitialized) return; if (seats.empty()) seats.append(q->createSeat()); preInitialized = true; } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::destroySurface(QWaylandSurface *surface) { Q_Q(QWaylandCompositor); q->surfaceAboutToBeDestroyed(surface); delete surface; } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::unregisterSurface(QWaylandSurface *surface) { if (!all_surfaces.removeOne(surface)) qWarning("%s Unexpected state. Cant find registered surface\n", Q_FUNC_INFO); } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::feedRetainedSelectionData(QMimeData *data) { Q_Q(QWaylandCompositor); if (retainSelection) q->retainedSelectionReceived(data); } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::addPolishObject(QObject *object) { if (initialized) { QCoreApplication::postEvent(object, new QEvent(QEvent::Polish)); } else { polish_objects.push_back(object); } } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::connectToExternalSockets() { // Clear out any backlog of user-supplied external socket descriptors for (int fd : std::as_const(externally_added_socket_fds)) { if (wl_display_add_socket_fd(display, fd) != 0) qWarning() << "Failed to integrate user-supplied socket fd into the Wayland event loop"; } externally_added_socket_fds.clear(); } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::compositor_create_surface(wl_compositor::Resource *resource, uint32_t id) { Q_Q(QWaylandCompositor); QWaylandClient *client = QWaylandClient::fromWlClient(q, resource->client()); emit q->surfaceRequested(client, id, resource->version()); #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG Q_ASSERT_X(!QWaylandSurfacePrivate::hasUninitializedSurface(), "QWaylandCompositor", QStringLiteral("Found uninitialized QWaylandSurface after emitting QWaylandCompositor::createSurface for id %1. All surfaces has to be initialized immediately after creation. See QWaylandSurface::initialize.").arg(id).toLocal8Bit().constData()); #endif struct wl_resource *surfResource = wl_client_get_object(client->client(), id); QWaylandSurface *surface = nullptr; if (surfResource) { surface = QWaylandSurface::fromResource(surfResource); } else { surface = createDefaultSurface(); surface->initialize(q, client, id, resource->version()); } Q_ASSERT(surface); all_surfaces.append(surface); emit q->surfaceCreated(surface); } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::compositor_create_region(wl_compositor::Resource *resource, uint32_t id) { new QtWayland::Region(resource->client(), id); } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::subcompositor_get_subsurface(wl_subcompositor::Resource *resource, uint32_t id, wl_resource *surface, wl_resource *parent) { Q_Q(QWaylandCompositor); QWaylandSurface *childSurface = QWaylandSurface::fromResource(surface); QWaylandSurface *parentSurface = QWaylandSurface::fromResource(parent); QWaylandSurfacePrivate::get(childSurface)->initSubsurface(parentSurface, resource->client(), id, 1); QWaylandSurfacePrivate::get(parentSurface)->subsurfaceChildren.append(childSurface); emit q->subsurfaceChanged(childSurface, parentSurface); } /*! \internal Used to create a fallback QWaylandSurface when no surface was created by emitting the QWaylandCompositor::createSurface signal. */ QWaylandSurface *QWaylandCompositorPrivate::createDefaultSurface() { return new QWaylandSurface(); } class SharedMemoryClientBufferIntegration : public QtWayland::ClientBufferIntegration { public: void initializeHardware(wl_display *display) override; QtWayland::ClientBuffer *createBufferFor(wl_resource *buffer) override; }; void SharedMemoryClientBufferIntegration::initializeHardware(wl_display *) { } QtWayland::ClientBuffer *SharedMemoryClientBufferIntegration::createBufferFor(wl_resource *buffer) { if (wl_shm_buffer_get(buffer)) return new QtWayland::SharedMemoryBuffer(buffer); return nullptr; } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::initializeHardwareIntegration() { client_buffer_integrations.prepend(new SharedMemoryClientBufferIntegration); // TODO: clean up the opengl dependency #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) Q_Q(QWaylandCompositor); if (use_hw_integration_extension) hw_integration.reset(new QtWayland::HardwareIntegration(q)); loadClientBufferIntegration(); loadServerBufferIntegration(); for (auto *integration : std::as_const(client_buffer_integrations)) integration->initializeHardware(display); #endif } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::initializeSeats() { for (QWaylandSeat *seat : std::as_const(seats)) seat->initialize(); } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::loadClientBufferIntegration() { #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) Q_Q(QWaylandCompositor); QStringList keys = QtWayland::ClientBufferIntegrationFactory::keys(); QStringList targetKeys; QByteArray clientBufferIntegration = qgetenv("QT_WAYLAND_HARDWARE_INTEGRATION"); if (clientBufferIntegration.isEmpty()) clientBufferIntegration = qgetenv("QT_WAYLAND_CLIENT_BUFFER_INTEGRATION"); for (auto b : clientBufferIntegration.split(';')) { QString s = QString::fromLocal8Bit(b); if (keys.contains(s)) targetKeys.append(s); } if (targetKeys.isEmpty()) { if (keys.contains(QString::fromLatin1("wayland-egl"))) { targetKeys.append(QString::fromLatin1("wayland-egl")); } else if (!keys.isEmpty()) { targetKeys.append(keys.first()); } } QString hwIntegrationName; for (auto targetKey : std::as_const(targetKeys)) { auto *integration = QtWayland::ClientBufferIntegrationFactory::create(targetKey, QStringList()); if (integration) { integration->setCompositor(q); client_buffer_integrations.append(integration); if (hwIntegrationName.isEmpty()) hwIntegrationName = targetKey; } } if (hw_integration && !hwIntegrationName.isEmpty()) hw_integration->setClientBufferIntegrationName(hwIntegrationName); #endif } void QWaylandCompositorPrivate::loadServerBufferIntegration() { #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) Q_Q(QWaylandCompositor); QStringList keys = QtWayland::ServerBufferIntegrationFactory::keys(); QString targetKey; QByteArray serverBufferIntegration = qgetenv("QT_WAYLAND_SERVER_BUFFER_INTEGRATION"); if (keys.contains(QString::fromLocal8Bit(serverBufferIntegration.constData()))) { targetKey = QString::fromLocal8Bit(serverBufferIntegration.constData()); } if (!targetKey.isEmpty()) { server_buffer_integration.reset(QtWayland::ServerBufferIntegrationFactory::create(targetKey, QStringList())); if (server_buffer_integration) { qCDebug(qLcWaylandCompositorHardwareIntegration) << "Loaded server buffer integration:" << targetKey; if (!server_buffer_integration->initializeHardware(q)) { qCWarning(qLcWaylandCompositorHardwareIntegration) << "Failed to initialize hardware for server buffer integration:" << targetKey; server_buffer_integration.reset(); } } else { qCWarning(qLcWaylandCompositorHardwareIntegration) << "Failed to load server buffer integration:" << targetKey; } } if (server_buffer_integration && hw_integration) hw_integration->setServerBufferIntegrationName(targetKey); #endif } QWaylandSeat *QWaylandCompositorPrivate::seatFor(QInputEvent *inputEvent) { QWaylandSeat *dev = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < seats.size(); i++) { QWaylandSeat *candidate = seats.at(i); if (candidate->isOwner(inputEvent)) { dev = candidate; break; } } return dev; } /*! \qmltype WaylandCompositor \instantiates QWaylandCompositor \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor \since 5.8 \brief Manages the Wayland display server. The WaylandCompositor manages the connections to the clients, as well as the different \l{WaylandOutput}{outputs} and \l{QWaylandSeat}{seats}. Normally, a compositor application will have a single WaylandCompositor instance, which can have several outputs as children. When a client requests the compositor to create a surface, the request is handled by the onSurfaceRequested handler. Extensions that are supported by the compositor should be instantiated and added to the extensions property. */ /*! \class QWaylandCompositor \inmodule QtWaylandCompositor \since 5.8 \brief The QWaylandCompositor class manages the Wayland display server. The QWaylandCompositor manages the connections to the clients, as well as the different \l{QWaylandOutput}{outputs} and \l{QWaylandSeat}{seats}. Normally, a compositor application will have a single WaylandCompositor instance, which can have several outputs as children. */ /*! \qmlsignal void QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::surfaceRequested(WaylandClient client, int id, int version) This signal is emitted when a \a client has created a surface with id \a id. The interface \a version is also available. The slot connecting to this signal may create and initialize a WaylandSurface instance in the scope of the slot. Otherwise a default surface is created. */ /*! \fn void QWaylandCompositor::surfaceRequested(QWaylandClient *client, uint id, int version) This signal is emitted when a \a client has created a surface with id \a id. The interface \a version is also available. The slot connecting to this signal may create and initialize a QWaylandSurface instance in the scope of the slot. Otherwise a default surface is created. Connections to this signal must be of Qt::DirectConnection connection type. */ /*! \qmlsignal void QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::surfaceCreated(WaylandSurface surface) This signal is emitted when a new WaylandSurface instance \a surface has been created. */ /*! \fn void QWaylandCompositor::surfaceCreated(QWaylandSurface *surface) This signal is emitted when a new QWaylandSurface instance \a surface has been created. */ /*! * Constructs a QWaylandCompositor with the given \a parent. */ QWaylandCompositor::QWaylandCompositor(QObject *parent) : QWaylandObject(*new QWaylandCompositorPrivate(this), parent) { } /*! * \internal * Constructs a QWaylandCompositor with the private object \a dptr and \a parent. */ QWaylandCompositor::QWaylandCompositor(QWaylandCompositorPrivate &dptr, QObject *parent) : QWaylandObject(dptr, parent) { } /*! * Destroys the QWaylandCompositor */ QWaylandCompositor::~QWaylandCompositor() { } /*! * Initializes the QWaylandCompositor. * If you override this function in your subclass, be sure to call the base class implementation. */ void QWaylandCompositor::create() { Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); d->preInit(); d->init(); } /*! * \qmlproperty bool QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::created * * This property is true if WaylandCompositor has been initialized, * otherwise it's false. */ /*! * \property QWaylandCompositor::created * * This property is true if QWaylandCompositor has been initialized, * otherwise it's false. */ bool QWaylandCompositor::isCreated() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->initialized; } /*! * \qmlproperty string QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::socketName * * This property holds the socket name used by WaylandCompositor to communicate with * clients. It must be set before the component is completed. * * If the socketName is empty (the default), the contents of the start argument * \c --wayland-socket-name are used instead. If the argument is not set, the * compositor tries to find a socket name, which is \c{wayland-0} by default. */ /*! * \property QWaylandCompositor::socketName * * This property holds the socket name used by QWaylandCompositor to communicate with * clients. This must be set before the QWaylandCompositor is \l{create()}{created}. * * If the socketName is empty (the default), the contents of the start argument * \c --wayland-socket-name are used instead. If the argument is not set, the * compositor tries to find a socket name, which is \c{wayland-0} by default. */ void QWaylandCompositor::setSocketName(const QByteArray &name) { Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); if (d->socket_name == name) return; if (d->initialized) { qWarning("%s: Changing socket name after initializing the compositor is not supported.\n", Q_FUNC_INFO); return; } d->socket_name = name; emit socketNameChanged(name); } QByteArray QWaylandCompositor::socketName() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->socket_name; } /*! * \qmlmethod QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::addSocketDescriptor(fd) * \since 5.12 * * Listen for client connections on a file descriptor, \a fd, referring to a * server socket already bound and listening. * * Does not take ownership of the file descriptor; it must be closed * explicitly if needed. * * \note This method is only available with libwayland 1.10.0 or * newer. If built against an earlier libwayland runtime, this * method is a noop. */ /*! * Listen for client connections on a file descriptor, \a fd, referring to a * server socket already bound and listening. * * Does not take ownership of the file descriptor; it must be closed * explicitly if needed. * * \note This method is only available with libwayland 1.10.0 or * newer. If built against an earlier libwayland runtime, this * method is a noop. * * \since 5.12 */ void QWaylandCompositor::addSocketDescriptor(int fd) { Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); d->externally_added_socket_fds.append(fd); if (isCreated()) d->connectToExternalSockets(); } /*! * \internal */ struct wl_display *QWaylandCompositor::display() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->display; } /*! * \internal */ uint32_t QWaylandCompositor::nextSerial() { Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); return wl_display_next_serial(d->display); } /*! * \internal */ QListQWaylandCompositor::clients() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->clients; } /*! * \qmlmethod QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::destroyClientForSurface(surface) * * Destroys the client for the WaylandSurface \a surface. */ /*! * Destroys the client for the \a surface. */ void QWaylandCompositor::destroyClientForSurface(QWaylandSurface *surface) { destroyClient(surface->client()); } /*! * \qmlmethod QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::destroyClient(client) * * Destroys the given WaylandClient \a client. */ /*! * Destroys the \a client. */ void QWaylandCompositor::destroyClient(QWaylandClient *client) { if (!client) return; QWaylandQtWindowManager *wmExtension = QWaylandQtWindowManager::findIn(this); if (wmExtension) wmExtension->sendQuitMessage(client); wl_client_destroy(client->client()); } /*! * \internal */ QList QWaylandCompositor::surfacesForClient(QWaylandClient* client) const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); QList surfs; for (QWaylandSurface *surface : d->all_surfaces) { if (surface->client() == client) surfs.append(surface); } return surfs; } /*! * \internal */ QList QWaylandCompositor::surfaces() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->all_surfaces; } /*! * Returns the QWaylandOutput that is connected to the given \a window. */ QWaylandOutput *QWaylandCompositor::outputFor(QWindow *window) const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); for (QWaylandOutput *output : d->outputs) { if (output->window() == window) return output; } return nullptr; } /*! * \qmlproperty WaylandOutput QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::defaultOutput * * This property contains the first in the list of outputs added to the * WaylandCompositor, or null if no outputs have been added. * * Setting a new default output prepends it to the output list, making * it the new default, but the previous default is not removed from * the list. */ /*! * \property QWaylandCompositor::defaultOutput * * This property contains the first in the list of outputs added to the * QWaylandCompositor, or null if no outputs have been added. * * Setting a new default output prepends it to the output list, making * it the new default, but the previous default is not removed from * the list. If the new default output was already in the list of outputs, * it is moved to the beginning of the list. */ QWaylandOutput *QWaylandCompositor::defaultOutput() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->defaultOutput(); } void QWaylandCompositor::setDefaultOutput(QWaylandOutput *output) { Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); if (d->outputs.size() && d->outputs.first() == output) return; bool alreadyAdded = d->outputs.removeOne(output); d->outputs.prepend(output); emit defaultOutputChanged(); if (!alreadyAdded) emit outputAdded(output); } /*! * \internal */ QList QWaylandCompositor::outputs() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->outputs; } /*! * \internal */ uint QWaylandCompositor::currentTimeMsecs() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->timer.elapsed(); } /*! * \internal */ void QWaylandCompositor::processWaylandEvents() { Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); int ret = wl_event_loop_dispatch(d->loop, 0); if (ret) fprintf(stderr, "wl_event_loop_dispatch error: %d\n", ret); wl_display_flush_clients(d->display); } /*! * \internal */ QWaylandSeat *QWaylandCompositor::createSeat() { return new QWaylandSeat(this); } /*! * \internal */ QWaylandPointer *QWaylandCompositor::createPointerDevice(QWaylandSeat *seat) { return new QWaylandPointer(seat); } /*! * \internal */ QWaylandKeyboard *QWaylandCompositor::createKeyboardDevice(QWaylandSeat *seat) { return new QWaylandKeyboard(seat); } /*! * \internal */ QWaylandTouch *QWaylandCompositor::createTouchDevice(QWaylandSeat *seat) { return new QWaylandTouch(seat); } /*! * \qmlproperty bool QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::retainedSelection * * This property holds whether retained selection is enabled. */ /*! * \property QWaylandCompositor::retainedSelection * * This property holds whether retained selection is enabled. */ void QWaylandCompositor::setRetainedSelectionEnabled(bool enabled) { Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); if (d->retainSelection == enabled) return; d->retainSelection = enabled; emit retainedSelectionChanged(enabled); } bool QWaylandCompositor::retainedSelectionEnabled() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->retainSelection; } /*! * \internal */ void QWaylandCompositor::retainedSelectionReceived(QMimeData *) { } /*! * \internal */ void QWaylandCompositor::overrideSelection(const QMimeData *data) { Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); #if QT_CONFIG(wayland_datadevice) d->data_device_manager->overrideSelection(*data); #endif } /*! * \qmlproperty WaylandSeat QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::defaultSeat * * This property contains the default seat for this * WaylandCompositor. */ /*! * \property QWaylandCompositor::defaultSeat * * This property contains the default seat for this * QWaylandCompositor. */ QWaylandSeat *QWaylandCompositor::defaultSeat() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); if (d->seats.size()) return d->seats.first(); return nullptr; } /*! * Select the seat for a given input event \a inputEvent. * Currently, Qt only supports a single seat, but you can reimplement * QWaylandCompositorPrivate::seatFor for a custom seat selection. */ QWaylandSeat *QWaylandCompositor::seatFor(QInputEvent *inputEvent) { Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); return d->seatFor(inputEvent); } /*! * \qmlproperty bool QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::useHardwareIntegrationExtension * * This property holds whether the hardware integration extension should be enabled for * this WaylandCompositor. * * This property must be set before the compositor component is completed. */ /*! * \property QWaylandCompositor::useHardwareIntegrationExtension * * This property holds whether the hardware integration extension should be enabled for * this QWaylandCompositor. * * This property must be set before the compositor is \l{create()}{created}. */ bool QWaylandCompositor::useHardwareIntegrationExtension() const { #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->use_hw_integration_extension; #else return false; #endif } void QWaylandCompositor::setUseHardwareIntegrationExtension(bool use) { #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); if (use == d->use_hw_integration_extension) return; if (d->initialized) qWarning("Setting QWaylandCompositor::useHardwareIntegrationExtension after initialization has no effect"); d->use_hw_integration_extension = use; useHardwareIntegrationExtensionChanged(); #else if (use) qWarning() << "Hardware integration not supported without OpenGL support"; #endif } /*! * Grab the surface content from the given \a buffer. * The default implementation requires a OpenGL context to be bound to the current thread * to work. If this is not possible, reimplement this function in your compositor subclass * to implement custom logic. * The default implementation only grabs shared memory and OpenGL buffers, reimplement this in your * compositor subclass to handle more buffer types. * \note You should not call this manually, but rather use QWaylandSurfaceGrabber (\a grabber). */ void QWaylandCompositor::grabSurface(QWaylandSurfaceGrabber *grabber, const QWaylandBufferRef &buffer) { if (buffer.isSharedMemory()) { emit grabber->success(buffer.image()); } else { #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) if (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()) { QOpenGLFramebufferObject fbo(buffer.size()); fbo.bind(); QOpenGLTextureBlitter blitter; blitter.create(); glViewport(0, 0, buffer.size().width(), buffer.size().height()); QOpenGLTextureBlitter::Origin surfaceOrigin = buffer.origin() == QWaylandSurface::OriginTopLeft ? QOpenGLTextureBlitter::OriginTopLeft : QOpenGLTextureBlitter::OriginBottomLeft; auto texture = buffer.toOpenGLTexture(); blitter.bind(texture->target()); blitter.blit(texture->textureId(), QMatrix4x4(), surfaceOrigin); blitter.release(); emit grabber->success(fbo.toImage()); } else #endif emit grabber->failed(QWaylandSurfaceGrabber::UnknownBufferType); } } /*! * \qmlproperty list QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor::additionalShmFormats * * This property holds the list of additional wl_shm formats advertised as supported by the * compositor. * * By default, only the required ShmFormat_ARGB8888 and ShmFormat_XRGB8888 are listed and this * list will empty. Additional formats may require conversion internally and can thus affect * performance. * * This property must be set before the compositor component is completed. Subsequent changes * will have no effect. * * \since 6.0 */ /*! * \property QWaylandCompositor::additionalShmFormats * * This property holds the list of additional wl_shm formats advertised as supported by the * compositor. * * By default, only the required ShmFormat_ARGB8888 and ShmFormat_XRGB8888 are listed and this * list will empty. * * This property must be set before the compositor is \l{create()}{created}. Subsequent changes * will have no effect. * * \since 6.0 */ void QWaylandCompositor::setAdditionalShmFormats(const QVector &additionalShmFormats) { Q_D(QWaylandCompositor); if (d->initialized) qCWarning(qLcWaylandCompositorHardwareIntegration) << "Setting QWaylandCompositor::additionalShmFormats after initialization has no effect"; d->shmFormats = additionalShmFormats; emit additionalShmFormatsChanged(); } QVector QWaylandCompositor::additionalShmFormats() const { Q_D(const QWaylandCompositor); return d->shmFormats; } void QWaylandCompositor::applicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState state) { #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) if (state == Qt::ApplicationInactive) { auto *seat = defaultSeat(); if (seat != nullptr) { QWaylandKeyboardPrivate *keyb = QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::get(seat->keyboard()); keyb->resetKeyboardState(); } } #else Q_UNUSED(state); #endif } QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_qwaylandcompositor.cpp"