// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2017 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB). // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qtwaylandcompositorglobal_p.h" #include "qwaylandkeyboard.h" #include "qwaylandkeyboard_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) #include #include #include #endif QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::QWaylandKeyboardPrivate(QWaylandSeat *seat) : seat(seat) { } QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::~QWaylandKeyboardPrivate() { #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) if (xkbContext()) { if (keymap_area) munmap(keymap_area, keymap_size); if (keymap_fd >= 0) close(keymap_fd); } #endif } QWaylandKeyboardPrivate *QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::get(QWaylandKeyboard *keyboard) { return keyboard->d_func(); } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::checkFocusResource(Resource *keyboardResource) { if (!keyboardResource || !focus) return; // this is already the current resource, do no send enter twice if (focusResource == keyboardResource) return; // check if new wl_keyboard resource is from the client owning the focus surface if (wl_resource_get_client(focus->resource()) == keyboardResource->client()) { sendEnter(focus, keyboardResource); focusResource = keyboardResource; } } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::sendEnter(QWaylandSurface *surface, Resource *keyboardResource) { uint32_t serial = compositor()->nextSerial(); send_modifiers(keyboardResource->handle, serial, modsDepressed, modsLatched, modsLocked, group); send_enter(keyboardResource->handle, serial, surface->resource(), QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)keys.data(), keys.size() * sizeof(uint32_t))); } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::focused(QWaylandSurface *surface) { if (surface && surface->isCursorSurface()) surface = nullptr; if (focus != surface) { if (focusResource) { uint32_t serial = compositor()->nextSerial(); send_leave(focusResource->handle, serial, focus->resource()); } focusDestroyListener.reset(); if (surface) focusDestroyListener.listenForDestruction(surface->resource()); } Resource *resource = surface ? resourceMap().value(surface->waylandClient()) : 0; if (resource && (focus != surface || focusResource != resource)) sendEnter(surface, resource); focusResource = resource; focus = surface; Q_EMIT q_func()->focusChanged(focus); } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::keyboard_bind_resource(wl_keyboard::Resource *resource) { // Send repeat information if (resource->version() >= WL_KEYBOARD_REPEAT_INFO_SINCE_VERSION) send_repeat_info(resource->handle, repeatRate, repeatDelay); #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) if (xkbContext()) { send_keymap(resource->handle, WL_KEYBOARD_KEYMAP_FORMAT_XKB_V1, keymap_fd, keymap_size); } else #endif { int null_fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); send_keymap(resource->handle, WL_KEYBOARD_KEYMAP_FORMAT_NO_KEYMAP, null_fd, 0); close(null_fd); } checkFocusResource(resource); } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::keyboard_destroy_resource(wl_keyboard::Resource *resource) { if (focusResource == resource) focusResource = nullptr; } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::keyboard_release(wl_keyboard::Resource *resource) { wl_resource_destroy(resource->handle); } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::keyEvent(uint code, uint32_t state) { uint key = toWaylandKey(code); if (state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED) { keys << key; } else { keys.removeAll(key); } } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::sendKeyEvent(uint code, uint32_t state) { uint32_t time = compositor()->currentTimeMsecs(); uint32_t serial = compositor()->nextSerial(); uint key = toWaylandKey(code); if (focusResource) send_key(focusResource->handle, serial, time, key, state); } #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::maybeUpdateXkbScanCodeTable() { if (!scanCodesByQtKey.isEmpty() || !xkbState()) return; if (xkb_keymap *keymap = xkb_state_get_keymap(xkbState())) { xkb_keymap_key_for_each(keymap, [](xkb_keymap *keymap, xkb_keycode_t keycode, void *d){ auto *scanCodesByQtKey = static_cast*>(d); uint numLayouts = xkb_keymap_num_layouts_for_key(keymap, keycode); for (uint layout = 0; layout < numLayouts; ++layout) { const xkb_keysym_t *syms = nullptr; xkb_keymap_key_get_syms_by_level(keymap, keycode, layout, 0, &syms); if (!syms) continue; Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = {}; int qtKey = QXkbCommon::keysymToQtKey(syms[0], mods); if (qtKey != 0) scanCodesByQtKey->insert({layout, qtKey}, keycode); } }, &scanCodesByQtKey); shiftIndex = xkb_keymap_mod_get_index(keymap, XKB_MOD_NAME_SHIFT); controlIndex = xkb_keymap_mod_get_index(keymap, XKB_MOD_NAME_CTRL); altIndex = xkb_keymap_mod_get_index(keymap, XKB_MOD_NAME_ALT); } } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::resetKeyboardState() { if (!xkbContext()) return; while (!keys.isEmpty()) { uint32_t code = fromWaylandKey(keys.first()); keyEvent(code, WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED); updateModifierState(code, WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED); } } #endif void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::updateModifierState(uint code, uint32_t state) { #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) if (!xkbContext()) return; xkb_state_update_key(xkbState(), code, state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED ? XKB_KEY_DOWN : XKB_KEY_UP); uint32_t modsDepressed = xkb_state_serialize_mods(xkbState(), XKB_STATE_MODS_DEPRESSED); uint32_t modsLatched = xkb_state_serialize_mods(xkbState(), XKB_STATE_MODS_LATCHED); uint32_t modsLocked = xkb_state_serialize_mods(xkbState(), XKB_STATE_MODS_LOCKED); uint32_t group = xkb_state_serialize_layout(xkbState(), XKB_STATE_LAYOUT_EFFECTIVE); if (this->modsDepressed == modsDepressed && this->modsLatched == modsLatched && this->modsLocked == modsLocked && this->group == group) return; this->modsDepressed = modsDepressed; this->modsLatched = modsLatched; this->modsLocked = modsLocked; this->group = group; if (focusResource) { send_modifiers(focusResource->handle, compositor()->nextSerial(), modsDepressed, modsLatched, modsLocked, group); Qt::KeyboardModifiers currentState = Qt::NoModifier; if (xkb_state_mod_index_is_active(xkbState(), shiftIndex, XKB_STATE_MODS_EFFECTIVE) == 1) currentState |= Qt::ShiftModifier; if (xkb_state_mod_index_is_active(xkbState(), controlIndex, XKB_STATE_MODS_EFFECTIVE) == 1) currentState |= Qt::ControlModifier; if (xkb_state_mod_index_is_active(xkbState(), altIndex, XKB_STATE_MODS_EFFECTIVE) == 1) currentState |= Qt::AltModifier; currentModifierState = currentState; } #else Q_UNUSED(code); Q_UNUSED(state); #endif } // If there is no key currently pressed, update the keymap right away. // Otherwise, delay the update when keys are released // see http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/wayland-devel/2013-October/011395.html void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::maybeUpdateKeymap() { // There must be no keys pressed when changing the keymap, // see http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/wayland-devel/2013-October/011395.html if (!pendingKeymap || !keys.isEmpty()) return; pendingKeymap = false; #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) if (!xkbContext()) return; createXKBKeymap(); const auto resMap = resourceMap(); for (Resource *res : resMap) { send_keymap(res->handle, WL_KEYBOARD_KEYMAP_FORMAT_XKB_V1, keymap_fd, keymap_size); } xkb_state_update_mask(xkbState(), 0, modsLatched, modsLocked, 0, 0, 0); if (focusResource) send_modifiers(focusResource->handle, compositor()->nextSerial(), modsDepressed, modsLatched, modsLocked, group); #endif } // In all current XKB keymaps there's a constant offset of 8 (for historical // reasons) from hardware/evdev scancodes to XKB keycodes. On X11, we pass // XKB keycodes (as sent by X server) via QKeyEvent::nativeScanCode. eglfs+evdev // adds 8 for consistency, see qtbase/05c07c7636012ebb4131ca099ca4ea093af76410. // eglfs+libinput also adds 8, for the same reason. Wayland protocol uses // hardware/evdev scancodes, thus we need to subtract 8 before sending the event // out and add it when mapping back. #define QTWAYLANDKEYBOARD_XKB_HISTORICAL_OFFSET 8 uint QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::fromWaylandKey(const uint key) { #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) const uint offset = QTWAYLANDKEYBOARD_XKB_HISTORICAL_OFFSET; return key + offset; #else return key; #endif } uint QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::toWaylandKey(const uint nativeScanCode) { #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) const uint offset = QTWAYLANDKEYBOARD_XKB_HISTORICAL_OFFSET; Q_ASSERT(nativeScanCode >= offset); return nativeScanCode - offset; #else return nativeScanCode; #endif } #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) static int createAnonymousFile(size_t size) { QString path = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::RuntimeLocation); if (path.isEmpty()) return -1; QByteArray name = QFile::encodeName(path + QStringLiteral("/qtwayland-XXXXXX")); int fd = mkstemp(name.data()); if (fd < 0) return -1; long flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD); if (flags == -1 || fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) == -1) { close(fd); fd = -1; } unlink(name.constData()); if (fd < 0) return -1; if (ftruncate(fd, size) < 0) { close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::createXKBState(xkb_keymap *keymap) { char *keymap_str = xkb_keymap_get_as_string(keymap, XKB_KEYMAP_FORMAT_TEXT_V1); if (!keymap_str) { qWarning("Failed to compile global XKB keymap"); return; } keymap_size = strlen(keymap_str) + 1; if (keymap_fd >= 0) close(keymap_fd); keymap_fd = createAnonymousFile(keymap_size); if (keymap_fd < 0) { qWarning("Failed to create anonymous file of size %lu", static_cast(keymap_size)); return; } keymap_area = static_cast(mmap(nullptr, keymap_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, keymap_fd, 0)); if (keymap_area == MAP_FAILED) { close(keymap_fd); keymap_fd = -1; qWarning("Failed to map shared memory segment"); return; } strcpy(keymap_area, keymap_str); free(keymap_str); mXkbState.reset(xkb_state_new(keymap)); if (!mXkbState) qWarning("Failed to create XKB state"); } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::createXKBKeymap() { if (!xkbContext()) return; QWaylandKeymap *keymap = seat->keymap(); QByteArray rules = keymap->rules().toLocal8Bit(); QByteArray model = keymap->model().toLocal8Bit(); QByteArray layout = keymap->layout().toLocal8Bit(); QByteArray variant = keymap->variant().toLocal8Bit(); QByteArray options = keymap->options().toLocal8Bit(); if (!layout.isEmpty() && !layout.contains("us")) { // This is needed for shortucts like "ctrl+c" to function even when // user has selected only non-latin keyboard layouts, e.g. 'ru'. layout.append(",us"); variant.append(","); } struct xkb_rule_names rule_names = { rules.constData(), model.constData(), layout.constData(), variant.constData(), options.constData() }; QXkbCommon::ScopedXKBKeymap xkbKeymap(xkb_keymap_new_from_names(xkbContext(), &rule_names, XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS)); if (xkbKeymap) { scanCodesByQtKey.clear(); createXKBState(xkbKeymap.get()); } else { qWarning("Failed to load the '%s' XKB keymap.", qPrintable(keymap->layout())); } } #endif // QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::sendRepeatInfo() { const auto resMap = resourceMap(); for (Resource *resource : resMap) { if (resource->version() >= WL_KEYBOARD_REPEAT_INFO_SINCE_VERSION) send_repeat_info(resource->handle, repeatRate, repeatDelay); } } /*! * \class QWaylandKeyboard * \inmodule QtWaylandCompositor * \since 5.8 * \brief The QWaylandKeyboard class represents a keyboard device. * * This class provides access to the keyboard device in a QWaylandSeat. It corresponds to * the Wayland interface wl_keyboard. */ /*! * Constructs a QWaylandKeyboard for the given \a seat and with the given \a parent. */ QWaylandKeyboard::QWaylandKeyboard(QWaylandSeat *seat, QObject *parent) : QWaylandObject(* new QWaylandKeyboardPrivate(seat), parent) { Q_D(QWaylandKeyboard); connect(&d->focusDestroyListener, &QWaylandDestroyListener::fired, this, &QWaylandKeyboard::focusDestroyed); auto keymap = seat->keymap(); connect(keymap, &QWaylandKeymap::layoutChanged, this, &QWaylandKeyboard::updateKeymap); connect(keymap, &QWaylandKeymap::variantChanged, this, &QWaylandKeyboard::updateKeymap); connect(keymap, &QWaylandKeymap::optionsChanged, this, &QWaylandKeyboard::updateKeymap); connect(keymap, &QWaylandKeymap::rulesChanged, this, &QWaylandKeyboard::updateKeymap); connect(keymap, &QWaylandKeymap::modelChanged, this, &QWaylandKeyboard::updateKeymap); #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) d->createXKBKeymap(); #endif } /*! * Returns the seat for this QWaylandKeyboard. */ QWaylandSeat *QWaylandKeyboard::seat() const { Q_D(const QWaylandKeyboard); return d->seat; } /*! * Returns the compositor for this QWaylandKeyboard. */ QWaylandCompositor *QWaylandKeyboard::compositor() const { Q_D(const QWaylandKeyboard); return d->seat->compositor(); } /*! * \internal */ void QWaylandKeyboard::focusDestroyed(void *data) { Q_UNUSED(data); Q_D(QWaylandKeyboard); d->focusDestroyListener.reset(); d->focus = nullptr; d->focusResource = nullptr; } void QWaylandKeyboard::updateKeymap() { Q_D(QWaylandKeyboard); d->pendingKeymap = true; d->maybeUpdateKeymap(); } /*! * Returns the client that currently has keyboard focus. */ QWaylandClient *QWaylandKeyboard::focusClient() const { Q_D(const QWaylandKeyboard); if (!d->focusResource) return nullptr; return QWaylandClient::fromWlClient(compositor(), d->focusResource->client()); } /*! * Sends the current key modifiers to \a client with the given \a serial. */ void QWaylandKeyboard::sendKeyModifiers(QWaylandClient *client, uint32_t serial) { Q_D(QWaylandKeyboard); QtWaylandServer::wl_keyboard::Resource *resource = d->resourceMap().value(client->client()); if (resource) d->send_modifiers(resource->handle, serial, d->modsDepressed, d->modsLatched, d->modsLocked, d->group); } /*! * Sends a key press event with the key \a code to the current keyboard focus. */ void QWaylandKeyboard::sendKeyPressEvent(uint code) { Q_D(QWaylandKeyboard); d->sendKeyEvent(code, WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED); } /*! * Sends a key release event with the key \a code to the current keyboard focus. */ void QWaylandKeyboard::sendKeyReleaseEvent(uint code) { Q_D(QWaylandKeyboard); d->sendKeyEvent(code, WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED); } void QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::checkAndRepairModifierState(QKeyEvent *ke) { #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) if (ke->modifiers() != currentModifierState) { if (focusResource && ke->key() != Qt::Key_Shift && ke->key() != Qt::Key_Control && ke->key() != Qt::Key_Alt) { // Only repair the state for non-modifier keys // ### slightly awkward because the standard modifier handling // is done by QtWayland::WindowSystemEventHandler after the // key event is delivered uint32_t mods = 0; if (shiftIndex == 0 && controlIndex == 0) maybeUpdateXkbScanCodeTable(); if (ke->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) mods |= 1 << shiftIndex; if (ke->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) mods |= 1 << controlIndex; if (ke->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) mods |= 1 << altIndex; qCDebug(qLcWaylandCompositor) << "Keyboard modifier state mismatch detected for event" << ke << "state:" << currentModifierState << "repaired:" << Qt::hex << mods; send_modifiers(focusResource->handle, compositor()->nextSerial(), mods, 0, 0, group); currentModifierState = ke->modifiers(); } } #else Q_UNUSED(ke); #endif } /*! * Returns the current repeat rate. */ quint32 QWaylandKeyboard::repeatRate() const { Q_D(const QWaylandKeyboard); return d->repeatRate; } /*! * Sets the repeat rate to \a rate. */ void QWaylandKeyboard::setRepeatRate(quint32 rate) { Q_D(QWaylandKeyboard); if (d->repeatRate == rate) return; d->sendRepeatInfo(); d->repeatRate = rate; Q_EMIT repeatRateChanged(rate); } /*! * Returns the current repeat delay. */ quint32 QWaylandKeyboard::repeatDelay() const { Q_D(const QWaylandKeyboard); return d->repeatDelay; } /*! * Sets the repeat delay to \a delay. */ void QWaylandKeyboard::setRepeatDelay(quint32 delay) { Q_D(QWaylandKeyboard); if (d->repeatDelay == delay) return; d->sendRepeatInfo(); d->repeatDelay = delay; Q_EMIT repeatDelayChanged(delay); } /*! * Returns the currently focused surface. */ QWaylandSurface *QWaylandKeyboard::focus() const { Q_D(const QWaylandKeyboard); return d->focus; } /*! * Sets the current focus to \a surface. */ void QWaylandKeyboard::setFocus(QWaylandSurface *surface) { Q_D(QWaylandKeyboard); d->focused(surface); } /*! * \internal */ void QWaylandKeyboard::addClient(QWaylandClient *client, uint32_t id, uint32_t version) { Q_D(QWaylandKeyboard); d->add(client->client(), id, qMin(QtWaylandServer::wl_keyboard::interfaceVersion(), version)); } uint QWaylandKeyboard::keyToScanCode(int qtKey) const { uint scanCode = 0; #if QT_CONFIG(xkbcommon) Q_D(const QWaylandKeyboard); const_cast(d)->maybeUpdateXkbScanCodeTable(); scanCode = d->scanCodesByQtKey.value({d->group, qtKey}, 0); #else Q_UNUSED(qtKey); #endif return scanCode; } QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_qwaylandkeyboard.cpp"