// Copyright (C) 2021 David Edmundson // Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #ifndef MOCKCOMPOSITOR_H #define MOCKCOMPOSITOR_H #include "corecompositor.h" #include "coreprotocol.h" #include "datadevice.h" #include "fullscreenshellv1.h" #include "iviapplication.h" #include "xdgshell.h" #include // As defined in linux/input-event-codes.h #ifndef BTN_LEFT #define BTN_LEFT 0x110 #endif #ifndef BTN_RIGHT #define BTN_RIGHT 0x111 #endif #ifndef BTN_MIDDLE #define BTN_MIDDLE 0x112 #endif namespace MockCompositor { class DefaultCompositor : public CoreCompositor { public: explicit DefaultCompositor(CompositorType t = CompositorType::Default); // Convenience functions Output *output(int i = 0) { return getAll().value(i, nullptr); } Surface *surface(int i = 0); Subsurface *subSurface(int i = 0) { return get()->m_subsurfaces.value(i, nullptr); } WlShellSurface *wlShellSurface(int i = 0) { return get()->m_wlShellSurfaces.value(i, nullptr); } Surface *wlSurface(int i = 0); XdgSurface *xdgSurface(int i = 0) { return get()->m_xdgSurfaces.value(i, nullptr); } XdgToplevel *xdgToplevel(int i = 0) { return get()->toplevel(i); } XdgPopup *xdgPopup(int i = 0) { return get()->popup(i); } Pointer *pointer() { auto *seat = get(); Q_ASSERT(seat); return seat->m_pointer; } Touch *touch() { auto *seat = get(); Q_ASSERT(seat); return seat->m_touch; } Surface *cursorSurface() { auto *p = pointer(); return p ? p->cursorSurface() : nullptr; } Keyboard *keyboard() { auto *seat = get(); Q_ASSERT(seat); return seat->m_keyboard; } FullScreenShellV1 *fullScreenShellV1() {return get();}; IviSurface *iviSurface(int i = 0) { return get()->m_iviSurfaces.value(i, nullptr); } uint sendXdgShellPing(); void xdgPingAndWaitForPong(); void sendShellSurfaceConfigure(Surface *surface); // Things that can be changed run-time without confusing the client (i.e. don't require separate tests) struct Config { bool autoEnter = true; bool autoRelease = true; bool autoConfigure = false; } m_config; void resetConfig() { exec([&] { m_config = Config{}; }); } }; class WlShellCompositor : public DefaultCompositor { public: explicit WlShellCompositor(CompositorType t = CompositorType::Legacy); }; } // namespace MockCompositor #define QCOMPOSITOR_VERIFY(expr) QVERIFY(exec([&]{ return expr; })) #define QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(expr) QTRY_VERIFY(exec([&]{ return expr; })) #define QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(expr, expr2) QCOMPARE(exec([&]{ return expr; }), expr2) #define QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(expr, expr2) QTRY_COMPARE(exec([&]{ return expr; }), expr2) #define QCOMPOSITOR_TEST_MAIN(test) \ int main(int argc, char **argv) \ { \ QTemporaryDir tmpRuntimeDir; \ setenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", tmpRuntimeDir.path().toLocal8Bit(), 1); \ setenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP", "qtwaylandtests", 1); \ setenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", "wayland", 1); \ test tc; \ QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); \ QTEST_SET_MAIN_SOURCE_PATH \ return QTest::qExec(&tc, argc, argv); \ } \ #endif