// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qwaylandseat.h" #include "qwaylandseat_p.h" #include "qwaylandcompositor.h" #include "qwaylandinputmethodcontrol.h" #include "qwaylandview.h" #if QT_CONFIG(draganddrop) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_CONFIG(wayland_datadevice) #include #endif #include #include "extensions/qwlqtkey_p.h" #include "extensions/qwaylandtextinput.h" #if QT_WAYLAND_TEXT_INPUT_V4_WIP #include "extensions/qwaylandtextinputv4.h" #endif // QT_WAYLAND_TEXT_INPUT_V4_WIP #include "extensions/qwaylandqttextinputmethod.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QWaylandSeatPrivate::QWaylandSeatPrivate(QWaylandSeat *seat) : #if QT_CONFIG(wayland_datadevice) drag_handle(new QWaylandDrag(seat)), #endif keymap(new QWaylandKeymap()) { } QWaylandSeatPrivate::~QWaylandSeatPrivate() { } void QWaylandSeatPrivate::setCapabilities(QWaylandSeat::CapabilityFlags caps) { Q_Q(QWaylandSeat); if (capabilities != caps) { QWaylandSeat::CapabilityFlags changed = caps ^ capabilities; if (changed & QWaylandSeat::Pointer) { pointer.reset(pointer.isNull() ? QWaylandCompositorPrivate::get(compositor)->callCreatePointerDevice(q) : nullptr); } if (changed & QWaylandSeat::Keyboard) { keyboard.reset(keyboard.isNull() ? QWaylandCompositorPrivate::get(compositor)->callCreateKeyboardDevice(q) : nullptr); } if (changed & QWaylandSeat::Touch) { touch.reset(touch.isNull() ? QWaylandCompositorPrivate::get(compositor)->callCreateTouchDevice(q) : nullptr); } capabilities = caps; QList resources = resourceMap().values(); for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i++) { wl_seat::send_capabilities(resources.at(i)->handle, (uint32_t)capabilities); } if ((changed & caps & QWaylandSeat::Keyboard) && keyboardFocus != nullptr) keyboard->setFocus(keyboardFocus); } } #if QT_CONFIG(wayland_datadevice) void QWaylandSeatPrivate::clientRequestedDataDevice(QtWayland::DataDeviceManager *, struct wl_client *client, uint32_t id) { Q_Q(QWaylandSeat); if (!data_device) data_device.reset(new QtWayland::DataDevice(q)); data_device->add(client, id, 1); } #endif void QWaylandSeatPrivate::seat_destroy_resource(wl_seat::Resource *) { // cleanupDataDeviceForClient(resource->client(), true); } void QWaylandSeatPrivate::seat_bind_resource(wl_seat::Resource *resource) { // The order of capabilities matches the order defined in the wayland protocol wl_seat::send_capabilities(resource->handle, (uint32_t)capabilities); } void QWaylandSeatPrivate::seat_get_pointer(wl_seat::Resource *resource, uint32_t id) { if (!pointer.isNull()) { pointer->addClient(QWaylandClient::fromWlClient(compositor, resource->client()), id, resource->version()); } } void QWaylandSeatPrivate::seat_get_keyboard(wl_seat::Resource *resource, uint32_t id) { if (!keyboard.isNull()) { keyboard->addClient(QWaylandClient::fromWlClient(compositor, resource->client()), id, resource->version()); } } void QWaylandSeatPrivate::seat_get_touch(wl_seat::Resource *resource, uint32_t id) { if (!touch.isNull()) { touch->addClient(QWaylandClient::fromWlClient(compositor, resource->client()), id, resource->version()); } } /*! * \qmltype WaylandSeat * \instantiates QWaylandSeat * \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor * \since 5.8 * \brief Provides access to keyboard, mouse, and touch input. * * The WaylandSeat type provides access to different types of user input and maintains * a keyboard focus and a mouse pointer. It corresponds to the wl_seat interface in the Wayland * protocol. */ /*! * \class QWaylandSeat * \inmodule QtWaylandCompositor * \since 5.8 * \brief The QWaylandSeat class provides access to keyboard, mouse, and touch input. * * The QWaylandSeat provides access to different types of user input and maintains * a keyboard focus and a mouse pointer. It corresponds to the wl_seat interface in the Wayland protocol. */ /*! * \enum QWaylandSeat::CapabilityFlag * * This enum type describes the capabilities of a QWaylandSeat. * * \value Pointer The QWaylandSeat supports pointer input. * \value Keyboard The QWaylandSeat supports keyboard input. * \value Touch The QWaylandSeat supports touch input. * \value DefaultCapabilities The QWaylandSeat has the default capabilities. */ /*! * Constructs a QWaylandSeat for the given \a compositor and \a capabilityFlags. */ QWaylandSeat::QWaylandSeat(QWaylandCompositor *compositor, CapabilityFlags capabilityFlags) : QWaylandObject(*new QWaylandSeatPrivate(this)) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); d->compositor = compositor; d->capabilities = capabilityFlags; if (compositor->isCreated()) initialize(); // Support deprecated signal for backward compatibility connect(this, &QWaylandSeat::cursorSurfaceRequested, this, &QWaylandSeat::cursorSurfaceRequest); } /*! * Destroys the QWaylandSeat */ QWaylandSeat::~QWaylandSeat() { } /*! * Initializes parts of the seat corresponding to the capabilities set in the constructor, or * through setCapabilities(). * * \note Normally, this function is called automatically after the seat and compositor have been * created, so calling it manually is usually unnecessary. */ void QWaylandSeat::initialize() { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); d->init(d->compositor->display(), 4); if (d->capabilities & QWaylandSeat::Pointer) d->pointer.reset(QWaylandCompositorPrivate::get(d->compositor)->callCreatePointerDevice(this)); if (d->capabilities & QWaylandSeat::Touch) d->touch.reset(QWaylandCompositorPrivate::get(d->compositor)->callCreateTouchDevice(this)); if (d->capabilities & QWaylandSeat::Keyboard) d->keyboard.reset(QWaylandCompositorPrivate::get(d->compositor)->callCreateKeyboardDevice(this)); d->isInitialized = true; } /*! * Returns true if the QWaylandSeat is initialized; false otherwise. * * The value \c true indicates that it's now possible for clients to start using the seat. */ bool QWaylandSeat::isInitialized() const { Q_D(const QWaylandSeat); return d->isInitialized; } /*! * Sends a mouse press event for \a button to the QWaylandSeat's pointer device. */ void QWaylandSeat::sendMousePressEvent(Qt::MouseButton button) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); d->pointer->sendMousePressEvent(button); } /*! * Sends a mouse release event for \a button to the QWaylandSeat's pointer device. */ void QWaylandSeat::sendMouseReleaseEvent(Qt::MouseButton button) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); d->pointer->sendMouseReleaseEvent(button); } /*! * Sets the mouse focus to \a view and sends a mouse move event to the pointer device with the * local position \a localPos and output space position \a outputSpacePos. **/ void QWaylandSeat::sendMouseMoveEvent(QWaylandView *view, const QPointF &localPos, const QPointF &outputSpacePos) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); d->pointer->sendMouseMoveEvent(view, localPos, outputSpacePos); } /*! * Sends a mouse wheel event to the QWaylandSeat's pointer device with the given \a orientation and \a delta. */ void QWaylandSeat::sendMouseWheelEvent(Qt::Orientation orientation, int delta) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); d->pointer->sendMouseWheelEvent(orientation, delta); } /*! * Sends a key press event with the key \a code to the keyboard device. */ void QWaylandSeat::sendKeyPressEvent(uint code) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); d->keyboard->sendKeyPressEvent(code); } /*! * Sends a key release event with the key \a code to the keyboard device. */ void QWaylandSeat::sendKeyReleaseEvent(uint code) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); d->keyboard->sendKeyReleaseEvent(code); } /*! * Sends a touch point event to the \a surface on a touch device with the given * \a id, \a point and \a state. * * \warning This API should not be used in combination with forwarding of touch * events using \l QWaylandQuickItem::touchEventsEnabled or \l sendFullTouchEvent, * as it might lead to conflicting touch ids. * * Returns the serial for the touch up or touch down event. */ uint QWaylandSeat::sendTouchPointEvent(QWaylandSurface *surface, int id, const QPointF &point, Qt::TouchPointState state) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); if (d->touch.isNull()) return 0; return d->touch->sendTouchPointEvent(surface, id, point,state); } /*! * \qmlmethod uint QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandSeat::sendTouchPointPressed(WaylandSurface surface, int id, point position) * * Sends a touch pressed event for the touch point \a id on \a surface with * position \a position. * * \note You need to send a touch frame event when you are done sending touch * events. * * \warning This API should not be used in combination with forwarding of touch * events using \l WaylandQuickItem::touchEventsEnabled, as it might lead to * conflicting touch ids. * * Returns the serial for the touch down event. */ /*! * Sends a touch pressed event for the touch point \a id on \a surface with * position \a position. * * \note You need to send a touch frame event when you are done sending touch * events. * * \warning This API should not be used in combination with forwarding of touch * events using \l QWaylandQuickItem::touchEventsEnabled or \l sendFullTouchEvent, * as it might lead to conflicting touch ids. * * Returns the serial for the touch down event. */ uint QWaylandSeat::sendTouchPointPressed(QWaylandSurface *surface, int id, const QPointF &position) { return sendTouchPointEvent(surface, id, position, Qt::TouchPointPressed); } /*! * \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandSeat::sendTouchPointReleased(WaylandSurface surface, int id, point position) * * Sends a touch released event for the touch point \a id on \a surface with * position \a position. * * \note You need to send a touch frame event when you are done sending touch * events. * * \warning This API should not be used in combination with forwarding of touch * events using \l WaylandQuickItem::touchEventsEnabled, as it might lead to * conflicting touch ids. * * Returns the serial for the touch up event. */ /*! * Sends a touch released event for the touch point \a id on \a surface with * position \a position. * * \note You need to send a touch frame event when you are done sending touch * events. * * \warning This API should not be used in combination with forwarding of touch * events using \l QWaylandQuickItem::touchEventsEnabled or \l sendFullTouchEvent, * as it might lead to conflicting touch ids. * * Returns the serial for the touch up event. */ uint QWaylandSeat::sendTouchPointReleased(QWaylandSurface *surface, int id, const QPointF &position) { return sendTouchPointEvent(surface, id, position, Qt::TouchPointReleased); } /*! * \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandSeat::sendTouchPointMoved(WaylandSurface surface, int id, point position) * * Sends a touch moved event for the touch point \a id on \a surface with * position \a position. * * \note You need to send a touch frame event when you are done sending touch * events. * * \warning This API should not be used in combination with forwarding of touch * events using \l WaylandQuickItem::touchEventsEnabled, as it might lead to * conflicting touch ids. * * Returns the serial for the touch motion event. */ /*! * Sends a touch moved event for the touch point \a id on \a surface with * position \a position. * * \note You need to send a touch frame event when you are done sending touch * events. * * \warning This API should not be used in combination with forwarding of touch * events using \l QWaylandQuickItem::touchEventsEnabled or \l sendFullTouchEvent, * as it might lead to conflicting touch ids. * * Returns the serial for the touch motion event. */ uint QWaylandSeat::sendTouchPointMoved(QWaylandSurface *surface, int id, const QPointF &position) { return sendTouchPointEvent(surface, id, position, Qt::TouchPointMoved); } /*! * \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandSeat::sendTouchFrameEvent(WaylandClient client) * * Sends a frame event to the touch device of a \a client to indicate the end * of a series of touch up, down, and motion events. */ /*! * Sends a frame event to the touch device of a \a client to indicate the end * of a series of touch up, down, and motion events. */ void QWaylandSeat::sendTouchFrameEvent(QWaylandClient *client) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); if (!d->touch.isNull()) d->touch->sendFrameEvent(client); } /*! * \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandSeat::sendTouchCancelEvent(WaylandClient client) * * Sends a cancel event to the touch device of a \a client. */ /*! * Sends a cancel event to the touch device of a \a client. */ void QWaylandSeat::sendTouchCancelEvent(QWaylandClient *client) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); if (!d->touch.isNull()) d->touch->sendCancelEvent(client); } /*! * Sends the \a event to the specified \a surface on the touch device. * * \warning This API will automatically map \l QEventPoint::id() to a * sequential id before sending it to the client. It should therefore not be * used in combination with the other API using explicit ids, as collisions * might occur. */ void QWaylandSeat::sendFullTouchEvent(QWaylandSurface *surface, QTouchEvent *event) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); if (!d->touch) return; d->touch->sendFullTouchEvent(surface, event); } /*! * Sends the \a event to the keyboard device. * * \note The \a event should correspond to an actual keyboard key in the current mapping. * For example, \c Qt::Key_Exclam is normally not a separate key: with most keyboards the * exclamation mark is produced with Shift + 1. In that case, to send an exclamation mark * key press event, use \c{QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_1, Qt::ShiftModifier)}. */ void QWaylandSeat::sendFullKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); if (!keyboardFocus()) { qWarning("Cannot send key event, no keyboard focus, fix the compositor"); return; } #if QT_CONFIG(im) if (keyboardFocus()->inputMethodControl()->enabled() && event->nativeScanCode() == 0) { if (keyboardFocus()->client()->textInputProtocols().testFlag(QWaylandClient::TextInputProtocol::TextInputV2)) { QWaylandTextInput *textInput = QWaylandTextInput::findIn(this); if (textInput) { textInput->sendKeyEvent(event); return; } } if (keyboardFocus()->client()->textInputProtocols().testFlag(QWaylandClient::TextInputProtocol::QtTextInputMethodV1)) { QWaylandQtTextInputMethod *textInputMethod = QWaylandQtTextInputMethod::findIn(this); if (textInputMethod) { textInputMethod->sendKeyEvent(event); return; } } #if QT_WAYLAND_TEXT_INPUT_V4_WIP if (keyboardFocus()->client()->textInputProtocols().testFlag(QWaylandClient::TextInputProtocol::TextInputV4)) { QWaylandTextInputV4 *textInputV4 = QWaylandTextInputV4::findIn(this); if (textInputV4 && !event->text().isEmpty()) { // it will just commit the text for text-input-unstable-v4-wip when keyPress if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) textInputV4->sendKeyEvent(event); return; } } #endif // QT_WAYLAND_TEXT_INPUT_V4_WIP } #endif QtWayland::QtKeyExtensionGlobal *ext = QtWayland::QtKeyExtensionGlobal::findIn(d->compositor); if (ext && ext->postQtKeyEvent(event, keyboardFocus())) return; if (!d->keyboard.isNull() && !event->isAutoRepeat()) { uint scanCode = event->nativeScanCode(); if (scanCode == 0) scanCode = d->keyboard->keyToScanCode(event->key()); if (scanCode == 0) { qWarning() << "Can't send Wayland key event: Unable to get a valid scan code"; return; } if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QWaylandKeyboardPrivate::get(d->keyboard.data())->checkAndRepairModifierState(event); d->keyboard->sendKeyPressEvent(scanCode); } else if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease) { d->keyboard->sendKeyReleaseEvent(scanCode); } } } /*! * \qmlmethod void QtWaylandCompositor::WaylandSeat::sendKeyEvent(int qtKey, bool pressed) * \since 5.12 * * Sends a key press (if \a pressed is \c true) or release (if \a pressed is \c false) * event of a key \a qtKey to the keyboard device. */ /*! * Sends a key press (if \a pressed is \c true) or release (if \a pressed is \c false) * event of a key \a qtKey to the keyboard device. * * \note This function does not support key events that require modifiers, such as \c Qt::Key_Exclam. * Use \l{sendFullKeyEvent} instead. * * \since 5.12 */ void QWaylandSeat::sendKeyEvent(int qtKey, bool pressed) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); if (!keyboardFocus()) { qWarning("Cannot send Wayland key event, no keyboard focus, fix the compositor"); return; } if (auto scanCode = d->keyboard->keyToScanCode(qtKey)) { if (pressed) d->keyboard->sendKeyPressEvent(scanCode); else d->keyboard->sendKeyReleaseEvent(scanCode); } else { qWarning() << "Can't send Wayland key event: Unable to get scan code for" << Qt::Key(qtKey); } } /*! * Returns the keyboard for this input device. */ QWaylandKeyboard *QWaylandSeat::keyboard() const { Q_D(const QWaylandSeat); return d->keyboard.data(); } /*! * Returns the current focused surface for keyboard input. */ QWaylandSurface *QWaylandSeat::keyboardFocus() const { Q_D(const QWaylandSeat); if (d->keyboard.isNull() || !d->keyboard->focus()) return nullptr; return d->keyboard->focus(); } /*! * Sets the current keyboard focus to \a surface. * Returns a boolean indicating if the operation * was successful. */ bool QWaylandSeat::setKeyboardFocus(QWaylandSurface *surface) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); if (surface && surface->isDestroyed()) return false; QWaylandSurface *oldSurface = keyboardFocus(); if (surface == oldSurface) return true; d->keyboardFocus = surface; if (!d->keyboard.isNull()) d->keyboard->setFocus(surface); #if QT_CONFIG(wayland_datadevice) if (d->data_device) d->data_device->setFocus(surface ? surface->client() : nullptr); #endif emit keyboardFocusChanged(surface, oldSurface); return true; } /*! * Returns the keymap object for this QWaylandSeat. */ QWaylandKeymap *QWaylandSeat::keymap() { Q_D(const QWaylandSeat); return d->keymap.data(); } /*! * Returns the pointer device for this QWaylandSeat. */ QWaylandPointer *QWaylandSeat::pointer() const { Q_D(const QWaylandSeat); return d->pointer.data(); } /*! * Returns the touch device for this QWaylandSeat. */ QWaylandTouch *QWaylandSeat::touch() const { Q_D(const QWaylandSeat); return d->touch.data(); } /*! * Returns the view that currently has mouse focus. */ QWaylandView *QWaylandSeat::mouseFocus() const { Q_D(const QWaylandSeat); return d->mouseFocus; } /*! * Sets the current mouse focus to \a view. */ void QWaylandSeat::setMouseFocus(QWaylandView *view) { Q_D(QWaylandSeat); if (view == d->mouseFocus) return; QWaylandView *oldFocus = d->mouseFocus; d->mouseFocus = view; if (oldFocus) disconnect(oldFocus, &QObject::destroyed, this, &QWaylandSeat::handleMouseFocusDestroyed); if (d->mouseFocus) connect(d->mouseFocus, &QObject::destroyed, this, &QWaylandSeat::handleMouseFocusDestroyed); emit mouseFocusChanged(d->mouseFocus, oldFocus); } /*! * Returns the compositor for this QWaylandSeat. */ QWaylandCompositor *QWaylandSeat::compositor() const { Q_D(const QWaylandSeat); return d->compositor; } /*! * Returns the drag object for this QWaylandSeat. */ #if QT_CONFIG(draganddrop) QWaylandDrag *QWaylandSeat::drag() const { Q_D(const QWaylandSeat); return d->drag_handle.data(); } #endif /*! * Returns the capability flags for this QWaylandSeat. */ QWaylandSeat::CapabilityFlags QWaylandSeat::capabilities() const { Q_D(const QWaylandSeat); return d->capabilities; } /*! * \internal */ bool QWaylandSeat::isOwner(QInputEvent *inputEvent) const { Q_UNUSED(inputEvent); return true; } /*! * Returns the QWaylandSeat corresponding to the \a resource. The \a resource is expected * to have the type wl_seat. */ QWaylandSeat *QWaylandSeat::fromSeatResource(struct ::wl_resource *resource) { if (auto p = QtWayland::fromResource(resource)) return p->q_func(); return nullptr; } /*! * \fn void QWaylandSeat::mouseFocusChanged(QWaylandView *newFocus, QWaylandView *oldFocus) * * This signal is emitted when the mouse focus has changed from \a oldFocus to \a newFocus. */ void QWaylandSeat::handleMouseFocusDestroyed() { // This is triggered when the QWaylandView is destroyed, NOT the surface. // ... so this is for the rare case when the view that currently holds the mouse focus is // destroyed before its surface Q_D(QWaylandSeat); d->mouseFocus = nullptr; QWaylandView *oldFocus = nullptr; // we have to send nullptr because the old focus is already destroyed at this point emit mouseFocusChanged(d->mouseFocus, oldFocus); } /*! \qmlsignal void QtWaylandCompositor::QWaylandSeat::keyboardFocusChanged(QWaylandSurface newFocus, QWaylandSurface oldFocus) * * This signal is emitted when setKeyboardFocus() is called or when a WaylandQuickItem has focus * and the user starts pressing keys. * * \a newFocus has the surface that received keyboard focus; or \c nullptr if no surface has * focus. * \a oldFocus has the surface that lost keyboard focus; or \c nullptr if no surface had focus. */ /*! * \fn void QWaylandSeat::keyboardFocusChanged(QWaylandSurface *newFocus, QWaylandSurface *oldFocus) * * This signal is emitted when setKeyboardFocus() is called. * * \a newFocus has the surface that received keyboard focus; or \c nullptr if no surface has * focus. * \a oldFocus has the surface that lost keyboard focus; or \c nullptr if no surface had focus. */ /*! \qmlsignal void QtWaylandCompositor::QWaylandSeat::cursorSurfaceRequest(QWaylandSurface surface, int hotspotX, int hotspotY) * * This signal is emitted when the client has requested for a specific \a surface to be the mouse * cursor. For example, when the user hovers over a particular surface, and you want the cursor * to change into a resize arrow. * * Both \a hotspotX and \a hotspotY are offsets from the top-left of a pointer surface, where a * click should happen. For example, if the requested cursor surface is an arrow, the parameters * indicate where the arrow's tip is, on that surface. */ /*! * \fn void QWaylandSeat::cursorSurfaceRequest(QWaylandSurface *surface, int hotspotX, int hotspotY) * * This signal is emitted when the client has requested for a specific \a surface to be the mouse * cursor. For example, when the user hovers over a particular surface, and you want the cursor * to change into a resize arrow. * * Both \a hotspotX and \a hotspotY are offsets from the top-left of a pointer surface, where a * click should happen. For example, if the requested cursor surface is an arrow, the parameters * indicate where the arrow's tip is, on that surface. */ /*! * \property QWaylandSeat::drag * * This property holds the drag and drop operations and sends signals when they start and end. * The property stores details like what image should be under the mouse cursor when the user * drags it. */ /*! * \property QWaylandSeat::keymap * This property holds the keymap object. * * A keymap provides a way to translate actual key scan codes into a meaningful value. * For example, if you use a keymap with a Norwegian layout, the key to the right of * the letter L produces an Ø. * * Keymaps can also be used to customize key functions, such as to specify whether * Control and CAPS lock should be swapped, and so on. */ QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_qwaylandseat.cpp"