// Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "mockcompositor.h" #include #include #if QT_CONFIG(cursor) #include #include #include #include #endif using namespace MockCompositor; // wl_seat version 5 was introduced in wayland 1.10, and although that's pretty old, // there are still compositors that have yet to update their implementation to support // the new version (most importantly our own QtWaylandCompositor). // As long as that's the case, this test makes sure input events still works on version 4. class SeatV4Compositor : public DefaultCompositor { public: explicit SeatV4Compositor() { exec([this] { m_config.autoConfigure = true; removeAll(); uint capabilities = Seat::capability_pointer | Seat::capability_keyboard; int version = 4; add(capabilities, version); }); } }; class tst_seatv4 : public QObject, private SeatV4Compositor { Q_OBJECT private slots: void init(); void cleanup(); void bindsToSeat(); void keyboardKeyPress(); #if QT_CONFIG(cursor) void createsPointer(); void setsCursorOnEnter(); void usesEnterSerial(); void focusDestruction(); void mousePress(); void mousePressFloat(); void simpleAxis_data(); void simpleAxis(); void invalidPointerEvents(); void scaledCursor(); void unscaledFallbackCursor(); void bitmapCursor(); void hidpiBitmapCursor(); void hidpiBitmapCursorNonInt(); void animatedCursor(); #endif }; void tst_seatv4::init() { // Remove the extra outputs to clean up for the next test exec([&] { while (auto *o = output(1)) remove(o); }); } void tst_seatv4::cleanup() { QTRY_VERIFY2(isClean(), qPrintable(dirtyMessage())); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(getAll().size(), 1); // No extra outputs left } void tst_seatv4::bindsToSeat() { QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(get()->resourceMap().size(), 1); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(get()->resourceMap().first()->version(), 4); } void tst_seatv4::keyboardKeyPress() { class Window : public QRasterWindow { public: void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) override { m_pressed = true; } bool m_pressed = false; }; Window window; window.resize(64, 64); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); uint keyCode = 80; // arbitrarily chosen exec([&] { auto *surface = xdgSurface()->m_surface; keyboard()->sendEnter(surface); keyboard()->sendKey(client(), keyCode, Keyboard::key_state_pressed); keyboard()->sendKey(client(), keyCode, Keyboard::key_state_released); }); QTRY_VERIFY(window.m_pressed); } #if QT_CONFIG(cursor) void tst_seatv4::createsPointer() { QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(pointer()->resourceMap().size(), 1); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(pointer()->resourceMap().first()->version(), 4); } void tst_seatv4::setsCursorOnEnter() { QRasterWindow window; window.resize(64, 64); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {24, 24}); }); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()); } void tst_seatv4::usesEnterSerial() { QSignalSpy setCursorSpy(exec([&] { return pointer(); }), &Pointer::setCursor); QRasterWindow window; window.resize(64, 64); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); uint enterSerial = exec([&] { return pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32}); }); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()); QTRY_COMPARE(setCursorSpy.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(setCursorSpy.takeFirst().at(0).toUInt(), enterSerial); } void tst_seatv4::focusDestruction() { QSignalSpy setCursorSpy(exec([&] { return pointer(); }), &Pointer::setCursor); QRasterWindow window; window.resize(64, 64); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); // Setting a cursor now is not allowed since there has been no enter event QCOMPARE(setCursorSpy.count(), 0); uint enterSerial = exec([&] { return pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32}); }); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()); QTRY_COMPARE(setCursorSpy.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(setCursorSpy.takeFirst().at(0).toUInt(), enterSerial); // Destroy the focus window.close(); QRasterWindow window2; window2.resize(64, 64); window2.show(); window2.setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); // Setting a cursor now is not allowed since there has been no enter event xdgPingAndWaitForPong(); QCOMPARE(setCursorSpy.count(), 0); } void tst_seatv4::mousePress() { class Window : public QRasterWindow { public: void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) override { m_pressed = true; } bool m_pressed = false; }; Window window; window.resize(64, 64); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { auto *surface = xdgSurface()->m_surface; pointer()->sendEnter(surface, {32, 32}); pointer()->sendButton(client(), BTN_LEFT, 1); pointer()->sendButton(client(), BTN_LEFT, 0); }); QTRY_VERIFY(window.m_pressed); } void tst_seatv4::mousePressFloat() { class Window : public QRasterWindow { public: void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override { m_position = e->position(); } QPointF m_position; }; Window window; window.resize(64, 64); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { auto *surface = xdgSurface()->m_surface; pointer()->sendEnter(surface, {32.75, 32.25}); pointer()->sendButton(client(), BTN_LEFT, 1); pointer()->sendButton(client(), BTN_LEFT, 0); }); QMargins m = window.frameMargins(); QPointF pressedPosition(32.75 -m.left(), 32.25 - m.top()); QTRY_COMPARE(window.m_position, pressedPosition); } void tst_seatv4::simpleAxis_data() { QTest::addColumn("axis"); QTest::addColumn("value"); QTest::addColumn("angleDelta"); // Directions in regular windows/linux terms (no "natural" scrolling) QTest::newRow("down") << uint(Pointer::axis_vertical_scroll) << 1.0 << QPoint{0, -12}; QTest::newRow("up") << uint(Pointer::axis_vertical_scroll) << -1.0 << QPoint{0, 12}; QTest::newRow("left") << uint(Pointer::axis_horizontal_scroll) << 1.0 << QPoint{-12, 0}; QTest::newRow("right") << uint(Pointer::axis_horizontal_scroll) << -1.0 << QPoint{12, 0}; QTest::newRow("up big") << uint(Pointer::axis_vertical_scroll) << -10.0 << QPoint{0, 120}; } void tst_seatv4::simpleAxis() { QFETCH(uint, axis); QFETCH(qreal, value); QFETCH(QPoint, angleDelta); class WheelWindow : QRasterWindow { public: explicit WheelWindow() { resize(64, 64); show(); } void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override { QRasterWindow::wheelEvent(event); // Angle delta should always be provided (says docs) QVERIFY(!event->angleDelta().isNull()); // There are now scroll phases on Wayland prior to v5 QCOMPARE(event->phase(), Qt::NoScrollPhase); // Pixel delta should only be set if we know it's a high-res input device (which we don't) QCOMPARE(event->pixelDelta(), QPoint(0, 0)); // The axis vector of the event is already in surface space, so there is now way to tell // whether it is inverted or not. QCOMPARE(event->inverted(), false); // We didn't press any buttons QCOMPARE(event->buttons(), Qt::NoButton); // There has been no information about what created the event. // Documentation says not synthesized is appropriate in such cases QCOMPARE(event->source(), Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized); m_events.append(Event{event->pixelDelta(), event->angleDelta()}); } struct Event // Because I didn't find a convenient way to copy it entirely { QPoint pixelDelta; QPoint angleDelta; // eights of a degree, positive is upwards, left }; QList m_events; }; WheelWindow window; QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { Surface *surface = xdgSurface()->m_surface; pointer()->sendEnter(surface, {32, 32}); wl_client *client = surface->resource()->client(); // Length of vector in surface-local space. i.e. positive is downwards pointer()->sendAxis( client, Pointer::axis(axis), value // Length of vector in surface-local space. i.e. positive is downwards ); }); QTRY_COMPARE(window.m_events.size(), 1); auto event = window.m_events.takeFirst(); QCOMPARE(event.angleDelta, angleDelta); } void tst_seatv4::invalidPointerEvents() { QRasterWindow window; window.resize(64, 64); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { auto *p = pointer(); auto *c = client(); // Purposefully send events without a wl_pointer.enter p->sendMotion(c, {32, 32}); p->sendButton(c, BTN_LEFT, Pointer::button_state_pressed); p->sendAxis(c, Pointer::axis_vertical_scroll, 1.0); }); // Make sure we get here without crashing xdgPingAndWaitForPong(); } static bool supportsCursorSize(uint size, wl_shm *shm) { auto *theme = wl_cursor_theme_load(qgetenv("XCURSOR_THEME"), size, shm); if (!theme) return false; constexpr std::array names{"left_ptr", "default", "left_arrow", "top_left_arrow"}; for (const char *name : names) { if (auto *cursor = wl_cursor_theme_get_cursor(theme, name)) { auto *image = cursor->images[0]; return image->width == image->height && image->width == size; } } return false; } static bool supportsCursorSizes(const QList &sizes) { auto *waylandIntegration = static_cast(QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()); wl_shm *shm = waylandIntegration->display()->shm()->object(); return std::all_of(sizes.begin(), sizes.end(), [&](uint size) { return supportsCursorSize(size, shm); }); } static uint defaultCursorSize() { const int xCursorSize = qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("XCURSOR_SIZE"); return xCursorSize > 0 ? uint(xCursorSize) : 24; } void tst_seatv4::scaledCursor() { const uint defaultSize = defaultCursorSize(); if (!supportsCursorSizes({defaultSize, defaultSize * 2})) QSKIP("Cursor themes with default size and 2x default size not found."); // Add a highdpi output exec([&] { OutputData d; d.scale = 2; d.position = {1920, 0}; add(d); }); QRasterWindow window; window.resize(64, 64); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32}); }); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.bufferScale, 1); QSize unscaledPixelSize = exec([&] { return cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size(); }); exec([&] { auto *surface = cursorSurface(); surface->sendEnter(getAll()[1]); surface->sendLeave(getAll()[0]); }); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size(), unscaledPixelSize * 2); // Remove the extra output to clean up for the next test exec([&] { remove(output(1)); }); } void tst_seatv4::unscaledFallbackCursor() { const uint defaultSize = defaultCursorSize(); if (!supportsCursorSizes({defaultSize})) QSKIP("Default cursor size not supported"); const int screens = 4; // with scales 1, 2, 4, 8 exec([&] { for (int i = 1; i < screens; ++i) { OutputData d; d.scale = int(qPow(2, i)); d.position = {1920 * i, 0}; add(d); } }); QRasterWindow window; window.resize(64, 64); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32}); }); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.bufferScale, 1); QSize unscaledPixelSize = exec([&] { return cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size(); }); QCOMPARE(unscaledPixelSize.width(), int(defaultSize)); QCOMPARE(unscaledPixelSize.height(), int(defaultSize)); for (int i = 1; i < screens; ++i) { exec([&] { auto *surface = cursorSurface(); surface->sendEnter(getAll()[i]); surface->sendLeave(getAll()[i-1]); }); xdgPingAndWaitForPong(); // Give the client a chance to mess up // Surface size (buffer size / scale) should stay constant QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size() / cursorSurface()->m_committed.bufferScale, unscaledPixelSize); } // Remove the extra outputs to clean up for the next test exec([&] { while (auto *o = output(1)) remove(o); }); } void tst_seatv4::bitmapCursor() { // Add a highdpi output exec([&] { OutputData d; d.scale = 2; d.position = {1920, 0}; add(d); }); QRasterWindow window; window.resize(64, 64); QPixmap pixmap(24, 24); pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(1); QPoint hotspot(12, 12); // In device pixel coordinates QCursor cursor(pixmap, hotspot.x(), hotspot.y()); window.setCursor(cursor); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32}); }); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size(), QSize(24, 24)); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.bufferScale, 1); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(pointer()->m_hotspot, QPoint(12, 12)); exec([&] { auto *surface = cursorSurface(); surface->sendEnter(getAll()[1]); surface->sendLeave(getAll()[0]); }); xdgPingAndWaitForPong(); // Everything should remain the same, the cursor still has dpr 1 QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.bufferScale, 1); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size(), QSize(24, 24)); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(pointer()->m_hotspot, QPoint(12, 12)); // Remove the extra output to clean up for the next test exec([&] { remove(getAll()[1]); }); } void tst_seatv4::hidpiBitmapCursor() { // Add a highdpi output exec([&] { OutputData d; d.scale = 2; d.position = {1920, 0}; add(d); }); QRasterWindow window; window.resize(64, 64); QPixmap pixmap(48, 48); pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(2); QPoint hotspot(12, 12); // In device pixel coordinates QCursor cursor(pixmap, hotspot.x(), hotspot.y()); window.setCursor(cursor); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32}); }); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size(), QSize(48, 48)); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.bufferScale, 2); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(pointer()->m_hotspot, QPoint(12, 12)); exec([&] { auto *surface = cursorSurface(); surface->sendEnter(getAll()[1]); surface->sendLeave(getAll()[0]); }); xdgPingAndWaitForPong(); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.bufferScale, 2); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size(), QSize(48, 48)); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(pointer()->m_hotspot, QPoint(12, 12)); // Remove the extra output to clean up for the next test exec([&] { remove(getAll()[1]); }); } void tst_seatv4::hidpiBitmapCursorNonInt() { QRasterWindow window; window.resize(64, 64); QPixmap pixmap(100, 100); pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(2.5); // dpr width is now 100 / 2.5 = 40 QPoint hotspot(20, 20); // In device pixel coordinates (middle of buffer) QCursor cursor(pixmap, hotspot.x(), hotspot.y()); window.setCursor(cursor); window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32}); }); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size(), QSize(100, 100)); QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(cursorSurface()->m_committed.bufferScale, 2); // Verify that the hotspot was scaled correctly // Surface size is now 100 / 2 = 50, so the middle should be at 25 in surface coordinates QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(pointer()->m_hotspot, QPoint(25, 25)); } void tst_seatv4::animatedCursor() { QRasterWindow window; window.resize(64, 64); window.setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); // TODO: verify that the theme has an animated wait cursor or skip test window.show(); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial); exec([&] { pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32}); }); QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()); // We should get the first buffer without waiting for a frame callback QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer); QSignalSpy bufferSpy(exec([&] { return cursorSurface(); }), &Surface::bufferCommitted); exec([&] { // Make sure no extra buffers have arrived QVERIFY(bufferSpy.empty()); // The client should send a frame request in order to time animations correctly QVERIFY(!cursorSurface()->m_waitingFrameCallbacks.empty()); // Tell the client it's time to animate cursorSurface()->sendFrameCallbacks(); }); // Verify that we get a new cursor buffer QTRY_COMPARE(bufferSpy.count(), 1); } #endif // QT_CONFIG(cursor) QCOMPOSITOR_TEST_MAIN(tst_seatv4) #include "tst_seatv4.moc"