// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! * \headerfile * \title Qt Wayland Compositor Qt Quick Extension Macro Declarations * \inmodule QtWaylandCompositor * \ingroup funclists * * \brief The header file includes macros for creating Qt Quick types * that correspond to subclasses of QWaylandCompositorExtension and QWaylandObject. * * If you are creating extensions to Qt Wayland Compositor, the macros in the QWaylandQuickExtension * header may be a useful alternative to manually implementing the required parts for each class. * * \sa {Qt Wayland Compositor Examples - Custom Shell} */ /*! * \macro Q_COMPOSITOR_DECLARE_QUICK_EXTENSION_CLASS(className) * \relates * * This macro can be used to define a Qt Quick class based on a Wayland extension. It defines * a new class which inherits from \a className and which suffixes the name with "QuickExtension". * * The class should be a subclass of QWaylandCompositorExtension, and * \l{QWaylandCompositorExtension::initialize()} will be called automatically. The type must be * manually registered in Qt Quick using \l{qmlRegisterType()}. * * \sa Q_COMPOSITOR_DECLARE_QUICK_EXTENSION_NAMED_CLASS */ /*! * \macro Q_COMPOSITOR_DECLARE_QUICK_EXTENSION_CONTAINER_CLASS(className) * \relates * * This macro can be used to define a Qt Quick class intended to contain Wayland extensions. It * * It defines a new class which inherits from \a className and which suffixes the name with * "QuickExtensionContainer". The class given by \a className should inherit from QWaylandObject, * and the new class will have an \c extensions property which manages the extensions by calling * \l{QWaylandObject::addExtension()}{addExtension()} and * \l{QWaylandObject::removeExtension()}{removeExtension()} in the base class. * * The type must be manually registered in Qt Quick using \l{qmlRegisterType()}. */ /*! * \macro Q_COMPOSITOR_DECLARE_QUICK_EXTENSION_NAMED_CLASS(className, QmlType) * \relates * * This macro can be used to define a Qt Quick class based on a Wayland extension. It defines * a new class which inherits from \a className and which suffixes the name with "QuickExtension". * * The macro works the same as \l{Q_COMPOSITOR_DECLARE_QUICK_EXTENSION_CLASS}, but will also * automatically register the new type as \a QmlType in Qt Quick. */